An Unlucky Spider (Reboot)

By darkhero789

118K 2.2K 266

For Peter Parker life is going great he's passing all of his college courses, he moved out of his Aunt May's... More

A good day for Spider-Man
the Parker luck returns
Parker's life
Cross town heist
More spiders
A soldiers return
The spider and the cats game
the cats game
Dates in masks
Check up and misunderstanding
Avengers party
Venoms out
Dinner at aunt mays
Felicia Hardy
Fantastic revival
Not a chapter, Spider-man Far from Home news
Venom Revealed
A Painful Past
A much needed break
Midtown high school reunion.....shit
Reminders and a Party crasher
Putting your life back together
Important info and a job
Yet another spider
Anne found
The Symbiote children
Irreparable Damage
Explanations and anger
Back on the job
The journal and goodbye
Right where he said
A dark history
Uncle Ben
A brand new Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
An old friends help
The city needs a hero
Venom Vs the Spiders
Agent Venom reporting for duty
Climax preperation
Wrath vs The Spider-Family
Last chapter
Authors note

Game Night

3.3K 62 16
By darkhero789

It's been several weeks since cat stole the invisible material. But no activity on her has been reported at all. Meaning one of two things. Either she's so good that even after the heist the victim doesn't even know they've been robbed or she's getting ready for the next one. Peter was definitely hoping for the later. Right now peter was walking down the street with a book bag going over his shoulder. He was currently on his way to Harry's condo that in the upper east. As he went past the front desk he saw Ned at the elevator with a backpack.

"Hey dude you ready for tonight's session?" Peter asked as he fist bumped his best friend.

"Hell yeah. We're gonna own this game." Ned said. When the elevator dinged the pair got in and went up. As soon as they made it to Harry condo they came out to see that Harry had turned his entire dinner table that seated 6 into a game table. Harry came out of the kitchen with several bags of Chips. He set them on the table next to the salsa and other snacks. In the drinks section was an igloo that was filled with ice and sodas. Both Ned and Peter sighed with joy at the sight.

"I love D&D at Harry's." Peter said.

"It's the one day of every week that I look forward too." Ned said with joy. Yes. They were there to play Dungeons and Dragons, the game that's over 4 decades old but still has a place in people's heart. Peter and Ned set down opposite each other and pulled out their D&D sheets. They each played several characters. Peter played three while Ned had two. Peters characters were an entire family. There was the father of the family Kriv Longsword a lvl. 16 eldritch Knight who protects others but has a weakness for drinks, his wife Elizabet a mute ranger who takes shit from no one, and their adopted daughter Anruqah a Yuan-ti pureblood warlock that unlocked her emotions when she lost her entire village and saw the bloody corpses of her family. Ned's characters were a couple but not a family like Peters. There was the lawful Lizardfolk barbarian that caught the eye of a not so good natured rogue. These games this group had were what they lived for. They'd been playing since they could understand the rules. They switched out being DM every adventure and this time it was Harry's turn. As they all were ready Harry began the campaign.

"Let the Adventure begin!" Harry said with a loud voice all the while Peter and Ned cheered for joy.

Time skip

"Hit!" Harry said. The table was ecstatic as the adventure group had finally encountered the final boss of the campaign a mighty Ancient Red Dragon. They brought it down a great deal of its health an inch away from its own death. Ned rolled several dice.

"30 damage!" Ned said. Peter and Ned looked at Harry with hope.

"You slash the dragons right leg clean off. The dragon falls to the ground hard as it just lost a limb that supported its weight." Harry said. Peter and Ned high five across the table. "But it gets back up." Harry said with a smirk. Peter groaned. "It is now the dragons turn." Harry said. He rolls a few dice. "He attacks Ned." Harry said. He rolled a d20. "26?" Harry asked.

"Nope." Ned said with a smirk.

"Right. Your characters the one with the insane unarmored AC of 28." Harry said. He thought for a second. "The dragon rears it's head before breathing a cone of seething flames. The flames lick harmlessly against your scaly skin. When the cone ends the only sign that the fire breath had was on the ground." Harry narrated.

"I wipe my shoulder and snort at the dragon." Ned said. He rolled a die. "I got a 19 on my intimidation." Ned said. Harry rolled a die of his own.

"It works. The dragons is shocked by the fact that it's mighty fire breath had no effect on you." Harry said.

"I'm going in for the kill. I hope." Peter said. He rolled his dice on the table.

"16?" Peter asked. Harry began to narrate again.

"Kriv jumps towards the dragon. As he lands on the beasts head he drives his great sword into the dragons forward between its eyes. A final cry leaves the beasts giant maw before it's head and the rest of the mighty dragons body falls limp on the ground." Harry said with a smile. Peter got up along with Ned and the pair cheered as they killed the Ancient Red Dragon. Harry just sat and watched the pair from his seat. "God we're nerds." Harry said. Ned pointed at him.

