An Unlucky Spider (Reboot)

By darkhero789

120K 2.2K 267

For Peter Parker life is going great he's passing all of his college courses, he moved out of his Aunt May's... More

A good day for Spider-Man
the Parker luck returns
Parker's life
Game Night
Cross town heist
More spiders
A soldiers return
The spider and the cats game
the cats game
Dates in masks
Check up and misunderstanding
Avengers party
Venoms out
Dinner at aunt mays
Felicia Hardy
Fantastic revival
Not a chapter, Spider-man Far from Home news
Venom Revealed
A Painful Past
A much needed break
Midtown high school reunion.....shit
Reminders and a Party crasher
Putting your life back together
Important info and a job
Yet another spider
Anne found
The Symbiote children
Irreparable Damage
Explanations and anger
Back on the job
The journal and goodbye
Right where he said
A dark history
Uncle Ben
A brand new Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
An old friends help
The city needs a hero
Venom Vs the Spiders
Agent Venom reporting for duty
Climax preperation
Wrath vs The Spider-Family
Last chapter
Authors note


2.9K 53 25
By darkhero789

Felicia walked through the city with a dry cleaners bag. She looked at her phone that was giving her directions. Earlier she received a message from her employer. The message read 'need some help with the suit?'. It seemed that her employer had been keeping up with her antics. Not long later did they send her another message. 'Go to this address. Tell them Mr. Banks sent you. They'll help with the suit and whatever else you'll need.'. It took a while for Felicia to decide whether or not to go to the address, but in the end she decided to give it a try. When she arrived at the address she found herself at a little watch repair store. Entering she found an elderly man working at desk. His head was bald except for a tuft of hair on both sides of his head.

"Hello?" Felicia asked gaining the mans attention.

"Hello my dear. What might I be able to do for you?" The man asked.

"I'm here on business. A mr. Banks said you could help me with something." Felicia said.

"Mr. Banks...." the man said as he eyed Felicia. "Follow me." He said as he took Felicia around back to a set of stairs. After descending the stairs he took off a work apron he had on along with a pair of gloves he had on. He traded them for a scientist coat. He then came to a door and put a code into a padlock. The door opened to reveal a giant lab filled with items Felicia had never seen before.

"You may call me.... the tinkerer." The man said.

"I can see why." Felicia said as she looked around.

"Now What is it that mr. Banks wants me to look at." The tinkerer asked.

"A oscorp suit I stole last night." Felicia said as she pulled out the oscorp suit from the laundry bag. The tinkerer took the suit and looked at it.

"Pfft. Child's play. Oscorp is full of idiot." The tinkerer said as he examined the suit. He then looked at Felicia. "If I am to create a new suit, tailor made for you I'll need your measurements." The tinkerer said. Felicia cocked an eyebrow. "If you would stand still and open your arms I'll scan you with this device which will then provide me with all the necessary measurements." The tinkerer said as he picked up a device that looked similar to policemen's radar speed gun. Sighing Felicia stood back and lifted her arms up. The tinkerer pointed the device at her then after a second put it back down. he put everything off to the side save the suit and the examining tools. "Come back tomorrow evening. You'll get the finished project then." The old man said as he turned back to the suit and began examine it. Felicia then turned and left going back up the stairs and out the door of the watch repair shop. After she exited she walked back to her condo.


Miles was back at crime fighting again. Camouflaged he was crawling on a wall waiting for an opportunity to help out. He had been doing this for the past hour waiting. Well what do you expect some idiot to just to rob a store front when you want one too. Miles thought to himself. Suddenly a alarm went off for a store front. Miles then looked to see several guys in masks holding a clerk at gun point.

"Yes!!!" Miles said doing a fist pump. Still camouflaged he ran over to the scene.

"Fork over the cash!!!" The guy with the gun yelled as he pointed at the lady behind the counters head. "Come on hurry up!!! The spider will be here soon!" The guy said agitated. There was five of these guys in total. Two were on hostage duty and the last two were on look out. The guy presses the gun to the woman's head. She cringed from the feeling of the guns muzzle against her head. Slowly she was putting in the money in fear of messing something up and being shot for it. Suddenly the two guys on look out yelled in pain and fell to the ground. The other three looked at the two guys on the ground. "One of you go check it out!" The guy with the gun yelled. One of the guys in hostage duty walked over to the downed men. He kneeled beside them and looked them over.

