Chapter 29: Twinkle

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"This is ridiculous," Sweet Pea was regretting his words. "Honestly, what is the point?"
"The point is that I want to find the right one for you," You laugh. "Oh! You can be a snake charmer!" You pull out a costume. A snake stood on the guys area and he held a wooden instrument.
"Absolutely not," he shook his head. "You can be this." He smirked and pulled a naughty nurse outfit out. You roll your eyes.
"How about we get couples costumes! Like, Wonder Woman and Superman. Even though they aren't a couple. We could be like flash. Or Cat-woman and Batman."
"You really want to be a superhero don't you?" He chuckled and placed the nurse costume back on the rack.
"I mean we could be cops." He gives you a look. "Then shut up."
"So how many times do I have to wear this costume?" He asked as he follows you to the superhero section.
"Only to Cheryl's party," you say and pull out a Batman suit. "Here." He sighs and takes it. "Don't be like that."
"This is stupid," he sighed. "Wait." He grabs a costume from the rack. "This one." He turns it showing you a black catsuit with a belt that sat on the hips. It was quite form fitting. "Definitely, this one."
"Fine," You sigh. "But, only because this one actually goes with your costume."
"This is so great," he smiled. "I'm pretty pumped now."
"Of course you are," you roll your eyes. "Let's go." He nods and follows you to the checkout counter to pay.
"Am I not allowed to be excited for the night?" He asked.
"No. You are not, because you hate things like this," you say. "You just like the outfit because it shows off stuff."
    "You're not wrong," he chuckled. "So. You know what I want to do now?"
    "What's that?" You ask as he lightly pushes you against the car.
     "Guess," he says kissing your neck.
    "Hm." You sigh and wrap your hands around him. "I think you wanna go to the mall."
    "Eh," he shrugged. "I have something else in mind."
    "You wanna go home?" You say. He nods. "And decorate for Halloween."
    "You are funny."
     "Not that funny. It needs to be done! There is a week until Halloween!" You say. "If you help get it done, you'll get a reward."
     "A reward? That sounds interesting." You laugh a little. "Let's go then."
     "You're such a child," you giggle as he gets in the car.
     "As if you aren't," he said. "You pour if you don't get your way."
     "Made for each other," you shrug and grab his hand. "So. Is there anything on Kyle?"
     "No," he said. "Veronica is trying to get in now."
     "Okay... I feel bad for putting her into this. I know it really doesn't have to do with getting her dad back in jail. And, I mean the whole thing itself is fucked," you sigh.
     "Life is fucked," he said and you nod. "But, she doesn't care. She wants this for you."
     "I know," you say looking out the window. "It's just off task."
     "Don't think about it right now," he suggested. "Think about how we are going to decorate the place with all of the cheesy decorations and how the kids will love them."
   "They will. They will also love the candy we are leaving out for them," You smile and he gives you a look. "What? We are leaving candy out for the kids. They need it."
    "They don't need it," he chuckled. "You're just too charitable. You know they are gonna keep wanting stuff. You gotta stop."
    "What fun would that be?" You ask. "Let's get this place done then." You let go of his hand and get out of the car. It doesn't take long for you to decorate everything, of course there was fake cob web all over the both you. "This is a mess. How are we going to get all of this off?" He chuckled as he grabbed a strand, pulling it off. "My hero." He rolled his eyes and placed his lips on yours.
    "Hey!" Fangs opened the door. "Your place looks oddly festive."
    "Fangs," Sweet Pea sighed. "That's what I forgot."
    "Forgot what?" You ask looking up at him.
    "Dude," Fangs gave him a look.
    "I forgot to tell you that Fangs is staying here. With Hiram taking over the South side," Sweet Pea explained. "So, Yeah."
     "I wasn't supposed to be here," Fangs rolled on his feet. "Well, now that the cat is out of the bag. Hey, roomies!"
"I don't live here," you remind him with a laugh.
"You're here enough. You might as well already be moved in," he shrugged. "Have you guys talked about that? When you're moving in, I mean."
"No," Sweet Pea said rolling his eyes.
"Oh, so I made it awkward?" Fangs sucked in a breath. "Sorry. Maybe I should come back later."
"Yeah. See you later, bye," Pea pushed him towards the door. "Go see Toni. I'm sure she needs help at the Wyrm."
"Okay. See ya later, Sis," Fangs waves at you as Pea shut the door.
