Chapter 35: To Be, or Not To Be

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You finally made a decision on whether or not you wanted to join the Serpents. You had been thinking about it for days and made a list of both the good and bad things. It was the hardest decision that you had to make and you knew that both ways it would end up hurting someone. And, there were people on both ends that you loved dearly. It was a game of tug of war in your brain. Pulling you to both directions. The time to have your final decision was arriving quickly. You knew you needed it by the second week of March because that was when plans were going into place and it was also the one year mark of your relationship with Sweet Pea. So, after a long process you made your decision and you were going to stick with it. No matter who gets angry, it was your decision.
   "Hey," Reggie came up behind you at your locker. "You make a decision?"
   "I have," you nod. "But, I'm not telling anyone yet... I just wanna say bye to my parents and pray that they make it to and from Vermont Okay. Kyle left a letter in my room, making sure that I do not get on that plane."
   "Well, do you ever think that Kyle is working for the bad guy?" Reggie asked. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I know that he used to be a good guy. But, he could be leading you on and getting you hurt."
   You sigh and throw the rest of your things in your locker, "I know, Reg. Believe me. I'm not taking his words straight to heart. I have no idea who to trust now. Well, you guys of course. But, you know what I mean." He nods. "I like seeing him though, no matter whose side he is on. He is still my brother."
   "I just don't want you getting hurt because of him," Reggie said. "Come on, I told your parents that I would bring you to the airport."
   "One of the times you were not home," he shrugged. "They asked me why you weren't going to Vermont. They know you're not going to Florida again."
   "What else did they ask?" You follow him to his car. "Are they upset?"
   "They only asked if you were alright," he said with a chuckle. "If only they knew what was going on for real, unless they do."
   "You do not believe anyone, do you?" You ask. "I bet you do not trust even me."
   "Right now, I think you are the only person I actually do trust," he said. "Then again, you are the only person who I can read as well as myself. I know when you are lying."
   "I suppose you're right, but I am an awful liar," you say. "We've also known each other since we were five." He nods, not looking at you. "Which means, that I can read you too. What is wrong?"
   "You have changed yourself for them," he sighed. "You changed for people you barely know. Practically throwing yourself to them and letting them ruin you. You barely pay attention to the ones who have been with you, your whole life. I know you, but when I look at you, it's like the girl I know is gone."
   "I have not changed myself for anyone. I am becoming stronger," you say. "I becoming stronger for myself and no one else. There are people out there who want to kill me. I needed to change. If I didn't then I would either be dead or I would die here soon. So forgive me for wanting to live."
   "I do not blame you for changing," he said. "I actually spite you for it. You aren't afraid of losing. At least you act that way. Afraid of nothing."
   "Afraid of nothing? I am afraid of everything. I am afraid that my actions will sever ties between me and my friends. I am afraid of losing people. Of losing you," you sigh. "I look at all of the things that have gotten us in trouble lately. I do not want to lose my closest friend. That is what I think about. I think about losing all of my friends. Not my family, they are already gone as is. My friends are the ones who I am afraid of losing."
   "We do not want to lose you either," he sighed. "And, you will not lose us. I know this sounds like a Fangs thing to say but, you're stuck with us. At least until you push us away."
   "That is a very Fangs thing to say," you laugh. "You know, making my decision. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Knowing that if I joined the Serpents, I would lose you... God my life is the plot of a preteen love story."
   "You won't lose me," he said. "This is strange, but you're like my sister." You laugh loudly. "I don't want you to join the Serpents, at all. I think it is a stupid decision. But, I don't think that I would let it get in the way of our relationship."
   "You hate Serpents," you remind him. "I think it would put a little strain on us."
   "Well we will never know," he sighed. "Ready to say goodbye?"
   You look out at the airport and shrug, "you think Hiram is gonna hurt them?"
   "I don't know, but if you don't say goodbye..." He trailed off and you give him a sad look. You tried getting them to not go. For the last few weeks, you begged them not to go. But they insisted. There was nothing that would keep them from going. You didn't even understand what was in Vermont.
   "Reginald Mantle," You mother smiled. "You are always so sweet. Thank you for bringing Y/N."
   "It was no problem," he smiled.
