Sweet for You (Sweet Pea Imag...

By TintedLoveXOXO

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You're a northsider. He's a Serpent. You aren't supposed to get along. Really you're supposed to be sworn ene... More

Chapter 1: The snakes are coming
Chapter 2: Losing Your Balance
Chapter 3: Shopping and Kev
Chapter 4: No Mister Nice Guy
Chapter 5: We're friends now
Chapter 6: Rearranging
Chapter 7: Road Trip
Chapter 8: Florida
Chapter 9: Run Away
Chapter 10: Fangs finds out
Chapter 11: Love
Chapter 12: Oh my Sex?
Chapter 13: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Chapter 14: Destiny?
Chapter 15: La Bonne Nuit
Chapter 16: Reconcile
Chapter 17: Bruised
Chapter 18: Hours
Chapter 20: Summer Vacay
Chapter 21: Home
Chapter 22: Candy Love
Chapter 23: Last Hoorah
Chapter 24: New Year, New Jealousy, and New Apologies
Chapter 25: Showers
Chapter 26: Limits
Chapter 27: Homecoming and Flights
Chalter 28: Lodge and Apologizing
Chapter 29: Twinkle
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 31: Shopping in the Trail
Chapter 32: Heavy Lifting
Chapter 33: Christmas with the Family
Chapter 34: New year, New Arguments, and New Choices
Chapter 35: To Be, or Not To Be
Chapter 36: Claws
Chapter 37: Falling Apart
Chapter 38: Over and Over Again
Chapter 39: Weeks and Weeks and Weeks and Weeks
Chapter 40: Baby Shower
Chapter 41: Keeping it Together
Chapter 42: Welcome
Chapter 43: Firsts
Chapter 44: Bite Back

