Perfection» h.s

By cvstle

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"Not all of us are perfect, Harry." ©copyright ashlyn gold 2k14 [1D Awards winner Season 5] More

good books.
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
Character Ask!
Character Answers!
Ask Me Answers!
twenty nine.
thirty one (part one)
thirty one . pt 2
thirty one. pt. 3
thirty three.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty six.
thirty seven.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
a poem
forty one.
forty two.
forty three.
a small present
present part dos
present part trés
present part four
present part five
forty three.
forty four.
forty five.
forty six.
forty seven.
forty eight.
forty nine.
the questions
the answers.
fifty one.
fifty two.
fifty three.
fifty four.
fifty five.
fifty six.
fifty seven.
fifty eight.
fifty nine.
sixty one.
sixty two.
sixty three.
sixty four.
sixty five.
sixty six.
sixty seven. pt.1
sixty seven pt.2
happy birthday to one of the raddest people I know
sixty eight.
sixty nine.
seventy one.
1D Watty Awards!


590 18 5
By cvstle

5 More months of official couples (Nina and Niall) , areshole Harrymini fights, sarcasm, fangirling, and Starbucks jobs.

Pandora Gray

      "So you're telling me, that you want to change, for a girl that you just met because she doesn't like your type of person?" I repeat what he said back to me, and he nods.

Damn, this girl better be a Princess or something.

"Does she shit gold or something? Because you want me to help you change your whole damn  personality for her. Sounds stupid if you ask me." Harry rolls his eyes.

"Babe, what would you know, you've never dated anyone." He chuckles, and I throw a pillow at his face, Harry easily dodges it.

"Yeah? Well I have a life outside of you." I stick out my tongue, "Plus, I'm a girl, I know what girls like."

"Yeah, as if I couldn't tell with the boobs and the period." Harry deadpans and glares at me, "You send me for Nutella every time."

"But you go every time, don't you?" I retort, and he nods in defeat, "Alright, back on track. I'll help you change for this girl, but enlighten me about her."

"When the hell did you start becoming my English teacher? Let me tell you about her, her name is Valerie-"

"Like the song?" I but in, and Harry nods.

"Valerie Hall, she is perfect. She has long black hair, and blue eyes that could rival Louis's. I was at a club, and I saw her talking to some of her friends, she was saying that she was looking for a boyfriend, someone sweet, sophisticated and smar-"

"Harry, you're none of those."

"Pandora, can you please let me finish?" I shrug, and he continues, "So I've been recently been thinking about setting down, y'know? Not partying and coming home drunk every night with some girl on my arm, but maybe have a steady girlfriend. I just think that Valerie could be the steady girlfriend. Anyways, I walked over to Valerie, and we chatted for a bit, and she gave me her number." Harry holds the number in his hand as I play with my hair.

"Well how old is she? For all you know she may be a horny 69 year old with bomb ass plastic surgery." I suggest.

"She's twenty, and a model."

"Is she skinny?"

"She's fit." Harry replies coolly, "So help me."

"With what? I'm confused."

"Fine, the next time I plan to call her, I want to ask her out on a da-" I cut Harry off, again.

"So you want to have a fake date with me to help you practice how you should act with her." I finish, and Harry nods. "Eh, why not. I have nothing else to do today." I slam my book shut, "Um, dates usually have to do with food, go make breakfast." I shoo him off, and he leaves my room to go and make the breakfast for our "first date".

" Babe, breakfast is ready. " Harry calls from the kitchen, and I practically break my neck trying to run to the kitchen, where I can smell bacon, eggs and pancakes cooking. He puts a plate full pancakes and bacon on for himself and sets the table, while he puts the whole works on mine.",Well, sit down! "

"Um, Styles? A gentleman pulls out the chair." He walks over to my side of the table mumbling,

"Damn." He pulls out the chair, and I sit down, while he goes to his, and sits down so that we're across from each other.

"This is where we make conversation, tell jokes-"

"Oh my gosh, I have so many jokes,here's one, ready? So the police comes up to me and says, 'how high are you?' I say, ' No, it's hi, how are you." Harry laughs while I keep a straight face, "Why the fuck aren't you laughing." Harry stops laughing as he starts to eat some bacon.

"Because it's stupid, I'll tell you the funniest joke ever."

"Bring it, bitch."

"Alright, I know that Luke got banned from Club Penguin recently." I start to eat my pancake while Harry is laughing. "You know what the funniest part was?"


"That I wasn't joking." I say, and Harry is laughing so hard, while I'm almost done with breakfast. Seeing Harry laughing makes me want to laugh too, and we're soon both laughing until our sides hurt. "I still play that damn game. Oh god, this is not good date conversation."

"I know Zayn prides himself on being the hottest penguin in the Pizza Parlor,  Gemma and Ashton share an account, Liam changes his color to black and goes and sits in the Pizza Parlor, and every time someone sits on him, he types it's because I'm black, isn't it!" Harry tells me, and I literally wipe tears from my eyes.

