Chapter 25: Showers

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"I can't believe you thought I wanted her," Sweet Pea chuckled. "I will never get over the fact that you got jealous." You throw your hands over your face. He hasn't stopped bringing it up. Honestly, you believed him when he said he would never stop. "I mean, I am the one who gets jealous."
"You did," you remind him. "You were ready to kill Fangs." He chuckled and shrugged. "You know, none of this would've happened if you didn't ignore me."
"I wasn't ignoring you," he groaned and placed his face in the crook of your neck.
"You were! Why else wouldn't you talk to me at lunch? Or in class!" You say, leaning into him. "You were supposed to go to the game."
"Honestly," he said. "I forgot about the game. So, I am sorry about that. But, I wasn't intentionally ignoring you... Let me make it up to you." You give him a look. "I will let you pick out my Halloween costume this year."
"Okay... But, I also get to pick out a Christmas outfit," you negotiate.
"Sweater. Not outfit," he said.
"Deal," you smirk.
"Seal it with a kiss?" He rose an eyebrow and had a goofy smile on his face. You turn and stretch up to him to place a chaste kiss on his lips. "You know, you look like Toni... I don't know how to feel."
"Believe me," You laugh. "Me neither. I feel ridiculous... You know, tomorrow, you can't blame our negotiations on alcohol. Deal is a deal."
"I won't," he shook his head.
"Pinky promise?" You held up your pinky and he laughed. "This is serious." He sighs and lifts his pinky connecting it with yours.
"You guys are weird," Fangs said from the other side of Sweet Pea. "You guys should go home. You're soaked and I think some of the guys like the show." Fangs eyes you and motions towards your chest.
"He's right," Pea sighed. "I can take you home. I just have to grab my jacket and keys." You nod as he gets up stalking to the pool table.
"Where is that flannel?" You look around, getting extremely self conscious. Fangs shrugs looking around. "Toni must've taken it." You push yourself off the stool. You heard a few murmurs from a close table of men. "What is taking him so long." You search for Sweet Pea and Fallon was talking to him.
"I can walk you out," Fangs offered. "I don't have a jacket to lend." You shake your head, it would be too cold. "Don't worry about them. Most of the time, they don't do anything but gawk." A few whistles were heard and he shrugged. "You look like a serpent. They think it's alright."
   "Honestly, I don't know if that is a good or bad thing," you shake your head. "It's kinda degrading."
   "A lot of things are," he laughed. "You look like you're gonna pass out."
    "Tired," you chuckle. "I just hope she doesn't talk him to sleep, I can't carry that tree." He snorts almost spitting out his drink.
   "Fogarty," a scruffy man comes up. "Who's the piece of ass?" He eyes you and you roll your eyes. "Haven't seen her around."
   "Don't think you will again," Fangs sighed. "She's not from the south side."
   "A northsider slut," he smirked. He was disgusting, you could smell a mixture of booze and sweat. You almost gag. "How'd you get one of them?"
   "I didn't," Fangs said. "I would back off though."
   "Why? She a fighter?" The guy chuckled and coughed. "I think I take her. What do you say?"
   "No thanks," you groan.
   "Hard to get," he says. "Like a good challenge."
   "Back off dude," Fangs turned. "Seriously."
   "Why? She's not yours. Calm down, just playful fun," he smiled. "Come on, babe." He put a hand on your arm.
   "No," you say again.
   "Back off, Lug," Pea said and the man laughed. "I'd hate to have to cut your damn fingers off."
    "You can't share?" He laughs.
    "No... Don't know if you ever noticed, but I don't share," Pea said. "So, take your hand off her. Before I brake it... Seriously."
    "Pea," you say. "I'm handling it. You're drunk." You remind him and push away the man. "I'm fine."
   "Let's go," Sweet Pea grabbed your hand, lacing your fingers. He was super warm to touch, probably because of the alcohol. "Are you going home? Or..."
   "Whatever you want," you shrug. "It doesn't matter."
   "I am almost positive that you know what I want," he chuckled. His eyes were slightly drooping shut. "Come home?"
   "Sure babe," you nod wrapping your other hand around his. He takes you to his truck. "Let me drive... You're drunk."
   "I'm fine," he said and you give him a side eye. You take his keys from his hand. Rain was showering you both. "Hey!"
   "Yeah... You're 'fine'," you put up quotations around fine. "Get in." He rolls his eyes before climbing into the truck. "You know, you kinda changed the story a little. Usually, I am the one who gets drunk and you take care of me."
   "Well... I am not drunk," he said again. "So."
   "You can barely talk," you laugh. "But, you're not drunk."
