An Unlucky Spider (Reboot)

By darkhero789

120K 2.2K 267

For Peter Parker life is going great he's passing all of his college courses, he moved out of his Aunt May's... More

A good day for Spider-Man
the Parker luck returns
Parker's life
Game Night
Cross town heist
More spiders
A soldiers return
The spider and the cats game
the cats game
Check up and misunderstanding
Avengers party
Venoms out
Dinner at aunt mays
Felicia Hardy
Fantastic revival
Not a chapter, Spider-man Far from Home news
Venom Revealed
A Painful Past
A much needed break
Midtown high school reunion.....shit
Reminders and a Party crasher
Putting your life back together
Important info and a job
Yet another spider
Anne found
The Symbiote children
Irreparable Damage
Explanations and anger
Back on the job
The journal and goodbye
Right where he said
A dark history
Uncle Ben
A brand new Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
An old friends help
The city needs a hero
Venom Vs the Spiders
Agent Venom reporting for duty
Climax preperation
Wrath vs The Spider-Family
Last chapter
Authors note

Dates in masks

3.3K 67 2
By darkhero789

Later in the day after dark peter was found swinging along the streets of Manhattan. He landed on a nearby building and looked over the city. After a few seconds of silence he turned to the shadows behind him.

"Come on out cat. I know your there." Peter said. Nothing. He then activated his web shoot which appeared on the back of his wrist and aimed. He fired a shot at the wall. The web turned into a ball as it bounced off the wall and hit something behind a ventilation system. Peter then heard black cat cry out in shock and pain as the ball was decently sized and moving pretty fast. She then moved out of the shadows rubbing her ass as that was where peter hit. "I said come out." Peter said.

"Did have to hit me." She complained.

"Thought we agreed you give up being a thief." Peter said.

"Just because I'm no longer a thief doesn't mean I can't be Black Cat anymore." She said. When she said this peter did agree with her.

"Ok. So what do you want?" Peter asked.

"What? Can't a girl just go for a walk as her alter ego?" Cat asked.

"Sure... but when she follows the same guy for almost the entire day, don't you think they'd be curious as to what they want?" Peter said calling black cat out on her stalking him ever since he saved her from the fall.

"I don't know what your talking about." She said trying to play it off.

"You want me to show you the pictures I got of you following me?" Peter asked as he pulled out his phone.

"You didn't?!" She said shocked. Peter then showed a picture of him posing with a peace sign while in the background you could see black cat looking around as if searching for something. He swiped showing another picture of him with her in the background. He began to swipe to show more but she got the point at that time. "Ok ok. So I've been following you the entire day. Alright." She said. Peter then put his phone away.

"So. What do you want?" Peter asked as she used his webbing to create a hammock. He then swung back and forth on the hammock.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date?" She asked.

"With you?" Peter asked.

"No. With My best friend. She's been single for the past few weeks you two would be perfect." She said. Peter looked at her with confusion on his mask. "Of course with me dip shit!" She said showing that she was being sarcastic. Peter looked up from his hammock.

"Sorry. I don't really know you. So I'm not all to comfortable sharing my identity with a total stranger." Peter said.

"Fine. Then let's do it as Spider-Man and Black Cat." She said. Peter looked at her for a moment then sat up in the hammock.

"Why do you even want to go out on a date with me? All you know about me is that I'm a crime fighter, I wear a mask, I have the superpowers of a spider, and I make tons of puns that either hilarious or total flops. So why me?" Peter asked.

"Because I find you interesting. Besides isn't the point of dating to get to know the other person." She said as she got so close that she leaned on the hammock. Peter had to lean back a bit. "So what do you say?" She asked. The eyes of Peters mask narrowed at her as he thought.

Time skip

Peter and black cat went to a carnival. They walked to it with their masks on but clothes over the costumes. Peter had on a over coat with a pull over ESU hoodie. The hood was up and peter had a hat on as well. On his hands were a pair of gloves, he had cargo pants on, and a pair of normal sneakers. Black cat had on a hat and wore a jacket and pants over herself. She didn't have to wear as much as peter because she wasn't as recognizable as he was with the mask. Just needed enough to cover her face, her torso, and legs. Her shoes and gloves that she used for her black cat activities didn't need to be switch or covered. Peter then got two tickets for the carnival. Inside they looked around.

"So. What do you want to do?" Peter asked.

"Let's see. Carnival games are always a good one." She said as they walked to a bunch of games. "So. How about we play a game ourselves." She said.

"What kind of game?" Peter asked.

