The Apprentice (A Percy Jacks...

By jungle321jungle

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Percy Jackson's luck has some how just got worse. After the war ends and many losses. Percy already feels ba... More

Chapter 1- Betrayed
Chapter 2- 1,000 Years Later
Chapter 3- An Entrance Worthy Of Drama Queen Himself
Chapter 5- She's Not The Same
Chapter 6- A Prophecy
Chapter 7- Childish Immortals
Chapter 8- A Traitor
Chapter 9- Let's Have Some Fun
Chapter 10- I'm Outmatched
Chapter 11- Identities
Chapter 12- The True Apprentice
Chapter 13- Yes, We Will Fit
Chapter 14- Give Back The Ice Cream
Chapter 15- Keep Her In The Dark
New Story!
Chapter 16- He Might Just Burn Your Hair Off
Knights Of Nine

Chapter 4- Yes I'm Scared of the Hunters

10.1K 262 172
By jungle321jungle

Chapter 4- Yes I'm Scared of the Hunters

Omega POV

I walk inside the cabin and flop down on a couch. Those who didn't reveal themselves- (minus Healer, someone has to keep 'Our Resident Pyromaniac' under control) follow my lead.

"I'm surprised you didn't reveal yourselves," I direct to Maiden, Thunder, Shadow, Arrow and Alpha.

"Dude, they tried to execute us," Thunder says gesturing to himself and his sister as Maiden pulls down her hood. The others follow her lead and pull theirs down. As usual I leave mine up.

"I know they did, but wouldn't it be great to just show your face. And be like 'Hey! You tried to execute me because I was powerful. Now I'm more powerful than you.'" Thunder smiles and Maiden just rolls her eyes at me. I turn to the other three in question.

"What's your excuse?"

"I wasn't ever liked so what's the point," Shadow says with a shrug getting up and going to the fridge. Yes we have a fridge. Or cabin looks the same size of the others but really it's two floors and huge. It's like the TARDIS. Bigger on the inside.

"Though I do miss Hazel. Maybe later."

"No one would really remember me anyway," Arrow says.

"You saved my life," Maiden says. "They better remember you."

"Alpha?" I question.

"Didn't feel like it." I roll my eyes at him and turn on the TV.


When the conch sounds for lunch we pull up our hoods and head to the dining pavilion. I wave my hand creating a table for us to sit at. Leo, Connor and Clarisse choose to sit with their siblings instead.

We fill our plates and begin to eat. We don't bother to sacrifice our food for the gods. I watch as the Hermes table gets up and Connor stays seated and eats. Why sacrifice it to someone you are more powerful than? And Chaos doesn't like that kind of stuff. No one questions our customs, probably thinking of what happened to that Camper who accused me earlier.

"How come you didn't sit with the Hunters?" I ask Zoë, who sits next to me.

"Well they have sworn off the company of men and I do have a boyfriend," She answers calmly. Her hood is still down and her volcanic eyes sparkle with happiness as she looks over to wear the Hunters are seated. She notices me looking and continues.

"Don't worry. I'm not going back or anything."

"I wasn't thinking that," I lie. "Did you tell them you have a boyfriend?" I ask worriedly glancing at the Hunters as they eat.

"What? The powerful-apprentice-to-Chaos is scared of some Hunters?" She asks with a smirk.

"Well when they are at your girlfriends beckoning call. Then yes I am scared of the Hunters." She laughs and Beauty who had been listening in Awwws. I roll my eyes and stuff some more food in my mouth.


After Lunch the Immortal Campers, Shadow, Alpha and I gather in the Rec Room.

"Can you all introduce yourselves?" I ask as I lean back in my chair and prop my feet on the table. They nod and start.


"Annabeth Chase. Goddess of Architecture. Head of Athena Cabin."

"Piper McLean. Goddess of Natural Beauty. Aphrodite."

"Karson Crosswell. Ares," Says the guy I recognize from earlier. I give him a smile since my mouth is the only part of my face that can be seen. He shrinks back in his seat and others continue.

"Travis Stoll. God of Pranks."

"Jester must be proud," I mutter.

"Will Solace. Apollo."

"Nyssa. Hephaestus."

"Katie Gardner. Demeter."

"Hazel Levesque. Daughter of Pluto. So I'm Roman but since he died. I double for the Hades Cabin. Goddess of Jewels." I stare at her still confused why Maiden and Thunder were going to be executed for being children of the Big Three but she wasn't.

"Frank Zhang. Praetor of New Rome. Son of Mars."

"Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Immortal Oracle. Apollo didn't want to have to worry about finding another," She says. Answering my unasked question.

"Grover Underwood. Lord of the Wild."

"Phoebe. Lieutenant of Artemis."

"Pollux. Dionysus." The minor gods kids continue and I half listen when they finish I speak.

"So, what do you already know about the war?"

"Honestly, not much. We know monster attacks have stopped. Meaning the monsters must be gathering. We know who we must face. But other than that nothing," Annabeth says clearly frustrated. I smirk.

"What's so funny?" She demands.

"The daughter of Athena is clueless," Shadow answers for me. She rolls her eyes.

"What do you know?" Chiron asks.

"Nothing. Chaos sort of just tells us a job and we make it happen. He doesn't tell us anything unless it's critical. Though he did seen to be hiding back," I answer.

"He'd tell us if it was truly important," Alpha adds.

"Why didn't you three choose to reveal yourselves?" Annabeth blurts. I raise my eyebrow.

"Well, why did you decide to wear your hair in a ponytail?" I counter.

"I like it this way. But I don't-"

"Same exact reason. I like my hood," I lie. "I keep it up almost 24/7. Anyway, I'm bored. Alpha come spar with me."

"But I always lose," He whines.

"Fine. You and Shadow vs me."

"That's not much better." I shrug and walk down to the arena to train. The lie I just told rings in my head. That isn't the reason I wear my hood.

I wear it so I don't have to face myself in the mirror. Seeing my face is like reliving my old life. Though no one else knows how I feel. I shake off the thought and pick up the pace. The faster I get there to train the faster-

The conch blows three times in my ears breaking me from my thoughts. An attack. (A/N how many for everything? I have no idea) I run toward the hill pressing a button on necklace which summons my armor.

I smile at the monster army. Only a few hundred. I look over at my team and nod.

"Campers. Back. That's an order," I yell. Annabeth opens her mouth to argue but ignore her by grabbing my hunting knife and throwing it. I watch as it goes straight through five monsters.

I smile. Well, I did want to spar.

Unknown POV

I watch as the Soldiers of Chaos fight my monsters. I hang upside down invisible in a tree. In under three minutes the army is gone. They don't even bother to use their powers and I'm not surprised. The army was weak and small. I watched the leader Omega for the whole three minutes. He kills the most with a smile on his face. Once it is over the Soldiers begin to bicker over who killed the second most amount. I roll my eyes. Childish.

I then teleport myself back to the palace. I turn myself visible before teleporting myself outside the throne room.

I push open the large red doors and walk forward and kneel.

"Destroyer," he greets.

"Lord End," I reply standing up.


"Demolished them very easily as expected. Honestly if the Apprentice wasn't so childish he would be an asset. He is powerful and I believe he is worthy of being impaled by my sword." He smiles.

"Good. As long as the plan goes well. You shall have just that my apprentice. You have your orders. Get to work."

"Yes my lord," I answer with a bow. I turn and stalk out the room my blood red cape trailing behind.



Two updates in one day. You should be happy. This story mostly likely won't be very long.

I'll reveal the twist soon... ish.



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