    "I am not." You shake your head and pull up to his trailer. "Hey... When we get here?"
    "Just now... Come on," you say opening the your door and going to open his. He gets out and stumbles a little, laughing. "You're cute drunk."
"I'm cute alll the time," he said. "Do you want to come inside and lay with me?"
"Well I'm not going to stand all night," you chuckle. "But, I would love to lay with you, Sweet Pea."
"Yes," he whispers and placed a kiss on your cheek. "You're so pretty... Way prettier than anyone else in the world." You giggle and wrap your arm around his torso. "Don't laugh! This is serious!" He grabs you and turns you quickly, almost losing balance. You steady both of you. "I love you, Y/F/N. You're my princess."
"I love you too, Pea," you say softly. "I really wanna go inside. I'm cold." He nods obediently and follows you inside. "Okay... Go sit, you're clumsy and tall. That never ends well."
"Where are you going?" He asks sitting at the table. There was a weird softness in his eyes and facial features, that you've never seen before. Even when you were alone, he would still have a bit of iciness in his face and voice.
"I'm just going to the bathroom," you promise. "It's okay." He nods as you go down the hall. When you shut the door, you hear him shuffling around. "This is going to be something." You chuckle before pulling your hair back.
"Princess?" Pea shouts.
"What's wrong?" You ask coming back down the hall to the living room.
"I'm all wet," he mumbled. "I need to change."
"I know," you laugh. "It's raining outside, remember?"
"No," he shook his head. "Why were we outside?"
"Because, I went out with Fangs and you followed," you explained.
"Fangs! You know how much I love Fangs?" He asked smiling. You take your phone out, recording him. "I love him so so much... Fangs Fogarty, if you hear me... I love you man! You're my soulmate. Brother. You're my brother soulmate. And, Y/N, you're the love of my life." You laugh sliding your phone into your pocket. "I love you."
"I love you too," you say again. "Let's get in dry clothes?" He nods following you to his room. "Here is a shirt... And, here are pants." You toss his clothes at him. He slowly changes as you search for a shirt for yourself. You finally find a flannel and take off the shirt from Toni and pull the flannel on buttoning it. You pull of the shorts and fish nets throwing them on the floor with the shirt. "Do you feel better?"
"Yes," He nods. "But, I really wanna hug." You cock your eyebrows. "Please?" You nod and he comes over to you, wrapping his arms around you. His grip was tight, but comfortable. He buries his head back into your neck. You could feel his hot breath on your skin. He says something, that you can't make out and then sits on the bed. "You look super hot in my shirt... In all of my clothes actually... Especially my jacket... When you wear my jacket, it's like you are showing the whole entire world that you're mine... I love that." You nod holding back a laugh. "I want you to be mine forever."
"Pea," you laugh. "I think it's time for bed."
"No. I want to finish," he said. "I love you, Babe. I don't know if I say it enough. And, I know you are used to like being all lovey and shit in public... And, I know that I am not like that."
"That doesn't matter to me," you say. "Just like you said when, I asked if you wanted me to be like you."
"You don't have to be like me... I'm bad," he said. "I'm mean and I do things that aren't the best. You deserve someone soooooo much better than me. I am literally so lucky to have someone so sweet and loving in my life."
"You are adorable," you grab his hands. "And, you're not bad. Sometimes you're mean though." You laugh. "But, you aren't bad, love." He shakes his head. "And, I think you are so great. I don't deserve to have someone as protective as you. My father isn't even as protective as you."
"Only the best for you," he said kissing your lips. This was the most you guys have been so, relationshipy. "God, I feel like shit." He sits on his bed and falls back. You shake your head. "I'm gonna go to sleep." He climbs up and throws the blanket over him. You shake your head and go back to the kitchen, grabbing him a glass of water and Tylenol. You also send the video to Toni and Fangs before going back to the room. Your phone buzzes and you answer.
"Oh my god!" Toni laughs. "I can't believe he's that wasted!"
"Yeah," you laugh. "He's passed out now... He's so cute drunk."
"Yeah," Fangs laughed. "Can't believe he said that about me."
"I know!" You laugh and he shuffles next to you. His arms slings across your lap. "He told me how much he loved me and said I look hot in his clothes."
"God... Who knew he was so sentimental," Toni said. "Cheryl really loved it too."
"Who wouldn't?" Fangs chuckled.
"He won't tomorrow," you say. "I should go before he wakes up. I'm beat."
"Can't wait to hear what else happens," Toni smiles as you end the call and toss your phone on the bed.
You move his arm slightly and lay down. You play with his hair facing him. His breath was shallow and slow. His arm tightened around you and he laid on your chest. You smile and wrap your arms around him. Falling asleep like that.
