Chapter 16: Reconcile

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There were loads of things you needed to get done this week. After helping Veronica amp up her speakeasy for the last week, you were slightly behind on some of your assignments. Including one for the Blue and Gold that you promised Betty would be done in two days. You decided to venture into your own life and talk about what being drunk does to your body and mind. You talk about the dangers of sexual assault and being incapable of stopping it. You talk about the vulnerability. And, how it can even cause you to have flashbacks of traumatic events. You urge everyone to take care of each other. You even let the slogan 'If you see something. Say something' slip in there a few times. You hand it into Betty proud of the work.
"What's that face?" Pea asked as you approach Toni and him. "Did you get all your work done?"
"Almost. I just turned in my article for the Blue and Gold! I think it's my best work yet," you say proudly. "I can't wait to hear what Betty and Jug have to say about it."
"Congratulations," Toni smiled and snapped a picture. "For your bio."
"What did you write about?" Pea asked. "A certain attractive individual?"
"Fangs?" You joke and his face falls a little. "Kidding. And no. I actually talked about alcohol and what it does to people." You begin to explain. "You know the dangers." They both nod. "Do you think I shouldn't have? Oh god, was that a bad idea?"
"No! It was a great idea," Toni calmed you. "A lot of people are disgusting drunks. I think about six guys grabbed my ass at Reggie's party on Saturday."
"I barely remember that party," You laugh. "Just dancing and then seeing Chuck."
"We know," Pea chuckled. "For the last three days you've been coming up to us, asking if you actually did things that people were telling you."
"Sorry... Just piecing together information," You laugh. "By the way, did Reggie and I grind backwards? Like his ass on me?"
"Oh yeah," Pea nodded. "You definitely did that."
"Sorry. God I'm never drinking again," you rub your eyes. "I think I need to apologize to Reg too."
"I think I tried breaking into his room," You laugh. "And my shoes..." You search the hall for Reggie. You haven't seen him since the party. You venture to the locker room, not quite caring if anyone was in there. "Reggie?" You stop right before walking completely in.
"Y/N?" You heard confusion in his voice and shuffling. He came around the corner. "What the hell are you doing in here? This is the boys locker room."
"I know," you said. "I just wanted to see if I could talk to you." You finally take a look at him. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair was soaked. "But, I see you're busy. I'll come back."
"We can talk... Just wait," he sighed. You nod and lean against the brick wall. "Outside." You nod and sit outside the door. It doesn't take him long to put clothes on. "Okay. What do you want?"
"Well, I haven't seen you since the party. I wanted to apologize for anything I may have done. Like, maybe trying to break into your room? Does that sound right?" You try to remember correctly. "And, I believe I left my shoes there. So, if those caused any trouble. I'm also sorry about that."
He laughed leaning his head back a little, "This is why you wanted to talk. God! I thought you were gonna ask me to do something! Like a prison break or something. I don't care that you left your shoes at my house. And, you did try to get into my room, but gave up when the door was locked. Sweet Pea and I found you leaned against it. Passed out. You should be making it up to your boyfriend. You were a handful and a half. You danced with me all night, so, he went outside. You told him and his best friend that you loved them. Then, when he tries to get you to go home, you run away. And he couldn't find you for half an hour. He also carried your drunk ass home. That's as far as I know, but if he stayed all night with you. You have some serious making up to do."
"He carried me home?" You ask a little confused. "Oh my god. I'm an awful girlfriend." You rub your face then run your finger through your hair. "What am I gonna do?"
"That's all on you," Reggie leaned on the locker room door. "Next time you need to apologize. Find me in the shower or wait until you see me in class." You tilt your head slightly and give him a look making him laugh.
"Toni!" You pull her into the girls locker room as she passes you in the hall. She loses her balance for a moment. "I need your help! Okay, I am an awful girlfriend. Pea took care of me all night. I didn't even go with him outside. And he only went outside because I wasn't spending time with him. Then I danced with Reggie for god knows how long. I ran away from him. And he couldn't find me. Then he did and carried me home. What am I gonna do to make this up to him? How do I?"
"Calm down... If Sweet Pea really cared about all of that. You would know. He hasn't said anything to me about it either," she set a hand on your shoulder and sat you down. "Sweets is a one of a kind guy though. So, if you wanna make it up to him, I suggest doing it at the Whyte Wyrm. He's a master pool player. Don't let anyone in that place talk you into get up on the stage though." She had a hardness in her voice you never heard before. "I mean it. I don't care if it's Sweet Pea. Do not get on that stage and do the dance. It's degrading and way to soon for you to be jumping into this."
"Stage?" You look confused. "What dance?"
"I'm sure you know the four tests that the men go through to actually become Serpents. Well, women do not partake in the extreme tests. The women do a dance. Well, more like a show. The women will get in front of the other members strip herself of her clothes and do the Serpent dance on a pole. So, no matter what, do not get up there. You know what. I'm going to be there. So is Cheryl. We will keep an eye on you. Jughead won't let anything go on either. After Betty did hers... I am pretty sure he wants to take the whole dance away," Toni sighed.