Chapter 19: Game Over

296 6 0
By TintedLoveXOXO

"12," I sighed. "How the fuck am I supposed to get 12 million fucking dollars?" I paced the room. Jughead, Toni, Cheryl, Fangs, and Betty were sitting on the couch. Reggie was leaned against the wall. You were in Reggie's living room. No one knew what to say. "Fucking shit! You guys always know what to do! How is now the one time you don't?"
"It's not like we've been preparing for her to be taking," Cheryl spat. "They were only following her. They hadn't made contact at all... How did you not know that someone was after her? Especially you're insane ex fuck buddy? So, how about you stop blaming us."
"You think I don't know that this is my fault?" I yell back. "I know! What do you want me to do? I can't fucking poof back in time and be like 'Hey Y/N, someone is going to follow you for god knows how long. Then they are going to drug you and take you to god knows where.'!"
"Stop yelling at each other," Betty rubbed her temples. "Maybe you don't need to get the money. You just have to make it look like you have it."
"Like forgery?" Reggie asked.
"Exactly. You take the money to her. Seduce her or whatever. Tell her you want to do it alone. Just the two of you," Betty said. "You're a private person. So, it's not like it would be out of character. Cheryl could be there. Hiding of course. With her bow. We would hide in the car."
"Okay. She's insane, but she's not stupid. You don't think that she wouldn't notice fake money?" Toni asked.
"Not if she's busy getting the attention of her beloved," Jughead pointed out.
"So we go in. She's not gonna see you at all somehow... We give her bags of fake money. I seduce her somehow and she just gives us Y/N?" I ask. "It's too easy."
"Well, she's obviously gonna have back up," Fangs point out. "Like T said, she's not stupid. We just gotta make sure her back up doesn't come in."
"And, how do we do that?" I ask.
"We could pull a Scooby Doo," Fangs suggested. I gave him a look. "Really! We dress up like them. Faces and such. Knock out the real ones. Take their jackets and whatever. So, when she needs backup it's us."
"That could work... If this were a TV show," I rolled my eyes.
"Fangs is getting somewhere," Jughead said. "It wouldn't be hard to pull it off. By the time that she even notices, it would be too late."
Before I know it, I am with them outside the meeting place. She chose the Whyte Wyrm of course. This was the stupidest plan. Literally, that I have ever heard of. "This is the stupidest fucking plan," I say fixing Fangs makeup. "Honestly. We are all going to die tonight."
"Way to be optimistic," Reggie mumbled and I shot him a look.
"When this is over... I'm going to cut off six of your fingers," I threatened.
"Only six?" Toni asked.
"Yes. Three on each hand," I rolled my eyes. "Have fun functioning."
"Stop bickering," Betty said. "I'm going in now..." I groan as she walked in. This was so fucking stupid.
I picked up my phone, looking at the time. Two minutes. I grab the duffle bag of forged money and walk inside. I look around. There were only a few people inside. Betty was at the bar. Toni was bartending. I watched Jughead, Reggie, and Fangs sneak around back. I go to my usual pool table placing the bag on top.
"Hey Sweets," Destiny places both of her hands on the green felt. "I'm so happy you finally came to your senses... Is that my money?" I nod. "Good boy." She struts around the table to face me. "Oh, Y/N." She coos. I watch as you come around a few people. Your hair matted. You had a bruise on your face and your nose had dried blood. Your eyes had dark bags under them. I felt sick.
"You have what you want. Let her go," I say slowly.
"Do I?" She ran her fingers up my arm. "I believe there was another part of deal." She hopped on the table and spread her legs slightly. "Kiss me." You suck in a breath as I look at you. Pleading with my eyes for you to look away. "Come on Sweety Pie." I close my eyes at the nickname you gave me.
"Come on now... You know, I don't like an audience," I say.
"But, I do," she pouted. "Maybe I should have my guys take you outside though... So, Pea and I can have a moment." She eyes you. I bite the inside of my cheek. I can't believe this was working. Two guys get up and pull you away. You struggle, but one of them hits you. I was going to kill him first. "Now, where were we?" Toni eyes me across the bar and then motions up with her eyes. Cheryl was in her red jacket, bow in hand. Arrow set. I set a hand on her leg. Trying my best not show my true self on my face. I kiss her softly. I wanted to puke. Her breath smelt of whiskey. Of course, she was an alcoholic. That's why she was so easy to get with. "Mhm... I've missed you, Pea." I internally laugh.
"Yeah," I give her a smirk. "You wanna get out of here?"
"Do I ever," she smiled. Running her hands back up my arms. "Let's go." She grabbed the duffle bag from the table and pulled me with her. I sigh as I notice Fangs and Jughead holding your arms. Thankfully, Destiny does not. "Boys... Will you go through this. Make sure it's all there." She throws the bag at Jughead. "Lover boy and I have some reconnection we need to do." I roll my eyes when she isn't looking. Instead of paying attention to her, I eye you. I want to make sure that you were okay. You had a red mark on the other side of your face. I could see bruises that were protruding from the bottom of your sleeves. Your jeans were filthy and your hands looked bruised. You are eyeing me too. I can't read your face.
"Is it all there?" I ask coolly.
"It's all here," Jughead said.
"Good," Destiny smiled. "Now get rid of her. Like we discussed."
"Get rid of her?" Fangs asked.
"Kill her! You dumb ass!" Destiny shouted. I grabbed her arm. "What are you doing?"
"What I should have done when you showed up at school," I spat grabbing her other arm. "Toni!" Toni runs out of the bar and ties her hands together.
"This is a huge mistake," Destiny seethed. "A very big mistake."
"I doubt that very much," Cheryl came out bow pointed at Destiny. "You're lucky, I don't shoot this arrow through your skull."
"I'd like to see you try." Cheryl aimed at her head. "You aren't gonna stop her?"
"No... And, you know what is great about Cheryl?" I ask looking her in the eye. "She doesn't miss." I pulled out my own blade. "You ever come near her again. This blade will go through you." I smirk.
Your P.O.V
"Are you alright?" Fangs asked as he unties your hands. "You look like shit." You roll your eyes at him.
"What took you so long?" You ask wrapping your arms around his neck. "God..." You mumbled a thank you to him.
"Hey... It's okay," Fangs rubbed your back. "Pea is taking care of it." You were shaking.
"She said she was going to kill me... And those guys," You shook your head. "Who else is here?"
"Reggie is in the car... Toni is inside with Betty and Cheryl," Jughead said. "I'm sorry for not noticing before..."
"It's okay. I'm just happy you all came," you sigh. "I was scared." They nod.
Pea comes out in tow of Destiny. He looked sick and pissed. Everything happened so quick. You barely had time to react. But, Destiny was tied up and Pea had threatened to kill her. Then, other Serpents came and took her away.
"Are you alright, Princess?" Pea grabs your hands and then hugs you. You said nothing, just feeling his embrace. Your body hurt. You were tired and hungry.
"I'm hungry," you mumble softly. Your voice was strained.
"Okay," He nods. "We will take you somewhere to eat. You wanna go to Mat's? I heard he made that cheesecake."
"The jiggly one?" You ask and He nods again. "Is he even open this late? He has his show that comes out on Thursdays."
"We could go to Pop's," Jughead suggested. "Everyone's been freaking all day. Veronica has been staying there for the Speakeasy."
"We can go to Pop's," you nod and follow them to car. "What... What are you guys gonna do with Destiny?"
"Sheriff Keller is meeting Hedgehog and Jubilee," Betty reassured. "He's gonna get her the help she needs."
"Okay," You nod. "Good." You didn't say anything the whole ride to Pop's. What could you say? You were happy that you got away and your friends came to save you. You were thankful. And, you were happy that Destiny was going to get help. Of course you were mad. She threatened to kill you and your friends. You didn't understand that part. But, you understand that the guy she loves is with someone else. And she would do anything for him. You eye Pea who had his arm wrapped around you.
"Oh my god," Veronica says from behind the counter. "Thank god you are okay!" She pulls you into a hug. "Look at you. Your meal is on the house. Go sit."
"Y/N," Archie was sitting in his own booth. "You look exhausted. Where have you been?"
"I was kidnapped," you sigh sitting with him. "What does that say about you?" He laughed. "I'm starved."
"Get whatever you want," Veronica comes back with menus. "Seriously. It's on me."
"Can I get the milk chocolate double fudge milkshake and the BLT with pecan pie instead of fries?" You ask.
"Sure. That's a strange combo," she laughs writing it down. Everyone else orders and she gives a smile before going to give the order to Pop.
"How are you feeling?" Cheryl asked.
"Tired," you shrug. "Some pain... But, I don't think I will really feel it until tomorrow."
"Well at least you don't have to get up in the morning," Fangs chuckled. "And, you have all of us to take care of you. I don't think Pea is gonna let you out of his sight ever again." You all laugh as Veronica brings over your milkshakes.
"He's not wrong," Pea shrugged.
"It's fine," you say taking a sip of your shake. "I don't ever wanna leave you guys again. Obviously, things don't go well, if I do."
"Are you gonna stop by the doctor?" Archie asked. "To make sure you aren't gonna get sick or anything?"
"Nah... the only thing I am really worried about is the drug they used on me," you sigh. "It was fucked."
"You should get checked out," Betty said. "Even if it's under the table."
"Yeah babe," Pea rubbed your shoulder.
"See Dr. Curdle," Jughead offered. "He will check you out."
"He only takes small bills," Betty said.
"You know a under the table doctor?" You ask. "Really?"
"Of course they do," Veronica shook her head. "Would you expect anything else?"
"Not really," You laugh. She placed your pie in front of you. "Thanks, V."
"Where are you staying tonight?" Reggie asked.
"Well, it's the first night of summer vacation... I figured I would stop at home and get some things and stay with you," Reggie smiled smally. "If you'll still have me. I know I've caused a lot of drama these past few days. Especially, today."
"Of course I will," Reggie laughed. "You all can... If you're up for it. Movie night?"
"Sounds amazing," Veronica smiled. "Archiekins?"
"We'll come," Archie have his signature boy next door smile. Everyone agreed to have a movie night at Reggie's and to call Kevin to join. You were sure that he knew everything that had went on by now. "It will be like we're in third grade all over again. Remember that slumber party we had?"
"I almost forgot about that!" Cheryl smiled. "That was the night that Reggie almost made Kevin pee his pants."
"It was also the night that you busted out your front tooth," Betty laughed.
"Oh yeah," Jughead chuckled. "We sang that Christmas song to you."
"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth," you sang poking her.
"Alright," Cheryl waved her hand in the air. "Do you not remember what you did that night?"
"Oh no!" You groan remembering now.
"What did she do?" Toni asked.
"Miss klutz here," Archie pointed. "Was running from Jughead. I don't remember what we were playing... But, she got to the top of the stairs. Didn't even take a step. She just fell."
"More like rolled," Jughead interjected.
"She rolled all the way down the steps and knocked over a vase that was holding Reggie's great grandmother's ashes!" Betty bit her bottom lip.
"She also knocked a picture off the wall," Reggie chuckled. "A family picture actually." You covered your face.
"I'm surprised your mom let her back in," Sweet Pea chuckled.
"Oh believe me... She almost didn't," you say from behind your hands. "I had to pry myself back in. She gave me dirty looks for a whole year. Then, one day I stop Reggie from failing a class and bam! I'm back in."
"This time... Can we refrain from breaking things?" Reggie asked. "We got a new urn, Y/N, stay away from it." Everyone laughed.
"You guys can't make fun of me! I was kidnapped by a psycho!" You whine.
"I think we still can," Fangs shrugged. "It's helping you feel better isn't it?" You roll your eyes but smile.
"Is everyone finished?" Veronica asked. "I'm gonna go grab a few things so we can go." You all nod.
At Reggie's you all cannot decide on a movie. You can't even decide on the genre. Everyone had different tastes. Kevin, Veronica, and Betty want a love movie. Archie and Reggie want a sports movie. Jughead wants a suspenseful movie, which Betty agreed that she wouldn't mind that either. Fangs and Sweet Pea want an action or scary movie. You just wanted sleep. You knew you weren't gonna get much of it, if the movie was scary. Finally Toni gets up and closes her eyes as she runs her hand over the movies. She runs it up and down, stopping randomly.
"Guess we are watching Step Brothers," Toni smiles. "Pop it in Mantle." He does as told and returns to his seat. You lean against Pea as the movie started. His arm locked around you. Cheryl and Toni say at your feet, cuddling. Reggie had a chair to the left of you and Pea. Fangs was sitting to the right of you on the couch. Kevin was on the ground at his feet, but somehow adjacent to Cheryl. Jughead and Betty were on the floor in front of Veronica and Archie. The sight made you happy. To see all of your friends. And they were all finally getting along. You fell asleep barely half way through. Your feet resting on Fangs lap. One hand hanging off of Sweet Pea's leg and the other behind him. It was probably the most peaceful sleep you've had in a while.

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