You wake up with him still on your chest, one of your arms hanging off the bed and the other thrown around him. You were extremely hot, but didn't want to move from under him. He looked like a child when he slept. Like he was vulnerable. That wasn't Pea though. He didn't need someone to protect him, he protected everyone around him. His friends at least. He would never ask for someone to look out for him, but when he was asleep. You could see right through him. He just needed someone to be there for him, like anyone else. He needed love just like all humans do.
"Babe," you whisper, nudging him a little. "Wake up... Babe." You shake him more. He grumbled something and turns his head. His grip tightening. "Come on Pea, it's hot in here." He rolls off of you and groans. "Oh it's not that bad... Here." You hand him the glass of water and a Tylenol. "To take off the edge."
"Thanks," he sighed sitting up. "God... My head fucking hurts."
   "I think you hit it," You laugh. "You could barely walk last night." He shakes his head. "You were all over the place, both physically and emotionally."
   "What does that mean?" He asked.
   "Well, you wanted to beat up Fangs. Then, you told me you loved me. A lot. Then, you were happy and kinda touchy. Well, then Lug?" You tried to remember. "Some guy was hitting on me, so you wanted to beat him up. Then I took you here. And, you said you love Fangs so much and he's your soulmate... And, I am the love of your life." You smile teasingly.
   "Oh god," he groaned. "Seriously?!" You nod laughing. 
    "Oh baby! It's alright to have emotions. And, to want hugs," you smile wider. He rubs his face shaking his again. "And, I think that I look good in your jacket too."
   "I'm remembering now," he said. "I can't believe I was that trashed. I got jealous of fucking Fangs." You nod. "And, Fallon is a total bitch."
   "Not disagreeing," you shrug.
   "Did you take a video of me?" He asked and you shake your head biting your lip. "Don't lie." You smile a little. "Did you show anyone?" You shake your head again and slide your phone under you. "Who?" You look at the ceiling. "Alright then... Wait! Did I cry?"
   "No... But, I thought you were going to start," you say. "You said I deserve better and other bullshit."
   "I'm going to have to do some things to build my image," he sighed.
    "Oh your image is fine. I'm the only one who seen the feeling part of you," You laugh. "But, Fangs and Toni may or may not know about your soulmate rant. Cheryl too."
   "Of course," he sighed. "Is that my flannel?"
   "Yes," you shrug. "Thought I look good in your clothes?"
    "Oh you do," he smirked. "But, I think you look better with nothing."
   "I'm sure," you laugh getting on your knees and kissing him. "But, you need to rejuvenate today... I don't think that is going to help."
   "Believe me," he said looking up at you. "It so will." You shake your head kissing him again. "Please?"
   "As much as hearing you beg, makes me want to throw myself at you," you say sarcastically. "I need to shower and you need to go eat. I think you threw up a few times last night."
   "Of course I did," he shook his head.
   "I made you brush your teeth three times after each time," you say. "I'm surprised you even came back into the room."
   "I can shower with you," he suggested. "Make up for last night and the whole week."
   "Oh babe," you tsk. "You already made up for the week. I get to choose your costume and your Christmas sweater." He looked horrified. "You pinky promised. No take backs!"
   "Fine," he nodded. "Then, you make up for trying to make me jealous on purpose... I don't recall anything on your part."
   "I was gonna let you shower with me anyways," you wink, getting up. He laughs following after you, grabbing your waist and pushing you against his bathroom wall. You scream and laugh at the same time. He buries his face into the crook your neck. His lips leaving small kisses before going to your shoulder, running his teeth over your collarbone. You shutter at the contact. "We have to actually get a shower." You laugh as his hand picks at your sides. He lets you down before turning the water on.
   The room quickly fills with steam and he was already sliding his shirt off. You watch for a second. Taking in his muscular, 6'4, frame. His dark hair sitting lazily on his head, covering his forehead. He was massive in front of you. It felt like the first time you seen him, shirtless... Or naked. The memories of the beach flashing in your mind as you unbutton the flannel and let it fall to the ground. You close your eyes for a moment as his hand slips over your shoulder, his fingers tangling with the strap of your bra. In a quick motion he has it unclasped and off. His lips connected with the back of your shoulder and you lean back into him. Your bare skin meeting his. You feel his fingers slip under your underwear and pull them. You let them fall to the ground before stepping into the hot water. Letting it relax your muscles and hit your face. Soaking your hair as you step completely under it, leaning your head back. You hear him shuffling out of his pants on the other side of the curtain then the sound of the shower rings sliding on the pole. His hands meet your skin again. You turn and look at him again. He towered over you, as you pulled him closer. The water hitting his head and dripping like tears on a face. You pull him down and connect your lips with his. His tongue ran across your lip and his hands were in your hair. He tugs lightly at it, making you groan, giving him dominance. He pulls away, smiling down at you as he takes you in.
