Vampire Vixx

By amujane

72.1K 2.1K 404

Vampire Vixx is a fanfic for a fellow starlight and it's dedicated all to her because she loves them so much... More

Vampire Vixx chapter 0 Intro
Vampire Vixx chapter 1 Moving into a new home...
Vampire Vixx chapter 2 Moonlight in the bedroom...
Vampire Vixx chapter 3 Bodyguarding at night...
Vampire Vixx chapter 5 Cooking at night...
Vampire Vixx chapter 6 Cousins...
Vampire Vixx chapter 7 Love battle begins...
Vampire Vixx chapter 8 Fireworks under the Moon...
Vampire Vixx chapter 9 Secret garden...
Vampire Vixx chapter 10 Beautiful stranger...
Vampire Vixx chapter 11 Wolves story...
Vampire Vixx chapter 12 History book...
Vampire Vixx chapter 13 New guests...
Vampire Vixx chapter 14 Unexepected place...
Vampire Vixx chapter 15 VIXX's past...
Vampire Vixx chapter 16 Hyuk and Sandy...
Vampire Vixx chapter 17 The favour...
Vampire Vixx chapter 18 The discovery of...
Vampire Vixx chapter 19 The last member...
Vampire Vixx chapter 20 Hongbin's past memories...
Vampire Vixx chapter 21 Di's past...
Vampire Vixx chapter 22 Hyuk's past...
Vampire Vixx chpater 23 Friends and enemies...
Vampire Vixx chapter 24 The Idol killer...
Vampire Vixx chapter 25 Return to Malaysia...
Vampire Vixx chapter 26 Family secrets...
Vampire Vixx chapter 27 Di's true identity...
Vampire Vixx chapter 28 The bad news...
Vampire Vixx chapter 29 Sufiani's plans...
Vampire Vixx chapter 30 At the mall...
Vampire Vixx chapter 31 Helping Laura and Jeff...
Vampire Vixx chapter 32 A date at the zoo...
Vampire Vixx chapter 33 Photo Albums...
Vampire Vixx chapter 34 The plans mission...
Vampire Vixx chapter 35 Back to Seoul...
Vampire Vixx chapter 36 The Cosplayers...
Vampire Vixx chapter 37 True love's Kiss...
Vampire Vixx chapter 38 Kidnapped...
Vampire Vixx chapter 39 Fighting Back...
Vampire Vixx chapter 40 Freedom...
Vampire Vixx chapter 41 KARA...
Vampire Vixx chapter 42 Wedding...
Vampire Vixx chapter 43 Messy Seo In-Guk...
Vampire Vixx chapter 44 Ken and Candy...
Vampire Vixx chapter 45 Interrogation...
Vampire Vixx chapter 46 Ravi & Adi's date...
Vampire Vixx chapter 47 Engagement Ring...
Vampire Vixx chapter 48 Love Is The Way...
Vampire Vixx chapter 49 The other mansion...
Vampire Vixx chapter 50 Reconciliation...
Vampire Vixx chapter 51 Danger...
Vampire Vixx chapter 52 Forgive and Forget...
Vampire Vixx chapter 53 Pregnancy Test?...
Vampire Vixx chapter 54 Oh my...
Vampire Vixx chapter 55 Deep in the woods...
Vampire Vixx chapter 56 The Intruders...
Vampire Vixx chapter 57 Secret Tunnel...
Vampire Vixx chapter 58 Underworld City...
Vampire Vixx chapter 59 New Friends...
Vampire Vixx chapter 60 Surprise...
Vampire Vixx chapter 61 Dance Partners...
Vampire Vixx chapter 62 Hotline Bling?...
Vampire Vixx chapter 63 Family Business...
Vampire Vixx chapter 64 Driver And The Waitress...
Vampire Vixx chapter 65 Adi The Librarian...
Vampire Vixx chapter 66 Flickering Lights...
Vampire Vixx chapter 67 Special Heavenly Day...
Vampire Vixx chapter 68 Getting Closer...
Vampire Vixx chapter 69 Sufiani's Fever...
Vampire Vixx chapter 70 Seo In-Guk's mother...
Vampire Vixx chapter 71 Vampires vs Robot Mouse...
Vampire Vixx chapter 72 Sufiani's return...
Vampire Vixx chapter 73 Leo's sasaeng fiancee...
Vampire Vixx chapter 74 Sufiani's Hideout...