    "Are you sure that you do not want to go? Hiram upgraded our tickets to Greece! You've always wanted to go there," your mother said. "There's still a ticket for you. Hiram really wants you to go."
   "I'm sure he does," you say. "But, I cannot go. I'm sorry, mom. I've got so much to do this week." You fight back a few tears. "But, is there any way that I can talk you out of going? At all?"
   "Sweetie, this isn't life or death," she laughed. "This is just a trip to Greece. Fully paid by the company. Your father has worked very hard for this."
  "I know, but Hiram Lodge is a bad guy," you argue.
   "He is not," your dad said. "You are just a headstrong kid. You'll get it some day."
    "I won't," you sigh.
    "Stop. You will not call Hiram a bad guy. He is the kindest man and has given so much for us. He is like family. A dear friend," you mother said. "Now, if you are not going. This is where we need to say goodbye."
   "You will learn to show respect for Hiram, one day," you dad said.
   "I will never show respect to that monster," you spat. "If you will not see that, then I wish you luck. He will only cause pain to you."
   "We are not fighting about this," you father said. "Goodbye, Y/N." He turns quickly and walks without a last look. Leaving your mother with you.
   "You will see," your mother places a hand on your face. "This is all for the better."
    "Bye, Mom," you say and she gives you a hug. You watch her meet your father then disappear in the crowd of rushing attendees.
   "You still don't know what will happen," Reggie said. "Maybe, Hiram won't do anything now that you didn't go."
   "Optimism," You sigh. "That's usually what gets proven wrong."
  "It also gives hope," he said. "Hey, maybe Hiram has some type of fondness for them. They've been friends for so long."
   "Hiram kills his friends," you say. "That doesn't make me feel great either." You stand there for a few more minutes, in silence. Though the area was swarming with different conversations. "Take me home?"
   "Yeah." He wraps an arm around your shoulders.
  As soon as you get in your house, you lock the doors and go straight to your fathers office. He never lets anyone in, and you wanted to know why. Now was better than ever. The door was unlocked, which made this a lot easier. You couldn't get into his computer. "Shit." Your father had always been private, so it didn't surprise you that his password wasn't anything familiar to you. Not even your birthday. But, he wasn't that bright. He always kept a paper with all of his information somewhere. After searching all of his drawers you find it. "Bingo." You type the password in and quickly looking through all of the files. Finding one named KYLE.
   "This is the only way. No one can know, that I am going to lead a life working with Hiram. Tell everyone I died. I can make myself sick enough for the hospital. Hiram said that we will take care of everything for us and take away your debts."
  "What the hell is this?" You scroll through the copied emails. "They knew? Of course they knew. That is why Kyle comes here."
   "I want out of this. I should've never have did this. Hiram is a criminal, hoarding drugs, killing people. You pushed me into this. I can never forgive you."
   "Please, Hiram says that you told him about our last conversation. He threatened to kill me because of you. I am pleased to know that this is what you want. You choose your money over your family. Hiram says he pays you handsomely. Does mom know? Does Y/N know that you are a criminal?"
   "Hiram is planning something. Do not take his offer to go on a fully paid vacation. It's a trap. I am not sure if it is because of Y/N's meddling or he is tired of you. But, DO NOT GO!"
  Kyle tried to warn them, they didn't listen. They made Kyle work for Hiram. All of this is because of your dad. Did your mother know? Does she know? She has to, she said everything that goes on is for a reason. You couldn't believe what you were reading. You didn't want to believe it. You printed out the file to show the others.
   "What's the urgent news?" Cheryl asked, sitting in your living room.
   "Is this about you joining the Serpents?" Fangs asked.
    "No," you sigh. "I found this on my dads computer earlier." You pass them the papers.
   "Wait," You watch Toni's eyebrows furrow. "Your parents knew? About Kyle not being dead?"
   "And, they went on this vacation anyways?" Fangs asked and you nod.
   "They knew about the whole thing," Jughead sighed throwing the papers on the coffee table. "Of course."
   "God, Y/N, I'm so sorry," Betty sighed. "I can't believe they kept this from you."
   "It seems like your dad is in on it too," Sweet Pea sighed and you nod. "So, what are you gonna do now?"