"Betty did a striptease?!" You widen your eyes in horror and in utter surprise. "When? Was it good? Did she take a pole dancing class beforehand?"
"I honestly don't know what she did. But, I know she looked pretty damm good up there," Toni smiled. "That doesn't mean anything though. You and Pea have only been going out a few months."
"Calm down T. I was not thinking of doing it anyways. Honestly, I don't think I would be able to do that," you looked at your feet. "Not unless you got me like super drunk. Like worse then that party with Fangs, drunk."
"I think... I am going to need your help with a different surprise though," you look up at her. "Do you think I can borrow your key to Pea's place?"
"I want to leave him a gift," you smile. "Please. I'm obviously not gonna do anything to hurt him." She grabbed her key chain and took off a key, handing it to you. It had a little piece of tape on it that said 'Sweet Pea'. You thank her before quickly leaving. You left school and went shopping. You grabbed the cheesiest stuffed animal and a robe. Then, you stopped at your own place grabbing a few things to throw in your car.
You pull up to Pea's trailer turning your car off. You've never been here without him or Toni. So, you were a bit nervous. What if someone sees you. You look at yourself in your rear view mirror for a while. Take a deep breath. Then got out unlocking the door and carrying all of your stuff into his room. You locked his front door before setting everything up.
You've been laying in his bed for a bit before you hear the front door handle jiggle slightly. "Y/N?"
"Back here," you call sitting up. You hear the stomp of his feet as he slides his boots off. Then the sound of the door shutting behind him.
"How did you get in here?" He asks from the hall, then he opens the door. "What's this?"
"Well... You always call me princess, right? So, I went to the store got a pink robe. Then I stopped at my house to get this tiara I used to wear in ballet. So I'm a princess. But, I screwed up," you explain. "I over stepped my role as princess and was awful. So, I am apologizing."
"I was awful. I didn't even really acknowledge you at Reggie's party and you carried me home, which you didn't tell me about, but that's besides the point," you talk quicker than usual as you get more nervous. "And you took care of me all night."
"You are apologizing because I took care of you?" He laughed. "You don't have to do that. It's kinda my duty as a boyfriend, Y/N."
"Well I begged you to go to this party and then drank more then I should have, when I know I promised you I wouldn't. And I ran away from you? You did not tell me that either. You couldn't find me for almost an hour," you say looking up at him. "So I got you this cheesy stuffed bear." You held it up and he read the little heart. "And, I am relinquishing my crown."
"You can't give up your crown," he laughed, throwing the bear on to his bed and putting the old tiara back on your head. "You're my princess. But, I will keep the bear... I love you beary much too." You laugh. "Fangs told you to go dance with Reggie anyways. So, if I were mad. Which I am not. I was. But I got over it. I would be mad at Fangs."
"Please. You can't stay mad at him. He could tear your bike apart and tell you it was on purpose. You would hug and be like 'it's okay bruh. Now I can finally learn to build a motorcycle'. Or something just as dumb," you roll your eyes scoffing at him.
"You can't fight the love of brothers," he kissed your forehead. "But, while we are on the subject of things I didn't tell you about that night, I have to ask you something." Questions like these scare you. You hate when people ask if they can ask you a question. Or anything like that. You didn't like the anticipation of waiting to know if the question is good or something bad will happen. "When we were at Reggie's before I brought you home, you asked me if I missed having more than one girl at a time. Is that something that you think of a lot?" You look at your feet now, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
"I mean, I think of it sometimes," you shrug. "Just... I know you used to be with a lot of girls before me and you were this like bachelor... I guess. Like, I think more of me stopping you from like doing things you like or whatever."
"You don't stop me from doing anything," he pulled your chin up. "I do not miss the girls. I don't miss any of my life before you, really. I love you more than I have loved anything in my life. Maybe even Fangs." You shake your head trying to stifle a laugh. "You bring out the better side of me. I don't get as angry anymore. I'm happy."
"I'm telling Fangs you said that," you smile up at him before kissing him softly. "He's gonna be crushed." He laughed leaning his forehead into yours. "You know, you make me a better person too. I was so shy and awkward before. I never talked to anyone other than Cheryl, Betty, Archie, and Reggie. And, I'm glad that I made friends with Toni and Fangs. They're so fucking great. I can't even imagine not being friends with them anymore. And, I wouldn't have them, without you."
   You lace your fingers together and smile small as you close your eyes. Your heads still leaned into each other's. You take in his feel, his scent, and the way you could feel his pulse in your hand. The way his hair tickled the top of your nose. The heat that his body naturally radiated. His calloused fingers and his rings.
    "Oh! Am I interrupting something?" Toni asked from the door way. "Why are you wearing a tiara?You know what... I don't want to know. I'll go."
    "T... Wait," you giggle. "You aren't interrupting anything. What's up?"
     "Maybe you weren't interrupting anything for her. But you're always interrupting my life," Pea looked at her.
     "I was just gonna tell you that Jughead needs us in the pit," she looked at Pea then to you. "Serpent stuff..." You nod before getting up and kissing Pea softly on the cheek. You give a small goodbye to Toni before going to your car. On your way home, you see Reggie in his yard. It was raining out, so you were slightly confused on what he was doing. You park in your own driveway before walking to his house.
