An Unlucky Spider (Reboot)

By darkhero789

120K 2.2K 267

For Peter Parker life is going great he's passing all of his college courses, he moved out of his Aunt May's... More

A good day for Spider-Man
the Parker luck returns
Parker's life
Game Night
Cross town heist
More spiders
A soldiers return
The spider and the cats game
the cats game
Dates in masks
Check up and misunderstanding
Avengers party
Dinner at aunt mays
Felicia Hardy
Fantastic revival
Not a chapter, Spider-man Far from Home news
Venom Revealed
A Painful Past
A much needed break
Midtown high school reunion.....shit
Reminders and a Party crasher
Putting your life back together
Important info and a job
Yet another spider
Anne found
The Symbiote children
Irreparable Damage
Explanations and anger
Back on the job
The journal and goodbye
Right where he said
A dark history
Uncle Ben
A brand new Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
An old friends help
The city needs a hero
Venom Vs the Spiders
Agent Venom reporting for duty
Climax preperation
Wrath vs The Spider-Family
Last chapter
Authors note

Venoms out

2.8K 54 4
By darkhero789

After finding Venoms symbol on that wall peter spent the rest of the night searching for Eddie. Eddie's been underground for seven years and only he would have put that symbol up. no one has ever even seen the symbol. Eddie was a enemy that hid in the shadows. He never made his villain identity known. No.... he preferred being anonymous. It made him feel like Jack the Ripper, it allowed him to hide so much easier among everyone, and most of all he loved the fear of the people it brought. The fear that turned people against their neighbors, the fear that scared families making them wonder if they were next, the fear that made friends turn on each other. He loved it. Every minute of it. The symbol was just another sick game he set up. He did it to mess with peter, to make sure Pete knew that he didn't catch Eddie, and to let peter know that he was back. Right now Peter stood in his room with his phone to his ear trying to call dr. Connors.

"Hello? Peter?" Connors asked.

"Dr. Connors. I was calling to ask a question." Peter said.

"Ok. Shoot." Connors replied.

"Can I take some time off. A family matter just popped up and I need to give it most of my attention. It would be really great if I could get this time off dr." Peter said.

"Oh. Uh.... I guess. The most time I can give you before I'd absolutely need you back would be about 2 weeks." Dr. Connors replied.

"Great. Thank you dr. Connors. I'll come back to work in about two weeks. Thanks again dr. Bye." Peter said before hanging up. As peter needed to focus he began to clean his desk so that he can use it to try and figure out Eddies plan. As he moved the papers that tony had sent over a folder fell out of them and fell to the floor. As peter picked it up two words on a paper that slipped out a little bit caught his eye. 'Black ooze' Peter sucked in his breath and held it as he opened the folder. He immediately began to read. After a minute he finished the paper. Grabbing his suit he changed and began to swing through New York. As he did cat was soon following behind him. But peter wasn't in the mood to stop and chat with her. This slightly confused cat as peter was ignoring her. He landed in front of stark tower cat following him to the side walk.

"Hey spider. What's up?" She said. But peter didn't answer. "Spider?" She said confused as peter went in to stark tower and walked to the front desk. The receptionist was shocked to see Spider-Man walk up to the desk.

"I need to see Mr. Stark immediately." Peter said.

"I'm sorry. Mr. Stark has asked not to be disturbed as he's in a meeting with some avengers." The receptionist said. Peter leaned against the wall where a pillar was then began to use his senses to find and track tony. The receptionist watched him waiting for him to say something.

"37th floor to the right of elevators." peter said.

"How did you-" the receptionist began but peter immediately went to the elevators. "I won't let the elevator take you to the 37th floor." The receptionist said. But peter didn't stop. One of the elevators had just left for higher floors so peter just forced the elevator doors open and went into the elevator shaft. Felicia not wanting to be left behind followed. When peter reached the 37th floor one of the iron man armors was standing in from of the doors.

"Hey there bud. Want to explain why your trespassing?" He said. Peter started walking to where tony really was.

"Because we need to talk now." Peter said sternly. The suit turned to Felicia but she just shrugged.