"Their knocked out." The guy called. He turned back to the other two still in the store when suddenly a web grabbed him by the chest and yanked him up.

"It's the spider!" The second guy on hostage duty yelled. The guy with the female store clerk grabbed her by the arm and forced her to go over the counter so that she was beside him and he could put the gun to her head.

"Show yourself Spider-Man!" He yelled. Nothing. Everything was quiet around them. Then someone tapped on shoulder of the guy with the hostages. He turned and saw nothing. But something was there as he received a fist to the face. He stumbled back and crashed into the aisles. Spilling a bunch of stuff over himself. Blood came out of his nose as he laid there. "Where are you! Show yourself!" The man said.

"You know what I find funny?" Someone asked. The voice came from the left side. The man turned but saw nothing there. "The clip is empty." The voice said. Now behind him. He turned around again. Now he was getting nervous.

"What are you talking about?!" The man yelled.

"There are no bullets in that gun." The voice replied. He started looking around trying to find the origin of the voice as he was panicking. They called his bluff. Throwing the gun away he pulled out a knife.

"Show yourself!! Or when the police get here they'll find her on the ground bleeding out!" The man threatened.

"Fine. Doesn't matter anymore." The voice replied. The voice came from directly in front of him. Then appearing from seemingly nowhere miles appeared. He shot a web grabbing the hand with the guys knife and yanked it so that it hit the counter and stuck itself there. With that the woman got away from the guy. He just stared at miles in shock.

"Who are you?" He asked. Since miles still didn't have a name for himself he just went for the most cliche thing he could come up with.

"I'm your worst nightmare." Miles said as his hand was covered in electricity from his venom blast. He then planted his hand on the guys chest causing him to spasm as the electricity coursed through his body. When miles stopped the guy was unconscious. Pleased with himself he turned to the hostages. "Everyone ok?" He asked. Everyone just looked at him. "I'll take that as a yes. Be safe." Miles said as he exited. Just then the police arrive to see him. In his costume.

"Who is that? One of the officers question. People on the streets began to take pictures and video the encounter.

"Time for my debut." Miles said to himself. He moved forward and planted a foot onto a police vehicle and launching himself up onto the side of a nearby building sticking to the side. This got people's attention.

"A new spider?!"

"Who is that guy?"

"He's like Spider-Man!" Then to add on to the effect miles camouflaged himself getting lots more people to be amazed at him. Miles then climbed the building and once at the roof he dropped his camouflage and looked down. He smiled beneath the mask.

"Well well well." Peter said gaining miles attention. Miles whirled around to find peter in his red and blue suit. "Look who's back even after me explicitly telling him to stop." Peter said. Miles camouflaged himself reflexively and slowly moved trying to leave. "Your not getting away that easily miles." Peter said as he shot a web catching miles and yanking him towards peter. Landing on his but miles groaned.

"Come on Pete. You of all people should know why I want to do this." Miles said.

"Yeah. And as I said last time. I of all people know why you shouldn't do this." Peter said.

"Please Pete. If you just showed me the ropes. Mentored me just a little I could be so helpful. With you helping me along the way I will be much safer. Please." Miles begged. The eyes on Peters mask narrowed as he crossed his arm. After a few seconds of silence miles thought of something. "Well if you won't help me I can always just go it alone. On my own every time." Miles said. Peter saw what he was doing and shook his head.

"Fine. Once a month I'll let you come along on my patrols." Peter said.

"Every other day!" Miles said.

"Twice a month." Peter said.

"Three times a week." Miles asked.

"Three times a month." Peter said.

"Twice a week." Miles pleaded.

"Once a week." Peter finished.

"Deal!" Miles said putting out his hand. Peter sighed and shook his head as he shook miles hand. "Yes!" Miles said in joy. He then looked back at peter. "So what am I gonna be called?" Miles asked excitedly. Peter laughed out loud. Then he saw that miles wasn't laughing.

"Oh. Well usually you don't pick the name others pick it for you. At least that's how it goes. I mean it's kinda hard to come up with a name for yourself. Originally I came up with name the human spider." Peter said.

