Chapter 20: Summer Vacay

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  You were having a relatively calm summer so far. You spent most of it with your friends at the Thornhill manner or the swimming hole. Cheryl and Toni were leaving soon for a cross country trip. Pea and Fangs were doing things, that you didn't understand and didn't care to remember. Reggie's parents finally came home three weeks ago, and they had him working tirelessly to get ready for football. Archie and Veronica had plans boning. Which left you with Betty and Jughead. Of course you loved them, but spending time upon time with them was tiring. They were always throwing themselves into something new. Even when nothing was going on. The only time Riverdale was quiet.
   "Y/N," Betty came into your room. "I am only here for a few minutes... I'm actually not even here. But, I came for advice."
    "Advice? What kind of advice?" You ask.
   "What do you and Sweet Pea do, when you go on your trips?" You give her a look. "I know when you go to your 'expos' that you're just going to get away with Sweet Pea. Jughead wants to go on a trip this weekend."
   "Ooh. Pack warmly for the nights. But the days. Pack as light as you can," you instruct. "Where is he taking you?"
    "I don't even know. He won't tell me," Betty groaned in desperation. "I hate surprises."
   "I'm sure it will be fine," You laugh. "More intimate than the case work you have been doing. Just go have fun. Seriously. Go! I'll tell your mom that you are staying with Veronica at the Speakeasy to help. She hates it there."
"Thanks," Betty sighed. "I hope this doesn't like leave you with nothing to do."
"I will figure something out," You laugh. "Have fun. You need it." She smiled smally before hugging you and leaving. It was relieving to know that you didn't have to help them with anything for at least a few days. You decided that these few days were gonna be for you. You were gonna go on an adventure. Collect your thoughts. Meet people that you've never met. Maybe go to Centerville stop in Greendale at that little bookstore. Turn your phone off and enjoy your time of peace. "I'm gonna go camping with Betty and some friends for a few days." You say as you lass your mom on the stairs. If she heard Betty's name, she knew you were not getting into trouble. Little does she know, that most of your trouble comes with the blonde. "Bye."
Just passing the town's line, was a weight that lifted off of you. The sun was bright out and the air seemed to be thinner. You blasted your favorite song through the car, windows down and all. You make it to Greendale in time for lunch. Stopping at the cute little shop. It was filled with Teenagers when you walked in. It was strange to see so many of them packed into a place like this. You sat by yourself and looked through a few books that were left on the table. They were old books, ones you were told to read in school.
"Hi, sweetie, what can I get ya?" A blonde woman appeared at your table. "You seem like the one who would want the bacon wrap."
"I was thinking about that," you smile. "Is it any good?"
"Oh yes. It's devilishly good," she smiled. "Can I get you anything else?"
"No. I think that will be all, thank you," You place the menu in the holder.
"Here by yourself?" She asked bringing you a water.
"Yeah... I am trying to relax a little. I'm from Riverdale," you say. "There has been so much going on there. It's nice to really be with me."
"I see. Well, I hope that your adventure gives you what you're looking for," she smiles again before going back to the counter. She brings your wrap, placing it in front of you. "Enjoy." She was unusually friendly and had a knowing look behind her eyes. She had no name tag, but was dressed in a Bride of Frankenstein costume. Everyone around, must know her. Greendale was small. Smaller than Riverdale for sure. They probably don't get many out of towners. You finish the wrap and go to pay. "Oh, honey. It's on the house. Go find what you're looking for out in the world."
"Thank you..."
"Hilda Spellman," she offered. "But, everyone here just calls me Auntie Hilda."
"Okay, well, Auntie Hilda... I might stop by here again on my way back home," you say waving a goodbye. You unlock your car as you push the door open and run into a girl with white hair and dressed in what seemed to be all red. She kinda reminded you of Cheryl. But, nicer and smaller. This town was peculiar. "Sorry."
"It's alright," she smiled. Someone called after her. A rather tall guy with brown shabby hair. Two girls in suit of him.
