30 Day Letter Challenge

By RueTheMockingjay

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30 Day Letter Challenge
Day 1 - The one who broke your heart the hardest
Day 2- A deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 3- Your favorite Internet friend
Day 4- The person you hate the most/ who caused you a lot of pain
Day 5- Your reflection in the mirror
Day 6- Someone from your childhood
Day 7- The person you miss the most
Day 9- Someone you judged by first impression
Day 10- Your dreams
Day 11- Someone that's not in your state
Day 12- The friendliest person you only knew for a day
Day 13- Someone you wish you could meet
Day 14- The last person you kissed
Day 15- Your best friend
Day 16- Someone you don't talk to as much as you would like to
Day 17- A stranger
Day 19- Someone who pesters your mind
Day 20- The last person you made a pinky promise to

Day 18- Your siblings

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By RueTheMockingjay

Dear C, F, and C,

This is going to be very short, but for each of you, I have my own little message.

First, C:

I wish you would come home more often. I like that you love school so much and that it's not torture for you, but we would like to see you for more than a week during the summer. Just keep that in mind. By the way, tell Claire I say hey =)


*sigh* Fine, I'll admit it, I'm happy that you're staying home for this school year. Not only do you provide some of the noise level that I need to function properly, but you are also keeping Mom and Dad's attention divided between us, as oppose to it all being directly towards me, which would have been awful. I guess that's what I'm going to have to get used to that next year when you go back to school............. *sigh*


.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The house is really quiet without you. *looks at you* Okay, fine, I miss you a little bit.

To all of you:

I love you <3

Lots of love,


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