"I feel bad," you say. "You told him he can stay here."
"He understands. And, if he gets a date, I will give him the place," he promised. "You aren't gonna let this go are you?"
"Probably not," you laugh. "Okay. Just kiss me again."
"Alright bossy," He laughed and placed hand under your chin. "You know, I know what would make this better."
"What's that?" You mutter. He as a childish glint behind his eyes and lift you from the ground. You scream a little as he carried you all the way to his room. He sits you on his bed and kisses you softly. You kiss him back, confused. He pulls something from his dresser and turns away. "What are you doing?" You laugh. He turns to you. You fall back, laughing hysterically. "Oh my god! When did you get those?"
"When we picked up the candy," he was slobbering slightly from the vampire fangs he had in. "This is the real me."
"I knew it," you giggle as his bites at your neck. "You're so weird!" He pulls back.
"You don't like them?" He asked, smiling. "I thought they were pretty cool. And fun."
"Those are not going anywhere near that!" You point at him. He gives you a confused look before bursting out in a laugh. "I am serious Sweet Pea."
"I didn't mean that. But, I like where your head is at," he took them out. "Let's keep it that way, huh?" He kissed your cheek then your lips. His were still slightly wet from the teeth, but you didn't mind. His fingers danced on your sides.
"Oh!" You had a realization.
"What?" He looked kinda scared.
"Fangs!" You say and he furrows his eyebrows.
"I mean, I figured we were gonna do this without him, that's why I kicked him out," Sweet Pea said.
"No, he is going as Robin!" You say laughing a little. "Oh my... I completely forgot. People are so gonna think we planned that."
"Robin?" Sweet Pea asked.
"Like Batman and Robin," you tilt your head slightly. "You are uncultured. Honestly."
"Sorry! I didn't grow up with tv," He put his hands up.
"You and Fangs are a duo. You fight crime together and there's even a joke out there that Robin and Batman... Do it," you explain.
"Oh my god," he groaned and buried his face in your neck. You laugh a little and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling you both down. "You did it on purpose."
"I did not!" You scoff. "How dare you accuse me of that!"
"You magically remember now? Okay, you liar," he mumbled and you laugh. "This isn't funny."
"It is to me," You say. "And I did actually forget. I swear on my life."
"I don't believe you," he said sitting up on his elbows. "Pinky promise." He held out a pinky and you did the same. "Fine."
The rest of the week went by fairly quickly. You were writing for the Blue and Gold again, so you found a way to keep yourself preoccupied. Veronica was still working on infiltrating her dad and finding out whatever he knows about Kyle. Sweet Pea also kept you busy, especially now that Fangs was living with him. But, you still had time when you didn't have anyone. So, for your article you decided to talk about dealing with loss. Lately, it seemed like there were people popping up dead left and right. And with the weird array of seizures coming along. It felt better to write about it. So, you could use your own story, with your brother, for this as well. It was a lot easier to write this way. And after you finished and turned it in. It was Friday, which was the day of the party and Halloween.
"Ugh," Sweet Pea groaned. "I don't want to go to this stupid party."
"Stop your whining," you say. "I would hate to have to whip you."
"I wouldn't," he smirked and you gave him a trying look. "Do it."
"You know this hurts?" You say slowly. "It's made of pleather."
"Come on. I've been hit with worse," he shrugged. "Are you almost ready?"
"Yeah, give me a second to put on my boots," you mumble sitting on the bed.
"Those aren't boots. Those are stilts in the shape of boots," he said. "You are going to fall a lot tonight."
"I know, but they go great with the outfit," you say getting up. "Besides, I know you will be there to catch me if I fall."
"Always," he smirked. "Now come on, Catwoman. We've got to find Robin!"
"He's in the living room, I hear," you giggle and follow after him. "Oh, Robin! Boy Wonder for sure!" You eye Fangs. "Make me wonder what you got under that suit, boy."
"That was an awful joke," Fangs chuckled. "But, I see that I don't have to wonder what's under yours."
"Alright. Alright, enough of this. Let's go. We are already an hour late. Cheryl will chew our heads off if we're any later," Sweet Pea pushes the two of you out the door. "She's annoying when she's annoyed."
"Funny... I think we know someone like that," Fangs faked a questioning look. "Who though?"
"You," Pea hit him. "Watch it, or you'll be out on the street with another whole in your body."
"Sounds hot," Fangs rolled his eyes. "Fine. Just trying to lighten the mood. Let's go then." He gets into the truck and you follow.
