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By storyfan09

13.1K 274 45

Bella is thrown into the world of Eos, meeting the Chocobros while she was roaming through Galdin Quay, she g... More

Hold On (Side Story)
FFVII (Bella's Past) I
FFVII (Bella's Past) II
FFVII (Bella's Past) III
A Little Info on Bella
FFVII (Bella's Past) IV
FFVII (Bella's Past) V
FFVII (Bella's Past) VI


646 17 7
By storyfan09

Bella woke up suddenly feeling super warm, opening her eyes, she looks down seeing a blanket covering her and Kirara. Looking up seeing Ignis awake cooking some breakfast. She lightly smiles sitting up and stretching her back smelling the air.

"Morning, Bella," Ignis greets not looking at her. "And you as well, Kirara,"

Bella stands up dusting her skirt off. "Good morning, Ignis," greets a smiling Bella. "That smells wonderful, is there anything you need me to do?"

Ignis was taken back from her offer, no one has offered to help. Ignis would have to ask for help. He smiled at her and nods her way, "If you don't mind, Bella, would you stir this for me while I cut some vegetables to add to it,"

Bella smiles once more nodding, walking his way washing her hands quick as she takes the spoon from his hand and began stirring the food. While stirring, she began humming quietly to keep herself busy while she stirred. Kirara was behind Bella sitting behind her. Ignis sees Kirara watching Bella intently, smiling he puts some vegetables on a plate putting it down in front of the sabertooth cat, Kirara looks at him and then to the plate.

Bella turns her head seeing Ignis' gesture, smiling she nods indicating that it was okay for her to eat it. Kirara changes into her small form and begins eating.

"Does she always eat in her small form?" asks Ignis putting the remainder of the vegetables in the pot while Bella continues stirring.

Bella looks at him and shrugs. "I guess it depends on what she's eating," Bella informs him with a sigh, "she usually has to ask permission to eat, unsure why." Bella looks at Kirara as she continues eating the food.

"You mentioned to us that she was scientifically made, how so?"

Bella freezes a bit and looks down. "My big brother has requested a pet to be made for me, I got so lonely at the tower my brother was at," Bella was stirring slower and slower as she was explaining. "I'm unsure how she was made, but - on my fifth birthday, she was given to me by him. She grows with me, ages with me." Bella stops stirring and begins tearing up a bit. "She's the only link I have to my brother..."

"If you don't mind me prying, what happened to him?"

"Um..." Bella breathes out and takes a step back putting a hand to her arm. "He was murdered in front of me," Bella explains. "We were on the run from SOLDIER and he told me to take care of Cloud and um..." Bella's tears began falling down. "He was outnumbered, outgunned and yet, he still fought with every ounce of energy he had and still, in spite of everything he did... they still fired at him and left him for dead."

Ignis listened, unsure what to say. "Sadly enough, he had enough energy to tell us we're his living legacies, and he loved me... But..."

"You still miss him..."

"Every. Single. Day, I miss him," Bella puts her hands around herself as if to hug herself. "He's in a better place right now with the love of his life. He even asked Cloud to take care of me, we both grieved him, together." Bella sighs a little bit. "I perked up a couple years after his death, but Cloud..."

"He didn't..."

"It took him years for closure," Bella finished for Ignis. "After beating Sephiroth for the second time, he finally started showing a bit more emotion, he finally started hugging me back a few weeks ago, calling me his little sister, saying how much he appriciated me being alive and how my brother would be so proud of me... And..."

"You got sent here," Gladio spoke startling her. Bella looks back seeing the brute walking towards her. "Look. About the way, I act..."

Bella shakes her head. "I harbor no ill will towards you, Gladiolus," Bella smiles. "I understand why you are the way you are," Bella looks at him. "To be honest, you're not even the scariest man I've seen, I think you'd get along with Barrett, one of my friends."

Gladio chuckles touching her head. "Just know I will do anything to protect Noct,"

"And I absolutely respect that," Bella tells him with a slight smile. "I will help in any way I can,"

Gladio smirks. "I know you will short stuff,"

Bella's eye twitched, Kirara tensed up while eating. Kirara slowly looked at her best friend, seeing her holding a smile on her face.

"Mew," Kirara begins and jumps on Bella's shoulder as Bella turns around taking a deep breath. 

Gladio and Ignis were confused about why Bella was acting like that. "Please, I beg of you, don't call me short..." Bella warned them. She spins around looking at them. "I detest being called short,"

Gladio lets out another chuckle. "Don't worry, short stuff, I think I can handle you." Again, Bella's eye twitched and she lets out a sigh. "Give up already?"