"Sabrina Spellman! You are such a cheater," one of the girls say. You walk quickly to your car, the town was weird. How do two Spellman's run into you in the matter of minutes. The town must be smaller than you thought. Getting back in the car, you make your way to the towns border. You pass what seems to be an old train station. It was cute. There was a small graveyard just a little past it, it looked like there was only a few headstones.
You make it out of the town in one piece. Though, you were sure at least one other Spellman was going to come at you. You check your phone, there was no messages. You didn't expect there to be any, everyone had their own plans for during the days. No one would notice until later, after Betty and Jug leave. When Pea and Fangs are done with their 'man' things. When Reggie sees your car gone for however long now. You find a little motel. It didn't look someone was gonna fill a bath with ice and steal an organ from you, so you saw that as a plus.
"Can I get a room for one?" You ask smiling.
"Sure. And is there any accessibilities that you need?" The lady asked. You shake your head. She tells you a price and you give her a card. "Here's a key."
The room wasn't bad. It had a TV and everything. There were no dirty cups. Not even a stain in the tile of the bathroom. You check the bed for anything, paranoid about getting bed bugs. After doing a full room inspection, you are satisfied. You open the curtains to see the sun setting. It was nice. You turn the TV on and find Nick. What could you say, child at heart. You notice your phone was dead so you plug it in. You lock the doors and prepare to shower. Even though this was supposed to be a relaxing trip, you were not about to take a bath in a strange tub. The water pressure was better than you expected and warm. You let the hot water relax your muscles and run down your body. Moving your hair to the side. Running the wash cloth over your face. Letting warmth trap itself between the cloth and your face. Finally, you wash your hair and body. Wrapping a towel around yourself. And using the other for your hair.
When you go to check your phone, you had multiple missed calls and messages. You laugh a little before opening your phone. Dialing Pea's number.
"Y/N? Where the hell are you?" His voice sounded shrill. "I stopped by your house and your mom said you were camping with Betty. But, Betty and Jughead just left. So I asked Cheryl if she was with you. No. Then Mantle...."
"I'm in Centerville," you say a smile playing on your lips. "Everyone has plans for the next few days, so I decided to go on an adventure. Relax and get away from the many cases that Jughead comes up with. I'm pretty sure, that he pulls them out his ass though."
"You're in Centerville? What's there?" He asked.
"Literally nothing. I haven't even heard a couple yelling at each other from my hotel room," You laugh. "It's quiet."
"Why didn't you call me. I would've came with you," he sighed. You could hear him relaxing now. "You scared me."
"I didn't want to intrude on your 'bro' time with Fangs. You guys don't don't do enough guy things," you say. "And, you need time to relax with your friends. I don't want to keep that from you. I'm fine alone. I spent a lot of time alone before you."
"You still should've texted me. Everyone was freaking out," Pea grumbled. "Fangs was about to call the freaking FBI."
"Well tell him I'm fine," You laugh. "Seriously. It's just a sabbatical."
"So... You meet any cute guys out there?" He asked.
"Oh sure did. This lady who gave me a room key, called up an escort to my room. He's in here right now," You smile. "You're kinda interrupting his job."
"Job as in escorting... Or job as in like blow?"
"Both." You bit your lip. "You get with any new girls. Since you thought I was gone?"
"Never... Fangs on the other hand," he trailed off as you started to giggle. "What are you doing?"
"Watching Nick at night," you smile. He always made fun of you for watching the same channel. "How bout you?"
"I'm on my way to Fangs', he's probably still freaking out," he said. "I think you're gonna get scolded."
"Can't he wait till we're in person? I mean I won't get the full effect if he just yells at me through the phone. I need to see his face," you said as you got up to lock the door. "Tell him, I'm okay. But, he can't yell at me."
"And why shouldn't I let him yell at you?" Pea asked. "You disappeared. Told literally no one where you were going. Not even a Hey, I'm okay."