"God, this better be worth it," Sweets sighed as he started the vehicle.
Pulling up, it looked pretty full. It gave you hope that Cheryl didn't notice you were late. Of course she did though. She greeted you all with a raised eyebrow and thin lined lips. A scold that was colder than the North Pole.
"You're late," she said. "The party has already begun."
"Really? I thought all these people just live here," You laugh. "Sorry. Not funny. And sorry we're late. Had a wardrobe malfunction." You lie.
"Well look at the three amigos," Toni laughed as she approached. "I see you went as a throuple."
"This was entirely unintentional," you say. "And if anything, Fangs is just a kid."
"I am digging the costume," Fangs said looking at Toni. "What are you?"
"We are Shego and Kim Possible, duh," Cheryl said.
"Ah... You see, I thought you were a gremlin. Would've been a much better match," Fangs smirked at Toni. "Great choice though." He walked away before she could retaliate.
"You look great. I never thought I'd see you in a couples costume," Toni said.
"I didn't think I would see Y/N in a couples costume ever again after what happened with Reggie," Cheryl laughed.
"What happened with Reggie?" Pea asked.
"Oh.. Way back when, Reggie and Y/N wanted to go as those twins from Pokémon," Cheryl laughed. "But, they had entirely different ideas. And Reggie blew her off and went as something completely different."
"That was over ten years ago," you remind her. "But, thank you for the reminder."
"No problem," she smiled. "Take care of her. The place is crawling with pigs. I'm sure they would love to ravish her."
    "Don't worry," Sweet Pea chuckled. "I don't think any guy will be coming near her tonight."
     "Why not?" The three of you look at him.
     "Because I've marked what's mine," he shrugged and pointed at you.
      "How?" You ask.
      "He put a snake on your belt," Cheryl said eyeing your hips. "Clever. But, I don't think that's gonna help. She's still hot."
      "Oh believe me," Toni said. "It comes with a guard dog."
      "Yeah it does," he smiled contently. "Come on." He grabbed your hand pulling you to the drinks. "Here."
     "I can't believe you put a snake on my belt," you take the cup. "When?"
     "Batman needs to stay mysterious doesn't he?" You roll your eyes and take a sip of the sweet drink. Of course it was maple. "I think Batman deserves a kiss."
    "Oh does he?" You giggle and wrap your hands around his neck. It was the first time that you didn't have to make yourself taller to reach him comfortably. "I thought you didn't like superhero's and this?"
"Getting in character." You shook your head and he kissed you lightly. "You know, you look damn good in that."
"I know," you shrug, he kissed you again. "Fangs!"
"God damnit," Sweet Pea groaned.
"Love you to man," Fangs chuckled. "But, I just found out that Kevin and Moose broke up like a week ago!"
"Great?" You give him a confused look.
"Yes! He is looking for someone to console him! Who better than the best listener out there," he pointed at himself. "Me!"
"Well I guess that is a way of thinking," Sweet Pea said.
"Okay... I'm so getting him into bed tonight," Fangs was hyping himself up.
"No. Because as soon as you get close. I am going to get in there and ruin it. It will never happen," Sweet Pea said.
"Okay... Don't do anything stupid, is what he means. You know post breaks up people aren't the best for relationships. You could get hurt," You say. "And, don't hurt Kev."
"Never intentionally," Fangs said. "Okay... Do you think I'm good?"
"Oh yeah," you nod. "Spot on!"
"Yes, because sidekicks always get the guy," Pea said and you hit him. "You know what I mean. You look fine. Go get him tiger."
"I know you're being fake, but thanks for the support," Fangs smiled. "I'm gonna go find him."
"Yeah, you do that," Pea smiled fakely. "Don't mess it up!"
"Wish me luck," Fangs smirked.
"Good luck!" Toni shouts as she comes over.
"Thanks," Fangs groaned.
"He's going to try and hit on Kevin," you explain. "Be the rebound."
"Oh no," Toni shook her head. "These drinks are like really good... Like, Cheryl is the best at everything." You bite back a laugh.
"Where is Cheryl?" Pea asked.
"Over there," Toni sighed. "Isn't she perfect?" Tears well in the girls eyes and you bury your face in Pea's shoulder, to hide your face and laugh. "God.. I just love her so much."
"I know," Sweet Pea nods. "Go tell her. She probably needs to hear it."
