Chapter 1: The snakes are coming

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You were sitting in the student lounge with your friends Betty, Veronica, and Reggie. The talk of today was about how Southside High was being shut down and some of the serpents were coming to Riverdale High. Much of the school was pissed. You were kinda scared. Other than Jughead, you've never met a Serpent. You've only heard stories. They were fighters and always apart of some crime. Reggie was in the middle of a rant when the announcement rang over the intercom.
"Attention Students and Faculty, today the transfer students of Southside High will be joining us. I will not tolerate any foul play."
"God. I can't believe this!" Reggie shouted. "These gang criminals are getting let into our school. This is bulldog territory. Not Serpent territory."
"God Reggie, could you be anymore 1950's? Segregation is illegal," Veronica said crossing her arms. "I think that this will be enlightening, right? Y/N?"
"Maybe," you shrugged. Reggie looked at you with so much betrayal. "You never know until they actually get here. Maybe something good can come out of it. Or we will all be beaten. But I'm really hoping for the first option."
"Nothing bad will happen, B, help me out," Veronica sighed looking towards her partner in crime.
"Veronica is right. The serpents aren't all that bad. They are actually pretty cool," Betty chimed in. "Give it a chance."
"I expect good behavior from all of you," Veronica said sternly eyeing Mantle. You chuckled.
"They're here," Archie came in to the lounge. And we all followed Veronica into the hall. They came in a crowd of black leather. Tattoos showing on most of them. You bit your lip furiously. You noticed Jug leading the pack with a small girl with pink hair and two boys. One tan and the other not as tan. Both with raven colored hair. You pulled your sleeves over your hands. It was like a movie they moved in slow motion almost. They were fierce. And scary as hell. Veronica introduces herself quickly and welcomes them all. They didn't seem to care much of anything she saying. As she finished her introduction she handed out schedules to the new students.
"Y/N are you alright?" Betty asked eyeing you. "You look pale."
"Yeah... Just didn't get anything for breakfast is all," You reassured her with a smile. She smiled back at you and held your arm. "Thanks Betts."
As students dispersed many of the football players were giving angry glares and saying crude comments as they walked by. You felt bad for them. They did not seem to mind though. 'This will all be over here soon' you think to yourself.
It wasn't over a month later. The serpents were not allowed to wear their leather jackets or show off their tattoos anymore because people vandalized the school. You noticed that one of the dark hair boys were not in school. You heard that it's because he refused to wear the polos. You laughed at that. Principle Weatherbee even threatened to kick them out of the school. Which you thought was completely ridiculous.
"Arch, why'd you call us here?" Jug asked.
"We are going to need a whole bunch of jackets Jug. We are going to revolt. No more," Archie explained. "We stand together. The whole school."
"I like your thinking, Archiekins," Veronica smiled at her beau.
"This is a good idea, but what if no one does it?" You asked. "What if only we do it and we get expelled?"
"We won't. I believe in the school," Archie said.
"And I find that I can be very convincing," Cheryl smiled. Toni smiled at her. You were very confused when they became so close. One day Cheryl disappears and then comes back and she's all over the Serpent girl.
You locked eyes with a guy who you believe is named Sweety Pie or something. His stare is hard and cold. You get chills that run up your spine. You quickly look away.
"So are you all in?" Archie asked.
"Of course," Betty said.
"The pussycats are in too," Josie agreed.
"Well I'm not backing down," You gave a small smile. You looked back at the boy and he had an eyebrow risen. You shyly looked back down at your hands. His brown eyes pierced your brain.
"Thanks guys," Jug hugged Archie in a weird bro hug thing. "Let's get these jackets then."
The next morning you met Archie, Veronica, Betty, Jughead, Cheryl, Toni, and two of the Serpent boys at the school. "Where is my jacket then? I didn't wear one because I knew I'd have one. I'm freezing."
"Here. I think this one will fit just fine," Sweety pie grabbed one and helped you put it on you. You bit your lip as his hands grazed your shoulder and neck.
"Thanks," you smiled gratefully and embraced the warmth. You felt eyes burning into you. Betty was smiling in your direction with her eyebrow raised. You have her a confused look back then looked at the awaiting school. "So are we all going to doors and handing out jackets or?"
"Um yeah," Archie nodded. "Here. Take some and just pass them out. We stand together."
"I'll get the bus entrance and I think Y/N should come with," Betty said. "Come on. I'll see you later Jug." She kissed him lightly and pulled you away. "So, you have a thing for sweet pea?"
"That's his name? Oh my gosh. I though his name is Sweety Pie!" You were so embarrassed. "I've been calling him that mentally."
"Sweety Pie? That's hilarious," Toni piped in. "I can't wait to tell him."
"No!" You were startled by her appearance. "You can't."
"Why it's hilarious?" She laughed. "I'm so going to make fun of him."
"Please don't," you begged. "It's so embarrassing." She nodded. "What's going on?"
"Came to help. A lot of kids come this way. Why are you talking about Sweet Pea anyways?" Her pink hair twirled in the wind.
"No reason," Betty shrugged. "Just that Y/N called him Sweety Pie." Toni laughed.

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