Teacher's Assistant // Woochan

By etherealchannie

60.6K 3.3K 6.3K

The woochan college au no one asked for There's not enough woochan fics on wattpad so I was like what the hec... More

~ Cha(n)pter One ~
~ Cha(n)pter Two ~
~ Cha(n)pter Three ~
~ Cha(n)pter Four ~
~ Cha(n)pter Five ~
~ Cha(n)pter Six ~
~ Cha(n)pter Seven ~
~ Cha(n)pter Eight ~
spoilers??? + rant
~ Cha(n)pter Nine ~
~ Cha(n)pter Ten ~
author's note
~ Cha(n)pter Twelve ~
~ Cha(n)pter Thirteen ~
~ Cha(n)pter Fourteen ~
extra #1
~ Cha(n)pter Fifteen ~
~ Cha(n)pter Sixteen ~
the cutest shit ever
~ Cha(n)pter Seventeen ~
gayo daechukje festival
~ Cha(n)pter Eighteen ~
~ Cha(n)pter Nineteen ~
face reveal
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty One ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Two ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Three ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Four ~
jisung's channel
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Five ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Six ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Seven ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Eight ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Nine ~
~ Cha(n)pter Thirty ~

~ Cha(n)pter Eleven ~

1.6K 90 119
By etherealchannie

Not edited yet

if there are any mistakes please point them out :)

Happy late Halloween!

"I'm too big for this." Chan groaned, squirming in the tunnel uncomfortably. 

Chan was laying down horizontally in the small space, his knees scrunched into his chest. He hadn't even been within the small confines of the tunnel that long but his back was already starting to ache, due to the fact that his spine was awkwardly pressed up against the slightly chilled plastic. 

"I've been in here much longer than you so shut up," Felix hissed. "He'll find us if you talk too loud."

At that, Chan promptly shut his mouth, trying his best to ignore the dull ache in his spine. 

The two boys sat in silence for about ten more minutes until a loud bang sounded, shaking the tunnel they were crammed into like sardines. 

"Shit, he's here." Felix cursed under his breath. 

"Good luck, mate. I'm out." Felix said, escaping down the slide a few feet away.

Chan felt the cold seeping into his bones at the loss of Felix's side pressed up against his. He really regretted not bringing a jacket. Chan always forgets how bipolar the weather can be. Although it was sunny an hour ago, the temperature had dropped at least ten degrees, leaving Chan susceptible to the cold. 

The banging against the side of the tunnel ceased, and Woojin's aggravated face appeared in the tunnel's entrance.  The angry expression left his face as soon as he saw Chan's shivering form huddled in the middle of the tunnel. 

"Sorry, I thought Felix was in here." Woojin said sheepishly. Chan shook his head, teeth chattering too much to give Woojin a proper reply.

"I brought you a jacket," Woojin says, extending his arm out to pull Chan out of the cramped tunnel.  

Chan took Woojin's gloved hand in his reveling in the warmth it provided to his hand, which was frozen stiff at this point.

Woojin helped Chan get out of the tunnel, waiting for Chan to finish stretching out, in an attempt to make the aching in his joints fade away. 

Woojin then draped the hoodie over Chan's shoulders, Chan slipping his arms through the sleeves before allowing Woojin to zip it up. 

"This isn't mine." Chan said, slightly shocked when he looked down at his hands to see that his fingertips were completely engulfed by the soft fabric of the hoodie.  

"It's mine." Woojin responds. "I was wearing it under my vest, but I can do without it if that means you'll be less cold." 

Woojin shoved his gloved hands into the pockets of his vest, avoiding Chan's gaze. His cheeks were colored a light pink but Chan assumed it was just windburn. 

Chan looked at Woojin's arms to see that only a black long sleeve shirt acted as a barrier between his skin and the unforgiving wind. 

Chan wrapped Woojin's arm in a hug, pulling it closer to his chest in an attempt to protect it from the cold. 

"What are you doing?" Woojin asked, looking down at the younger. 

"I don't want your arm to get cold." Chan said with a pout, looking up at Woojin, his chin resting against the sleek material of Woojin's vest. 

Woojin chuckles ruffling Chan's fluffy hair. 

"Why'd you run away?" Woojin asked.

Chan flushed a bright red, burying his face in Woojin's vest.

"It doesn't matter." Chan said, voice muffled.