"Then where did Spider-Man come from?" Miles asked.

"I entered a wrestling match." Peter explained. Miles looked at him in shock.

"You were in a wrestling match!" Miles exclaimed.

"Yeah. I went up against some guy called bonesaw. I told the announcer I was the human spider. He said it sucks and called me Spider-Man." Peter said. He then shrugged. "You get the name where you get the name. I got my name at a wrestling match." Peter explained.

"Wow." Miles said.

"Yep. Not everyday you learn a superhero was once in a wrestling match." Peter explained. He walked to the edge of the roof. "Now then. Let's get this patrol over with so that you can go home."

Time skip

After peter saw miles home he went home himself. When he entered his apartment he found the envelope underneath his door that asked for rent. He was already late on his payments so he needed to take of this now. Going into his wallet he remembered he already used the last of his cash. What made it worse was that he didn't get paid till Wednesday three days from now. Sighing he left his apartment to go see if dr. Connors was at the lab as he liked to pull late nights researching and testing. As peter walked through the city at this time of night he found the sounds of the city relaxing. As he walked up to dr. Connors lab he entered with his key card. Inside he found exactly what he had been hoping for. Dr Connors hard at work for his research. When dr. Connors heard the door open he looked to see peter.

"Ahh. Peter. What are you doing here so late in the night?" Dr. Connors asked curiously.

"Well I don't mean to be a bother but I was actually kind of hoping you could pay me in advance. I'm kind of behind on my rent you understand right?" Peter asked. Dr. Connors smiled and seemed to be remembering something.

"Yes. I actually remember the first apartment I over got on my own. I understand peter. But first if you don't mind. I could use some help." Dr. Connors offered. Peter smiled as he grabbed a lab coat and began to get to work. A little while into the work dr. Connors yawned. "I need something to keep me awake. Do you mind turning on that tv Parker." Dr. Connors requested. Peter got up and grabbed a remote for a tv that was mounted on the wall. Turning it on the tv was already on the new. It seemed the news channel was covering miles first day as a superhero.

"Earlier today a new spider themed superhero was scene working alongside the Spider-Man." The anchorman said. This grabbed dr. Connors attention.

"Turn that up peter." He asked. Peter turned up the volume as dr. Connors stood up and moved closer. The news then went to a news woman who was covering

"That's right Jeff. Earlier today when a local store was held at gun point an unknown hero swings in to save the day. We have footage of robbery here now." She said as a video began to play of the robbery. There was no sound for it though. Nothing happened at first then sudden it seemed as if electricity coursed through them for a second before they fell. Then the rest of the scene played out with webbing the third guy, knocking down the fourth one, and then miles revealing himself and electrocuting the last one. Dr. Connors grabbed the remote and muted the tv as they then showed a video someone took of miles with their phone.

"Extraordinary." Dr. Connors said enthralled by miles. "There are more of them out there. This begs so many questions. How many are there. What else can they do? How much can they tell us about biology." Dr. Connors wondered around.

"Dr. Connors do you mind unmuting the tv please." Peter asked.

"Oh sure." He said before he fumbled with the remote and brought the sound back.

"This new hero has a lot in common with Spider-Man. From their power sets to want to help out the big apple. I think it's safe to say that we can all sleep soundly knowing Spider-Man and this new Kid-Arachnid are watching over us." The lady said before the news went back to Jeff the anchorman.

"Kid-Arachnid." Peter said.

"Yes. It does have a ring to it." Dr. Connors replied. Peter smiled at the tv.

"You get your name where you get your name. Miles. You were just named by the news." Peter said as he returned to his work.

Next day

Felicia was walking to the watch repair store. The sun was setting at that very moment and Felicia was wanting to wrap up this job quickly. When she walked into shop she found the tinkerer back inside the shop working on watches. When he saw her he put his tools down.

"I'm guessing it's finished?" Felicia asked. The tinkerer nodded. and grabbed a bag. He set it down in front of her. "How much do I owe you?" Felicia asked.

"Mr. Banks has already taken care of it." The tinkerer replied as he left Felicia and went back to the watch's. With that Felicia grabbed the bag and returned to her apartment. Once there she peered into the bag and smiled.

"Look out spider. Here I come." She said smugly before she closed the bag.

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