"Fine. I'll ignore this, but only this one." The suit said. Peter then made it to the door. He opened it and moved towards mr. Stark.

"Peter? You ok? You look angry." Tony said. Out of nowhere peter slammed his fist into Tony's face. Tony fell to the ground hard

"You fucking idiot!!" Peter yelled.

"The hell!?" Tony said as he picked himself back up blood dropped from his mouth. The suit of armor aimed its hands at peter. The other avengers in this room turned to peter in surprise.

"Peter!" Felicia said surprised.

"You goddamn mother fucking dumb ass!" Peter yelled at peter.

"What the fucking hell are you getting angry about?!" Tony yelled back at peter as he picked himself back up.

"Woah, woah, woah. You two calm down. Now what is going on Spider-Man?" Cap said getting in between the two.

"Why don't you ask him what he's been doing in his labs!" Peter angrily.

"Your gonna have to get real specific in a few seconds or you'll find yourself covered in burn marks." Tony threatened. Peter laughed at the threat.

"Sure. You can get past my Spider sense. But you know what I'll entertain you. Project Generation." Peter said as if it explained everything. Tony looked at peter confused.

"Project generation. The ooze she stole and destroyed?" Tony asked pointing at Felicia.

"Oh. So you do remember. Please go ahead and explain it to everyone." Peter said.

"I don't see what this will accomplish." Tony said.

"Explain it." Peter growled. Tony sighed.

"It was an unidentifiable sample of what we guessed was a part of an alien creature. Our guess was it's blood or some ooze it could produce. The ooze had the amazing ability of unlimited shapeshifting. If we gave it the right electrical current it could change its color, shape, density, everything. I believed it could take humanity to the next step in science." Tony explained. Peter gave tony a slow clap.

"So close Tony and yet so far from the truth." Peter said.

"That is the truth. That's everything it was." Tony said defiantly.

"Well Then your dumber then I thought. That thing wasn't a part of an alien, it was an alien!" Peter said. Tony shook his head.

"No way. it couldn't have been an alien. It was simply a part of one." Tony said. Then he lost some of his confidence. "Wasn't it?" He asked. Peter shook his head. "O-Ok. Then let's say it was an alien. It would have been long dead. There wasn't a single active cell in its body." Tony said.

"Doesn't mean it was dead." Peter said. He dropped the set of papers tony had peter read to help with the projects. "Read the reports about the ooze on February 12th 2014, September 26th 2014, January 8th 2015. Oh! and August 1st 2016. They're highlighted." Peter said. Tony began to read them to himself and slowly began to realize what peter was meaning.

"It was in a dormant state? It was asleep?" Tony said confused.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. We have a winner!" Peter yelled out. Tony shook his head.

"This still doesn't make much sense. Why do you care so much about this alien. We were the ones who found it buried in the ground." Tony said. Peter looked at him.

"Who do you think put that bitch in the ground to begin with Dip shit." Peter retorted. Tony was silent for a few seconds.

"You!?" He said confused.

"Oh. Someone give mr. Stark a prize." Peter said angrily.

"Peter calm down." Felicia said trying to grab his arm. Peter quickly moved away and began to pace.

"Why would you bury something like this. It's a revolutionary being. A living ooze that has limitless shale shifting qualities! It was the next step in science!" Stark said.

"No. It wasn't. It was a living creature with terrible powers and a dark mind. I buried it so that it couldn't damage this city. Now I have to find it!" Peter said angrily.

"Ok. So borrow my satellites find the thing before it can damage anything!" Tony said. Peter laughed again.

"Who's the one that said it had limitless shapeshifting abilities again?" Peter said turning Tony's own words on him. "Oh. And did I mention that it was a fucking symbiote that could attach itself to any person and hide within its host? Cause i don't think I did." Peter said starting to get livid.

"What? It was a symbiote! No wonder it responded to the electrical currents we gave it. They were exactly like the currents given by the brain!" Stark said.

"Oh, but there's more. You see the thing is a symbiote. Meaning it gives and takes. Let's see if you already learned what it needs." Peter said letting stark think for a moment. He turned to the data his scientist had gathered and began to read it. After a half minute he looked at peter slightly confused.

