Boss Love Lessons


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"Yes, Miss Everdeen. I own it all and I built this company from the ground up. I tend for it to stay the most... More

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Peeta laid on the bed, his wife Katniss laying on him. Her head was gently laid against his legs. His right hand was softly running through her hair while his left hand was rubbing circles on her large stomach. Katniss was now eight months along, only one more month to go. Her and Peeta were anxious to meet the baby boy. The television light was brightening up the dimmed bedroom. The fireplace also lit up the room. The sound was very faint as it was almost bedtime. Katniss couldn't stop thinking about the new doorman in one of the hotels. His grey eyes were so familiar. He was almost identical to her. "Peeta?"

"Hmm?" Peeta hummed, his eyes were closed slightly. The work lately had been mostly a lot of training when they were told Gale was still out there.

"What's the name of your new doorman in your hotel, the one we took maternity photos in?" Katniss asked, her curiosity was eating her away. She had to figure out his name, something about him was so recognizable.

"I believe his name is Kaeden Russo, why?" Peeta opened his eyes as he felt his wife shift off of his legs. Her hair was in her usual loose curls as she furrowed her eyebrows. He held her arms carefully, rubbing his hands up and down them comfortingly.

"He just looks so familiar and I have a cousin with the last name Russo," she stated, attempting to connect the dots.

"I can find out for you," he whispered to her, kissing her forehead. She nodded, shuffling to get underneath the covers. The windows were faintly open and she had goosebumps growing along her body. Peeta always slept with the windows open. If they weren't open, he couldn't sleep. Peeta's body was hot against hers though and she always snuggled close to him through the night. He kissed her belly once, then drifted up to her lips. He pulled her into a big passionate kiss causing butterflies to swarm in her stomach. Still after a few years, he still made her feel butterflies. "Goodnight baby boy, and goodnight my love. Get some sleep."

"Goodnight handsome," she mumbled against his chest. Her head rested on his chest and her legs were tangled with his. His hands were wrapped around her protectively and securely. He made sure she always felt comfortable and safe, and she always did. They fell into a slumber cuddled up in one another's arms.


Katniss woke to the aroma of breakfast foods filling their home. She swung her legs over the bedside carefully, her movements have been getting slow lately because of how big she has been getting. She used all of her force to push herself off the bed and slip on her slippers. She tottered into the bathroom, washing her face and teeth. After she dried her face she threw on her silk robe before heading downstairs. She followed the smell by shuffling into the big white kitchen. Peeta stood at the stove cooking without a shirt on and grey sweatpants. Katniss licked her lips, heading towards him. She hugged the back of him, her eyes filled with desire. She snuck her hand out, snatching a piece of bacon. She chewed it with her eyes closed in pleasure. The sweet taste of bacon sounded extra good for baby boy. Peeta chuckled, shaking his head at his eager and supposedly very hungry wife. "Well good morning to you too."

"Sorry babe, that bacon was just calling my name. Plus baby boy knows what he wants," she defended herself, a small smile growing on her lips. She waddled into the dining table, taking her glass of milk along with her. She set her feet up on another chair, scrolling through her phone. She followed many of the accounts that the fans made for her and Peeta. Everyone, not just her and Peeta, were anxious for this baby to come.

"Here you go m'lady!" Peeta served the plate full of breakfast goodies in front of her and gave her a sweet kiss on the head. Her eyes lit up as she stared down at all of the food he had put on her plate. He sat down in the chair beside her, smiling at her and placing his plate down as well. She leaned forward, taking his face into her hands and slamming her lips to his. He was surprised at first, but then kissed back. She pulled back, excited to gobble down all of this food.

"I love you, and everything you do for me. I feel like I don't show you how grateful I am for you enough. Thank you Peeta, really. You are the best husband in the whole world, and I know you are about to be the best daddy in the whole world," Katniss explained, glancing up into his bright blue eyes. The blue eyes she fell in love with.

"I love you Katniss, and I do those things for you because I love you. You show me how grateful you are each and everyday by doing the little things. Plus you're making me a daddy and that's the best thing I could ever ask for!" Peeta was elated about his son coming soon. All he ever dreamed of was becoming a father, he just never thought his dream would come true. They continued to eat their breakfast, Katniss sipped on her milk while Peeta drank his coffee. "What are you planning to do today my love?"

