Chapter 14: Destiny?

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   "I'm so happy everyone knows now," you smile up at Pea. "We don't have to hide anymore."
   "I know. It also means that you can keep my jacket without someone taking it and giving it back," he laughed. "And if someone flirts with you in public. I now can cut their dicks off."
   "No," Toni held up a finger. "You cannot do that. Ever."
    "I wouldn't say that," Fangs shrugged. "What if the guy really deserves it?"
    "Name an instance."
     "Okay... Say the guy was like that Chuck guy and rapes someone," Fangs said.
     "I say it's game," Pea said.
      "Of course you do," Reggie said. "But, I do t want to be hassled every time I talk to Y/N. We fake flirt a lot."
"That's different from really flirting," You explained. "We don't touch each other and Pea knows that it's just a game."
     "I don't like it though."
      "You don't like me," Reggie rolled his eyes.
      "True," Pea shrugged and looked down at you. "But, for some reason she is your friend. So I tolerate you."
     "The last time we saw each other?"
      "That was different," Pea said. "That's between us and Mat."
      "The guy who wears that red hat?" You ask and they both nod. "You didn't tell me he was there."
     "Didn't seem important," Pea shrugged.
     "Guys!" Kevin bounded into the student lounge. "We have a major conflict going on in the yard!"
      "What?" You laugh.
      "Someone trashed the yard," Kevin was partially out of breath. "Veronica... Some blue haired crap of a person girl. Show down."
      "What? Where's Betty?" You asked getting up. "Who is the girl?"
      "I don't know," Kevin said. "But it looks bad. Come on." You follow after Kevin to the yard. There was a group of students lined across the field.
     "What the hell is going on?" You ask after pushing through all of the teenagers. "Who are you?"
     "This trash hag from Greendale thinks she can come to our school and go full on riot night," Veronica crossed her arms. "Little does she know, that the queen of payback goes here."
    "I'm not scared of you or your little pups," the girl stands her ground. "I'm looking for someone."
    "And who is that?" You asked keeping the girls distant from each other.
    "I'm looking for Y/N. I have beef with her?" The girl said. "My name is Destiny. I hear she's sleeping Sweet Pea of the Serpents."
     "Destiny?" Pea, Fangs, and Reggie pushed through the crowd.
     "You good?" You ask Veronica as you pull her back to Cheryl and Toni.
     "Yeah. I'm fine. But, that girl has it coming," Veronica sighed flattening her plaid skirt and pulling her hair behind her ears. "What does she want with you?"
     "Honestly, I don't know," you sighed. "Probably to strangle me with her unusually large hands."
      "More than that," Toni said. "She and Pea used to hook up... Before the two of you. She obviously doesn't know about Lillian."
"What does that have to do with me? That's Sweet Pea's doing," you whisper shout. "Were they like really close?"
"I don't know," Toni shrugged. "He never talks about anyone... But, if it means anything right now... He is a lot happier with you. I see why." You look at her then back at Toni. "Also, I heard she is close with Penny."
"The snake charmer?" You ask. She nodded. "I'm gonna go... Veronica, you wanna come with. Maybe if we get far enough away, her tongue won't catch us."
"Or her gonorrhea," Veronica rolled her eyes and followed you into the school. "So, you and Sweet Pea?"
"Yeah," you nod awkwardly. "For a little bit now."
"Exciting... You both should come to my speakeasy opening," she smiled. "You know, if you live through that train wreck."
"Thanks Veronica... Do you think she wants to kill me? I mean, she definitely seems like the type to pull out the blade and cut my eye out," You half joke.
"Please," Veronica set a tanned hand on your shoulder. "I doubt that any of them would let her lay a hand on you. I mean, I seen Sweet Pea looking at you from across the yard. If looks could kill, that girl would be dead." You offer a smile to her, which she returns. "I have to redo everything that I had set up before... To help get the word out for the speakeasy I'm opening, I had decorated the whole yard. It was 1920's chic."
"I can help you set it up again... Or, we can do the lounge and the lunch room," you ventured. "Since everyone is outside trying to figure out what's going on."
"I love that idea," she smiled. "Let me see who I can get to help... Kevin, is obviously to emerged in the drama that is Destiny. Archie... I haven't seen him or bughead..."
"You call them bughead?" You laugh.
"Easier then saying both of their names," she shrugged. "Give me a sec, I'll try to find out where they are."
    "Well Archie can't... Jughead and Betty are on their way. I also texted Josie, waiting on a reply," she said. "Let's decorate?"
"Okay," you give the girl a smile and throw your stuff in your locker. She brings you to the blue and gold office where she was keeping her supplies. Of course, that is also where Betty and Jug were.
"Major 9-1-1. We need to decorate the lounge and lunch room for the opening of La Bonne Nuit. We need the publicity," Veronica explained. "All of the work that we did last night was ruined by one of Sweet Pea's play things."
"Which one?" Jughead laughed, in which Betty hit him. "Sorry."
"It's fine... I know that there were girls before me," You shake your head. "Not sure how many..."
"It doesn't matter either," Veronica said. "As long as he knows you're end game."
"Like you and Arch?" You chuckle and grab a box of supplies.
   You chose to do the lounge on your own to get out of any awkward talking. You take off your jacket and lay it on the back of the sofa. As you start to decorate the lounge you begin humming without realizing it. You quickly become consumed in the work. You stream burgundy red and gold from the ceiling and across the walls. You plaster flyers at each of the doors and place them on the table. You organize the tables to look clean and slick. You find a way to make the lights look dimmer to set the mood. You didn't hear anyone come in as you were too enticed in your work. Someone grabs you, making you jump. You quickly turn to see Pea. You relax slightly.
