Sweet for You (Sweet Pea Imag...


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You're a northsider. He's a Serpent. You aren't supposed to get along. Really you're supposed to be sworn ene... Еще

Chapter 1: The snakes are coming
Chapter 2: Losing Your Balance
Chapter 3: Shopping and Kev
Chapter 4: No Mister Nice Guy
Chapter 5: We're friends now
Chapter 6: Rearranging
Chapter 7: Road Trip
Chapter 8: Florida
Chapter 9: Run Away
Chapter 10: Fangs finds out
Chapter 11: Love
Chapter 12: Oh my Sex?
Chapter 13: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Chapter 14: Destiny?
Chapter 15: La Bonne Nuit
Chapter 16: Reconcile
Chapter 17: Bruised
Chapter 18: Hours
Chapter 19: Game Over
Chapter 20: Summer Vacay
Chapter 22: Candy Love
Chapter 23: Last Hoorah
Chapter 24: New Year, New Jealousy, and New Apologies
Chapter 25: Showers
Chapter 26: Limits
Chapter 27: Homecoming and Flights
Chalter 28: Lodge and Apologizing
Chapter 29: Twinkle
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 31: Shopping in the Trail
Chapter 32: Heavy Lifting
Chapter 33: Christmas with the Family
Chapter 34: New year, New Arguments, and New Choices
Chapter 35: To Be, or Not To Be
Chapter 36: Claws
Chapter 37: Falling Apart
Chapter 38: Over and Over Again
Chapter 39: Weeks and Weeks and Weeks and Weeks
Chapter 40: Baby Shower
Chapter 41: Keeping it Together
Chapter 42: Welcome
Chapter 43: Firsts
Chapter 44: Bite Back

