Chapter 27: Homecoming and Flights

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You were getting ready with Betty. Honestly, you didn't know how this was going to end up. All school dances were orgies waiting to begin. And, PDA really made Sweet Pea uncomfortable. So, maybe dancing was out of the question. Pictures as well. Really, you would probably end up dancing with Fangs and a group of your friends. The only thing that would get Pea in there was drugs. But, the only drug Pea did was alcohol. Which really isn't even a drug.
"Wow," Betty smiled at you as she eyed your dress. "That green is literally perfect on you."
"Thanks, Betts, you look amazing. Jug is a lucky guy," you say. "I hope he tells you that too."
"They should be here soon," she checks her phone. "No doubt on their bikes. "How would we even get there?"
"Oh they would find a way," you shake your head laughing. "And, honestly I hope that they have more brains than that."
"Sounds like they do," Betty said as the sound of car doors shutting were heard outside. "And, Veronica ordered a limo for Archie and her."
"Snippy," You say looking out the window to Archie's house.
"Elizabeth! The boys are here," Alice yells.
"We will be right down, Mom," she yells back. "Here." She pulls a piece of your hair from your face. "You really look great... Now, let's get the party started." She grabs your hand and leads you down the stairs.
"You two look great," Alice says and takes a picture of the two of you.
"Thank you, Mrs Cooper," you smile and turn to Pea, giving him a awkward look. As a joke. He laughs lowly. "You two clean up nice. Wasn't aware you knew what a tux was. Or how to leave your home without your hat."
"I have my hat," Jug pulls the knitted grey hat from his pocket. "Never leave without it."
"Stylish," Betty giggles. "Ready?"
"To get this over with? I really am," Sweet Pea shook his head, you roll your eyes up at him. He leans down, placing flowers in your hand. "You look great, babe."
"Flowers?" You laugh. "Are these Sweet Peas? Didn't think you were that cheesy." He kisses your cheek and winks.
"I think you know there's no limit on how cheesy I can get," he says taking your free hand. "Now, let's get to the school."
"This place is real spot," Fangs said as he looked around the gym. It was fully decorated and had an array of colorful lights. Music blasted through the whole school, almost hurting your ears. "Riverdale High really can party."
"Don't underestimate us," Veronica smiled proudly. "I say we take a look at the refreshment stands."
"Refreshment stands?" You ask following her gaze. "Wow. When did we get enough money to afford that?"
"Who knows," Jughead said. "But let's check it out."
"Do you ever think with anything other than your stomach?" Sweet Pea asked.
"No," Jughead shrugged already on his way to the table. All of you followed in pursuit. There were a variety of candies and snacks on the table. And a few different punches. "Oh my... This is just heaven." He takes a plate and puts a few things on it.
"They taste great," you nod taking a bite of rice crispy like treat. You offer it to Pea, who takes it.
"They really do," Veronica said, and everyone nods in agreement.
"Attention students!" Mr Weatherbee says into the microphone as the music died. "I would like to welcome you to the fall homecoming dance. I hope that you all enjoy your time and are safe tonight. Also, enjoy the snacks provided by Mayor Hermione and Hiram Lodge." He walks off the stage and the music starts playing again.
"Did he say Hiram?" Archie asked, mouth slightly ajar and food in it.
"Yeah," Fangs nods and looks at the treats. "I think we have a problem."
"You think?" Betty said. "Everyone is eating it..." You look out at the crowd everyone with a snack or a drink in hand. "Oh god."
"Do you really think he would do something to the whole school?" Fangs asked. "That seems drastic."
"It would... But, I think effects are already starting to hit some of us," Archie said pointing to Kevin and Moose.
"Shit," Pea groaned. "I knew this would be awful."
"Calm down," Veronica sighed. "There has to be a way to... To..." She shakes her head a little. "There is a way to stop it."
"Why would we want to do that?" You chuckle, feeling light and sparkly. "I feel like I have sparks running over my whole body." The room had began spinning slowly. It was like watching a mobile over a crib.