"My phone died once I got out of Greendale," you explain. "I couldn't plug it in until I got to my room. My charger was at the very bottom of my bag. Then, I got a shower."
"Right," he scoffed. You could hear Fangs in the background now. "Here. He wants to talk to you."
"Hey Fangs... I know I scared all of you. But don't yell at me. I just needed some time alone. To put myself back together. I'm exhausted. I follow Betty and Jughead around on their cases that lead no where. I listen to Reggie complain about his dad. I have to go home and deal with my own parents. And you guys have been doing your 'manly' things," you say quickly. "I just didn't have time to really do my own thing. Then, Betty came to me today and the idea came to me."
"That doesn't justify your actions," Fangs said. "At all."
"I know."
"I'm pissed. You had me on a wild goose chase for three hours now," he said. "Then, you end up in Centerville. I didn't get a text or anything. You're all alone there. We could've had fun. I'm hurt."
"I know. Next time I decide to go on a random trip. You will be the first person I call. We can stop in Greendale and go to Cerberus Books and Coffee shop too." You promise. "Just us two."
"I don't think Sweet Pea would like that idea... When are you coming home?" He asked.
"A few days. I paid for three days... At least want to get my moneys worth. Tomorrow, I'm gonna set out and get to know the town a little," you explain. "Now, can I talk to Pea again?"
"Fine," he sighed.
"What did you tell him?" Pea asked. "He looks weird."
"Nothing," You laugh. "You should tell me how your day was." He always loved to talk about himself. So, you leaned back on your pillow and closed your eyes. Listening to his voice as he talked about what he and Fangs did all day. You fell asleep while he was talking. It was sort of peaceful listening to his voice. It was also boring, because you had no clue what half of things he said, meant.
You wake up with the light shining brightly in your face from the crack of the curtain. The TV was still on and so was the lamp. Pea must've ended the call after he finished talking. You stretch out and look at the white popcorn ceiling. You hated popcorn ceilings. They were disgusting. Finally, completely awake, you get up and change. You wanted to explore the town. You never hear much about Centerville in Riverdale. It was cute little town. Different from Riverdale in such small ways. There were more small shops and restaurants that lined the main road. It was decorated with old fashioned street lamps and polished sidewalks. Signs laced every store.
   You walk through the street looking up all of the towering brick buildings. They varied in sizes. You stop at a small place that says Stockman Family Restaurant. The inside was decorated with pictures. It was a little family place. You snapped some pictures on your phone and notice Red Hat Productions on the wall. You snap another picture. Your phone rang surprising you, so much that you almost drop it.
    "Hey! Pea," you gasp answering it.
    "Are you alright? You sound..." His voice trailed out.
    "Yeah. I am just surprised is all... I think I found where Mat is from," you say looking at all of the pictures on the wall. "There's this place that is called Stockman's House. In Centerville."
   "And you are surprised because?" He sounded weird.
   "Oh. I'm not surprised about that. I just got a little scared because your call. I wasn't expecting it... Why are you up at ten?" You ask checking the time.
   "I've been up all night and morning," he sighed. "I got sick."
   "Sick? Is everything all right? What's wrong?" You ask sitting at a table. "Should I come home tonight?"
  "No. No. I'm good. How are you liking your little vacation?" He asked.
   "It's good. The town is so small and cute," You gush. He makes a strange, strangled noise. "Babe, I think I'm gonna come home. You sound awful. And I know for sure that you do not know how to take care of yourself."
    "No." He groaned. "Don't come home."
    "I'm coming home," You laugh. "I'll see you later." You gather your bag up and hurry back to your car. On your way back, you stop at Cerberus Books and get soup for Sweet Pea. You thank Hilda and once again see Sabrina. "Oh! We keep running into each other like this."
    "That we do," Sabrina smiles up at you. "I'm Sabrina."
     "Y/N," you smile back.
     "Are you from around here? I've never seen you at Baxter High," she says.