"I actually thought about visiting my mom and sister, are you still training all day?" Katniss questioned, running her fingertips along her enlarged stomach. She could feel her baby boy kicking as he attempted to follow his mother's fingers.

"Yes, be careful when you go to your moms." He squeezed her hand as he glanced down at his phone. It began to ring with Finnick's name labeled across the screen. He quickly picked it up and listened closely. Then Finnick hung up. Peeta stood up, stuffing his keys, wallet, and phone into his pockets. "There's an emergency at the warehouse baby, I'll see you later tonight. I love you, be safe going to your moms, remember to text me."

"You be safe as well baby daddy, I love you. Don't get into too much trouble!" He kissed her lips for a long moment, savoring the taste of her lips. Finnick had explained to Peeta that somehow and someway Gale had found one of their top secret houses out east, and he burnt the home down. Peeta clenched his jaw as he drove, his eyes fixed on the road. How did Gale find out where one of his homes were? He sensed that there was a traitor in his company which angered him even more. He was going to find that out today.  Katniss cleaned up the plates since he made breakfast. This was a routine they always had. Whoever didn't make the meal would do the dishes. She quickly rinsed the dishes and placed them in the dishwasher. She wobbled back upstairs and took a long time putting her clothes on. It was tough when you had a baby growing in your stomach. She drove to her mothers house, it wasn't far away but it was a nice drive where she could get comfortable. She waddled up to the steps of the home, locking her doors before ringing the doorbell. The door opened, a blonde teenager standing in the doorway.

"Omg, Katniss!" Primrose threw her arms around her older sister, her excitement getting to her. She was much older now, she was starting college this year. Her long blonde hair was cut shorter to her shoulders and her face had matured along with the rest of her. Primrose had now grown taller than Katniss, which anyone could pass up Katniss in height, but Prim was lengthy. Katniss was so proud of her - she was majoring in nursing just like their mother. Primrose let go of her and immediately crouched down to her stomach level. "Hi baby boy, Auntie Primrose here! I am so excited to see you - you are going to love me. We are going to have so much fun."

"Hello to you too Primrose," Katniss chuckled, placing her hand on her back, helping her to stand better. "Who's all here?"

"Paisley, mom and me of course, it's who's always here." Primrose shrugged her shoulders as she let her sister step in. Katniss noticed the sudden drop of her sister's shoulders and her sister's eyes cast to the ground. She placed her hand on her shoulder, rubbing it softly.

"Hey, what's wrong? You know you can always talk to me, your big sis right?" Katniss questioned, searching into her eyes.

"Yes I know, I'm fine! Just gets lonely," she spoke honestly, then a smile grew on her face. "But I always know I'm welcome at the Mellark household where my beloved brother-in-law, sister, and soon/to-be nephew live!"

"Primmy, who is it?" Paisley small voice was heard from the living room. She was now in second grade and growing tall like a weed. They moved into the living room. Paisley looked up from her coloring worksheet, locking eyes with Katniss. Her eyes lit up and she ran into her arms. "Kitty Cat! I missed you!"

"Oh Pais, I missed you!" Katniss picked her up even if it was tough since her belly. She squeezed her sister tight before setting her back down. Her mother emerged from the downstairs office, her blonde hair was tied in her usual bun.

"Katniss, I didn't expect you. I'm happy to see you," she stated, walking towards her. Paisley was rubbing Katniss' stomach, whispering softly to the baby. The baby kicked just where Paisley's hand was which caused Pais to giggle out loud.

"May I speak to you in your office?" Paula nodded, leading Katniss back to the office. She closed the door after she entered in.

"Are you okay? What's wrong - is it the baby?" she immediately questioned. Katniss sat down on the couch, her mother following.

"I'm fine, the baby is fine. I just wanted to ask you something, about someone who just started working for Peeta is that okay?" she asked, glancing into her mothers eyes hopeful. Paula nodded, giving her a signal to continue. "There's a man who has grey eyes and brown hair - almost identical to me and Kale. His name is Kaeden Russo, do you know him?"

She gasped, her eyes filling with shining tears. Her heart had stopped for a moment she felt like. Of course she knew that name - how could she forget that name?

+ + +
haha cliff hanger
i'll try my best to update soon xo
who do you think Kaeden is ???

thank you all so much
i love you guys - don't forget that
bye tributes

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