  He grabs shampoo from the ledge, pouring some into his hand. Before he massages it into your hair. You lean your head back slightly as his fingers are running through your hair. The mix of the hot water and his fingers on your scalp was almost pure bliss. He knew exactly how to make you feel amazing, doing circular motions against your scalp and then run his fingers down through the rest of your hair. Then, going back to do the same thing in different place. As he washes out the suds, you close your eyes, letting the moment be singed into your brain. Not wanting it to end. He conditioned you hair doing the same circular motions, but in the opposite direction. Then his hands were gone. You want to whine at the loss of contact, but he kisses your forehead then the tip of your nose. You grab a sponge and pour soap on it, running it across his chest and shoulders. Running it down his torso. He watched your every move, not letting his eyes leave yours. The lower you got, the more he wanted you. You ran the sponge up his legs, letting your other hand connect with his member. He threw his head back as your lips connected with the tip. The hot water turning cool on your back, leaving a sensual feeling on your spine. He braces himself on the wall as you run your tongue down him then back up.
   He lifts you, shaking his head, "Haven't got to you yet."
   "Thought this was for you," you smirk as he takes the sponge. Running it down your arms and sides. His hands ran to your shoulders and back. Then down your legs. He pushes you against the wall. You almost hit your leg against the faucet. He kissed up your thigh. You let a small moan escape your lips as his teeth graze your upper thigh and his hand holds you back. The water had now lost all of its warmth, leaving an array of sensations on your body. You could feel his warm breath getting closer to your vagina. You bite your lip slightly as his tongue goes between your slit. Sliding into your devils hole then to your button. Your eyes snap shut. He was relentless.
   He suddenly stopped and stood up. Your breathing was erratic as he kissed you. His hands under your thighs as he hoists you up. You wrap your legs and arms around him. His lips connect with your breasts. Leaving small dark purple marks across them. Your nails scratched at his back. You had one leg on the ground now, as he kissed your chest then your neck. The water was no longer hitting you, which left a chill on your body. He was saying things that you couldn't make out. Then, he slams himself into you.
  At first it was quick and lustful. As he repeated multiple profanities in your ear, and you doing the same in his. Your nails digging deep into his shoulders, as you held yourself up. His hair was sloppily flung back from his face, though some still tickled your neck. He had a tight grip on your side, sure to leave marks. You bit your lip, hard enough to taste blood in your mouth, as he slowed down. Connecting your lips together and moving one of his hands to your hair. You were barely at a use for words, like a cave person. Shouting words that didn't exists. You know now that ignorance actually is bliss. Your leg gets smashed into the faucet, scraping it. You barely noticed, as you became so close to your breaking point, which he knew. His finger played with your button pressing and circling. Teasing you, making you squirm, until finally you couldn't take it. Letting out a last ignorant phrase and releasing around him. He pulls out of you, still panting and coming all over your stomach and legs. The water quickly washing it away as you step under it.
   "God," he said. "We should do that more often."
   "We should find a safer way to," You shake your head. "Look at my leg." You gesture to the bleeding scrape. "I think you slammed my head into the wall a few times too." You laugh now, shutting the water off.
   "Sorry," He shrugs. "You bring out the inner beast."
   "Don't apologize. That was... something better than fantastic," you try to find the word. "It was a word that hasn't even been made up yet."
   "We are definitely doing that again," he smirked wrapping a towel around his waist. "Love you." He kissed your lips and placed a hand under chin.
   "I love you too," you smile at him as you fix your own towel. He opens the door, letting the cool air into the bathroom. Goosebumps rise on your skin for a moment then disappear.
   "Hey!" Fangs shouts from the door. "You guys up yet?" You groan, he always had the worst timing. "Oh! Great. Go get dressed! Toni and Cheryl are having breakfast at Thistle house."
   "Don't you knock?" Sweet Pea asked annoyed, a hand holding up his towel as you ran into his room.
   "Oh calm down. We're soulmates, remember?" Fangs laughed. "Brother Soulmates."
    "You're about to be a dead mate if you don't shut the hell up and go sit on the sofa," Pea rolled his eyes. Fangs said something that you couldn't make out now as you pulled on one of Pea's shirts then shorts you had left here. You began brushing your hair as Pea shit the door behind him. "You know... I can't wait to be with you all the time." He smirks at you, which you return.

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