    "I didn't hear you come in," you said looking around the room. You weren't sure what to say to him. To ask him about Destiny or leave it until he wants to tell you. You didn't want to seem like one of those girlfriends.
   "I noticed... The lounge looks great. What are you decorating for?" He peers over to the wall where a flyer was hung. "La Bonne Nuit? What's that?"
    "A speakeasy that Veronica is opening. Your friend messed up the outside decorations, so, I offered to help her do the Lounge and lunch room," you explained. "Betty and Jug are with her."
    "Oh." It was now his turn to bite his lip, though you almost missed. "Are you alright? I mean, did she touch you?"
     "No... Not yet," you shrug. "She seemed more like the one to do it on her own and enjoy it."
     "Are you mad?" He asked. "On a scale. 1-10?"
     "Probably a seven," You laugh a little. "I'm not so much angry though... I am confused really. Like, why does she want to hurt me? How long did you guys... Does she know about Lillian and the other one? Ash? Is someone else gonna come out of the blue and try to hurt me?"
"No. No one is gonna try to hurt you. I swear. I don't know why she even came here. She's from the Westside. I haven't talked to her in a really long time. Like weeks before you and I even became a thing," he sighed. "She broke it off with me."
"So she's just estranged?" He nods and you laugh in return. "You weren't supposed to answer that. Every guy in the world says their ex is crazy."
"She is though. And she's not even an ex. We just hung out a few times," he explained. "And no a few is not code for a lot. She just became obsessed with me. Must be because my charm and fantastic looks."
"I'm not getting much of a charismatic affect right now," You sighed. "What did you do with her?"
"We told her to leave," Pea looked you directly in the eye now. "What can I do to make it up?"
"Oh a lot... But, for starters, you and I are going to the opening of La Bonne Nuit. You are dressing up and you are going to do whatever I ask," you said eyeing his reaction. He only smirked, which both surprised and confused you. "What?"
"I think I like this bossy side of you," He kisses you lightly. "It's hot." You blush fiercely. "What else?"
"Nothing I can think of right now," you sigh as his lips lightly connect with your neck. "Not that I can think straight with your lips attacking my..."
"You want me to stop?" He pulled away.
"No... But, if you're back then we gotta hurry and finish the lounge... Put a few more of these up," you hand him flyers. He takes them and kisses you again. "Stop trying to distract me. Go." He laughs hanging more flyers up. You hang a velvet curtain at each of the door way, finally finishing.
"This looks great," Veronica practically gasped coming in. "Very impressed. I see that your night of leather has returned. Good news, I hope?"
"Yes. Everything is fine," You laugh. "He is under my control for right now as punishment."
"Who's under who?" Fangs asked coming through the velvet. "Who did up the place?"
"Fogarty, am I happy to see you. I need you to work for me at my speakeasy. Server?" Veronica didn't so much ask, but demand.
"Okay... Is that why this is all fancy?" Fangs asked sitting down. "I'm not under you am I? I'm not down for doing chicks with boyfriends."
"God no... Y/N was talking about your fellow man over here," Veronica motioned to Sweet Pea.
"Sweet Pea? Sweet Pea doesn't bottom anyone," Fangs jokes. "He does not bow down to anyone. Not even Jughead, the Serpent king."
"Correction. I do not bow down to the weak. Which is everyone but her and obviously myself," he pointed his finger at his friend. "You on the other hand, should bow to everyone." Fangs rolled his eyes as he threw his feet up on the center table. "So... You wanna come over later and shove me around some more?"
"Maybe," You shrug, but smirk. "I think Veronica should take us to one of her favorite stores. We need to find outfits. Veronica smiles widely and grabs your hand. "What do you say Pea?"
"Sure," he sighed. You and Veronica clap in victory. Sweet Pea sits next Fangs, who gives the taller boy an apologetic smile.
Veronica was great at picking out the best outfits. She was one of the best dressed in the school, Cheryl also with her. So, she knew how to shop. But, it was overwhelming. She had you trying on dresses that varied in style and color. From gold to purple to rose. While she had Pea in a white and black tux, that honestly didn't look bad, but not for him. She finally chose a white and black dress with a gold accent, for you. And while she was dressing you, she had Pea walking around looking at things he might like.

   And she had the look of accomplishment set on her face as she eyed the two of you separately

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And she had the look of accomplishment set on her face as she eyed the two of you separately. Her hands clasped together as you both chose Pea's outfit. She thought it was important for him not to see you yet.
"I feel ridiculous," Pea groaned. "Honestly, I look like I should be in some Disney hip hop movie."
"Shut up," You laugh eyeing him. "I think you look great. We can fix your hair..."
"Please. My hair is always perfect," he scoffed. "But, if you like it then fine."
"Good. I didn't really like the others," you shrug. "They weren't you... This is."
"Everything looks good on me. You just don't realize you're dating someone perfect." You and Veronica rolled your eyes while shooing him to go change.
"He's obsessed with himself isn't he?" Veronica turned to you. "But, you don't mind." You shrug. "Usually it's the opposite. Girls being obsessed with themselves while leaving the boys to... I don't know. But, I do know that Archie does not obsess over himself at all, and I do."
"Way to be brutally honest with yourself. Builds character," You laugh. "We should hang out more. I like this."

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