"It feels," Betty tried her best to stay straight. "Kinda funny." She laughs now, and you join in.
"I am really feeling the music," Fangs pumped. "Come on, let's dance!"
"I am so down," you say. "Come on!" You grab his hand and pull him out to the floor. Music literally bumping through your veins. Your vision kinda blurred in and out.
"Guys," Pea sighed. "We have to figure out how to stop the effects."
"No," you whine. "We gotta dance. Join us!" You give him pleading eyes and poke out your lip. He laughs a little. "Come on!"
"Yeah, come on, Pea," Jughead scares you. "Dance with us." Pea slowly gives in. "Yes! We finally got him!" You all cheer in victory. It was like the room was fire and everyone was the flames. Flickering up then down to the beat of the music. Sweet Pea actually had a smile on his face as you danced together.
"Toni! Cherry!" You call as the two arrive to the huddle. "Oh my goshhh, you look fantastically, handsome tonight!"
"You do too!" Cheryl laughs. "How did you get the statue to dance?"
"Yeah... Why are you guys all acting so weird?" Toni asked as Fangs hugged her. "Seriously?"
"We just ate the funny treats," You laugh. "Hiram Lodge gave them to us. To allll of us. The entire school."
"Are you saying that Hiram single handily got the whole school on drugs?" Cheryl asked. "This will not do. Someone has to call someone."
"Nah," Pea shook his head. "We are all having a good time. Don't ruin it."
"You're all high," Toni rolled her eyes. "And, on god knows on what!"
"You know... God is the only one who can see the top of Sweet Pea's head," Fangs said. "How weird. Man, why are you so tall?"
"I don't know. We should find a way to shrink me," Pea said. "How?"
"We could break one of your legs," Jughead suggested. "But that would take a lot of work."
"Yeah..." you sigh. "Oh! Bend your knees!"
"Yeah!" Everyone claps. He bends his knees slightly, coming to the height of Archie. Toni and Cheryl quickly leave before they are pulled into the mess.
The night is filled with a lot of dancing. You all were packed closet together. Jumping up and down at different times. Every time someone touched you, it felt like ice. You long for the feeling, which is given when Pea's hands were on your waist. The music slowed which brought everyone to slow dance. Groups stayed together. You were practically touching Veronica. Fangs wrapped his arms around you and Sweet Pea.
  The three of you danced and it kinda felt like the room was just you. You couldn't hear anyone surrounding you, and your face was being blocked by Sweet Pea and Fangs.
   "Guys... It's like you're having a threesome," Jughead chuckled. "Like..." He trailed off and looked distant.
   "I always knew it would happen," Betty laughed. "You're both like super close to Fangs."
   "That would be like hot," Kevin yelled from behind Fangs. "The three of you are super hot and there is like chemistry there."
   "Bro," Fangs drawled. "That would be like super weird."
   "Am I not hot enough for you?" Sweet Pea scoffed.
   "Of course you are, man," Fangs argued. "Why wouldn't you be? You are like the hottest guy I am friends with."
   "Awe thanks, man," Pea smiled hugging his friend.
   "Awe! You should like get married," you clapped. "You're like the cutest!"
    "No!" Fangs laughed. "You are! Both of you!"
   "See. The three of you should just do it already!" Moose shouted. "You're killing us."
   "Don't do anything," Reggie had come from no where and you all jump. "I think we need to shut this down now."
   "Shut what down?" Veronica asked.
   "This party. You all need to go home," Reggie shook his head. "Seriously, go home. All of you."
   "Fine," Kevin laughed. "Come on, Moose. One by one the couples dispersed. Leaving the three of you and Reggie.
   "Let's go," Sweet Pea grabbed your hand and looked to Fangs.
   "I will take her home," Reggie intervened. "She's my neighbor. Just go home Sweet Pea."
   "Or what?" He crossed his arms.