"Since we never really gave it a host I'm only speculating. But I guess it takes some of the nutrition from the hosts foods that they've eaten." Tony said.

"Close. But not exactly. Yes. It does do that. But you see it's searching for one thing in particular. Food can act as a substitute, but at some point it will need a specific chemical lest it dies. It needs Phenethylamine." Peter said.

"It needs Chocolate?" Stark asked confused.

"Yes. Chocolate will satisfy it. But guess where it can find more." Peter said. Stark was beginning to catch on.

"The brain." He said.

"Yes mr. stark. The brain. The symbiote knows this. Being the symbiote it is and since it's already had a host it knows that it can find it in the brain. Just think what it might do if it got some mentally unstable host and began to forcefully take this chemical from the brains of others." Peter said.

"It's be just like the HeadHunter from 2012." Stark said as he sat down. Peter just looked at Stark. Slowly he began to realize something. Stark just looked at peter horrified. "Your telling me that thing was the monster that killed all those people seven years ago!!" Tony asked. Peter nodded causing tony to go pale. Peter then turned and began to walk away.

"And now because of you this thing has been let loose in New York once again." Peter said as he walked. Felicia followed close behind. They then left the building and headed for Peters apartment. as they walked Felicia wondered about what peter said.

"I'm sorry... the headhunter? As in the one that killed several hundred people by taking their heads off?" Felicia asked. Peter sighed.

"Yes. That headhunter. If i remember the victim number was in the 600s. That's higher then any other serial killer in the entire known history. i can remember it all like it was yesterday."

"What happened. My dad didn't let watch the news about it." Felicia said. Peter looked at her and sighed.

"Police said it looked like the heads were bitten off. It scared everyone in Manhattan. No one went out past dark. Even the law enforcement was too scared and those that weren't and tried to follow the trail ended with the same fate. The murders of the law enforcement were especially brutal. Bullet casing would lay on the ground but every bullet was found in the officers body, blood could be found on every wall of the room it occurred in. The law enforcement would be lucky to find that the body was only missing a head. Sometimes the body would be missing several of its limbs. Only way they could identify some of them was by the tags on the chest. Sometimes even that part was missing. The headhunter was a monster and they were never caught." Peter said. Felicia didn't know what to say. "Only one person ever met them face to face and is still alive today." Peter said. He had been looking out over the city with sad eyes the entire time he had talked.

"Who?" Felicia asked. Peter looked at her. Felicia didn't need him to remove the mask to know his expression was sad and miserable.

"Me. I was the only person to ever survive a confrontation with him. I was lucky then to survive. Pure luck was what let me live. But everyone else who ever met him. No one survived." Peter said. He picked up Felicia before jumping to another building. He then set Felicia down on the roof. His expression then changed to anger and hatred. "Now. I have to find this fucker again. Seven years. I was just starting to put that bastard in the past and forget about him. Then out of nowhere he's back." Peter said a clear hatred for this monster was evident by his words and tone. This made Felicia a little worried as she never thought he could hate someone so much. She then got an idea.

"Let me help you." She said. Peter looked at her.

"What?" He asked.

"Let me help you look for him. You said if this symbiote is attached to a psychopath then the symbiote might start eating peoples heads again. So we just need to find him before the symbiote finds a psychopath." Felicia said.

"The problem is the symbiote only had two hosts. One of which was a psychopath and it will probably return to that one...... but then again even I haven't found him in the past seven years so maybe the symbiote didn't find him either." Peter said starting to get his hopes up.

"So we need to find it before it finds him." Felicia said. Peter began to think. He then came to the conclusion that he should keep everyone important to him as close to him as possible. Working with Felicia meant she was always with him during patrol and she was just a little bit safer.

"I feel like I'm gonna regret this. But fine. We'll work together." Peter said. He stuck out his hand and Felicia shook it making them partners.

"Hey How did you know that he was on the 37th floor?" Felicia asked.

"Let's just say I don't use my full power set." Peter said. Earning a questioning look from Felicia.

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