"You bet your ass we are." Ned said. Harry then distributed Experience points and treasure amongst the group and closed the book.

"Ok Ned. Your up for DM next session." Harry said.

"You got it." Ned said. The trio then began to clean up all the snacks and stuff.

"We need girlfriends." Harry said.

"So we could play D&D with them?" Ned said confused.

"No to take up our time. We play every week. That says we got a lot of free time." Harry said.

"Yeah. The only one here that can get a girlfriend is you Harry." Peter said. Ned shifted at that getting Harry's and Peter's attention.

"No! You got a girlfriend!" Harry said.

"Kind of. I got a date." Ned said.

"Dude congrats! Who's the lucky lady?" Peter asked.

"Her names Betty Brant. She works at the daily bugle, I give her my photos she writes the check. I finally got the courage and asked her out on a date." Ned said.

"Kudos!" Harry said.

"Thanks." Ned said.

"Damn that leaves me all alone. You have a date. And you Harry Osborn have ladies begging at your feet for a single date." Peter said.

"Yeah. But none of them are the one you know?" Harry said.

"I'm being left behind in the crazy game of life." Peter said. Once he cleaned up his mess and gathered his stuff he picked up his bag and went out the door.

"See you later guys." Peter said waving goodbye. When he exited the building it was dark out. Peter sighed. About time to go out on patrol. See what he was missing out in the city. As he swung through Manhattan he found himself at time square where on the giant screen was J. Jonah Jameson covering the news. It seemed that he was covering something about the local police beefing up security around the jail due to increase of inmates because of Spider-Man.

"Due to the increase of criminals in Manhattan prisons thanks to that web headed menace Spider-Man, a large number of these criminals are to be moved to Rykers island penitentiary where there is plenty of room for these mass murders, the criminally insane, and the down right psychotic. This is J. Jonah Jameson signing off." Jameson said before the screen went back to the anchorman.

"Well that takes a loud of my shoulders. Means that a lot of these guys are going to the most secure prison in New York. Well except the raft." Peter said. He then thought of some of his super villains. "The rafts got some of the worst villains I ever faced. There's Rhino, Electro, Vulture, I think Ock qualified himself for the raft after his last break from rykers." Peter said to himself. He then remembered one villain in particular. "If only Eddie was there with them. After I beat him he suddenly disappeared." Peter then left that note and swung through the city once again. He then began to think of Eddie. Eddie Brock. One of Peters all time worst enemies. Thing was he actually was a normal human kind of. He wasn't really mentally stable. He got his powers from something that was once connected to peter but it was now long gone as peter hid the thing where he believed no one would find it.

Peter was jumping from roof to roof in the rain. He was 17 years old at the time. He wore his black suit to hide in the dark. He soon came to a construction site. As he landed on a metal beam he slipped and fell onto the beam dropping a canister. Peter quickly grabbed it not even thinking about letting it fall to the ground. He would die before he let the cab fall so far down and crack on the pavement. For what the canister held was a horror beyond belief. As peter glared at the canister lightning lit up the sky. When it did peter saw the face of a monster in the can. The face was black and reflected light on its oozy form. It's white eyes gleamed in the light. A mouth was clearly visible showing a row of deadly teeth that looked like they could rip through steel. It's face was showing that the creature was angry. It seemed to despise peter as much as peter despised it. Peter then continued to jump through the city as it was raining to hard for peter to stick to walls and use his webs. He soon made it to an unknown location where there was dirt. He quickly dig a hole that was several feet deep. He then dropped the canister into the hole.

"You will never hurt anyone else!" Peter said in a dark tone. "You will be here alone while you shrivel up and die! Enjoy hell you slimy mother fucker!" Peter said. Lightning lit the sky again this time the creature screamed and writhed in rage not wanting be buried. Luckily no one could hear it over the sound of the thunder. Peter then began to bury the canister. When he was finished it was so deep no one could hear it and he hoped to dear god no one ever found it. For what laid in the canister was a monster with a want for blood to satisfy its hunger. "May god have mercy on my soul." Peter said.

Peter was yanked out of his memories as he narrowly missed a crane. He stuck to the side of a building.

"Hey watch it!" The crane operator yelled.

"You weren't the one in danger!" Peter yelled back. The operator was a little shocked at the outburst as Spider-Man wasn't known for yelling. Peter clearly recognized what he did. "Sorry. I was reminded of a terrible thing. Have a nice day." Peter said quickly before swinging away. As he was swinging he talked to himself. "It's ok peter. No one knows where he is. Not even you remember where you buried him exactly. Besides. After 7 years with out a host he's a sure goner." Peter said to himself. With that he continued his patrol over the city. But even if the monster was lost somewhere in New York. Eddie was never found. He was still at large somewhere waiting for some opportunity.

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