   "Look. I am not looking for a fight," Reggie rolled his eyes. "Just go home and rest, man. I will make sure she gets home alright. You don't know what you are doing."
   "You don't know what YOU are doing," Sweet Pea said.
   "You are so annoying," Reggie groaned. "Fangs get your friend out of here." Fangs saluted and grabbed his friend. "Come on, Y/N."
   "I am like really tired," you say as he pushed you to the door. "I need to go to the bathroom." He rubs his face and nods. You get to the door, thinking he won't find you and sit. Laying your head against the wall. Your eyes flutter closed finally, giving your spinning body a break.
   "Y/N?" Reggie pushed on your limp body. "Can this night literally get any worse?" He grabs you. Passing other high students who had started to lay against the lockers either sleeping or on each other.
   "Please don't bring me home," you cry. "I can't face my parents like this."
   "You're fine," Reggie let out a sigh. And, he drove you to his house. His parents had left again. As he carries you inside, you being to rouse. "Okay Y/N, let's not do this again." He places you in his bed, laying you down. He struggles to help you change out of the dress. Giving you some of his sweatpants and a old T-shirt.
   "Thanks Reg," You sigh contently. "I am scared."
   "Why?" He asks stopping at the door way.
   "Hiram is a bad guy," you explain. "His drugs are strong."
   "Well... That is why you have to stop him. We have to stop him. Remember?" He asked.
   "What if we can't?" You sigh.
   "Then, we find someone who can," he said. "You should sleep off that crap."
   "Okay," You sigh again. "This will definitely be the talk of the town. And, a homecoming we all will remember."
   "Yeah," He chuckled turning the light off and cracking the door.
  You wake up a mess and like really hungry. You look around the room for anything. Your throat was dry and itchy. Getting up was like a hit to the face when you get blinded by the light in the hall. You can hear Reggie in the kitchen and smell the coffee he was making.
   "Well," he chuckled. "Prom queen finally arrives from the dead. Thought you would sleep at least until four."
   "God... Last night was weird," you sigh. "Like trippy weird."
   "At least I got you out of your dress," he laughed. "That was difficult. You really wanted to sleep."
   "I know. I'm sorry... God that stuff was awful," you sigh. "I hope everyone got home alright. I thought when you were high you just like get mellow. What was that?"
   "That was a mix of Jingle Jangle and Fizzle Rocks," Reggie explained. "He put Jingle Jangle in the drinks. It was like his own strand... And, there was Fizzle Rocks and Jingle Jangle in all of the snacks. So, you all get really fucked up from the mix."
   "We really have to stop him," you say. "Last night was like the worst experience ever. I felt like I was burning on the inside... I don't want that again."
   "I think it's time to put the plan into action," Reggie said. "We can't keep putting it off. I know that it's Veronica's family, but it has to be done now."
   "I agree, but, I don't want to force V to take her father down," You say. "I hope after last night, she wants to go full force. If not, Pea and I have a plan."
  "Well, I'm down for either. I don't care what it is. I am not letting that guy burn our town to the ground," Reggie passed you a glass of juice. "I will talk to Veronica when I meet her at the Speakeasy... You should go get your dress and go home. I'm sure your boyfriends want to know where you are."
   "Boyfriend. And, I will call them later," you correct. "Last night was like really weird... I don't want to be pulled into that conversation already."
   "Well I am leaving so," he said. "I have to meet Josie... By the way, You and Sweet Pea won last night. Cheryl texted me."
   "Oh wow. I thought Veronica and Archie would've," you say. "They win literally everything."
   "I guess people are over it," he shrugged. "Now get your ass out of my house." You laugh a little hugging him. "What is this?"
   "Thanks... I know we don't talk a lot. Again... I think it's because I was jealous of Josie. Which doesn't make sense," You shake your head. "But, you're always here when I need you. I know I'm not the easiest person to keep up with."
   "Jealous Of Josie?" He laughs. "If it makes you feel any better about that, I didn't like Sweet Pea when I found out about you two. But, he makes you happy. So, if you're happy so am I. We are friends and that's what friends want for each other."
