Katie Holt, I presume

By BlueDemon1999

12.7K 433 416

Kidge fan fic...first time trying this...if you hate it sorry!! More

Meeting Katie Holt
Downtime before Next Mission
Big Sis
Boys are Slow
Truth or dare???
Dangerous turn
The long walk back
Sleeping Arrangements
Insomnia and Advice
Town Adventures
Chapter 20 Reality Check
Bar Fight!!!!
Pidge's Revelation
Figuring Things Out
Chapter 26
CH 27
Ch 28 Planning time
Chapter 29

I suck at titles, sorry~

780 21 14
By BlueDemon1999

Pidge races into the meeting, holding her laptop and wishing she had time to grab a coke, she only had a couple hours of sleep and her brain is still not fully up. She quickly sits and powers up her laptop. Lance slides over a coke and she glances up at him and offers him a grateful smile. Hunk then slips over some peanut butter cookies under the table to her. A lieutenant to the right of her father then states, "Is no one going to address the fact that Ms. Holt has come into this meeting late? Just because her father is the"Is as far as he gets when shouting the starts. Keith's eyes are flashing as he yells at the guy, Lance stands up and is swearing in Spanish, and even James starts defending her.

Pidge raises a hand and everyone quiets.

"I've been running diagnostics non stop since out of the hospital (yes quiet dig to the asshats who were talking smack about me) and I've discovered that there are actually a series of sleeper cells located on earth and in the surrounding systems. I believe that this was planted with a greater purpose in mind. We need to investigate immediately to determine how this is going to be used. Until we gather more information, I do not believe we can assume we have time before the next attack. While I apologize for my tardiness, it was for a worthwhile cause."

The focus then is redirected towards the large screen where Pidge has mirrored her data. While everyone is scrambling to determine what the next step is, she slowly breathes out a deep breath. She in no way wants the attention directed at herself and is only glad her mom and brother are not in this meeting because surely they would not be so easily distracted.

The meeting is full of arguments and possible plans which she easily tunes out. Right now she is still focused on trying to fully wake up and not focus or linger on this mornings awkward wake up call from Keith.  She sneaks a glance his way and notices him in deep conversation with Acxa, and immediately feels down. Meanwhile, the room is getting louder and louder.  As she refocuses, she realizes the room is split in two camps: looking covertly into the sleeper cells or an all out attack.

Suddenly Shiro stands up and states, "We need more information. That's the bottom line. We send in a covert group that can determine what is going on and that can relay that back to the base. Once we have all the information we can move forward. No arguments."

The other head people are all quietly talking when Keith throws his weight with Shiro, as do all the paladins. Chief Engineer Holt for a moment looks sad (in his heart he does not want to risk his daughter) but realizes she is their best hope. He takes a deep breathe and agrees.

Shiro then states who should be going on the task force. Keith, Pidge, Lance, Veronica,  James and Ryan. The group looks at each other and stands. Hunk and Princess Allura stand as well, but really want question why they are not included, as do the other members of Griffin's team. Shiro heads off any questions by explaining that Princess Allura needs to stay to build rapport with the other species and individuals on our planet now-diplomatic purposes. Hunk replies he does not have any diplomatic ties when Holt replies he needs to stay to gather the information Pidge relays back. In addition, the base needs a few pilots to stay busy and keep guard of the base. Those who remain are the best defense of the Garrison and people.

Pidge smiles at Hunk and whispers, "Catch up with your family while you can, if anyone deserve this its you!" Hunk smiles and states, "Just be sure you come back!"  Lance goes to Princess Allura and gives her a wink and then starts to talk to his sister about how he is in charge! Pidge smirks when she hears Veronica's rapid and detailed response to that statement. Keith then stands and states, "Alright team, let's get ready and come up with a plan." To which Lance replies, "Really you are going to plan!!! Since when?"

Keith drags in a long breath and shakes his head. The room starts to clear out and the Commander states they can use the room for prep and that they should plan to leave at 0700 hours. On his way out, Sam stops by his daughter and whispers something in her ear that causes her to smile. Keith cannot help but notice how much she has grown in these last few years, really all of them.

As the room clears, Keith takes stock. Keith notices everything, and with his advanced Galra senses, he gathers info. He needs to make some assessments about the new people. Yes, they helped in the first battle, but what were there strengths and weaknesses? How would they fit into the group?

Then out of the corner of his eye, he realizes James is almost stalking Pidge. He is unobtrusively getting closer and closer to her. He cannot help himself from tensing and taking a step forward. Then he forces himself to stop and observe. While he doesn't try anything, Keith cannot help but feel bothered by his actions. 

Griffin eventually comes up to Pidge and pulls the chair out next to where she is sitting. He offered her another Coke which, she softly smiles at him and accepts. Frowning Keith calls the meeting to attention. All eyes are on him, which he doesn't mind. But then, he motions Pidge forward. She starts and then moves in. She looks at Keith inquiryly, and he then says "Pidge I know that you are not a fan of being in the center of attention but can you break down what you found and how we can best get started in your opinion?"  He then pulls the chair out to his right and carefully watchers Griffin who has eyes only on Katie...Pidge.

Time skip

Meeting over-everyone gathering what they need

Lance is talking to his sister about a dinner they are going to tonight. Keith makes sure to be close to Pidge and when she turns to make a joke he is already looking towards her. She stops suddenly, and gets close, in an undertone, "Hey Keith, do you have plans for tonight??" He cannot help but turn red, replying, "No, why?" She then smirks and states "You have gotta come to dinner with my parents!! You can regal them with the stories of your Marmora days! Plus we can play video games and kick Matt's butt! You should invite your mom too!! I know that my dad would love to talk more to her and they both knew you dad so maybe you can hear some stories of your dad in his heyday!"

Keith cannot help but notice the frown on Griffin's face and instantly agrees. Griffin then raises his voice and says, "Hey Katie, we found a supply of some electronics the last time we went out on patrol. Do you want to come and take a look at it?" To which, Pidge of course replies yes. Why does he insist on calling her Katie and not Pidge or even Officer Holt??

And what's with the smirk on James' face? He starts to follow the newbies and Pidge out when Lance grabs his arm and pulls him to the side.

"Dude, did you see that? I think James has a crush on our Pidgeon!!! Do we approve or not???"

Keith stares at Lance, and quietly says "Not".

Lance raises an eyebrow, and says "ok, meeting in 20-your room"

Keith pauses, is he really doing this?, "yeah sounds good"

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