"Please... She knows she's perfect. How could she not?" Toni said. "Does she not know?"
"Cheryl!" She calls and you cannot contain your laughter. "Cheryl Blossom, you are literally so perfect. I love you so much!"
"God," you cry laughing. "She's so drunk."
"She's more than drunk," Sweets chuckled. "Shes wasted. I feel bad for Cheryl tonight."
"Oh... I wouldn't. Cher is just as drunk," you point at the two girls. "I haven't seen her this drunk since we were kids."
"Kids?" He looked surprised.
"Yes. Even northsiders get drunk when they're young," you joke. "Have you met her parents? I'm surprised her mother didn't try to poison us with her plants."
"Alright," he laughed. "I think Fangs wants us." You look over to see Kevin and Fangs motioning for you to come over. You wonder why, but you notice he's at the table.
"Oh god," you sigh and follow him over to the other boys.
"So, Y/N is reigning champ," Fangs said. "I wanna play her."
"I need more drinks for this," You say. "I'm not all that great sober."
"Fine. But, I want Sweet Pea on my team," Fangs called. He gave his friend a look. "Think you can beat your boo?"
"I know I can," You chuckle. "Who's my team mate? Do I get to choose?"
"Of course," Fangs said. "Not Kevin though. I need him as my support."
"Okay," you roll your eyes and spot Reggie. He and you were golden. "I want Reggie."
"Alright," Fangs laughed. "Get him over here then."
"Reg!" You call. "These guys think they can beat us at a game of beer pong, let's show them a real game!"
He shook his head laughing, "I'm game. Can't wait to beat your ass Sweet Pea."
"In your dreams, bulldog," Pea shook his head chuckling.
"Oh shit," Kevin muttered. "This is a real showdown."
"Let's make it interesting," you say with an eyebrow raised. "Let's say that whoever loses has to drink a mixture of the other teams choosing drinks. A whole cup too."
"Good thing we're not losing then," Fangs said.
"I need like four drinks," you say and Kevin gets them for you. You thank him and down them rather quickly. "Alright, get ready to lose boys." You kiss Pea's cheek. "I hope you aren't a sore loser."
"I know you are," He smirked.
"Alright get to your side," Fangs shooed. "Go then." You laugh and meet Reggie.
"Guys!" You hear from a sideliner. "Y/N and Reggie are playing pong!"
"Wanna back down?" Reggie asked.
"Just get your fucking cups ready," Sweet Pea said. You roll your eyes and help set up the triangle of cups.
"You ever see them play?" Reggie asked lowly next to you. You shake your head. "Okay... I guess this should be interesting."
"We got this," You say. "Fangs is drunk off his ass. He's uncoordinated as is. He's also trying to show off to Kevin, so odds are that he's not fully paying attention. Sweet Pea... The more drunk he gets the more uncoordinated he gets. Like a big noodle."
"Alright. So all we have to do is get what.. Four drinks?" He eyed you and you nod. "Okay. Let's do it then. We got this, babe." He said that part louder than the rest, knowing it would get under Pea's skin. He hated when Reggie called you that.
"Serpents Versus Bulldogs!" Someone shouted giving the four of you an audience. You close your eyes for a second and eye the two boys. Fangs had eye contact with Kevin flirting, which was great for you and Reggie.
Glamorous started to play through the speakers, as the alcohol began to hit your system. The song had you very pumped as you tossed your first ball. Of course it lands right in, and feeling extra pretentious, you curtesy. Reggie throws his and it lands in and he bows with you. Pea just laughs grabbing the cups. He takes one and hands the other to Fangs and they both drink. Fangs misses his first but, Sweet Pea makes it. You take the drink and shrug. The game goes like that for a while. You and Reggie had them down to four and they had you at five. As you sink another, the crowd begins betting on who is going to win.
"Drink up, babe," you smile and wave a hand towards Pea.
"Smack talk? Really, dirty are we?" He chuckled grabbing the cup. "Alright."
"Not dirty... Just making things interesting," you shrug. "Shoot." He bounces it and it spins around the cup and sinks.
"Drink up, Princess," he smirked and winked.
"Okay," You take the cup drinking it. "Fogarty, you're up."
"Alright... I got this," he said. "Blow." He holds the ball up to Kevin who laughs, but does it. "I got this." He bounces it and it actually sinks this time. "Oh shit!" He high fives Sweet Pea.
