5sos preferences

By lukesbubble

82.9K 818 24

5sos preferences (i don't take requests) More

5sos preferences
how he hugs you
how you know he's in the mood
you have stretch marks and dont want to... (mashton)
Coming home from tour
First Kiss
Telling Him You're Pregnant
He notices your bellybutton peircing
How He Reacts When You Panic
How You Sleep
First Thing He Notices About You
You Meet Him At The Airport
You Have a Nightmare
Planning The Nursery
What Turns Him On
Drunk~Song Pref
Hard To Love~Song Pref
He's Your Teacher
You're Stressed Out
You're Having a Bad Day
"I'm Cold"
How You Meet
The Boys Tease You About Last Night
Falling Asleep On Another Boy
Your First Date
He gets Jealous
He Comforts You
Cuddles (Blurb)
Sleeping Together (NOT SEXUAL)
Making You Smile
He Toutches Your Boobs On Purpose
He Takes Your Daughter Bra Shopping
You Have A Cold
Baby Pictures
What He Leaves For You Before He Goes On Tour
He See's Your Twitter And You're Just A Fan
Deciding On Your Baby's Name
How He Deals With Your Child Crying
You're Anemic
You Get Injured And He Looks After You
You Seduce Him
You Get A Pet
He Makes You Dinner
How He Proposes
You're One Of The Girls In The Amnesia Video
He Asks You To Move To Australia (Mashton)
He Asks You To Move To Australia (Cake)
You're Insecure
The Moment You Realized You Loved Him
You Make Him Laugh
He Compares You To A Ex
Your Son
The Disney Realated Thing He Buys You
He Loves...
Your Lockscreen Is Another Member
First Impression (His POV)
Your Child Calls Him Daddy For the First Time
First Time They Say I Love You
Hate For Your Weight
First Dates
He's Your Neighbour
When He Picks A Fight With You
He Hits You (Part One)
He Hits You (Part Two)
You're Bestfriends And He FaceTimes You
TFIOS preference
Last of the American Girls - Green Day
His Nickname For You
You Watch The Evil Dead Movies
You're On Your Period
Under The Weather
Jealous Of A 1D Member
He Finds Out You Have A Secret Talent
The Fight (Luke Hemmings)
Thunderstorms (Michael Clifford)
First Date
You Get Nervous On The Red Carpet
Your QuirkThat He Loves
Why You Fight
He Falls Asleep On You
He Gets Mad When A Member Says Something Sexual
You're Sore From The Night Before and The Boys Tease You
Love Letter You Send Him
Vicoria's Secret
He's Off Limits
How You Sleep/Cuddle
He's Drunk
When you're crying
He Hears You Crying At Night
Favourite Thing About You (Physically)
You're a girly girl
Your daughter is with another members son
Cute Things He Does When You're Pregnant
First time
Stay With Me
Pregnancy Mood Swings
He Comforts You
He Makes You Cry During Your First Time

When Your Innocent Minded

1.2K 9 0
By lukesbubble


Luke and I were currently sat with the boys in their London house; they had taken a short break from writing to watch the football game between Liverpool and Manchester United. Sadly, this came with Luke and Calum shouting at each other continuously, convinced that their team is better.

‘Luke, it’s a game, you know that right?’ I asked, a bit concerned that he was getting angrier by the minute. I mean, it’s only football.

‘I know, but if we win this game we’re at the top of the Premier League…and it’s more of a game.’ The anger still evident in his voice. Luke knows that I hate it when people get angry; he knows that it scares me. Apparently he could see this and gave me a sympathetic look and brought me closer to him.

‘Babe, I’m sorry I just got too caught up in the game, I should’ve thought of you more.’

‘It’s okay; you just had me worried for a second.’

‘Hmm….’ Luke hummed, he started kissing my neck, and I was confused to say the least. None the less I let him carry on, assuming he was just saying sorry.  A minute had passed and Luke had moved onto my exposed shoulder and started sucking slightly.

‘Luke what are you doing?’

‘Giving you a hickey.’ Lips still pressed to my shoulder.

‘What, Luke no, why you like this all of a sudden?’

‘I need you y/n.’

‘What do you mean ‘you need me’?’ So confused.

‘Y/n I want to take you to the bedroom and have sex, you got that?’ Thank God that the whole conversation was whispered.


‘So you are coming?’

‘Yeah sure.’ I gave him a big smile which made him giggle.

Once we got to the bedroom, after a few knowing glares from the boys, Luke attached his lips to my neck once more.

‘You’re too innocent minded y/n.’