Woojin frowned, but didn't pry. Instead, he reached to grab his phone which had dinged a few seconds ago. 

You know

Halloween party at yours again this year?


Oh yeah i forgot about that

you better help me set up 

You Know


Sung and I are already back at the apartment

Stop making out with Chan or whatever


oh my god i'm so done with you

You Know

shut up you love me


ew no

i'm telling jisung

You Know 

just get your ass back here


aye aye captain

You Know

I can't hear you




why are we like this?

"Channie." Woojin said, patting Chan's head to get his attention.

"Yeah?" Chan asked, looking up at Woojin, doe-eyed.

"I totally spaced on the fact that I'm supposed to host a Halloween party tomorrow." Woojin said, running a hand through Chan's hair. 

"And you didn't invite me?" Chan asked with a pout. "We're not friends anymore." Chan said, releasing Woojin's arm to cross his arms. 

"I forgot to!" Woojin exclaimed. "I would never exclude you on purpose, flower."

"I know." Chan said,his bright smile returning, lighting up his face. "I was just messing with you."

"I've got to get back to my apartment to set up. Care to join me?" Woojin asked.

"You didn't even have to ask." Chan replied, linking his arm with Woojin's. 

The two boys left the playground, finding their way back to Woojin's apartment. 


After unlocking the door, the first thing Woojin did was check his kitchen. He wasn't sure if Seungmin and Hyunjin were responsible enough to clean up after themselves. 

The kitchen looked clean at the first glance, but upon further inspection, flour could be seen everywhere. The fine, white powder was found behind and inside cereal boxes, in the paper towel tube, and even inside the toaster Woojin had bought during his move. 

"I'm gonna kill them." Woojin muttered under his breath.

"Who are you going to kill?" Chan asked, padding into the kitchen.

"Look at this!" Woojin exclaimed, carrying the unplugged toaster to the trash can and dumping out the flour in it. 

Chan snickered at the situation. Woojin glared at him as he stalked back to the counter, plugging the toaster back in. 

Shuffling was heard behind them as a new person entered the kitchen. Hyunjin walked over to the refrigerator, eyes glued to his phone as he reached for the handle. He glanced up lazily, eyes widening when he made eye contact with a pissed-off Woojin.

"Fuck." Hyunjin breathed, dashing out of the kitchen. 

He started banging on the door to the guest room, yelling at Seungmin to unlock the door.

"Seungmin, please I don't want to die!" he whines desperately. Woojin was making his way down the hall. 

Seungmin quickly opened the door and pulled Hyunjin in, slamming the door shut behind him and twisting the lock.

Seungmin had Hyunjin pinned against the door frame, hand still resting on the door knob. Hyunjin stared at Seungmin, mouth slightly opened in shock until Woojin began to pound at the door, startling the two boys. 

Seungmin came to his senses first and grabbed Hyunjin's hand, leading them both to the small walk-in closet at the back of the room. 

"We should be safe in here." Seungmin said, walking into the closet, beckoning for Hyunjin to join him. Hyunjin followed Seungmin into the closet, closing the door behind him. 

Seungmin fumbled around, trying to locate Hyunjin's hand in the dark. It seemed as though Hyunjin had been doing the same thing, because both of their hands found each other's at the same time. Seungmin broke out into a smile as he squeezed Hyunjin's hand lightly.

"Hey, if Woojin actually ends up killing us, just know that I like you a lot." Hyunjin said quietly.

Seungmin snorts at that. 

"I like you a lot too, you dork." He said, that bright smile never leaving his face. 

"Ugh, they locked the door." Woojin mumbled to himself. 

He made his way back to the kitchen, looking for the key to the guest room that was on the key rack- somewhere. 

"You looking for this?" Minho asked, twirling a key chain around his index finger. 

"Yeah, I am." Woojin said, reaching for the isolated key on the chain. 

"Nope." Minho said, bring the key chain out of Woojin's reach with a smirk. "I promised Seungjin I would make sure you didn't kill them." 

Woojin groaned in frustration. "I just need to make them clean up the mess they made." Woojin whined. 

Without anyone noticing, Chan had climbed onto the couch behind Minho, reaching up and snatching the key chain from Minho's hand which was above his head. 

Chan giggled, running down the hall with the key in hand. 

Jisung sat on the love seat, laughing hysterically. Minho joined him on the love seat, crossing his arms with a pout. 