"I ask a question. We both have to answer it with 100% honesty. Then It'll be your turn for a question." Felicia said. Peter thought for a moment as he looked at cat.

"Fine. Ask." Peter said.

"Who's your secret identity?" Cat asked with a smile. Peter looked at her and said.

"Bruce banner." Peter said.

"Isn't that the hulk?" She asked.

"Ask a different question." Peter said.

"Fine. What age range are you in? Late twenties, early thirties, or what?" She asked. Peter thought for a moment on wether that was too personal or not.

"Mid twenties." Peter replied.

"Early twenties." She replied.

"Your 23 years old." Peter said.

"What?! How do you know?!" She asked shocked.

"Iron mans scanned you. It said you were 23." Peter said. Cat then began to pout beneath her baseball cap. "Alright. Let's see. Favorite color." Peter asked. Cat then groaned. Peter looked at her.

"Sorry. It's just. That's such a typical question. But the answer is white." She said as she tossed her hair up, it was currently in ponytail.

"Red." Peter replied. Cat then began to think of a question.

"If you could go back in time to visit one person who'd it be?" She asked. Peter looked down as he thought for a second. Just then he heard someone advertising their booth. It was one of those baseball games where you knock down the bottles. Peter put down some cash for a single round. It seemed the guy didn't notice the mask. once given the ball peter aimed and fired knocking the ball down. The guy must have rigged it as he stared at the knocked down bottles confused. He looked at peter, but all he got was a finger pointing towards a plushie Spider-Man. The guy then handed it over to him. Before peter left he tipped his hat to the guy letting him catch a glimpse of Peters mask as he winked. The only thing the guy could do was gape at the sight. As they walked away cat looked at peter then back at the guy. Peter then handed cat the plushie version of himself.

"That was pretty cool. But you didn't answer my question." She said.

"I know. I know. If I could go back in time to meet one person. Who would it be." Peter said pausing for a moment. Cat looked at him curiously. "My parents." He answered. Cat laughed.

"Why your parents. I mean. Don't you see them everyday?" She asked. Peter didn't respond. Causing cat to get the picture. "Oh. You never met them did you?" She asked.

"Nope. Died while I was still a baby." He replied. It was then quiet for a while. "So. Who'd you go back and see?"

"A young Dorothy Ferguson." She said with a smile.

"Dorothy Ferguson?" Peter asked.

"A thief. She's still alive. But I'd love to meet a young version of her when she was at her good years. She'd use her good looks and confuse her victims. Her targets were any man that found her attractive. As long as they had the money, she had the time." Cat explained.

"Let me guess. She stole from them while she spent her time with them?" Peter asked.

"Yep. She got away with it too. She was only convicted once and it was recently with her in her elderly years." Cat said.

"Of course you'd want to meet a thief." Peter said. Cat smiled at him. This went on for the rest of the date.

By the end of the date they were on top of a roof. In Felicia's hand was not only the Spider-Man plushie peter won but also a white kitty cat in a pink and blue dress. Peter was sitting on the ledge.

"So what now?" Peter asked.

"I think this the end of the date." Cat replied. Peter nodded his head as a silence filled the air. "Aren't you gonna do something?" She asked.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" Peter asked confused. Cat sighed and rolled her eyes as she set the plushies down and moved to peter. She then sat on his lap facing towards him. This surprised peter.

"Why don't you think a little further ahead." She said as she began to pull up Peters mask so that it was just like how she kissed him after he saved her from falling. Peter swallowed as she then began to kiss him on the lips like she did earlier in the day. Except this time it wasn't hurried like before when she had to run from stark. Now she was taking her sweet time with the kiss, enjoying every moment. Peter didn't know what to do until she pulled away and looked at him. She then got up and started walking backwards with her hands behind her back.

"My names Felicia." She said as she backed away. Peters eyes widened in surprise and began to wonder wether or not to tell her his name. "Don't worry. You don't have to tell me your name." She said as she put a finger to his lips. She smiled before turning and picking up the plushies. Then she began to skip away and went down into the streets while still wearing the clothes she took to the carnival which allowed her to blend in. Peter just looked after her. Was she serious about this? Peter still had doubts but he wasn't entirely sure. It was like half of him wanted it to be true that she liked him but the other half is screaming Parker luck, saying it was too good to be true. Just like everything else that ever happened to him. With that peter left and went back home. As he swung through New York he just hoped that she wasn't playing him for a fool.

"Felicia. Pretty name." He said in the middle of a swing.

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