"I honestly think I would not get anywhere with you calling me short," Bella sigh rubbing her head gently. "Whatever..."

Kirara was shocked that Bella gave up so quickly, normally, Bella would go ballistic when someone called her short. But - these guys are changing her mind so quickly. Kirara sits down, happy for her best friend.


Inside the tent, the prince was laying awake listening to the conversation. He was faced from everyone so they didn't see him awake. Noctis didn't realize the pain that Bella actually held. She always seemed so happy and nothing seemed to bother her.

But then again, people are really good at hiding their feelings.

Noctis lets out a quiet sigh, shutting his eyes thinking about the young bright-eyed woman. Surprisingly, it put him right to sleep.


After everyone was waking up and ate, everyone began taking the camp down. Bella was folding the chairs up and putting them on Kirara who was balancing them with no problem. When she was done with the fourth and final chair, she puts it on Kirara as Bella was walking towards the tent after it being folded up, she grabs it holding it while she turns to Kirara who was walking towards the car.

Bella trailed behind her best friend.

"Let me grab that for you, Bells," Prompto said touching the tent, gently taking it from her hand. Bella smiles letting him as they continue on to the vehicle. Opening the trunk of the Regalia, Prompto begins to put the tent in there while Bella grabs the chairs from Kirara's back. "Did you sleep okay?"

Bella nods with a smile. "I did, thank you," Bella tells him as they finish putting things in the trunk. For such a small car, it sure held a lot. "How many more hours until we reach Lestallum?"

Ignis ponders the thought putting a finger to his chin, thinking. "I'd say another four hours," 

"That's not bad," Noctis smiles as everyone. Everyone piled into the vehicle, Bella obviously in the middle while Gladio took over her right side and Noctis took over the left side. Prompto takes the front while Ignis takes the wheel. Ignis begins driving. "So, Bella, do you play video games?"

"Video games?" asks Bella wondering what he meant. "What are those?"

Noctis and Prompto both looked at her like she grew a second head. "Now, gentlemen, it's very rude to stare at the lady," Ignis warns them.

"You've never heard of video games?" asks Prompto snapping out of his gaze as Bella shakes her head. "You don't know what you're missing."

"Are these video games special?" questions the young woman with a raised brow. Her bright eyes shining with curiosity.

Noctis chuckles and nods. "Yes, you learn a lot from video games like hand-eye coordination."

Bella puts a finger to her chin and began thinking. "Hmm, are they anything like Pinball?"

"Oh, you played the old style games?" Gladio inquires to her making her nod. "You any good?"

Bella shrugs. "I didn't really play on it often, I was always training with Tifa or Cloud. Sometimes Barrett. And Yuffie and Vincent..." Bella sighs a bit. "I wanted to become strong and not be a burden,"

"From what we've seen," begins Ignis looking at her through the review mirror. "You've been more than enough help to us in our journey to help Noct,"

"Yeah!" cheers Prompto looking at her.

Bella got red in the face from embarrassment and looks down at Kirara seeing her fur blowing in the wind. It was brisk but in the sun it made it warmer. Noctis yawns leaning his head down and falls asleep. Bella looks over and giggles quietly.

"I see your loving Prince loves to sleep,"

"You don't know the half off of it," Prompto chuckles looking back seeing Noctis already asleep.

Bella began petting Kirara's fur to keep her busy as Ignis and Prompto began chatting, and Gladio was reading a book. Bella then feels a weight on her shoulder, looking down at Noctis seeing him asleep. Blinking a bit, she got red in the face and her ears began burning. She didn't want to wake him up, so she looks down at Kirara petting her a little faster trying to ignore everything that her body was yelling at her to do.

Kiss his head! Put an arm around him! Lay him down in your lap!

Bella continues scratching behind Kirara's ears. Kirara looks up seeing how red her best friend's face got. Shaking her head, Kirara gets up stretching her back and jumps into the middle of the two in front of her and then into Prompto's lap making her Bella reach out and begin cursing her best friend in her head loudly. Bella's eye was twitching heavily.

"God damn traitor," whispers/growls Bella sitting still so she wouldn't wake the prince.


After reaching Lestallum after an agonizing three and a half hours, Noctis yawns staying where he was. He was laying down on someone's lap and he didn't know who it was, but he didn't care - it was comfortable. 

It was busy, the people were talking, and cars were driving. It reminded Bella of home. But Bella still couldn't move, she stayed in her spot. 

"Um... Noct..." Bella whispers, looking ahead as she didn't dare to look down. Noctis hums in response making Bella go even redder. "You can move from my lap any time,"

Noctis' eyes widen and snaps himself up and looked around. Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio all went to look at the view while Noctis was sleeping. Kirara followed, staying in her small form knowing she could attract unwanted attention.

