Poker Face

By gypsydream

61.1K 1.6K 142

Poker Face (Naruto Fan Fiction) History repeats itself when Utau’s entire clan is slaughtered. The person de... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Authors Note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Authors Note
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Authors Note
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Authors Note
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Authors Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 30

855 30 5
By gypsydream

 ***Yay!!! I have made it to chapter 30!!!!***

Chapter 30

“The thing is I can’t tell anybody or Kiyomi, Momoka, and Michio will get in trouble for including me on that mission.”

“You’re telling me aren’t you?”

“Yeah, but Akane I trust you to not tell anybody.”

She smiles.

“I can help you. Since you can’t do anything but be lazy all day long I will be your eyes and ears.” She stretches out on my bed.

“You would do that?” I stop my pacing by the window and look at Akane.

“Sure, Naruto said I had the week off anyway. Well almost, I still have to help mom prepare for the summit but I can do both.” She stands up and walks closer.

“Thanks Akane. Tell me the moment you find anything.”

She nods.

“Of course. Now you get some sleep. No use worrying over something out of your control.” She says as she steers me toward the bed.

“Thank you again Akane.”

She smiles and waves before closing my bedroom door, leaving me in darkness.

I sit in the dark of the early morning and stare at my bedroom wall.

It has been a full week since Akane said she would help me and no one has seen her since. Her poor mother had to prepare for the summit all by herself.

I continue staring at the wall until my door is opened.

“Time to go.”

I nod numbly and stand and let the ANBU lead me through the house.

Before I know it I am standing at the gate.

A familiar figure is standing there waiting with numerous other shinobi.

“You ready?” Katsuo asks with a smile.

“As ready as I will ever be.” I say grimly. “Katsuo?”


“Thanks for forgiving me.”

He nods.

“You’re too likeable to stay mad at.”

I smile faintly, my eyes blank.

“Let’s move out. We want to make it before the 5 Kage’s have talked everyone’s ears off.”

I nod but turn to gaze one last time at Konaha.

I smile and silently say my goodbyes.

“Let’s go,” I agree.

After many long days of traveling we finally arrive at our destination, the Frost country- where the summit is being held.

I shiver and rub my hands along my arms in an attempt to warm myself. My breath comes out as ice crystals.

Cold weather is one of the things at the top of my hate list. In the land of Mystery the weather is always warm even in the winter. Although once you leave the protective ring surrounding the island the weather is just as unpredictable as the rest of the world’s weather.

Katsuo hands me a fur lined coat and continues walking forward.

I gratefully accept the coat and snuggle deep within its folds.

After a while of crunching through the snow I spot a large team of shinobi from all five great nations approaching.

Katsuo walks up and engages in conversation with one of them before turning and nodding at my escorts. The two groups merge into one with me in the middle, surrounded on all sides.

I sigh and continue walking.

After a few hours I begin to shiver from the cold despite the heavy fur coat. Katsuo turns and looks at me.

“Are you ok?” He asks.

“I..I’m fine…I j..just don’t handle cold v..very well…” I say with chattering teeth.

“Even with that coat?”

I nod and sneeze.

“I…Really…HATE…the…cold!” I hiss into the crisp air.

Katsuo laughs before staring sheepishly at the ground in response to the glares from the silent ninja surrounding me.

“We are here.”

I turn and follow Katsuo’s gaze. In front of us looms a large building built to withstand the harsh climate of the Land of Frost. The large tin roof is heavily laden with snow and with the white walls the building almost completely disappears in the snow. The only thing that stands out is the small black gaping hole in the side of the enormous building. A closer looks tells me that it is the open door.

I am led through the door and down a number of hallways until we stop at a large metal door.

The thought of what awaits me behind the door haunts my mind. All the strength I thought I had abandons me.

Katsuo gives me a gentle push toward the door as two ninja open the doors for me.

I enter with my head hanging in defeat. All my usual pride and spunk is nowhere in sight.

Naruto seems to notice that and a flash of sadness seems to flash through his eyes.

It only makes it worse.

The glares of anger and hatred mixed with pity and even a little bit of sorrow come from all sides of the room.