    "Hey, Reg," you approach slowly. "What are you doing in the rain?"
    "Working," he said, not looking at you. "What are you doing here?"
    "I saw you out here in the rain... Reg," you step closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Look at me..." He looked up at you. "Why are you really out here? I've never seen you work on anything in your yard or anywhere really."
    "I just needed to get out of the house. You know it gets lonely in there," he chuckled. "My parents have been gone for a month now. Moose was staying with me, but."
   "So you are working in the rain?" You laugh. "Why didn't you go to Pops or call Josie or anyone?"
    "I didn't want to intrude. What are you doing home? Shouldn't you be out with your boyfriend?" He threw his rake on the ground. "Or with Betty working on a Blue and Gold article?"
    "I finished my article today," you said. "And, Sweet Pea is busy with Serpent business... I do things apart from him you know."
    "You wanna come inside? You are getting soaked," he offered. You accept his offer and follow him into the house. "I have your shoes in my room."
    "Okay... You know, I love your house. It's always so clean and crisp... Its chic," you say looking around. "Your mom is a great decorator."
    "You should see her, when they get home. She misses you," he said handing you a water bottle. "Since you basically only drink water and alcohol." He laughed a little.
    "Your mom misses me?" You sit with him at his dining room table. "Really?"
    "Yeah... She says she misses talking to you," he laughed again. "I thought the only thing you guys talked about was cooking and reading."
    "That is pretty much it... We talked about you too," you shrug. "I thought she was just making small talk." It was his turn to shrug.
     "She put up this picture of us," he got up and pointed to a picture of the two of you at homecoming freshman year. You were in a short two piece blue dress. Your hair was short then, it curled making you look like you lived in the 1920's.
    "Oh god. Look how young we were," you gasp. "You were so small!"
     "Me? I forgot how short you were," he pointed. "You wore heels all the time to make yourself appear taller."
      "Shut up! At least I didn't try to get with my teacher like Archie," you thought back. "Or throw up on the dance floor!"
     "Hey! That was eighth grade! And, you know that I got food poisoning from the cafeteria lunch that day," he laughed looking at you. "Life was easier then. You know, I thought then, that we would always be friends. Best friends. I didn't think about dating you or anything. I just wanted to stay friends with you."
    "We are still friends..."
    "Not like we used to be." You look up at him. "Do you think we could be friends like that again?"
     "I do..." You nod. "Just leave the puking for yourself. I don't want your lunch on my shoes again." He laughs. "But, I would really love to be friends with you. Like we were."
    "Good. Now, I can make fun of you for the way you had passed out at the party," he said. "You were all sprawled against the door. Drooling! And you had your head leaning the opposite way of the trim. One leg was pointed this way while the other was pointed the other. But only at the knees. Your legs were sort of crossed too." You try to fathom how you would get in that position, but couldn't. "Then when Sweet Pea and I tried waking you up, you growled sort of."
    "I growled?" You covers your mouth laughing. "Oh god."
     "Oh yeah," he bit his lip. "I think that was the first time he and I laughed together."
     "Thanks for helping him," you said. "I can't believe I did get the key... I know you keep yours above the door."
     "I'm glad you didn't. I would have to wash my pillow from all your drool." You hit him. "Seriously. It was like a puddle." He made a gesture to show how big the puddle was. You blush and hold your hands to your face. "I'm just glad that Sweet Pea had the guts to pick you up and carry you. You were a mess. I thought you would end up puking."
     "I didn't... Thank god for that too!" The two of you easily lose track of time and before you know it, it's almost ten o'clock. You look at your phone surprised.  You were surprised that Pea hadn't tried to message. "I think I'm gonna head home... I'll see you at school tomorrow. And don't you dare tell anyone about that party." He laughed and showed you out. "Bye Reg." You start your walk home. The sky was full of clouds still. You sigh and pray that you don't get wet again. You carry your heels in your hand and hold tightly onto your phone. You swear you see someone in black across the street, but when you look again there was no one. You quicken your pace a little. Riverdale was the home of many things that didn't involve 'pep'. Most of those things involving crazy killers. That turn out to be parents. Like Mr Blossom. You think of the death of Jason Blossom. You knew him as Cheryl's twin brother Jj. He was always nice to you. When he died, you were both shocked and incredibly upset. You didn't understand how someone could kill him, he was a great guy. Then Betty and her friends out that it was his own father, Clifford Blossom. Now there was a serial killer who called himself the black hood out there. You see your porch light and sigh in relief. The fear of the black hood coming at you was overwhelming. You open your door and lock it behind you. You go to your parents room telling them that you were home then go to your room. You were probably just tired and being paranoid, but you see the man in black again across the street. Barely lit by the street lamp. You blink and he was gone again. You close your eyes telling yourself you were tired. You changed into pajamas and kept your lamp on your desk on as you laid in bed. It takes a while for you to fall asleep. Your anxiety getting the best of you. But, finally you do.

Sweet for You (Sweet Pea Imagine) (Riverdale) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن