Into Your Arms

By Draagdo-Nesetto

198K 3.7K 488

Don't fall for the biggest player in school, that's what I have always told myself since starting high school... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
1. Where I Can't Follow
2. where I can't follow
3. where I can't follow
4. where I can't follow
5. where I can't follow
6. where I can't follow
7. where I can't follow
8. where I can't follow
9. where I can't follow
10. where I can't follow
11. where I can't follow
12. where I can't follow
13. where I can't follow
14. where I can't follow
15. where I can't follow
16. where I can't follow
17. where I can't follow
18. where I can't follow

Chapter 4

6.1K 108 17
By Draagdo-Nesetto

Colton's POV

"You look like Santa." Raine giggles as she helps spread shaving cream over my face.

"Ho, ho, ho." I joke making her laugh more as I grab my razor from next to the sink, "So I have to shave all my scratchy face?" I ask dipping the razor in the water wetting it as Raine nods yes, "Well fine." I fake growl running the razor over my face cutting down my stubble that Raine doesn't like.

"We get ice cream?" She asks banging her little feet against the old oak cabinet as she sits on the counter, "I want pink berry." She tells me making me laugh.

"You mean strawberry?" I correct running the razor over another part of my face.

"I say that." She growls narrowing her eyes at me making me laugh. I can't help but laugh when she does that, it's so adorable and so much like our mom. I swear just looking at her I see my mom every time.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I roll my eyes taking some shaving cream off my face and rubbing it on her nose making her giggle.


"Raine!" I mock her finishing shaving and wiping my face off with a towel, "Better?"

Raine squints her eyes, tilting her head to the side, running her small soft hand over my now smooth face, "Better."

"Glad I could please you." I laugh picking her off the counter and walking into my room to get dressed, checking my phone wanting to text Tenley to see if she was going to meet us. We haven't talked today and it makes me nervous only because I don't want to have freaked her out. Hell she did kiss me back, she did tease me and she did seem like she didn't want to leave me but still. Tenley's mind changes on me so much it drives me nuts. One minute we are flirting and laughing, the next she is pissed at me, then she is making out with me and I don't get her.

Tenley's POV

"Ten what are you doing today?" Max asks walking into my room, throwing himself on my bed.

"I uhh don't know." I lie running my straightner through my hair. Truth was I sorta thought about meeting Colton. I don't know why ok so don't ask but I thought it. Now I don't want to because then he thinks I am caving or something, agreeing that we should be whatever he wants to be but at the same time I want to real bad.

"Well I am bored and want to do something." He grabs a magazine off my night stand flipping through it.

"Well does big brother want to buy me ice cream?" I spin in my chair turning to look at him. That would work right? Max and I just happen to go for a walk and just happen to run into Colton and Raine and it doesn't at all seem like I was coming to meet him. I was just hanging out with my big brother like Raine is hanging with hers.

"I could do that." He throws his legs off my bed sitting up, "But I really don't know if I like you enough to get you ice cream." He jokes acting as if the thought of buying me ice cream and hanging with me is painful.

"Well you can either buy me ice cream or you can take me shopping and I will buy whatever." I shrug knowing he hates shopping.

"Ice cream it is!" He jumps off my bed, "Meet you at the car." He calls moving out of my room and downstairs.

"Be right there." I call back making sure he is out of the room before looking under my hair at the mark on my neck. I am going to kill Colton. Damn I knew something that felt that good was going to leave a mark, a pretty visible mark that Max can't see because even if he doesn't know its Colton he will still give me the third degree about boys, how they are trouble and how I should not be anywhere close enough to get marks like this one.

We have had that talk before; he still doesn't know where that mark came from.

"Ugh!" I growl putting some makeup on my neck and positioning my hair just right as I grab my purse, cell phone and head out of my room downstairs.

"Well hello Princess." Max teases as I climb into the passenger seat, "Took you long enough."

" Really Max? I got here like five minutes after you." I roll my eyes as I buckle my seat belt.

"Yeah five minutes that lasted a lifetime." Max exaggerates putting the car in reverse as we pull out of the driveway, "Is that me?" He questions when we hear a phone vibrating.

"Umm…" I dig through both cup holders looking to see which phone it is, "Nope it's me."

"It's always you. No one ever texts me." He fake pouts making me laugh as I roll my eyes.

"You're dumb." I flip my phone open seeing a text. I don't know who it's from but part of me is afraid its Colton and that being so I am almost nervous to open it, I mean I want to read it but still don't at the same time just in case he is going back on wanting me to come see him and Raine. If that is the case I am going to have to do some quick thinking to get out of getting it now with Max being with me since there is only one place to get ice cream in this whole town. Seriously this place is way too small.

"Are you going to read it?" Max raises his eyebrow at me as I let out a nervous laugh flipping it open to see it's just a text from my dad.

'Hey sweetie, I was going to call but can barely get any service here. Your mom and I are stuck in New York for a least another week. This business deal has been harder than I thought but anyway I have transferred some money for ya'll to eat and we will call as soon as we can. Love you both.'

"Who is it?"

"Oh it's Daddy. Things are taking longer than they thought so they won't be back for at least another week." I close my phone back sliding it in my back pocket.

"A week huh?" Max gets a sneaky grin and I know what he is thinking as I nod with a yup, "So a party Friday?" He wonders aloud as I look over at him matching his grin.

"Mr. Brady are you suggesting we throw a party while our parents are away?" I fake my disapproval with that, "How irresponsible would that make us?"

"Hmm…I don't know extremely." He shrugs as we pull into the ice cream shop, "So what you say Miss Brady are you for a weekend of being irresponsible?"

"Oh Mr. Brady I do believe I am." I tease climbing out of the car, looping my arm through his as we walk in laughing.

Colton's POV

"Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!" Raine cheers as we walk down the sidewalk to the ice cream shop. My little girl loves ice cream, I don't know why. I mean I never was as crazy about it like her but she can eat it all damn day no joke.

"I know Princess. You're getting your ice cream." I laugh as I switch her to my left arm to open the door feeling the cold building taking over my body making Raine shiver. One thing she definitely got from my mom is she can't stand being cold, I am more than certain she will live on the beach her whole life in the million degree weather because any place where it is cold is not for her.

"Tenny!" Raine squeals and I jerk my head around seeing Tenley and Max sitting in the back booth laughing. When I didn't hear from her this morning I just assumed she wasn't going to come but here she is spoon in her mouth laughing at something Max is saying to her, "Colt it's my Tenny!" She wiggles in my arms wanting to be put down.

"Hey man." Max walks followed by Tenley just a few steps behind staring intently at my little sister who was running over to her, "What you doing here?"

"Well I promised Raine ice cream and she never lets me forget those type of promises." I tell him making him laugh.

"Tenny!" Raine jumps up in Tenley's waiting arms, "I miss you!" She hugs her tight like she hasn't seen her in months.

"Well I missed you too Cupcake." She smiles as Raine giggles. Tenley looks good today, hell when doesn't she just wish she would actually look at me. Her gaze just goes from Max to Raine to the ground anywhere but looking at me.

That probably isn't a good sign.

"Colty pink berry!" Raine waves her hand in my face reminding me the reason we came.

"Ok." I lean over kissing her head seeing Tenley tense at my closeness when I force her to lock eyes with me.

"What about you Ten, you want something else?" Max asks her making her gaze dart away from me again.

"A coke please." She tells him spinning on her heels bouncing Raine over to the table they were at.

"So ya'll been here long?" I ask as we move up in the line.

"No only like ten minutes but Ten can eats ice cream like no one I know. She has already had two bowls." He informs me making me laugh.

"Damn where does she put it?" I look over at her seriously questioning where she could fit two bowls of ice cream in her small frame in one sitting.

"I'm not really sure." Max laughs looking over at his sister.

"It's cool you know." I comment watching Tenley and Raine laugh as Tenley gives Raine a bite of her ice cream.

"What is?" He asks looking back over at me.

"You and Tenley." I clarify, "You treat her better than most guys I know who are actually blood related to their sisters."

"Well I mean she has been my sister since I was 8. It was weird at first." He tells me which I get, "I mean I saw the way people would look at us when we would all go out somewhere. Trying to figure out how the black kid was with the white family and at first I somewhat resented Tenley."

"Really?" I ask taking a step forward, "What changed?"

"I grew up, well maybe we both grew up. Yet I remember one time we were at school and this kid was just being a big ass to her. Seriously he was just being such a douche and knocked her off the swing and it pissed me off bad."

"I bet."

"Yeah and so I walked over and just punched the kid, hard right in the face. So hard that it made my knuckles bleed and he of course ran off crying and everyone was staring and Tenley was sitting in the wood chips with a bleeding hand and then she got that little pissed face she gets. Where she scrunches her face up and narrows her eyes intently on you so much it even scares me." He laughs and yeah I know what he means, I have gotten that look, "But she stood up telling everyone to stop staring at her big brother, how they were all jealous their brother wasn't as cool as hers. Then she took her hand slapping it against my bleeding knuckles and told me how we were officially blood. Guess we have been family ever since." He laughs at the memory, "She was so dumb." He shakes his head but it's clear how much that meant to him.

"That's cool Max." I slap him on the shoulder, "You have a pretty special sitter."

"Yeah I do, I just worry too much about her. I mean I know it's only a few months but she is my baby sister you know."

"Yeah trust me I understand." I look at a giggling Raine, "All you want to do is protect them from everything and it almost scares you that one day you may not be around to take care of them." I tell him thinking about everything that has happened in my life and how the thought of Raine alone with our Father scares me more than life.

"Yeah." Max nods stepping forward, "Can I have a coke please?" He asks the cashier who nods as she punches in the number, "Oh and a strawberry ice cream." He adds grabbing his wallet, "I got Raine's."

"You sure?" I ask because I have no problem paying for my little sister's ice cream, not like I can't afford it.

"Yeah." He nods handing over the money, "I got this one."

"Thanks man." I take the ice cream cup as he grabs Tenley's drink and we head over to the table, "Here you go Princess." I sit the ice cream on the table as I slide in the chair next to her.

"Tank you." She grins climbing out of Tenley's lap settling in mine.

"Well I see how it is." Tenley pouts crossing her arms over her chest, "Here I thought Raine liked me so much more then you but no, you show up with ice cream and she switches sides just like that."

"Ten you're so dumb." Max sits down handing her over her drink.

"Well tank you Maxie." She recovers her pouting as she takes a sip, "But really Raine not cool."

"Not cool?" Raine tilts her head to the side as she puts her spoon in her mouth, "I cool." She shakes her head making us laugh, "Colty says I the coolest."

"That's very true." I kiss the top of her head, "Swallow first Raine." I pull the spoon from her mouth when she goes to shove another spoon full in her mouth.

"I did." She opens her mouth sticking out her tongue again making us all laugh.

"You have a handful with this one Colt." Max laughs, "I thought Ten was trouble but I don't know when Raine gets older she might give Tenley a run for her money." He jokes pinching Tenley's side making her squeal jumping from her chair slightly.

"Max stop I hate being tickled." She whines and I make a note to remember that in case I need to use it at some point, "But I am a great baby sister just like Raine will be a great baby sister when she is older." She informs us all as she takes a napkin wiping Raine's chin.

"I de best sister." Raine nods proudly as she dips her spoon in her bowl, "Berry Colty!" She squeals excited shoving the spoon in my mouth before I can say anything.

"Thanks Raine." I chuckle wiping the ice cream off my chin.

"Swaldo." She points at me mocking my tone from a few minutes ago, making me roll my eyes as I stick out my tongue, "Good."

"I seriously love this little girl." Max laughs and I agree Raine has the best personality, everyone who meets her loves her, it's hard not to look at her and love her.

"I know she is so cute." Tenley grins brushing a few strands over hair out of her face, "I can only imagine what will happen when she is 18. The boys will be going nuts over her."

"Hell no they won't." I argue that one quickly.

"No bad words!" Raine slams her hand over my mouth hating when I cuss. How she knows what bad words are from not bad words are I don't know. Yet I think she notices my tone when I use them, how I only use them when I am mad and maybe the fact she will slip using one of those words and I scold her for it. That might also be it.

"I'm sorry I meant no that will not happen." I correct as she goes back to eating her ice cream, "Boys will not get within a 100 feet of Raine."

"It doesn't work like that." Max laughs shaking his head, "I have tried to make sure guys don't get within a 100 feet of Tenley and it doesn't work." He says and I see Tenley nervously grab her drink as she chews on her straw tossing, a glance at me before looking back down.

If Max only knew.

Tenley's POV

"Oh so Colton we are having a party this Friday." Max tells him as we all walk out of the ice cream shop. To say that little thing wasn't awkward would be a lie. I almost feel like I don't know how to act around Colton and it bugs me. Don't get me wrong I don't like him really, I mean he is fun to mess around with but I am not like those girls who just fall stupid over him but at the same time it's weird. The last time we were together I had his tongue down my throat and now we are sharing ice cream with my brother and his sister? Sorry if I don't really know how to handle all this.

"Are really? A big blow out at the Brady household huh?" He jokes as he puts Raine on his back carrying her.

"You know it, back home we were known for our parties."

"Actually Max was known for his parties, I was known for cleaning up his mess." I joke shoving my brother in the arm making him laugh.

"No Ten you were known for drinking all the jocks under the table." He says.

"Oh yeah that too." I for some reason blush a little at that fact. People are shocked by my drinking skills and why I don't know. Maybe because I am a girl, maybe because I am not a big partier or maybe because I am not very big, I don't really know but it does seem to shock many of them. Just like I see the shock on Colton's face now, "What? Do you know not believe him?" I raise me eyebrow at him as we walk.

"No I do." Colton tells me quickly, "But you are just full of surprises that's all." He states making me look back down, blushing even more.

"Max!" I freak quickly grabbing onto his arm making us all stop.

"What? What's wrong?" He worries then I laugh at the fact I made him worry.

"Nothing, nothing I was just thinking Friday is like close."

"Tenley it's like in four days." Colton tells me like I am stupid and I roll my eyes.

"I know that but we go to school tomorrow and then the rest of the week and today is the only day I really have off which means…" I trail off.

"Which means what?" Max asks confused, "Do you know?" He turns to Colton.

"No I don't know; I was hoping you would explain that one for me." Colton tells him and I growl at how dumb they are.

"It means I need something to wear!" I tell them both like they are the stupidest people I know.

"No, no, no!" Max shakes his head, "I told you I would get you ice cream but I am not shopping."

"Shopping!" Raine squeals, "Colty we shopping?"

"See! Raine agrees." I point out taking her from Colton.

"She is two she doesn't know what she wants." Colton clearly disagrees with the shopping.

"But we want too." I pout, "Don't we Raine?"

"Pwease Colty?" Raine copies my lip shoving it out as far as she can as we both beg to our big brothers.

"Ten I hate shopping." Max whines.

"So do I." Colton copies Max's whine, "It's boring."

"We won't be long I promise. I just need maybe a skirt, and a cute top and some boots. Then something cute for Raine." I promise them, "Please, we will be there an hour tops, I swear."

"Ten I am leaving you." Max says as we walk out of another store again empty handed. So maybe an hour turned into two and maybe two turned into three but it's not my fault. We got here and I found it more fun shopping for Raine then myself and before I knew it Raine had all these cute outfits and I had nothing.

"I'm sorry but shopping with Raine is so much fun." I squeal a little excited. Ok I am lame, but I don't care, I never had a baby sister when I was little to dress up and Raine is the closest thing I have gotten to one, "But suck it up Colton isn't complaining as much as you."

"That's because he is quieter about his complaining then I am. You're my little sister I have no problem telling you that I think you're nuts." He says making Colton laugh as the slowly trail behind me and Raine.

"Well one more store." I promise this time seriously, "Then we will get Raine something to eat because she is hungry."

"Yup, Yup." Raine yawns a little snuggling against my shoulder as we walk.

"Well while you are in this store I am going to go to the bathroom." Max hands his bags, well Raine's bags over to Colton.

"Dude don't leave me." Colton grumbles taking the bags as Max slowly backs away giving him a shrug, "Dude you totally suck!" He growls making Max laugh as he spins around walking away.

"Oh come on Colton." I pull on his arm, "You can watch me try on something."

"Fine but only if I get to pick it out." He smirks and I roll my eyes but caving since he and Max have both been very good sports, "Hmm…" He scales over a rack tapping his chin, "I can pick anything I want huh?"

"Keep it appropriate." I warn slightly nervous what this boy would pick out.

"Tenley I am offended you would think I would do anything but." He mocks hurt placing his hand on his heart making me roll my eyes, "So let's see what about…oh something like this." He grabs a short white skirt that is actually pretty cute, "And this." He grabs a black tank top with lace on the bottom.

"That's actually…pretty cute." I admit actually really liking his choice.

"Yeah well I figured the white will just make those amazing tan legs standout and gives me something to look at all night." He runs his eyes down to my legs, "Yum."

"God you are so stupid." I take the clothes pushing him on the chest as he laughs, "Raine you like it?"

"Berry." She nods but I know she has no clue what I am talking about; she is all but asleep in my arms right now.

"I think my baby is asleep." Colton quickly changes his tone to sweet and caring, loving. This little girl clearly holds this boy's heart completely in her hands.

"Aww how precious." We turn to see the sells clerk walk up looking at the sleeping Raine, "How old is she?"

"She is two." Colton tells her as he slowly runs his hand up and down her back.

"Well she is just perfect and has both her mother and father in her; I bet you two are very happy." She says and my eyes widen as they dart over to Colton who is holding back a laugh.

"Oh no we are-"

"Well thank you." Colton cuts me off wrapping his arm over my shoulder as I glare at him, "We are very happy." He kisses the side of my head as I slam my elbow in his side making him laugh more.

"Well if you would like to try this on I would not mind at all watching your little girl." She turns to me.

"Oh that is ok; I have tried on clothes with my little girl with me before." I fake my cheerfulness, "Honey do you mind watching her?" I look up at Colton who frowns a little.

"Well I am sure…" He pauses looking at the girl reading her name tag, "Hope doesn't mind. I would really enjoy helping you try it on." He smirks at me.

"Well I am sure you would sweetheart but you will just have to wait and see it Friday." I pass Raine over waking her up just a few moments before snuggling back into Colton's shoulder, "I will be right back."

"Tenley…" Colton whines as I spin to look back at him annoyed, "Don't forget my kiss." He points to his lips and I growl at him.

"Colton…" I warn him and he just puckers his lips waiting, "Fine." I force a smile moving back over leaning up giving him kiss, a kiss I know he is enjoying a little too much and when he goes to slide his tongue in my mouth I can't help but bite down hard on his bottom lip making him growl sat me, "I'll be right back." I smirk skipping off loving that I can play just as well as him.

So I like my outfit. I hate that I like it but I really, really like it and I hate Colton for picking it out. Yet I don't care I am getting it and I am wearing it Friday and I am just going to ignore him the whole night.

"Well thank you." I hear Colton laugh walking out to see Raine awake and on the counter and him talking to Hope. Why are they laughing so much? Why is she so very close to him and why is she touching his shoulder? She is older, it's clear she is older than us, not by much just a few years but still. What kind of woman hits on a guy who is younger and with a kid? A kid who she thinks is his and thinks his kid's mom is in the dressing room. Skank.

"I feel so dumb though. I bet I just look so stupid thinking this little joy was your daughter." She laughs throwing her head back, sounding like pins and needles to my ears.

"It's ok. She looks like me; I mean she is my baby sister." He says and I groan that he told her the truth. I mean I don't even know why but still it frustrates me, couldn't he have just let her believe what she believed.

"Well she does have your eyes." Hope smiles looking up at him and now I am stepping in because the look she is giving him I don't like at all.

"Well hello." I step between them interrupting their little eye contact, "I'll take these please." I lay the clothes down and taking Raine back away from Colton. I don't like some girl being all sweet to her; she is my Raine.

"Let me ring that up for you." Hope gives me a fake smile taking the clothes and walking over to the cash register.

"That would be so nice." I push a smile, "Since that's your job." I mumble that latter part sending her a glare.

"Tenley…." He chuckles reaching for my side and I jerk away from him walking over to pay as he again starts laughing, "Whoa someone seems a little pissy." Colton comments as we walk out of the store me just a few steps ahead of him.

"I'm not pissy." I snip at him as I move faster down the mall, Raine starting to fall asleep again. I can't believe they woke her up the first time, she was so exhausted and they just had to wake up the poor little thing.

"You seem very pissy." He laughs as he moves as fast as he can with me, "What's wrong? Are you jealous are something?" He asks grabbing my side and spinning me around to look at him.

"Jealous?" I let out a harsh laugh, "Jealous of what?"

"I saw the way you got snippy with Hope, you don't like her." He grins and I don't know why he is grinning, "You don't like her because she liked me."

"You are so conceded." I can't believe his arrogance.

"I am not conceded…It was clear she liked me and when she realized we were not together and offered her number it was even more clear she liked me." He informs me making me just want to punch him in the face, "But you don't need to be jealous Tenley." He smirks stepping closer placing his hands on my hips pulling me even closer, "I don't want her, you know I want you."

"Stop doing that!" I shove back before I get to lost in what he is saying, "Quit it I'm serious."

"Come on Ten you can't just ignore what happened last night." He reminds me and I freeze at thinking about it.

"That shouldn't have happened." I tell him in a hush tone like someone around us might actually know a thing of what we are talking about, "That was…was…"

"A mistake?" He kinks his brow at me, "It didn't feel like a mistake." He moves closer to me, "And it didn't seem like you regretted it too much when you came to meet us earlier."

"I was not coming to meet you. Max wanted ice cream I said yes and the fact I got to see Raine was all I wanted to do." I lie bouncing Raine in my arms as her little hand clings to my hair.

"I think you are full of shit." He growls at me his face only inches from mine, "You wanted it Tenley, don't for a second act like you don't and you will want it again and it will happen again."

"It won't." I repeat taking a step back.

"Keep telling yourself that." He seems almost hurt by my comment, put off with what I said.

"Tenley!" I hear Max yell and I look up seeing him walking towards us French fries in hand, "Are you done?"

"Yeah." I say as he reaches us, "I am done and ready to go home." I kiss Raine on the side of the head, "Here." I pass her back to Colton not wanting to look at him, not wanting to spend any more time with him and just wanting to go home.

"Well thank you." Colton's tone is just as put off with me as I am with him, "Max I will see you are school tomorrow and Tenley I will see you when I see you." He spins around walking away.

"What was that about?" Max looks back and forth between us confusion written all over his face.

"It was that Colton and I can't spend more than ten minutes around each other without him annoying me. You really need to get new friends." I spin away from him before he can even make a comment and heading out to the car.

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