Vampire Vixx chapter 4 Moonlight date...

2.7K 84 4
By amujane

During the date at the amusement park with N & Sufiani rode on all the fun rides that were not scary rides & hunted houses... Sufiani caught her eye on a ride that she would love to ride on.

"N-oppa N-oppa N-oppa let's get on this ride now". she insisted.

N looked up at the ride where she was pointing at, became frozen for a moment.

"Oppa?" she called.

"Hm?, Oh! Sorry what was it that you wanted to ride on so badly?" he asked.

"That ride there". she said.

"Oh that one, I see". he laughed nervously.

"Yes that ride, I want to go on it now before we go home". she said happily.

"OK I'll stay here and wait for you then". he said relieving himself for a moment.

"Whaaa... oppa you're not coming with me?" she asked.

"I'll stay here while you ride on the roller coaster." said N.

"~Oppppa~ I thought this was a date... it seems that oppa doesn't like me." she pouted cutely.

N couldn't resist her cuteness and ended up going with her. As soon as they entered they had to be in a cue for the roller coaster N started to sweat & become more and more nervous.

"Hmm... Princess, I'm starting to feel sick". he said.

"Why, what's wrong oppa?" she asked worried.

"Hmm... I'll tell you after we get on the ride". he said nervously.

As the cue became smaller & smaller N started to shake and Sufiani notices.

"Oppa, you're awfully shaking". she said.

"What are you saying, we're on a date". N replied trying to put on a brave face.

"Oppa, at least tell me what's wrong?" she insisted looking into his eyes.

"Well I'll tell you as soon we sat on the ride". he replied.

Now they were the last group getting on the ride, and she decided to seat in the front seat with N and puts on the safety belts on.

"Right... oppa can you tell me now what's wrong?" she asked.

"Hmm mm... how can I put it in words". he said.

"Hah!.. It seems like oppa doesn't like sharing stuff with me... fine don't tell me". she pouted cutely that N couldn't resist.

"Alright then I'll tell you... I'm scared of heights". he exclaimed.

This revelation shocked her.

"YAH! Oppa why didn't you tell me earlier that you was scared of heights!" she said scolding N.

"I'm sorry, whenever you made cute faces at me, I just couldn't resist it" he said.

"Well you should have ignored it in the first place". she said.

Then the ride moving, N started feel nervous and grabs her hand tightly and closed his eyes because he was too scared to look down, since N is still holding her hand it made her blush profusely, and she finds it cute. After the ride was over Sufiani helped N to get off.

"UMM... Oppa? Are you feeling okay?" she asked worried?

"Yes I'm feeling alright". he replied in relieve.

"Can you walk?" she insisted in asking.

"Don't worry about me, princess". he said who was walking all wobbly and tripped over Sufiani and landed on each other.

N & Sufiani blushed and stood up quickly feeling shy and embarrassed. They finished off the date and went back to the car, during the long journey Sufiani fell asleep... then she woke up when she realizes they're nowhere near home (they are actually at a very high cliff where you can see the whole landscape of Seoul). As she got out of the car, N was standing on the bench under the moonlight without his sunglasses and cap, so she decided to sit next to him. She looked at his skin it was really pale white as snow. He turned around to face her he also has red eyes glowing.

"Oppa can I touch your hands?" she asked.

"yeah sure, why?" he asked curiously.

"I don't know it's just my instincts telling to touch your hands... Can I?"? she replied.

"Hmm sure why not". he said.

She touched his hands and as she suspected they were cold like ice cubes.

"Just as I thought your hands are freezing". she said.