"Whatever I have to," you shrug. "I don't know what I can do, other than make sure they get what they deserve."
"You're right," Toni said. "And, I think I know how. But, I wanna talk to you about it first." You already know what she was gonna say. "Maybe, you should call Kyle."
"I don't have his number. He just comes whenever he feels like it," you sigh. "The only way, I can even think of seeing him now... Is getting hurt or doing something really stupid."
"Well, you are always doing stupid shit," Fangs chuckled. "Just go do Sweet Pea."
"You're so funny," Sweet Pea laughed sarcastically. "God, I can't think of a funnier person."
"Alright, enough," Betty groaned. "Obviously, we are not going to send you off to get yourself hurt. So, we have to think of something else."
"This is too much," You sigh. "Erm, I'll meet you guys later at the Wyrm. Okay?"
"You alright?" Betty asked.
"Yeah... I just need time to think of something myself," you sigh. "It's my family and my business. I don't want you guys getting wrapped up in this mess. At least until I can figure out how to get Kyle."
"It's not just your mess," Cheryl said.
"I know. I didn't mean it that way. I just have to wrap my head around everything," you nod. "Toni, can you come up to my room with me for a second. It won't be long. I have that thing you asked for." She nods and follows you upstairs. "Is this Alright?"
"It's perfect," she nods. "I'll see you at the Wyrm." You nod as she leaves your room. You lay in your bed for a while, slowly falling asleep with the thoughts of your parents in your mind.
You bolt awake, the room was filled with darkness and the only sound was the sound of your window shutting. Your eyes adjust to setting and you see only the back of a Serpent jacket. Some of it glistened in the little light from outside. It was wet.
"Well this is something," you chuckle. "A little old school. The door is still open."
"Well, I felt like getting back to basics. You know that it's getting late. When were you planning on going to the Wyrm?" He sits next to you.
"Soon," You say. "I fell asleep."
"You look exhausted," he sighed and you nod. "Look, Whatever is going through your head, you can tell me. If it's about the Serpents or anything. I know, we don't see eye to eye on it, but I will listen."
"We don't see eye to eye ever," You laugh. "Does anyone ever see eye to eye with you?"
"Rarely," he chuckled. "Come on, Ill take you to the Wyrm." You stretch and slowly climb out of bed with a yawn. "Or you can stay and sleep?"
"No. I need to get up," you sigh. "Let me go fix myself." You go into your bathroom to brush your teeth and hair. You also fix some of your makeup before returning to Sweets. "Ready." You follow him downstairs while sending a quick message to Jug and Toni.
"So, I hear it's your one year," Cheryl smiled. "What have the two of you done to celebrate?"
"Nothing," the two of you shrug. "Been kinda busy with all of the saving Riverdale thing."
"Well that is kinda disappointing. The two of you have been great with surprises so far," Veronica said. "So sentimental and sensational."
"Yeah. There has been a lot going on, but none more than usual. What's stopping you two?" Betty asked and you shrug. There has been a lot of pressure on your relationship lately. With Hiram getting a bigger grip over the town, your family, and whether or not you become a Serpent.
"You guys should just back off," Sweet Pea with a hardness in his voice. Everyone shrinks back, but Toni and Fangs.
"He hasn't got any in a while," Fangs mutters. "Don't listen."
"So, have you planned on anything?" Toni asked, leaning over the bar. "Like a romantic get away to Greendale, again?"
"No," you say. "Erm... Toni you wanna go to the bathroom with me?" She eyes you then nods.
"I will come too," Cheryl said getting up and following the two of you.
"Are you sure?" Toni asked you through the mirror. "This isn't something that can be undone."
"I know," you nod. "And, I am sure."
"Okay," She nods. "Then, let's get ready."
"I got this," Cheryl smiled. "Everyone will be drooling." You nod as she gets you ready for one of the most traumatic events in your life. And, after what felt like forever, Cheryl pulled away with a content smile. "Perfect." You look in the mirror and are kinda taken back. She had put a Smokey brown over your eyes and your hair fell over your shoulders in waves. Your black lingerie was tight on your tan skin and made your red lips pop. Somehow they even appear fuller.
"You look great," Toni nods. "Now, you got a song?"
