Chapter 13: F.R.I.E.N.D.S

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Fangs came to pick you up from school. Which was weird. What else was weird is that you had gotten a message from Reggie over the weekend.
"Hey Fangs," you smile zipping your jacket up. "Where's Pea?"
"He's at school already. I told him that I would pick you up," he shrugs. "Am I not allowed?"
"Sure you are... I've just been having a weird few days... You know Reggie messaged me? I think he's tryna get back together with me," you sighed. "I already told him that we wouldn't work. Not again."
"Oh. That is weird," Fangs got on his bike.
"You're weird," you got in behind him. "What's up?"
"Nothing is up? The sky is up," he laughed. "What about you? Why are you wearing that jacket when it's so nice out?"
"I'm cold... And I'm trying to hide these hickeys," you explained. "Seriously, Fogarty, What is wrong with you?"
"Nothing." He said and started his bike. You rolled your eyes holding onto him. The group wasn't in their usual place this morning. "I'm gonna hang back. See you later." You nod handing him the helmet.
"Hey babe," Reggie came from behind you. "How was your weekend?"
"Reggie... We talked about this," you sighed.
"I know," he shrugged. "But, What if I disagree with what you said? I mean, I think we'd be great together. I mean we are great together. You know?" He smirked getting in front of you. "You can't disagree."
"What? Where is this coming from?" You ask stopping. "Honestly Reg."
"No where... I talked to Cheryl is all. She agrees. I don't understand why we can't have another chance," he asked.
"Because... It's not gonna end well," you sigh. "I need to go. Please." You turn and see Fangs watching the two of you. You pushed past Reggie and into the school.
"Hi my dearest," Cheryl smiled at you at your locker. "What took you so long coming in?"
"Reggie stopped me. What's up?" You throw your bag into your locker and grab your laptop.
"Nothing," she shrugs. "Why, is something up with you? Did you finally agree to go out with Reggie again?"
"No. I did not. And I'm not going to," You Shut your locker. "Is that all you want?"
"I bet T and Sweet Pea would agree," Cheryl sighed following you. "I mean Toni has an idea of what the two of you were like."
"I doubt it. Why is everyone being so weird today?" You ask.
"Excuse me? I am not being weird. I just want my friend to be happy," she rubs your shoulder. "You've had a hell of a year."
"Wasn't that bad. And I am happy. I don't need a guy to make me happy either. You of all people should know that," you said looking her in the eye.
"Well... I could set you up with a girl," she gives you a smile.
"That's not what I meant," you groan. Reggie comes behind Cheryl. "Honestly. I don't think I deal with all of this today."
"Why? What's wrong?" Reggie asked. "I mean it's not like you're seeing anyone, right?"
"No, I'm not," you said turning away, pulling your phone from your pocket to text Pea. Cheryl, Toni, and Reggie know. Idk how. But they know. You slide your phone back into your pocket. You look for Fangs. "Fogarty! I've got a bone to pick with you."
"What? Me?" Fangs asked turning. "What's up?"
"Don't 'What's up' me! Let's go," you said pulling him to the bathroom. "Anything you wanna tell me?"
"Not on the top of my head," he shrugged. Someone pushed on the door.
"Occupied," You yell at them as they continued to push.
"It's me," Pea said from the other side. You opened the door and let him in. "What the hell is going on? How do Cheryl, Toni, and fucking Mantle know?"
"I didn't tell them!" Fangs held his hands up. "I swear."
"Then how do they know?" You ask, slightly freaking out.
"Toni found out a few weeks ago. She looked through your phone, Pea... Cheryl's is more... Intimate. She and Toni were walking by your trailer this weekend... Well they definitely saw you doing it," Fangs shook a little.
"Oh my god... Who else knows?" You held your hand to your face.
"Jughead and Betty," Fangs sighed.
    "Betty and Jughead are in on this too?" You groaned. "Why didn't you just tell us? Wait... Is this why everyone had been all shady? And trying to set me up with Reggie?"
    "They're trying to set you up with Reggie?" Pea asked. "They are trying to get it out of you! Trying to trick us... But, they don't know, that we know, that they know!"
    "You're right! Fangs you can't tell them either," you point at him. "So what do we do?"
    "We play along," Pea shrugged. "Flirt with Reggie. I will act like I don't care..."
    "You want me to flirt with him?" You were taken back.
    "Yeah. Until they back out," Pea said. "If Betty knows. She will definitely end it before it happens."
    "So what do I do? Ask him if he wants to come over after school?" You ask.
    "Perfect," he smiles and kisses you. "Don't loss."
    "Is there really a winner or loser to this?" Fangs groaned. "All of this secret bullshit is super annoying."
    "It's not gonna last much longer. Promise," you set a hand on his shoulder. "You know... I've never seen the guys bathroom before. It smells weird."
    "Urinals," the two shrug. Now disgusted, you back out of the bathroom passing a few guys on their way in. At lunch you all sit together as usual. Reggie, was at his normal table across from you. "Hey, Reg, I was thinking about your offer earlier... I think it actually sounds like a good idea."
    "You do?"
     "Yeah. I'm not seeing anyone. Neither are you," you shrug. "My house later? Parents aren't home."
    "Is there a problem?"
     "No. I'll see you later," he smirked. You go back to your seat sitting next to Cheryl.
     "What was that?" She asked.
     "I'm meeting Reg at my house later. We might be starting things up again," you smile at her. Her face drops slightly. "Great right? I'm so happy you talked me into this."
   "Yeah! Great," she nods.
    "I think it's a good idea. You spend too much of your time with us anyways," Pea leaned back. "You need someone to spend your time with."
    "That's what Cheryl was saying. And Betty," You look at the two girls.
    "I gotta go to class," Cheryl got up. Toni and Betty following. "See you later."
     "I'll come," Jughead got up. "Fangs?" Fangs looked up from his food and sighed eyeing you and his best friend. Reggie seemed to get the idea because he followed behind them.
    "We so got this," You smiled. Pea nodded in agreement.
     "I can't believe this... Do you think they're just booking up?" Reggie asked. "Casual and they stopped?"
    "Y/N is not the one for casual sex," Jughead laughed. "They know we know."
    "How?" Reggie asked confused.
    "I have my guesses," Toni crosses her arms and looked at Fangs. "Fangs? Did you tell them?"
     "They found out that you all knew. I just told him that Jughead and Betty knew. After they found out on their own. I was hoping it would end all of this bullshit. Obviously not," he rolled his eyes. "But now, it will?"
     "No! They haven't fessed up yet," Cheryl said. "You're going to her house. You are going to do whatever you have to, get her to tell you! We are going too... I can't trust anyone to do this right."
    "Good idea," Betty nodded. "Besides. They don't know that we know that they know we know." Toni and Jughead smile. "You gotta dress the part though."
   Reggie was dressed in a nice button up and jeans as he rang the doorbell to your house. You shooed Pea into the bathroom kissing him before you shut the door.
    "Come on in," You call from the top of the stairs. "Just on time." He walks in, eyeing you. You were in a velvet red pencil dress.