"Oh are they?" N asked.

"You aren't going to do anything weird on me are you?" Sufiani asks trying to be strong.

"I don't know... why do you ask?" he asked.

"Well first we are not at home and second of all we are at a cliff in the middle of nowhere". said Sufiani.

N gets super close to her, rest his head on her shoulder and wraps her in his arms.

"Hmm... N-oppa? Are you okay? she asked.

N snuggles in and starts to sniff her hair and said "never better".

She felt her spine shiver with him sniffing her hair.

"Hm..... N-oppa are you okay? You're acting all strange. she said all worried.

N looks into her eyes, and she saw lust and hunger. All of a sudden she gets up and N pins her down onto the bench.

"YAH!!!!! Oppa!!! Let me go!! You're scaring me!!" she exclaimed.

"You're driving me crazy, I can't take it any more". he whispered.

He kisses her neck softly in which it was making her heart beat wildly. Then she felt his fangs.

"No!! Oppa please don't do it!!" she cried out.

N sees her tears that wanted to come out and lets her go.

"I'm sorry if I was impulsive". said N apologizing.

"It's okay, I'm having nightmares but I have been feeling that the fangs wanted to inject into my skin and suck my blood out... and I'm scared oppa I'm scared". she said.

N tightly hugs her feeling a bit guilty for making a girl cry.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you". he said.

"It's not your fault N-oppa, I just... I just". she continued.

N then grabs gently and kisses her on her lips under the moonlight.

Then the next day she wakes up on the bench wrapped under N's warm arms making sure she was okay, making her heart beat fast and blush furiously. N wakes up and notices her that was awake.

"Good morning princess, did you slept well". N asked her with smile on his face.

"Good morning oppa, your body is so warm". she said.

"That's because I have my princess in my arms right now". he replied.

She blushes and all of a sudden her belly starts to grumble.

"Oppa I'm starving". She pouted cutely.

"Oh can't take this any more you're too cute that you will be eaten by wolves and bears". he said randomly.

"What?! Are there cute bears and cute cub wolves right here?!" she asked excitedly.

"Cute bears? Cute cub wolves?... Don't tell me that bears and wolves are your favourite animals? or are they? would you like me to get you a cub bear and wolf to keep in the house? he asked.

"hmm... I just love animals I find them really cute". she said smiling.

N laughs.

"No I didn't mean this kind of bears and wolves...". he whispered.

"Then what did you mean by me getting eaten by bears and wolves then?" she asked curiously.

"What I meant was... since you're a cute kitten that is so defenceless that all men which are the bears and wolves would come and eat you" he said.

"Guys can't eat girls... that's impossible". she said.

"I'll show you what I mean when I say they'll eat you up" he whispered.

Sufiani lens in her ear to hear what he meant, he gently bit her ear and it made her blush like crazy.

"Oppa?! What are you doing?!" she asked.

N laughs, then takes her to the car, and then they drove off back home. Leo, Ravi and Hongbin waited for them outside worried that something might've happened to her, as the car parked they all sighed in relieve, but they were really upset with N for not phoning up to tell them that Sufiani is safe and that nothing bad has happened.

"............." said Leo.

"A stupid driver like you sure has no common sense at least you should've called up to let us know that she's safe!" said Hongbin scolding N.

"Yeah, you should let us know that you guys weren't coming". said Ravi.

Sufiani came out of the car, greeted the boys, and they were really happy to see her.

"Ah princess, you must be hungry I'll go make your breakfast". said Hongbin.

Hongbin goes in to make breakfast and at the same time he gives a cold glares at N.

"Oh well welcome back princess, I'm so glad nothing serious happened to you". said Ravi

Leo & Sufiani exchanges looks.

"Hello Leo..." she greeted shyly to Leo.

"Hi......." he shyly greeted back.

Her heart started to best fast like mad whenever she and Leo look at each other, Sufiani and Ravi goes inside the house. N went inside to get change and Leo goes back to his duties quietly.

End of chapter 4.


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