"Erm..." you have to think for a moment. "Young God, Halsey?"
"Alright," She nods. "Good luck." She opens the bathroom door and you can hear the loud chatter of the crowd downstairs. You get a knot in your stomach.
"You'll be great. You're hot," Cheryl said. "Now, you remember that and get out there. Show off yourself." You nod and take a deep breath. "Just breathe, hun." You nod again. "Go."
He says, "Ooh, baby girl, you know we're gonna be legends
I'm a king and you're a queen and we will stumble through heaven
If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes
I know you wanna go to heaven, but you're human tonight"
You step onto the small stage. Lights dimmed across the bar. Your heart was racing as a light hit you. The eyes of all of the people set on you, but you look at your group of friends. Sweet Pea at first didn't seem to care. Then, you see Fangs nudge him surprise stuck both of their faces. Your run your hands up your side up to the pole.
And I've been sitting at the bottom of a swimming pool
For a while now, drowning my thoughts out with the sounds
The crowd cheered and whistles at you. A few guys even yelled some disgusting slurs. But, you kept your eyes on your friends, it was the only way you could do this.
But do you feel like a young god?
You know the two of us are just young gods
And we'll be flying through the streets with the people underneath
And they're running, running, running
But do you feel like a young god?
You know the two of us are just young gods
And we'll be flying through the streets with the people underneath
And they're running, running, running again
Your body seemed to take over the movements. Your hands sliding up and down your body. The cold metal pole against your back. The light beating against your face. And chatter of the men around.
He says, "Oh, baby girl, don't get cut on my edges
I'm the king of everything and oh, my tongue is a weapon
There's a light in the crack that's separating your thighs
And if you wanna go to heaven you, should fuck me tonight"
Many of the men had let out a cheer for that. Some screaming that they would love to. You seen Sweet Pea tense, but Fangs set a hand on his shoulder. His face was still cold, you couldn't see his eyes. His outline was hard in shadows though.
And I've been sitting at the bottom of a swimming pool
For a while now, drowning my thoughts out with the sounds
You continued to move with the music, you breathing was heavy from the heat of the lights. Sweat glistened your skin. But, you kept dancing. No longer feeling the anxiety or stress from getting in front of these strangers.
But do you feel like a young god?
You know the two of us are just young gods
And we'll be flying through the streets with the people underneath
And they're running, running, running
But do you feel like a young god?
You know the two of us are just young gods
And we'll be flying through the streets with the people underneath
And they're running, running, running again
And, as the song ended and the light was shut off. You felt your chest fall one last time and your eyes close. You feel a rush of emotions fall over you. Fear and anger. Happiness and sadness. And relief. Your friends rush to the stage to help you off.
"Why didn't you tell us you were doing that?" Fangs asked.
"I only told Toni and Jughead," you say letting out a small breath. Toni hands you clothes and helps you pull them on.
"You did great," she softly reassured you. Cheryl nods along.
"I can't believe you did it," Betty said. "That was so great."
"Thanks," You look to your feet. Sweet Pea didn't keep eye contact with you. You couldn't tell what he was feeling. It made you more anxious.
"Very good," Jug has a smirk on his lips. "I believe this is yours as well." He hands you your Serpent jacket. "Congratulations."
"Thanks, Jug," You nod taking it. The soft and cool leather felt nice against your skin. "Pea?"
"Hm?" He still hasn't looked at you.
"Sweet Pea," you say again and he looks at you. "What is wrong with you?"
"Nothing," he shrugs and you give him a look. "Can I talk to you outside?" You nod as he pulls you out the door. You wait for him to say something. He paces for a moment.
"What is this about?" You finally say.
He stops and looks at you. You stare back as he pushes you back against the wall. Your breath hitches as you feel the cold concrete slam against your back. His forehead connects with yours and you feel his hot breathe against your face. His arms trap you in a cage like hold. Then his lips connect with yours, they move with determination against yours. His hands move to your side and yours to his arms. The confusion washes away as his hands slide down your sides. His cold wolf ring sets against your skin, sending a shiver in its path.
"You did amazing," he said against your lips. "I love you, Y/N. So much."
"I love you too," you say. "Happy Anniversary."

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