At that moment I realize I am surrounded on all sides by fully alert ninja from all five great nations and none look too happy to see me alive and well.

Another glance confirms what I fear. Everyone came to see my fate play out.

I spot Akane’s familiar face in the crowd. At first glance I am relieved she is all right but then the cursed emotions called doubt begin to flood my brain. Did she even try to help me or was it all a lie? Why have I not heard from her until now?

Seeing Akane’s tear streaked face fuels a strong emotion inside, helping me banish my doubts at her loyalty.

Looking around at the faces of my comrades and maybe even friends adds fire to the already strong emotion building inside. My eyes land on Yuuto.

His face sports a fresh scar, a gift from the land of lightning. The scar trails down his ear to his chin. His bruises have healed but he still wears a cast around his arm and leans heavily on crutches.

The look of indescribable raw emotion on his face hits me in the heart.

The strong emotion rears its ugly head, causing a burning tear to slide down my cheek.

I try identifying the alien emotion but only manage to realize it is something I have never felt before. Not even when my mother was alive and I still had feelings.

Living in Konaha has taught me a number of things including how to feel again, how to be human, and how to care for others. The leaf ninja has taught me about friendship and the joys of laughing and peacefulness. They broke through my Poker Face.

But in all their wisdom they still hadn’t given me the most important thing, the will to live.

That is until this day.

Standing here in this dark room I realize that the overwhelming emotion is just that.

“Utau Hayashi, you have been…”

I interrupt the fire’s feudal lord.

“I am honored you saw me threat enough to bring in the useless feudal lords!” I say sarcastically. “But don’t you think it’s a little much? I mean come on! The whole room is filled with high ranking shinobi plus all 5 kage’s. I think they can decide my fate all by themselves.”

Naruto sends me a disapproving glare. Hidden beneath the angry glare I can see pride at my strength to stand up for myself.

“Ehem. As I was saying, Utau Hayashi…”

I interrupt again.

“Actually it’s not Hayashi. It’s not like such a dangerous criminal would give a complete stranger her real name. Naruto should be honored I gave him my real first name.”

The kage’s begin whispering among themselves while never letting their eyes leave me.

“Then what is your real name?” The Moderator asks.

I smile evilly- a smile I inherited from my father.

“Himura. Himura Utau the Crimson Snow Rose.”

The shock takes a second to register on their faces but once it does it is plainly evident.

I smirk at their expressions.

“Himura? You mean THE Himura? The mysterious unknown rumored famous clan that is well known as a myth? The same Himura’s that in legend was part of most everything that went on and in some cases started wars and ended them behind the scenes? The same Himura that are rumored to be the best assassins this world has ever known? The same Himura that is said to be founded by two Uchiha brothers?” Naruto asks excitedly.

I nod.

“They exist!” Naruto exclaims happily, proud of the fact that he actually has met one of the famous Himura.

Subtle coughs from the other kage’s bring Naruto back down to earth.

“Right. Utau, you have been brought here today to speak for yourself in defense of your crimes. What do you have to say for yourself?”

“Most of the people I killed deserved it in one way or another even if they themselves or the rest of the world didn’t know it. I have nothing to say for what I have done. I regret nothing.” I speak truthfully.

My gaze wonders over to Akane. Hurt and disappointment fills her tearful eyes.

I lower my eyes in shame. For a while I had forgotten who I have become and reverted to my old self.

“I do admit I have killed a few innocent people in my time but…”

“A few?” The Raikage questions.

“well ok maybe a few hundred.”

She raises her eyebrows.

“Fine! Maybe a thousand or two!” I exclaim angrily.

“Is this all you have to say for yourself in your defense?” The moderator asks.

I nod slowly, trying to block the sound of Akane crying out of my mind.

The Kage begin whispering franticly now.

It seems like years before they stop.

Naruto stands slowly up, trying to mask the sadness on his face.

“Despite the recent developments of your background and our very limited knowledge of your clan we have...”

Once again I interrupt.

“If you are worrying about The Himura’s attacking one of you then you don’t have to worry. They are all dead. I killed them myself.” I state with a sneer to my voice in remembrance of my father.

Once again shock crosses their faces.

Four of the five Kage’s nod at Naruto.