"How long was I asleep?"

"Literally the whole ride here," Bella states to him getting out, but she was stopped by Noctis' hand on her wrist. Bella's breath hitched her throat closing her eyes.

"Thank you," Noctis smiles her way.

Turning her head, Bella raises a brow to him. "For?"

"Letting me sleep on you, I know it must've been uncomfortable for you but you didn't wake me up and for that, I thank you."

Bella smiles and shakes her head. "Any time," Bella said and he lets go of her wrist. Bella gets out of the vehicle stretching her back looking at the men who were in the distance. Smiling, she whistled loudly that Kirara heard her, she heard a faint 'mew' and she giggles. "Silly,"

"You and Kirara have a great bond," Noctis points out and Bella nods.

"Thanks, she knows everything about me, knows when to come to my aide and such, sometimes I don't even need to ask," replies Bella holding out her arms as Kirara jumps into them cuddling Bella's chest. Bella's sable and silver locks go over her shoulder as she hugs Kirara close. "What more can I ask for?"

Noctis smiles as he sees his friends walking up to them, seeing Gladio on the phone. "Noct, you're awake,"

"Yeah," Noctis nods.

"It's one hell of a crowd," points out Prompto who looks up at the street.

Ignis looks up as well. "This must be the Main Thoroughfare,"

"Reminds me of Midgar," Bella states looking around as Kirara nods in agreement. Gladio then hangs up the phone and looks at everyone. "Is she here?"

"Says she's at the Leville, let's go," Gladio answers with a nod as everyone headed out. Bella follows them closely.

The ground begins to shake a bit startling Bella and she holds her ground a bit. "Whoa! Did you feel that?" She heard Noctis question everyone.

Everyone stops and turn to Noctis and nod. "The earthquake?" asks the shield with a raised brow as the prince nods.

Then, Noctis groans holding his head tightly with eyes closed. Bella walks up to him closely touching his shoulder, wondering if he was alright. Kirara jumped onto his head letting out quiet 'mew's' to help him.

"Noctis..." whispers the young woman.

After a minute, Noctis gasps for air reaching for Bella's hand making her jump a bit. "Are you okay?" Gladio asks touching the prince's shoulder as Noctis nods.

"Yeah, my head just started throbbing," answers Noctis taking his hand off of Bella's and standing straight. 

"You alright?" asks the tactician, glancing at the prince worriedly.

Noctis nods once more. "Yeah,"

Bella frowns, wondering what she could do to help, but - would they ask for it? Pinching her lips together, she follows them to the Leville, Kirara still on Noctis' head, sleeping. Bella could hear everyone speaking, upselling their items and food. It reminded Bella of home, it sort of made her sad.

Climbing stairs, Bella stops and looks around. It felt clammy and hot, made her feel uncomfortable. She pushes her sable and silver locks behind her ears gently, feeling the sweat dripping from her head.


"Oh, sorry Prom," Bella turns and smiles catching up to the group. "I got distracted by everything,"

"It's fascinating, isn't it?"

"Different than what I'm used too, that's for sure," Bella tells him looking around. "In my world, everything wasn't run on electricity for themselves," Bella sighs. "We had this... Building running it for us, I can't imagine it running it for yourself."

"Jeez," Prompto chuckles. "How did you live?"

"Barely," Bella grins his way.

Both Prompto and Bella play catch up to the three that were walking; Noctis and his retinue arrive at the Leville Hotel in Lestallum; while they stand in the lobby, Bella stood behind keeping her distance, the young woman comes down the stairs.

"Gladdy!" The young woman calls out for Gladio as she runs up and hugs him. Gladio hugs her right back.

"Iris," Gladio spoke, pulling away from her and looking down.

"Look at you guys, holding your own out there." Iris said with a smile.

"What can I say? You look good." Prompto compliments to her making her smile. Bella couldn't help but smile at them. 

"All things considered. You guys are staying here, right?" Iris asks them as all of them nod towards her. Bella kept quiet, she didn't want to bother them.

"That's the plan." Ignis answers to her.

"When you have time, we have some catching up to do," Gladio suggested to his sister who smiles and nods.

"Sure," Iris nods and looks back to the door while the men walk and talk to the two who descend from the stairs. "And who are you?"

