Billionaires New Wife

By TMSaunders

196K 4.9K 118

Nate's father wanted him to take over the family business. Nate had other ideas and enlisted in the Army at 1... More

Nate And Jayla
Night of the funeral
A night to remember
Losing myself to him
The company party
Love hurts
Business Trip
To Far
My Sexy Wife
It Feels Like Love
Tempers Rise
Lets Try Again
End Of The Trip
Four years past
Taking the shot
Flying home
Let's Just Do The Mission
What happened
Taking A Chance
Family First
Office Party

Years Pass So Quickly

5.1K 168 3
By TMSaunders

Jayla was back in Texas with her team, the mission was a success...... She was told to see the Colonel...... She went to the Colonel office, and it was about her transfer, they offered her a position on Nate's team, but she turned it down and was able to leave to go back to England. 

She left as soon as she could. 

She had only been back a few hours and she was packed to leave, she didn't want to see Nate. She got all her stuff together and she left for the airport. 

She was waiting to board her plane and was thinking about, the mission and Nate and how they had sex, the once, but he still wouldn't give her an answer about Saydee.

Jayla's plane landed in England, and she went to the base, to see if she could have leave, she was ready to leave the Army and look after her business. 

 She was twenty-six and ready to enjoy her life, but she had to divorce Nate first, she didn't want anything to do with him. 

 Jayla filled out paperwork to leave the Army and had to wait for a couple of weeks to get confirmation. 

She was honourably discharged from the Army and went back to her country Manor.

A month had past and Jayla hadn't been feeling well, she thought it was the stress of Nate, contacting her and asking why she left the Army, she asked him again about the choice she gave him, and all he could say to Jayla was that he loved her, but that wasn't good enough. 

 She went to see the doctor and she was told she was pregnant, she was so happy, she knew she was ready, but she was sad that Nate wouldn't be a part of it, and she knew exactly when she got caught, doing the mission, they only had fucked the once. 

Jayla kept the pregnancy to herself apart from the staff, she wanted to tell Aston, but he married and was very happy. 

She wanted to tell Nate, but she couldn't, Nate had made his mind up.

Jayla was running a business that was booming, and she did it herself, but the months flew by and before she knew it, she was at the hospital giving birth, she had a healthy baby girl six pound ten, and she called her, Natalie Jayla Henderson, she gave the baby Nate's name, because she knew one day, she would have to tell him. 

Jayla finally went home to the Manor the following day and settled in, all the staff was waiting to greet Jayla and the little one. 

They helped Jayla, but she wanted to be there for her daughter, she had sleepless nights and the time seem to fly by, and before she knew it, he daughter was four years old, and that's when the Army contacted Jayla to do a special mission, she was the most qualified for the job and they promoted her to Captain, she was away for three months at first and then home for a month, and then gone for six months, until she was away for nine months and then a year.

Jayla was promoted to Colonel, just before her fortieth birthday and she had six months leave. 

She had become very good friends with her daughter, and now her daughter was fourteen they had planned to go away for Jayla's birthday. 

Natalie had planned a surprise getaway for her mum and herself, Jayla told Natalie all about her father and why she wasn't with him, and her daughter understood her reasons for doing what she did.

Jayla and Natalie were on a flight to Las Vegas. 

Jayla knew that Las Vegas was a big town and was looking forward to spending time with her beautiful daughter.

 Natalie had long black hair and she looked like Jayla but had her father's stern attitude and some of his features, she was the same height as Jayla and was growing into a beautiful young lady. 

The plane landed, and the limo took them to a hotel. 

Jayla was relieved that it wasn't the same hotel that Nate lived in, but she wasn't sure if Nate was still in the Army or running his business. 

Jayla told her daughter where Nate lived and said she could go and see him if she wanted.

Jayla took Natalie for a walk to where her father's office was, 

"Nat, it's up to you if you want to see him?".

 "Mum are you sure you're alright with this?". 

 "Natalie, I've kept you away from him too long, and I want to find out if he ever did sign the divorce papers". 

 "Okay let's go see him". 

 Jayla walks into the building and holds Natalie's hand, she walks towards his reception and the woman, asks what they want, and Jayla says, 

"Could you please tell Nate his Army buddy is here to see him?".

 "Okay one moment". 

 "Mr Henderson, there's an Army buddy out here that would like to see you".

 Jayla then heard her say, 

"She very beautiful and she as a young girl with her". 

 "Sorry, he doesn't want to see anyone". 

 Jayla looked at her daughter, 

"Come on mum, he's not worth it, now I know why you left him". 

 Jayla strokes her daughters face, 

"Could you please tell Nate, that Colonel Jayla Miller would like him to sign the divorce papers?". 

"I will give him the message, but he's been married for over eighteen years". 

 Jayla saw the receptionist give Nate the message, she and her daughter just turned and walked towards the lobby and out the doors. They walked back to the hotel and sat in the restaurant, 

"Mum, I'm really sorry".

 "Natalie, I wanted you to meet your father, come on sweetheart, I've had you for fourteen years and I never told him, so it's my fault really. You got nothing to apologise for". 

 Jayla kisses her daughter on the cheek, 

"Let's eat, and maybe we go back this afternoon, he would have gotten the message by then". 

Natalie smiles, 

"Only if you are sure, but I would like to do some shopping?". 

 "We are here for a month, so you'll have plenty of time". 

They had lunch and then went for a walk around the shops before going back to Nate's office again

Jayla walks up to the receptionist and noticed it was a different one, 

"Hi, could we see Nate please?". 

 "One moment and I'll try and reach him. Mr Henderson, there someone here to see you, I will tell them. Mr Henderson is too busy to see anyone". 