I was currently sat on Ashton lap attempting to play the drums, failing of course, drumming was not my forte.

‘Y/n you have to hit the crash cymbal’ Ash instructed me pointing me to the cymbal on the left of the drum kit.

‘Okay, I think I’ve got this now.’ My voice portraying my concentration.

Because I was quite small, my arms didn’t allow me to reach the cymbal so I had to move slightly on Ashton’s lap. I hit the cymbal successfully and did a little victory dance, well more like a shuffle in Ashton’s lap.

‘Y/n, can you stop moving please?’ Ashton’s gripped my hips and held them still.

‘Why Ash, I’m proud of myself.’

‘I’m proud of you too love, but can you just stay still for a second, you’re making things awkward for me.’ What the hell is he on about? I don’t think he’s been like this before.

‘Ash what are you talking about, am I too heavy? Because I can get off if you want.’

‘Babe, you’re not heavy but all of this, moving around is making me very uncomfortable down there.’ He gestures towards his crotch, giggling slightly.

‘Oh, I’m so sorry, I just didn’t understand what was happening I’ve never been in this situation before…’’ I was starting to worry, I didn’t want him to be embarrassed, but before I could say anything else he cut me off.

‘Y/n, you’ve made me like this many times before.’ His voice was filled with lust and passion.

‘I have, but how come I’ve never noticed?’

‘You’re way to innocent minded y/n…’ he started kissing my neck, arms wrapped around my waist holding me still. I must admit I was enjoying this, but I was scared too.

‘Maybe we should continue this up stairs y/n.’ Lips still pressed firmly against my neck.

‘But Ash, I’ve never done this before.’

‘It’s okay; I’ll show you what to do, maybe corrupt that innocent little mind of yours.’


 I was currently sat alone on the couch, abandoned by my boyfriend. Sighing loudly I took my phone out scrolling through Tumblr, I must admit that it did feel a bit weird to see my face on my dash, do they really think I’m so pretty? I know Michael does, he doesn’t shut up about it. My time on Tumblr was cut short when a sting of profanities left Michael’s mouth. This just caused me to let out another sigh, he had been playing GTA for about two hours and I was getting quite bored.

‘Y/n what is wrong? You haven’t talked to me in ages.’

‘Well I’ve tried but you’ve just been too caught up in the game.’

‘Aww, I’m sorry, it’s just I’ve never played this part before.’

‘It’s okay Michael; I know how much you like video games. Anyway, I don’t really understand this game, like all they do is go around picking up women. What do they do with these women? I hope they’re okay.’

‘Oh my God y/n, do you seriously not know what they’re doing?’

‘No, I wouldn’t be asking if I knew Michael.’

‘Y/n, they’re prostitutes, they’re having sex.’ As soon as he said it my cheeks started turning a slight shade of red. How could I not know this? Was it so obvious? I’m so embarrassed. Michael must have picked up on this as he game towards me giggling slightly.

‘You’re so innocent y/n…and cute.’

‘Thanks Michael, but I don’t like being innocent, I don’t get any of these sexual references…’

‘How about we change that.’ A smirk playing on his lips.


‘Y/n, I’m trying to tell you that I want to you know…frickle frackle with you.’ A laugh escaping his lips


‘So… is that a yes then?’

‘Yeah…sure, teach me Michael!’ I shouted the last part as Michael just smiled and took my hand to lead me up the stairs.


I was currently sat with the boys, including my boyfriend Calum watching a movie, I wasn’t understanding all of the references in the film and it kind of annoyed me as I had to concentrate throughout the entire god damn movie. Calum had seemed to notice this and leaned over to me.

‘Babe, do you seriously not understand this movie?’ Knowing that we’ve been in this situation.

‘Cal, It’s not my fault I don’t understand any of this. Why do they make movies with such complicated references in them.’ Calum let out a low laugh.

‘Y/n, not everyone is you,’

‘What do you mean by that?’ A little hurt by his choice of words.

‘I mean, not everyone is as innocent as you.’

‘I’m not that innocent!’

‘Y/n, did you even get that reference.’ Gesturing towards the TV screen.

‘Well, no but…’

‘My point exactly!’

‘I don’t like being innocent.’ I pouted at Cal and he pulled me into his lap bringing his lips to my ear.

‘How about I show you how to change that?’ Each word dripping with lust.

‘Goodnight guys, I’m gonna head to bed. You coming Cal?’

‘Yep, Goodnight guys.’ Calum eagerly took my hand and led me up the stairs. Well, needless to say I’m not as innocent minded anymore.

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