Jisung gripped onto Minho's shirt, trying to catch his breath. 

"Oh my god, you didn't even see him coming." Jisung wheezed. 

"Shut up." Minho huffed. 

Woojin smiled. 

"Get yourself a friend whose always got your back." He said, turning on his heel about to follow Chan down the hallway. 

"Yeah friend." Jisung said, putting the word 'friend' in air quotes. 

Minho snickered at his boyfriend's actions, snuggling closer to the younger. 

"You guys are too much." Woojin said retreating down the hallway. 

He walked up to the guest room door, which was slightly ajar. Woojin pushed the door open further, to be met by a confused Chan standing in the middle of the room. 

"They're not here," Chan said, puzzled. 

Woojin huffed. 

"Oh, they're here alright. They're just hiding."

Woojin made his way across the room, opening the door to the small closet to reveal Seungmin with his face buried in Hyunjin's neck, sucking at the soft skin. 

Hyunjin gasped when he saw Woojin standing at the door, wearing a shocked expression that mirrored his own. 

Seungmin's head whipped towards the door upon hearing it creak open. 

"You guys really can't keep your hands to yourself, can you?" Woojin said shaking his head in disapproval.

Seungmin ducked his head in embarrassment, his ears turning a bright red. Hyunjin hid his face in his hands, letting out a small embarrassed squeak. 

"Anyways, I came in here to tell you two to get your asses back into the kitchen to finish cleaning up the mess you made." Woojin said sternly.

"Yes sir!" Hyunjin said, saluting Woojin before slinking out of the room, Seungmin following behind him.

"What am I supposed to do with them?" Woojin groaned, flopping onto the bed. "This is even worse than their obvious pining towards each other." 

Chan shrugged, pulling Woojin up off the bed. 

"We have work to do." Chan said, dragging Woojin out of the room by his wrist. As they made their way to the living room, Chan's hand slipped from Woojin's wrist into his hand. 

"Minho we have to go shopping." Woojin states upon arriving in the living room.

"Sung and I already bought everything." Minho said, holding up a bag filled with Halloween themed streamers, tablecloths, cups, plates, napkins, and of course, alcohol. 

There were four bottles in total, each of them donned with a ribbon. The first bottle had a purple ribbon around the neck with a rather large spider sticker on the side. The second bottle had an green ribbon with a cute pumpkin ring threaded through the middle of the ribbon. The third bottle had an orange ribbon with a small witches hat sitting snugly on the capsule. The last had a white fabric draped over it with eyes drawn onto it, a black ribbon keeping the 'ghost' together. 

"Oh my god, these wine bottles are so cute!" Woojin exclaimed, cradling the bottle with the pumpkin ring in his arms. 

"I know right!" Jisung blurted with a huge smile. "I saw them on display and I was like 'We need to get these.'"

"The market is so creative." Minho says, eyeing the witch hat bottle.

"I almost don't want to open them." Chan said, admiring the bottles. 

A crash and a shriek was heard from the kitchen. 

"What is it this time?" Woojin wonders aloud. 

They all peer into the kitchen to see Hyunjin stood over Changbin with a skillet in his hand, Seungmin standing behind him. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Rapunzel?" Minho questioned incredulously, earning a snicker from Jisung. 

"Shut up he'd look hot as Rapunzel and we all know it." Seungmin shot back.

"Is that a challenge?" Minho asked.

"Yeah, it is." Seungmin said.

"Fine. Hyunjin and I will dress up as Rapunzel for Woojin's Halloween party tomorrow and we'll see who pulls it off better." Minho said coolly.

"Hey, when did I agree to this?" Hyunjin asked, setting the pot down on the stove. 

"Just now." Seungmin replied.

Hyunjin sighed. "What have I gotten myself into?" 

"Come on." Seungmin said, dragging Hyunjin by the sleeve. "We need to get you a costume." 

Before anyone could say a word, the two were already out the door. 

"Us too." Jisung said, shrugging on his coat. Minho waved goodbye before leaving the apartment with Jisung. 

"Okay, damn everyone just ditched us." Woojin said to Chan. 

"Who am I then?" Changbin shouted, dusting off his pants. 

"Oh, yeah. I forgot you were here." Chan said. 

"Hey-" Changbin started.

"Guys, shut up. We have to get everything ready for the party." Woojin scolded. 

Chan and Changbin groaned, but complied nonetheless.

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