 "Okay, thank you, I leave my card for him, please make sure he gets it". 

 Jayla and Natalie leave and go for a walk, Jayla showed her where her father lived when she lived there. 

They went into the lobby and Jayla saw a face she recognised, it was one of the receptionists that were there when she lived there, she walked over to her and the woman recognised her straight away,

 "Jayla, oh my god, you haven't changed a bit, apart from you're looking more beautiful". 

 Jayla gives her a cuddle, 

"Thank you Glady, you haven't changed, does Nate still live here?". 

 "He sure does, he'll be happy to see you". 

 "I went to his office and he wouldn't see us". 

 "It must be busy. And this is, I can see Nate in her am I right?". 

 "Yes, that's why we went to see him, but please don't tell him, Natalie wants to tell him herself, she knows all about him". 

 "Well good luck with that, but you can't mistake her she looks like Nate but with your beauty".

 "I know, well we better get going, nice to see you Glady".

 Jayla gives her a kiss on the cheek and they walk out to the front of the building.

Jayla is stood talking to Natalie, outside Nate's hotel, they turn to walk back to their hotel, and she hears, 

"Jayla, is that really you?". 

 Jayla looks at Natalie and then turns around, 

"Yes, Nate it is, how are you?". 

 Natalie hangs back and could hear what was being said, 

"What are you doing here? it's been almost fifteen years?". 

 Jayla stops where she is, 

"I'm a Colonel now, and I'm on leave for six months. Are you still in the Army?". 

 "Wow Jayla, you did really well. I still do special missions. You really haven't changed, you still have a sexy body and you are beautiful". 

 Jayla smiles at him, 

"Well Nate, have you found anyone or did you get married?". 

"No, you were my last love, and soon as I got back from our mission almost fifteen years ago, I told Saydee to leave and if she came back, I would get her arrested for trespassing. You were right about her, she tried everything to get me to go bed with her, but I really wasn't interested".

 "Did you ever sign the divorce papers?". 

 "No, I didn't, I love you too much".

 Natalie walks over to her mother, 

"Come on mum, we need to go?". 

 Nate's face looked shocked, he looked at Jayla and looked at this girl who called Jayla mum. 

"Nate this is my daughter Natalie, she's fourteen". 

 Nate started to do maths in his head and he looks at Jayla, 

"Jayla, did you say fourteen?".

 "Yes Nate, meet Natalie Jayla Henderson". 

 Nate still looked shocked, 

"Do you want to come up to the penthouse, so we can talk?". 

 "If you want to mum? it's fine with me".

The three of them go up to Nate's penthouse, Jayla and Natalie sit on the sofa and Nate walks into the kitchen, to order hot drinks from room service. 

 "Mum, you didn't tell me that my father was good looking and he's got muscles?". 

 "Nat, I'm sure I told you, did you not look at the photos I gave you?".

 "No, I didn't, they are still in the box". 

 Nate sits down in the chair and looks at Jayla, 

"Jayla, you really haven't changed". 

 She smiles, 

"We should talk about our daughter".

 "Are you sure she's my daughter?". 

 Jayla looked at him, and then at Natalie, 

"Maybe we should go Nat?". 

 Jayla stands and picks up her bag, Natalie looks at Nate, 

"No wonder my mother left you...  Mr Henderson if you would like a DNA test, I would be happy to do it, but don't ever speak to my mother like that. From the time I could talk, she told me about you, and she told me she fell pregnant when you did a mission together, she gave you a choice and you chose wrong". 

Jayla looked at her daughter, 

"Come on Natalie, I'll take you shopping". 

 Jayla and Natalie walk to the door and out to the elevator, Nate walks out to them, 

"Jayla, we still need to talk?". 

 "Nate, do you know that I never went out with another man, because I loved you, and I knew you probably didn't sign the divorce papers, I didn't want the pain of falling in love with someone and then finding you to tell you". 

 Jayla steps inside the elevator with Natalie. She looks at Nate, 

"I still love you".

 The doors close, and Jayla blinked back tears. 

 "Mum, it's his loss". 

 "I know sweetheart, let's go shopping".

They reach the lobby and walk out the door and go shopping, they had shopped for a couple of hours and went back to the hotel. 

 They reached their room and put their bags away, 

"Mum we need to find a doctor, so I can do a DNA test. Hopefully, Mr Henderson will come too, so he can be tested, and then he'll know the truth". 

 "Nat, you are so like your father, in so many ways, but he doesn't see what I see, and he doesn't know you". 

 Jayla gets hold of a doctor and makes the appointment, she then rings Nate, 

"Hi, Nate". 

 "Hello, Jayla, I'm sorry what I said, can we please talk?". 

 "Yes, we can talk, but can you be at your doctor's tomorrow at noon for a DNA test? Natalie wants you there, so you can do your test at the same time". 

 "Okay, I will meet you there. Could I see you tonight, I'll take you out to dinner?" 

 Jayla looked at Natalie, 

"Go on mum, I'll stay here, you could get dinner in the restaurant down in the lobby so you're not too far away".

 "Nate, Okay, I'll meet you in our hotel lobby, and we can have dinner at this hotel. I don't want to leave Natalie on her own she's only fourteen". 

 "Jayla, I will bring one of my bodyguards and he can stand outside your room and keep an eye on her". 

 "Okay, I'll see you at eight". 

 Jayla hangs up the phone and looks at Natalie, 

"He's bringing one of his bodyguards to stand outside the door, whilst we have dinner. I should get ready. Nat, I'll listen to what he's got to say, but this is about you and him, not me and him". 

Jayla kisses Natalie on the cheek and walks to her bedroom.

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