   "That's where I am at with you," you nod. "I'm happy you and Josie started going out. You seem really content with everything. I haven't seen you like this in a while. It's like your life is in place."
   "Okay. I don't want all of this sentiment shit," he laughed. "Save that for your butch boy. He is going to wake up in a mood because I took you home."
  "Oh I know," you laugh. "I should change and just go there... Bye, Reggie." You grab your dress from the couch and walk home. Letting the cool morning wind caress your skin. It felt refreshing, especially after last night.
   "Where have you been?" Your mother sighs as you walk in. "You haven't answered your phone. The school had some break out last night. Were you there?"
   "Yeah, but I didn't partake in it... Actually, we all got out before. Reggie came to the rescue. I stayed at his house. His parents are out again," you say. "I think I'm going to go shower then check on Fangs and the rest. They had to help round up some stragglers."
   "Thank god," she sighed. "Reggie is such a nice guy. And, that Sweet Pea of yours... He is too. I'm glad he helped."
   "Me too," you smile fairly before rushing upstairs. You dreaded having to talk to Sweet Pea. He was going to want a moment when you tell him he was right. And, somehow Fangs was going to come up. So, you took a long shower to clean the night before off of you. You wore comfortable clothes to his house and even knocked. Which, you really never do.
  "Did you knock?" Pea answered after a few knocks, his hair standing in all directions. He looked like he just woke up. "Why?"
  "I didn't want to surprise you or anything. You look great," you laugh coming in. "Rough night?"
   "Haha," he says sarcastically. "I would ask you the same thing... Since, Mantle wouldn't let me take you home."
  "Yeah... He took me to his house," you say slowly, and you watch his back tense. "He was just making sure my parents didn't see me like that... He was being a friend."
   "Yeah," Pea scoffed. "A friend who wanted the time with you, so he could get in your pants."
   "What are you talking about?" You ask. "Reggie is with Josie."
   "How can you not tell? The way he looks at you!" Pea laughs. "He loves you, still. He can't stand the fact that you are with me instead. So he found Josie to distract him. He took you home, so he could make you see that you love him too."
   "I don't love him," you say, you were pretty annoyed now. "You know that."
   "Sure. But, does he? Can you tell him to his face? That you don't love him?" Pea looks at you, already knowing you couldn't. "Because you do. And, I have been okay with that... But, you don't even see it. You don't see that he loves you. He wants you. And you still love him. He's not from the south side. He doesn't belong to a gang and will always be there to fall back on. Because he is a northsider. And northsiders only have each others backs because they don't have time for low life's like me."
   "Sure, I love him," you shout. "Reggie has been in my life for basically all of it! So many of my childhood memories involve just the two of us. I grew up with him. He was my first boyfriend. The first guy I kissed. The guy who challenged me when no one else would. He taught me so much!" Tears were forming in your eyes, from a mix of anger, confusion, and sadness. "He has always been there when I needed him."
   "I know," Sweet Pea said his hands had a grip on the back of a kitchen table chair.
   "No! Shut up! I will not let you keep spouting things at me," You say, making him almost flinch. "You don't know. You don't know that I never loved him, the same way that I love you. You don't know that, I never get or even got the same butterflies in my stomach when I look at him. Like when I look at you. You don't know, that when I kiss you... I feel the need for more of you. The want to never leave you. I never had that feeling with him. Ever. So, don't tell me that I am in love with him; because I am not! Reggie is nothing more to me than a brother, now. And, for you to even accuse me of having the same feelings for him as I do for you. It really pisses me off! You don't get to tell me how I feel. No one does." You take a moment to breathe. He isn't even looking you in eye now. "And for you to even bring up the fact that I am from the north side... I can't even believe that you still pull that card. I do not care that you are from the South side! I do not care that you are a Serpent!" You were in his face now, well more like on your toes with your finger in his face. "I don't care that you live in a trailer! God, I don't even care that you threaten people every other sentence... But if you can't get over the fact that I am just a northsider who is stuck up. I thought you had a higher opinion of me. I guess not." You push at him now. He doesn't say anything, he just takes it.