  "You look great," he shoved his shoes off

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  "You look great," he shoved his shoes off.
   "Thanks... Don't mind the marks... I was curling my hair," you smile. "It slipped. Hair products are basically just live in different packages."
    "Good to know," he said. "So... Are we going to your room or?"
     "Yeah," You gesture for him to come up. "Don't leave me waiting." He left the front door slightly open for the others to come in. He followed you up the stairs.
    "So... Couldn't get enough of me?" Reggie shut your door. "I knew it." You smile.
     "You were right. We were good together. Why stop doing something if you're good at it right?" You sit on your bed. "I rearranged since you last been here. The desk... That's always been somewhere I've wanted to... Do it on." You lick your lips
   "Yeah? Maybe we should christen the new room then," he stands above you. "Starting with the desk."
    "You have condoms? I threw ours out after we broke up," you said, actually not lying. He nods.
    "Yeah. In my car," he said. "I will go get some." You watch him go out and shit the door behind him.
   "I don't think he's backing down," you said as you opened the bathroom door. "He went to get condoms. And said we could christen the new room!"
   "It's fine," Pea said running his hands down your face. "Trust me..."
     "They won't let it go too far," Pea looked you in the eye. "Get back out there before he comes back." He kissed your forehead as he pushed you out.
    "She's not backing down," Reggie came downstairs. "She said she wanted to do it on the desk! And condoms.."
    "Okay... Okay. She won't let you touch her... Pea would kill you," Jughead said.
    "Yeah... And to throw her off," Cheryl unbuttoned his shirt. "Abs distract her. Especially yours. Get up there." She handed Reggie a few condoms and pushed him back to the steps.
    "Got them," Reggie opened your bedroom door and shut it behind him. He held up a roll of condoms. His shirt was undone making your eyes draw towards his abs and his trail. "Like what you see?"
    "Yeah," You smile biting your lip. "So... You gonna kiss me or stand there? Honestly, I think you should give me a little strip tease. It'd be hot."
   "Yeah? Or we could just get to it?" He said pulling you from the bed.
   "Or we could do that," you said eyeing the bathroom door. "I'll put on some music..." You grab your phone and start playing a romantic playlist you found. "Dance?" He nods and you wrap your arms around his neck. One of his hands goes to your shoulder while the other goes to your ass. "You can touch it... You will eventually."
    "Okay... I'm touching your ass," Reggie said placing his hand on it. "Erm... This dress looks great on you. Really. I can't wait to take it off of you!"
    "What are you waiting for? Kiss me then," you urge. He slowly brings his hands to your face then starts pulling you in. "We're doing it... You're gonna kiss me."
    "Yep," he popped the 'p'. "Unless you don't want to?"
     "No I do. I've been thinking about it all day," you said. Your faces were inches apart. "Do you not want to?"
    "Oh I do," he said pulling you closer. You could smell his cool eucalyptus scent and his hair gel. His breath was hitting your lips. His hands were now on your hips.
    "Stop!" Pea came in. "You guys win. Back off of her." Reggie jumped back.
     "What? Why are you here?" Reggie asked faking confused. "Thought we were gonna talk about getting back together."
    "Reggie. I don't think that's gonna happen," you said.
     "Because she's mine and if you touch her again. I'm gonna cut off your fingers and feed them to hotdog," Sweet Pea held up his switch blade and pulled you in protectively.
    "She's yours?" Reggie asked.
     "Yeah. I love him," you said wrapping both of your arms around Pea.
      "You guys are in love?" Toni asked coming in.
      "Oh my god!" Betty and Cheryl said.
      "I thought you were just hooking up," Reggie said. "I didn't know that the two of you were in love."
      "Yeah," You nod. "We're in love." He kissed your forehead.
     "This is so great," Toni smiled. "Our little Pea is growing up."
     "That's great, Pea. Congratulations," Jughead patted Pea on the shoulder, smiling.
    "Guys," Fangs has an odd expression on his face. "Doesn't this remind you, of that old 90's show?"

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