"No. I'm from Riverdale," you smile.
"Riverdale... Well, if you're ever in Greendale again. I hope that we run into each other again," she smiled. "Of course figuratively. Let's face it, this is kinda getting weird."
"Truer words have never been spoken... I should get going," you say walking past her. "But, I hope we can meet again. In a less, bumpy, way." You felt more than awkward now, so you rush out going to your car.
Before you know it, you are entering Riverdale. Still quaking over the awkward conversation you had before. But, the thoughts are pushed away as you pull up to Pea's trailer. You hear his cough as you go up to the door. You don't knock as you walk in. Throwing the soup in a pot to reheat it.
"Hello?" He called. His voice sounded like gravel. "If you're Fangs, go home seriously. And if not, and I don't know you. I may be sick, but I am not sick enough not to cut your fingers off."
"Is that a promise?" You ask standing in his doorway. "Because, if it was... Who would do that thing you like so much?"
"I told you not to come. You're going to get sick," he sighed.
"I don't listen very well," You laugh. "That is something you should know, even if you're sick. I brought you soup. I'm heating it up now. Have you moved at all today?"
"Does rolling from side to side, to get comfortable count?" You shake your head. "Then, no. I have not moved."
"Babe," you sit next to him feeling his forehead. "You're fevered. You probably have the stomach flu."
"It feels like death," he grumbled. "Honestly."
"I'm sure... I am going to go check on the soup and see if you have anything that will break your fever." He mumbled something inaudible as you left his room. You pour the soup into a bowl and search his cabinets for anything. You find Tylenol and bring it into him with the soup. "Here. Take this. And you should change. Something that will cool you off."
"I'm freezing," he said as he slowly sat up.
"That's your body's way of trying to break the fever. At least take off your shirt. You're going to die of heat stroke," you say holding his bowl as he took the Tylenol.
"Again with you wanting to take my clothes off," he tsked. Though it sounded like a sneeze. Maybe it was both?
"Just take your damn shirt off and I will get you T-Shirt or something," you roll your eyes and hand him the bowl. You look through his closet, choosing one of his sleeveless flannels. Yes. Sleeveless flannels. "Here. It's way more comfortable." He does as told and changes his shirt.
"This soup is too hot," he moaned.
"Poor baby. Suck it up. It will make you feel better," You pat his head. "I'm going to try and find disinfectant. I know this is a boy's house, but I never see any cleaning things. Other than dish soap and a 3 in 1 body wash, shampoo, and conditioner. Which is bad for your hair. Just so you know."
"I don't think I have disinfectant," He coughed. You give him a look. "Sorry. I don't spend much time here. Here... Take this and get some." He hands You ten dollars.
"I will pay for it," you reject his money. "This place will be more homey, when I am finished."
"Honey?" He laughed a little. "Alright. I don't know if that is possible. It hasn't really had a home feeling to it, since my parents ditched." He closed his eyes for a moment and leant back to the wall.
"Babe. Just eat your soup," you kiss his forehead. "All of it. I mean it." He nods as you leave. And, he wouldn't say it out loud, but he definitely watched you leave. As you shut his door, Fangs popped up.
"I knew you were coming home. He said you weren't. But, I knew you better. How is he?" Fangs asked scaring the crap out of you.
"A baby... He won't even move," you shrug. "I wouldn't go in there though. I'm on my way to get some real cleaning supplies. Who knows how long he has been carrying this virus."
"Cleaning supplies?" Fangs laughed. "Sweet Pea doesn't clean. Like he cleans, obviously... But, I don't think he knows how to clean fully."
"Well... I guess it's a good thing I am here," You laugh. "He needs this place to feel like home too. Like, he can relax here. I want that for him."
"I understand. He doesn't like to come here unless he has too. That's why you guys stay at your place," Fangs explained. "You know, if you want. I can come with. Help you carry things."
"Sure Fangs... You can come," You laugh knowing he just wants to see Pea.

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