Chapter 21: Home

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Honestly, Sweet Pea was such a baby while he was sick. You had only been gone half an hour and when you come back, he had his bowl of soup on the floor. Barely anything eaten out of it. He had thrown a blanket over his head, though it was barely long enough to cover his whole body. You really didn't know why he didn't throw the duvet over his head. But, he was asleep so you didn't bother him. You cleaned his trailer. Ceiling to floor with the help of Fangs. You even got a candle that you thought would bring some liveliness. The bathroom was probably the worst part. You hated guy bathrooms. They always had hair on the sink and soap scum under it. And there is never one place for anything. Especially toilet paper. What was the point of having the roller if it wasn't going to be used?
  It was weird. You enjoyed cleaning things that weren't your own, so it was relaxing to clean his house. You felt kinda like a housewife though. Especially since he laid in bed and either whined or slept. Fangs surpassingly was a lot of help. He didn't even need to be asked to get the things you couldn't.
   "Thanks for helping. When he feels better, I think he'll really appreciate it," you say tossing a wipe into the trash. "Right? This isn't like evasion of space or anything is it?"
   "You told him what you were doing. And, he's here," Fangs chuckled. "If it was that big of a deal. He probably would have at least tried to get out of bed."
   "You're right. I'm gonna see if he is still sleeping. You know he is gonna be mad you're here. He doesn't want you getting sick," you say. "I'm not even supposed to be here."
    "You don't listen," Fangs shrugged. "Neither do I." You agreed with that by laughing.
    "Hey Pea," you say softly coming into his room. "Are you feeling a little better?"
    "Yeah... What is that smell?" He asked scrunching his face.
    "A candle. I got one at the store. I cleaned a little. Fangs helped. We were bored," you sit next to him. "You look like shit. But, you don't have a fever anymore."
   "I never look like shit," he scoffed. "Fangs was here again? I told him not to come. He's going to get sick."
   "We don't listen," you make a face at him. "Do you want to try moving? It might make you feel better. You're going to get a headache from laying around all day. And you haven't really ate."
    "You sound like a mom," he groaned.
     "Is that good or bad?" You ask.
    "It's good," he grabbed your hand. "I think I'm going to get a shower. I feel gross."
    "Good. Fangs and I only got the candle to mask your smell," you joke moving his hair from his face. "I will make you something to eat. Obviously not soup."
    "Soup is just mush with some water," he shook his head. "It's gross."
    "Noted. Go get a shower then. You look sticky." You get up. "Fangs is still here, by the way."
    "Of course. If the both of you get sick. Which I am sure you will. I will be the first to say, 'I fucking told you so'. Just wait," he grabbed clothes. "My trailer smells like a girl." You laugh leaving him in his room.
   "Is he up?" Fangs asked from the couch.
   "Yeah. He's going to shower. He can't wait for us to get sick," You paraphrase as you sit at his feet. "He also doesn't like soup."
   "I know. It's just soggy foods that turn to mush with the slightest pressure," he sounded as if he were reciting a line from a play.
   "Soup is supposed to be easy on the stomach. What am I supposed to make him?" You sigh. "I'm going to boil him water."
   "Well at least then he would be getting fluids," Fangs laughed. "Don't make him anything. He will come out and eventually make himself something."
   "You're a great friend. Do you leave all of your sick friends to do everything on their own?" You look at him. "I know who I won't be asking when I get sick."
   "Pea is literally a toddler when he gets sick. And his big, brown eyes can make anyone do what he wants. I've grown immune to it. You are babying him. And if you keep doing it... He is going to act like this until he grows bored," Fangs rose an eyebrow. "I'm surprised he doesn't have you in there helping him shower."
    "Shut up," You shake your head laughing. "He's allowed to need help. And, I am not babying him. Technically, I'm doing the opposite. He doesn't want me here, because he doesn't want me to get sick. But I am here."
   "No. He tells you he doesn't want you here. But, he really is ecstatic that you are. He header had to get up since you got here. You even cleaned his place," Fangs laid out the facts. "You made him change. And you gave him medicine. You're eating out of his oversized hand."
   "She's already eaten out of my hand," Pea said coming into the room. "I think we actually ate off each other." Fangs rolled his eyes. "You actually clean cleaned..."
   "Yeah. I told you we were bored," you shrug. "Did your shower help?"
   "A little... And, Fangs. My hands aren't oversized. You know what they say... Tip of the index to the tip of the thumb," he smirked, though he looked tired. "Why are you eating out of my hand?"
    "Because you have a way of getting people to do whatever you want, when you're sick," Fangs sat up.
    "I only get sick like twice a year," Pea shook his head. "How do I plan out things I want people to do for me?"
    "Your question makes no sense. You have the time between to scheme. Now you got a girlfriend who basically bends to everything you ask," Fangs argues. "I thought you were done with that. And, you should've just ate the damn soup."
    "What soup?" He asked leaning against the wall.
   "You aren't that sick," you roll your eyes scoffing. "And, Fangs. I want to do these things for him. He isn't asking me to do anything."
   "I did ask you to fix my blanket," Pea corrected.
   "Okay. Pea. Maybe you did grow out of your weird sick thing," Fangs surrendered. He didn't really sound convinced. He was probably going to bring it up later. "I'm gonna get going. I have a date with Kyle."
    "What happened to Alicia?" You ask. You were only gone a day.
    "She was just a hookup," Fangs laughed ruffling your hair. "A good one too." You gag as he laughed again leaving.
   "You should sit," you instruct Pea. "Really. You look like you're going to fall over. And, that would be like a skyscraper falling."
   "Ha ha. And, I wanna stand. I feel blood flowing now," he sighed. "The place looks good. Thank you."
    "You're welcome... I wanted it to be something you liked coming back to. A real home," You say looking around the room.
    "Home... I don't think I ever called this place that," He chuckled a little. "You know... I think you make this place feel more like a home."
    "You're so cliche... But, I secretly like it," you smile up at him. "Say more."
     "I don't think it works that way," he came forwards grabbing your hand. "But, you make anywhere feel like home to me." You kiss his lips, not caring about getting sick anymore. "You're gonna get sick."
   "Who cares." He shakes his head. "I'm glad you think of me as home... You're my home too. The only thing I wanna come back to now. Why I was even coming back from Centerville. My parents too, but they've been fighting a lot... You know, maybe one day... We could have a home together."
    "Yeah. One day," he nods. This was the first time you guys have ever talked about the future of the two of you. "Maybe after we graduate?" This surprises you.
   "Really?" You look him in the eye as he smiled and nods. "Is this your way of asking? Because if not... I don't know how I will feel. And you're sick. I don't want this to be like a fevered decision."
   "It's not a fevered decision. I've thought about us living together. Like for real. I mean we stay together now, but... So, yes. This is my way of asking you to move in with me. After we graduate High School. But, you have to go to college. I don't want you to throw your life away," he said. Seriousness was now prominent in his voice.
   "Yeah... I'm going to school. Do you ever think of school?" You ask, not really knowing the real answer. He laughed. "Seriously. Do you?"
    "I'm a serpent. Low life. Remember?" He shook his head.
     "What happened to I'm not as dumb as you think I am? And just because I'm Serpent blah blah blah?" You remind him. "You are so smart, Pea. I think you would do really well in higher education. Whether it's a university or a career center."
"What would I even study?" He chuckled and followed it with a cough. "Fighting 101 or Torture 1550?"
"You could do those... Or how to be tall and graceful. But, for real... I could see you doing a lot of things. Even Criminal Justice. You guys already do good. Why not do it legally?" You run your hand down his cheek. "Seriously."
"I'll think about it," He grabbed your hand. "You're great. You know... And, all of that crap that Fangs was spouting off..."
"Pea," you shake your head. "I don't care if it was true or not. I'm your girlfriend. It's my job to take care of you. We are supposed to take care of each other, remember? Didn't you say that when you took care of me?"
   "Well, no one is wiser than me," he smiled. "Expect maybe you."
   "On certain subjects," you smile back. "You are too good. You a Southsider and me a Northsider. It's not supposed to be working."
   "Well, you are a pretty hot Northsider though," he winked. "Now, you look great today. I missed you. So, much."
   "I missed you too," you whisper. "I would kiss you again... But, I've already risked my health once."
   "You risk your health by walking," He chuckled. "But, I don't want to risk anything."
   "Why don't you sit... We can watch a movie," you suggest. "Sit with me. I missed your arms and your smell. Even if there is a weird sick smell laced with it." He rolled his eyes. "Seriously. Everyone has a smell, when they're sick." You sit together on the couch. He flips on a movie and wrapped his arm around you. "I forgot to tell you. I ran into Jon. While we were out. He said he wants us to stop by. He has a new Sweet Pea candy he wants you try."

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