"You realize that we have two cups left?" Reggie chuckled. "We got this in the bag."
"Don't be so cocky," Toni shouts. "But, go you guys." You laugh and shake your head grabbing the ball. You steadied your hand, ignoring the spinning feeling in your head. You close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath.
"You good?" Reggie whispered in your ear. "Y/N?"
"What's wrong with her?" Cheryl asked coming through the crowd getting the attention of the other boys. "Y/N/N?"
"I'm fine," You shoo their attention. You felt like your stomach was going to drop. Your heart was beating erratically. It was like an anxiety attack. You felt Reggie's hand on your back. Then you don't remember how, but you were not at the party anymore. You were in a bright white room, that was oddly familiar.
"She's come through," you heard Cheryl say.
"God," Sweet Pea sighed in relief. "Are you alright?"
"What happened?" You ask sitting up.
"You had a seizure," Sweet Pea explained and you gave him a confused look. Not understanding. "You're in Riverdale General."
"I did?"
"Yeah," Cheryl nods. "Your parents are on their way, Y/N/N. How do you feel?"
"Like I hit my head," You say with a laugh to lighten the mood. "Do we know why?" They shake their heads.
"You scared the hell out of us," Fangs sighed. "We have to figure out what is causing everyone to have seizures."
"We will," Toni said. "I think we need to slow down for now though. It's for the better."
"I agree," Pea said.
"No," you say. "We have to get Hiram out. I feel fine!"
"This could've been worse, Y/N!" Pea shouts and you flinch back. "I'm sorry... But, what if you were alone? You could've hit your head off something. You could've died."
"He's right, babe," Reggie said from the corner of the room. "I had caught you. It could've been a lot worse." You didn't know what to say. You were confused to say the least. You figured it had to do something with Hiram. But, how could you prove that?
"We just want you to get better, sis," Fangs laid a hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah. We love you," Toni said.
"I love you guys too," you say softly. "I just wanna know what's going on. I'm sorry for scaring you."
"Stop apologizing for things you can't control," Cheryl said. "We've talked about this."
"Alright," You sigh. "Oh god... My parents are going to rheum me."
"You just have a seizure and this is what you are worried about. Your parents yelling at you for drinking and Hiram Lodge," Pea chuckled and shakes his head. "You are something."
"You love me though," you look up at him and he nods taking your hand. "I hope I can get out of here soon. I really hate this place."
"Probably tomorrow," he murmured as he kissed your forehead. "Doctors want to check you out."
"Well they can do that when I walk out," you say and he shakes his head. "I mean, I know I'm hot, but those guys are old. It's weird."
"Stop," he chuckled as your parents came in.
"What happened? Are you alright?" Your mother says grabbing your face. "Where were you?"
"Cheryl's," you say. "I'm okay, mom."
"Gosh. How long have you been up?" She asks. "Have the doctors said anything?" You shake your head. "I hate this place."
"Me too," you sigh. "I just got up. I didn't know. They told me."
"Thank you for calling and bringing her here." Your father says. "I'm glad you're alright. And, I know this is hard, but your mother and I have to go to Vermont in the morning. For business. I see you have your friends to take care of you."
"You're leaving?" You ask. "Why is this so sudden?"
"Drop in some bullshit. We will be back by November seventeenth," you dad says looking at his phone. He never was really the compassionate one. "Before you get out of school for thanksgiving break. You know, beautiful people; beautiful problems." You nod. "Let's get the doctor in here."
"Your dad is something," Pea said as your parents went to find a doctor.
"Oh a bundle of joy," you sigh. "Can't wait to go home to a empty house."
"Stay with us," Pea said. "It's not like you don't already. Fangs won't mind. Right?"
"See stay. Please," Pea gave you big eyes. "Come on Princess."
"Fine," you say. "Since I have nothing better to do. You're too good for me."
"Only the best for my princess," he said.
"Gag," Cheryl said. "You guys are weird. But, if you have kids. They will probably be spoiled rotten like their favorite aunt."
"You're an aunt?" Fangs asked. "Well if she gets aunt, I want uncle. Ooh! I call godfather!"
"No fair!" Reggie said.
"I want godmother," Betty said coming in with Jughead.
"We don't even have kids," you remind them.
"Yeah, slow down," Pea said.
"How are you feeling?" Betty sat on your other side.
"Okay. You guys didn't have to come. I know you were out for your anniversary," you said.
