Chapter 4: No Mister Nice Guy

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  Cheryl and Toni were helping you get ready for Veronica's party that was in a hour. Your outfit was on and you had gotten a smaller black ankle brace. You couldn't wear heels so you were wearing black converse. Cheryl was curling your hair while Toni was doing your makeup. After they finished, you put your jewelry on then got a jacket from your closet. Your ankle wasn't hurting much today, which you were happy about.
   "You look amazing," Kevin said as he came in.  "Honestly. I can't wait."
    "Thanks Kev," you pulled the jacket on and took another look at yourself in the mirror. "Ready?"
     "Hell yeah," Toni grabbed her girlfriends hand. Kevin wrapped his arm with yours and you all made your way to the car. "She better have good taste in music."
    The place of the party was gorgeous to say the least. At least that's how you could explain even just to yourself. People were everywhere. Music was blasting throughout the place. Veronica greeted you all at the door.
    "Welcome. Refreshments are in there bathroom is upstairs and friends are on the couch," she smiled making an entrance for you. "You all look stunning." You replied with a soft thank you before entering the home. You immediately spot Betty and Jughead with Sweet Pea and Fangs. Then your eyes meet Reggie's as you find the drinks. He smirks at you slyly and you kindly roll your eyes before pulling Kevin that way.
    "I need something strong, Reg," you begged. "And something for Kevin."
     "Here," Reggie handed you a drink that had clear lights in and then one to Kevin. "Take it quickly. The burn won't last as long." You nodded and shot the liquid back. You hissed slightly shaking your head. "Another?" A smile was now plastered to his face. "Let's play a little game. Bloody Hell?"
    "I'm down," You nodded taking your jacket off. Reggie whistled lowly.
     "I'm gonna go find Betty," Kevin backed out. You nodded and watched him leave before making eye contact with Reggie again.
     "Ready?" You asked taking the die in your hand. He nodded and You rolled. The score was 17. Since Kevin left Reggie had one of his friends step in. After the round was over you all had to drink because no one met your score. After three rounds you were tipsy. "Okay. Okay last round." You took the die in hand and rolled. Hitting an even 18. You bowed at you other players. It was going to be difficult to land straight sixes. No one did so you took your last drink and set your cup down. "Thanks for the fun game you guys!" You turned and tried to find another familiar face.
   "Y/N!" Fangs called. You spun to find him on a nearby couch. "You look great."
     "Thanks," you stumbled a little walking to him. "As do you."
    "Why thank you... So, Tiny and I were trying to get a game of beer pong started. Cheryl says you're really good while you are drunk. So you in?" Fangs gave you puppy dog eyes. "Please..." you sighed and nodded. He gestured a thumbs up at Toni who was talking to Chuck. You were a little disgusted by him after the rumors of what he did went around the school. He followed Toni over to you guys on the couch.
    "Lets get the game started then," Toni smiled. "Fangs and I are going to beat your asses."
      "Please," you rolled your eyes as Chuck laughed. "I haven't lost a game yet. And I hear neither has Chuck."
      You all set up the table pouring different types of alcohols into each cup. You wet the balls so they were ready to be played. A few people gathered to watch.
   "Bulldogs VS Serpents!" Someone shouted and more people showed up to watch.
     "Flip to we who goes first?" Fangs asked pulling a coin from his pocket. "Call it." He flipped the coin.
      "Tails," Toni said. It hit his hand and he flipped it.
  You smiled picking up a ball and taking a deep breath. You aimed for a middle cup and tossed it. It sunk in without hitting the cup. A yes was heard from Chuck as he threw his ball. It also landed in a middle cup. "Drink up." They both grabbed cups taking them and stacking them. Toni went first tossing her ball. It landed in a back one. She bowed a little smirking. Fangs tossed his landing in the first cup.
   "Drink up." They mocked and you rolled your eyes in turn taking the cup and slamming it down on the table.
   The game continued like that until each of you had one cup left. You and Toni. You tossed the ball. It seemed like forever watching it fly through the air. And it hit the rim of the cup circling. Finally it lands in and the room erupts with cheers. You scream victoriously and look at Chuck who is just as astonished. He lifted you into a hug and spun you. You laughed as he put you down. You hugged Toni.
    "Good game," you said simultaneously and laughed. You hugged Fangs as well and turned to meet eyes with Sweet Pea. You quickly adverted and went for your celebratory drink.
    "Here's to the champ," Chuck handed you a red cup. "Good game." You nodded taking the cup and drinking it. It was sweet. You sat in a nearby seat needing to rest your ankle. Your gaze swept the room of everyone having a good time. Then your head began spinning uncontrollably. You gripped the table trying to steady yourself. "Are you alright?" Chuck bent down to look at you. All you could do is shake your head. Then you were on steps and someone was taking you up them. A sick feeling rose in your stomach. This is what the news talked about. What was in the paper. What Betty and Veronica has tried to tell the school not so long ago.
   "Let me go," you tried to fight the person off. "Now!"
      "I'm just taking you to lie down," the familiar voice said. And your stomach sunk even lower. Chuck.
   Then you were in a room. It was dark. A small window was across the room. You were in a bed. Your clothes seemed loose. Chuck was almost on top of you. You became completely sober then. Your adrenaline kicking in at full speed. You screamed for someone to help. You tried moving but you are in too tight of a grip underneath the post football player. His hands traveled your sides.
    "I knew you wanted me," Chuck mumbled. "Why else would you act the way you did during the game. And in that outfit." You couldn't speak. Your body was trembling. There was a loss of weight suddenly as the door flew open. You could barely breathe or move. Then someone had a hand on you. You screamed and jumped away more tears falling from your eyes.
    "Y/N!" The person repeated twice. "It's okay. We're gonna get you outta here." He came into sight. It was Fangs. And Sweet Pea was against the other wall with Chuck in his hand and knife in the other. He was saying something but there was ringing in your ears. Fangs helped you up and fixed your clothes putting your jacket on you. Then he wrapped his arm around your waist and helped you walk downstairs. You could feel Sweet Pea not far behind. Betty was first to notice you through the crowd and grabbed the others attention.
    "What happened?" Betty and Cheryl rushes towards you. Veronica and Toni right behind and the boys not to far from them. "Y/N?"
    "Chuck," Sweet Pea gripped the railing of the stairs so tight you seen his knuckles.
     "Oh god what did that trashy ex football player do now?" Veronica asked. You looked to Betty.
     "He didn't!" Betty gasped pulling you towards her. "I'm so sorry." It didn't take long for the others to understand. "I will take care of this." She was always the motherly, protective type.
    "Take her somewhere," Jughead was now in Serpent King mode as he told the other serpents what to do. "Do not let her out of your sight."
    "Got it," Toni nodded grabbing Cheryl's hand. "Come on, babe. Jughead will take care of this. We gotta help Y/N." The redhead looked at you now. You still couldn't talk. You could barely feel your body. You were happy that Fangs was holding you up. You could only communicate through your eyes. You prayed someone would get you out of this place. Your head was already starting to spin again. Your grip tightened on Fangs' shirt. And blackness overcame you.
    As you slowly came into again you were being carried. You didn't know where to or by who. Just that the night sky was above you and lights were shining from somewhere. You had a leather jacket thrown over you. Then you were inside. "Thanks Sweety Pie," you mumbled on a couch before falling asleep.

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