Bella jumps and bows her way. "I'm Bella Fair, a pleasure to meet you, Iris," 

"Nice to meet you too, Bella," Iris said smiling her way and Bella stands up looking at the young dark-haired female. She reminded Bella of Tifa, just with shorter hair and a smaller chest (not that Bella was looking). "I haven't seen you around the Citadel,"

"I'm from Galdin Quay, I met them when they were hunting for a Gem," Bella told her with a smile. "I never been anywhere much, usually kept to myself," Bella smiles. "But these guys - I'll tell ya,"

Iris smiles nodding looking at them. "They're pretty special, that's for sure." Iris smiles and looks at her. "Why don't you go to my bedroom and take a shower, you look like you need one,"

Bella looks at her and smiles. "Oh my Eos," Bella hugs Iris while Iris giggles hugging her back. "You're the best, thank you!"

Bella lets go of Iris rushing upstairs ignoring the men as Kirara jumps on Bella's shoulder as she passes Noctis.


The boys watch Bella rush by with a huge smile on her face, Gladio turns to his sister as she held a smile on her face.

"What got her so happy?"

Iris giggles. "Just because she hangs out with guys doesn't mean she has to smell like one," Iris told him.

"Onto another point," Ignis chuckles as Iris led them to a bedroom and shut the door after they got done talking to Jared and Talcott.

"What was it like inside the Crown City?" Noctis asks Iris as they took a seat.

Iris frowns taking a seat next to Noctis shaking her head. "Not pretty," she answers. "The Citadel took a beating. But a lot of outlying neighborhoods made it through in one piece.

"The empire had tactical targets in mind," Ignis states putting a finger to his chin as if he was thinking.

"You know if there's anything else, you can ask me." Iris reminds Noctis looking at him, his frown evident on his face.

Noctis looks at her a lightly smiles her way. "Yeah, uh, thanks."

"So...about Lady Lunafreya. I keep hearing she was in town," Iris informs Noctis. "Apparently, she left right away, but at least it means she's okay."

"Good to hear," Noctis smiles, sighing in relief that Luna was alright. "Thanks."

Iris stands, looking at everyone. "Yeah, well, get a good night's rest."


Bella just got done with a shower as she was drying her hair, she looked in the mirror seeing herself in the reflection. Bella wipes the mirror seeing her hair wrapped in a towel and her body covered in scars. Bella's eyes landed on one, in particular, the one just under her collarbone. Touching it tenderly, she could still feel the bump on it. It was thin, but it was a very shiny white.

Sighing a bit, she shakes those thoughts of her brain as she gets dressed into her outfit and walks out of the bathroom squeezing the excess water from her hair. When she finished she saw Iris sitting there looking deep in thought as she was petting Kirara's head.

"Are you alright?" asks the young sable haired young woman sitting down on the other bed as she brushed her hair with her fingers.

"I'm fine, just thinking," Iris answers turning to Bella as she struggles to brush her hair. "Do you need some help?"

Bella pauses what she was doing and blushes red from embarrassment, "Yeah, that would be lovely, if you wouldn't mind."

Iris chuckles, grabbing her brush and sits right behind Bella brushing her hair. Bella sits there while she does it.

"You have very gorgeous hair," Iris compliments Bella as she continues brushing.

Bella smiles, "Thank you," Bella looks down. "My brother helped me grow it out and took care of it,"

"That was sweet of him, he must've really loved you in order to do that," Iris states to her as she finished brushing and looks at her. "Where is he, if I may ask?"

"He died several years ago," Bella answers to her. "I've been on my own ever since, he taught me everything and so did his girlfriend." Bella frowns a bit. "But it was short-lived, unfortunately,"

Iris frowns. "I'm sorry," says Iris touching her shoulder. "If there is anything I can do..."

Bella smiles; "Just listening helps a lot," Bella tells her as Kirara jumps on her lap. "Helps me anyway,"

Iris smiles and they both hug one another. "What do you say about us getting some sleep, you must've had a long trip and we're going out on a tour of the city tomorrow, might as well rest up for it."

Bella nods and looks at Iris as she walks to the other bed. "Iris..."

"Hm?" Iris hums looking at Bella as she was laying down.

"I'm here if you wanna talk, too, okay?"

"Of course, I know we just barely met but I'm happy that you're willing to listen to my problems even when you have your own."

Bella smiles and they both lay there after Iris turns off the light. Bella stares at the ceiling wondering about everything. What would the future bring her? Would she be able to go back home and see her friends again? What about her friends here?

Sighing, she gets up quietly, going out the door with Kirara in tow as she walks to the lobby of the Leville and outside seeing it nighttime, lights are shining bright and the people were still bustling. It made Bella smile as she sat on the steps and watched.

"I know we'll meet again, someday..." Bella whispers into the wind as she looks at the sky. "I just know it," 


A/N: Another chapter in two days!? WHAT?! I hope you like this chapter, not much reaction with Noctis and Bella, but I assure you, there's more to come. ^-^ please let me know how this is! Love you all<3

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