"Of course we did," Jughead said smiling. "You're our friend and you are incredibly funny in hospitals." Betty rolls her eyes. "Kidding. But, we are here for you. And, Betty went through this too."
"Yeah. We can help through anything," Betty said. "And, we can keep working on the 'case', as Jug calls it, while you are resting."
"Will you?" You say. "That would be great. Hiram has to have something going on with it."
"Okay that's enough of that talk for now," Fangs said as he motioned his head to the entering doctor.
"Alright... So, we did some tests and nothing seems off other than your blood alcohol count... It was probably a one time thing, but we want to keep you overnight for observation," the doctor said. "We want to make sure we didn't miss anything. I also want to make sure that you know that you can only have one overnight guest. So, the rest of these guys will have to leave." You nod.
"I'm staying," Fangs said and Pea gave him a dirty look. "God. I was only joking. Calm down, she's not dying."
"Really?" Jughead and Reggie look at him.
"Sorry. I should go... Kevin has been blowing me up asking about you and I'm too drunk for this," Fangs mumbled. "I will see you tomorrow."
"He's going to have sex your bed," Toni laughed. "Good luck. We will be here in the morning with clothes and stuff." Cheryl kisses your cheek and rubs her hand on chin.
"Bye," You say. "You guys are great." Soon it was just you and Sweet Pea. "You should at least hit the Walmart for clothes. You look ridiculous in your Batman costume."
"Yeah," he looked down at himself. "I am going to go down the hall to the gift shop. Try to sleep." He kissed your forehead before leaving the room. You lay there for a while staring at the ceiling. You were putting together pieces of the night and seizures.
"You got yourself a nice guy," someone said from the door. "A real hero. I'm happy for you, Twinkle. He seems great."
"Kyle?" You look to the door. The nickname threw you off. "Is that you?"
"Anyone else?" He laughed. "You know, you grew up beautifully. No thanks to mother and father dearest."
"Well they kinda became distant after your death. Or whatever, since you are here," you say. "What are you doing here?"
"My little sister is in the hospital, why else would I be here?" He asked. "I wanted to make sure you were okay. And to tell you to stop looking into Hiram Lodge, he's a bad man, Twinkle."
"I know," you say, looking him in his eyes. The one thing that hadn't changed. "Which is why I can't stop. I will not let him ruin this town and my friends."
"Stubborn as always." He shook his head. "Suppose that's why you're with a Serpent, didn't listen to those pesky northsiders. You are in over your head. Hiram is more than bad. He is not afraid of putting you down. Please, baby sister, do not get in his way. Take your boyfriend and leave. Go to Greendale or Centerville. Leave the state! Please."
"You know I can't, Kyle," you sigh. "Not until I know there is nothing I can do. You taught me that."
"I know," he sighed. "I can't believe that you have grown to be this independent, head strong girl. I'm sorry for leaving you."
"Why did you?" You ask getting up. "Why did you leave me with them? Why did you fake your death? That was the hardest thing that I've ever been through! And, I just had a god damn seizure. I don't even know if this is real. I have been beaten a lot lately too... But, losing the closest person in my life, that was the hardest."
"I know," he sighed again. "It wasn't easy. I was merely eighteen and I had to go through that. I didn't leave though. I've been here. I watch you at your games. I watched you grow up from a shy little girl to who you are now. I was there when you kissed Reggie at that football game, for the first time. I never left you."
"There is a difference between being there physically and emotionally," you say. "Why?"
"I can't tell you," he said. "It would only get you hurt."
"Why didn't you let me know you were there?" You ask. "Even recently? Why now?"
"You never got hurt like this," he said. "You're clumsy, but you've never been like this."
"So are you just going to disappear again?" You ask standing in front of him. "Are you going to leave again?"
"I'm always here, sister," he sounded oddly robotic and strained. "I can't talk to you for long, not here at least. But, I love you. Don't hate me. Just know that it was for the better, one day, you will know and understand. I promise. Be careful." He kissed your forehead. "Please." He wraps his arms around you, somehow he smelt like you remembered. Then he pulled away and walked out of the room. You run to the door and watch him round a corner and disappear.
"What are you doing?" Sweet Pea scared you.
"Nothing," You say shaking your head. "You found clothes."
"Yeah," he nods. "Get back in bed." You nod and go sit in bed turning the tv on. "What's wrong?"
    "I don't even know how to explain it," You shake your head. "But, Kyle is not dead."

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