   "What the hell is going on in here?" Fangs asked, and had to blink to make out the scene. You had tears streaming down your face as you tried to get something out of him. "Hey! Y/N! Stop!" Fangs grabs you. Pulling you away. "What is going on?"
   "Tell him Sweet Pea," you say. "Tell him, how I am just a stupid northsider who only has northsiders backs. How I am stuck up!"
   "What?" Fangs asked as he still held you back. Your hands pressed to your chest. "You're not just a stupid northsider, sis."
   "Yeah? Well Sweet Pea thinks differently," you say. All of your frustration was dying, leaving you just crying instead of struggling. Fangs wrapped his arms around you and let you bury your face in his chest. Sweet Pea just stands against the wall.
   "What is all of the yelling about?" Jughead and Toni run in.
   "Y/N/N, what's wrong?" Toni asked.
   "Let's get her outside," Fangs said. "I will explain out there." She nods and helps him take you to the pit. On the way, Fangs explained to her what he knew about the fight. And, after they sat you down and you had a minute to breathe. You explained the rest.
   "He said that?" Toni asked. "My god, he really doesn't know anything. I can kick his ass."
   "He probably doesn't even mean it," Fangs said. "I don't think he even understands why that hurt you so much."
   "Well... If he didn't want a relationship, he shouldn't have started one," You sigh. "I can't keep going through the whole north and south side thing with him. And, he has to figure everything out on his own," you say. "I am done trying to fix everything for him and making up excuses for him."
   "I understand," Fangs wrapped his arm around your shoulder as Toni gets up and heads to the trailer. "You know, he wasn't always like this. When he was kid he was happy and understanding. But, when his parents ditched out, he got angry. Probably because he didn't know how else to let his frustrations out... I mean, if he were normal he would've just started masturbating, but he ain't normal."
   "Please... If there is a point get to it," You laugh. "Because, I understand his parents left him. It sucks. I know that I am not in his position, but he can't use that as an excuse for everything."
   "I know. He uses it like three times a week on me," Fangs said. "What I am trying to get at, is that he is happier around you. He is more like the old him, then the one who wants to kill everyone. You bring out the good side. And, he really needs you. I don't think he can make it through another loss."
   "Well He should figure that out himself," You sigh. "I can't just waltz in there and say you need me. Truthfully, I don't think Sweet Pea knows he actually needs people to be there for him."
   "I am sure that Toni is really busting his balls right now."
Toni's POV———————————————————
  "What did you do?" I ask pacing the floor of Sweet Pea's trailer. "What did you think was going to happen when you accuse her of being in love with her ex? Let alone, one of her closest and oldest friends. Of course she loves him! Just like you love Fangs and me... Then, you call her a stuck up northsider? What was that?" I stop for a moment to make sure he was paying attention. "You and I both know that she is far from being a stuck up northsider. She is always there for us. Even before we knew her, she stuck up for us. She was almost killed for being our friend. Not once but twice. Yet here she is. So, I don't understand how you could even say that she only is there for the other northsiders. She is far more than that. You know it too. What was going on in your head when you said that?"
   "Nothing," he said to his hands. "I only had the thought of her and Reggie in my head. Then, she said she didn't love him. I couldn't take that as an answer."
   "She does not love Reggie Mantle," I say. "Get that through your thick head. She doesn't love him, not like she loves you. And, if you don't do something to fix this... You are going to lose her. And, you cannot lose her too. You know that."
   "Of course I know that," he shouts at me,  it apologizes. "I know. I don't want to lose her. But, I don't know how to fix it."
   "This is completely on you," I sigh. "She said that you have to figure this out on your own, and I agree. Pea, fix this. And fast... I would suggest, breaking the status quo. Don't bring in north and south side."

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