"Yeah, this is conversation not to have on a date." I calm down, and we both stop laughing, "Let's try good conversation, tell me about yourself."

"Uh, I'm twenty one, I like to cook, and I've graduated from Cambridge."

"Harry, it's not good to lie." I tease and he rolls his eyes.

"Okay, so I've graduated from Uni,  and  that's about it. Tell me about yourself."

"I'm nineteen, my birthday is in a month, I like food. I can't sing, and I love to choreograph dances." Harry nods.

"I know, you helped Danielle and Ashlyn choreograph their dance for class."

"It's twelve?" I look over to the clock on the microwave, "Listen, we still have a night date, so do you just want to take a nap and wait until eight o'clock or so?"

"Sounds like a plan, babe."

"Oh yeah, don't call Valerie babe."


"Those were some awesome naps." I say to myself, yawning. I get out of bed, and look at the time, 7:58. "Harry!" I yell, but I get no reply. I walk out to the kitchen, which is pitch black dark, but then I see a faint silhouette smoking a cigarette on the back porch. I walk over, and open the door to see Harry standing there, looking out at the sky, only illuminated by the glowing ember of the cigarette.


"Hi." I take a cigarette from the pack, and I don't light it. "What are you thinking about?"

"I dunno, a lot of things," He laughs, "Sometimes I just, need to clear my mind. I think about my mom a lot."

"Where is she?" I ask, looking up at the sky that looks like someone poked small holes in it.

"She's in Heaven, her name's Anne Cox." Harry whispers, and he smiles at the sky. "I think she's an angel."

She is Harry, she's the head of the angels. I've met your mom. She talked about you, she always she said she had a son and daughter, but I never caught the name.

"I think so too, Harry, I think so."

I know so.

"I miss her, she was everything to Gemma and I. But if she is an angel, I believe she's watching over us, closely." I sigh, wishing I could tell Harry that I knew her. He looks over at me and points at my still unlit cigarette, "Why haven't you lighted it, yet?"

"It's a metaphor." I simply reply, and he turns his head back to the distance. "So you have a thing with angels?" He nods, then begins to explain,

"Yeah, ever since mom died, I believe I have a Guardian Angel. Angels are perfect, the spitting image of it, and that's the opposite of me," he pauses, looking for the right words to say, "I've always liked the idea of perfection, and I think that's what an angel is. Perfect, they can't do any harm, and they protect against harm." Tears well up in my eyes, and I'm dying to tell him that I'm his Guardian Angel. "Sometimes, I think my angel did a horrible job. She let Emmy Kay die, and she forgot to tell me that the world sucks."

I'm a horrible person, oh my gosh.

"Was Emmy Kay, your girlfriend?" I force out.

"Yeah, she died in a car crash." He tips the ashes of the cigarette out, and I watch it fall. "She was my Diana."

"First love?" He nods, and I can feel my heart stop.

I made Harry into the asshole he is now. I, an angel, destroyed the thing he cared about most.

"She really was my Diana, a princess. She was kind, and generous. She didn't take any shit from anyone, just like you. Emmy was like you in so many ways, stubborn, brave and strong, she could be scared at times, but both of you stand up for anything that deserves standing up for, including yourself."

"So I'm a Princess too?" I ask.

"Of course. Long may you reign."



"You're a great person, you know that? I don't think you have to change for Valerie, and if she doesn't like you then she can go die in a hole."

"Thank you, that means a lot. That doesn't mean I still don't hate you, though."

"Of course, I still hate you too." Silence settles onto us, and we both say nothing, "This is one of my favorite things."


"Just looking at the stars, finding the constellations." I point up, "There's Orion's Belt. Those three stars right there." He looks up, and I'm able to see his green eyes easier.

"Found 'em. Look, there's the dippers." He shows me the Big and Little Dipper, and I nod. Angels had to use the stars to get around durning the night. "This is random, but if I ever had a child, I'd name her, hopefully, a name with Ella in it."

"Why Ella?" He lights another cigarette, and raises his eyebrow.

"It sounds angelic and, I want my girl to be an angel. In fact, I particularly like the name Arella." My heart stops in my chest.

My damn name. My name, he likes my real name!

"So do I." I whisper. "It's getting cold, I think I'm gonna go in."

"I'll come with you."



Songs listened to while writing this:

Story of My Life- One Direction

Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)- Green Day

Over My Head- The Fray

Give Me Love- Ed Sheeran

How To Save a Life- The Fray

Stay With Me- Sam Smith

Drop in the Ocean- Ron Pope

Is This Thing On?- P!nk

Stay, Stay,Stay (Piano Version)- Taylor Swift

A Team- Ed Sheeran

Truly, Madly Deeply - One Direction

You and I- John Legend and the One Direction one

All of Me- John Legend

Your Song- Ellie Goulding

~ ashlyn gold xx

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