He nods in return and turns back to me.

“Utau Himura, Our decision has been made. Before you were brought to this room we carefully reviewed your case while including your recent approved behavior but we all came to the same conclusion: You must pay for your crimes. In light of a fair trial we have allowed you to speak for yourself and our decision remains firm. Will you accept whatever punishment we give you?”

I nod with a heavy heart.

“Very well. You punishment is…”

Suddenly a loud crash sounds, cutting off Naruto.

All eyes turn toward the sound.

I frown as the wall explodes.

In enters the last person I ever wanted to see. Shizuka.

Following behind him is the rest of the Akastuki minus Isabel and the leader.

My frown deepens.

“What are you doing here?” I yell loudly.

“What does is look like? We are rescuing you, Uta-chan.” Shizuka says with that cocky grin of his.

I grit my teath.

“I don’t need rescuing especially from you.” I hiss.

“Certainly looks that way.” Shizuka says sarcastically, admiring my bindings that render me immobile.

He pulls out a kunai, sending the surrounding shinobi flying into action.

One of Leo’s explosive cards going off blocks my vision from the battle. The next thing I know Shizuka is smiling at me before knocking me out.

Hayate’s POV.

 I close my eyes not wanting to hear her fate.

“Very well. Your punishment is..”

I reopen my eyes as a loud crash sounds nearby.

I duck for cover as the wall next to me explodes.

I dig myself out of the rubble and glare at the party crashers. My eyes widen at the sight of their all too familiar cloaks.

“What are you doing here?” Utau yells at the man who seems to be in charge of their mission.

“What does it look like? We are rescuing you, Uta-chan.”

His words pierce my heart. Utau never let anybody call her Uta-chan. In fact she would freak out every time somebody let it slip but she seems fine with letting this Akastuki trash call her that. 

I am so absorbed in my thoughts I don’t notice the man pull out a kunai until the ninja beside me jump into action. I quickly pull out a few kunai of my own and head after the man who seems so friendly with Utau.

I quickly loose him in the confusion. I curse and quickly deflect a shurikan headed my way. Suddenly an explosion goes off on the other side of the room near where Utau was last.

I run toward where she was last but get there too late. The man from before has her slung over his shoulder and is preparing to make his escape.

“Leo!” he yells at the foreign blonde who caused the explosion.

Leo nods and throws a playing card his way. The man holding Utau ducks and lets the card hit the wall, demolishing it. The next thing I know Utau is gone and so is the Akastuki, leaving behind them death and destruction.

Utau’s POV.

I sit up speedily and wince from the shooting pain coming from my ribs.

“What the hell Shizuka?” I scream, earning approaching footsteps.

The door opens slowly and in steps the man of the hour-or hours, depends on how long I have been out.

“I’m glad you are awake, lil sis.” Shizuka says.

“Why did you rescue me?” I sneer.

He shakes his head and takes a seat beside my bed.

“I just got my sister back. Do you really think I am going to lose you again?”

“You lost me when you betrayed your clan.” I hiss and turn away from the bastard.

“I didn’t betray the clan! And besides last time I checked you finished them off.”

I shrug.

“So? They knew it was coming someday. Especially father. He should have known his prize pupil would be his downfall. But that still doesn’t justify killing mother!” I say stubbornly.

Shizuka sighs.

“Listen Uta-chan. Reiko wasn’t the perfect angel you thought she was. In some ways she was worse than Yamiyasha.”

I scoff.

“What do you know? You spent most of your time in our village hating her and father.”

Shizuka stood up angrily.

“Why can’t you just listen for once?” he yells, shocking me into silence. He has never yelled at me before.

“There are things you will never understand and there are things I didn’t understand then but I knew the truth and that’s all that mattered. I left because I was protecting you. I never wanted you to become who you did.”

 He took a breath before continuing.

“You may have thought father was the bad guy but it was Reiko who was the true villain. She pretended to have a heart in front of you and father and the rest of the clan but around me she was as cold as ice. I didn’t fit in her plan so I was an annoyance, in the way and such- which is why she attempted to get rid of me by pretending I was never her son.”

“If this is true then what was her “plan?” I ask suspiciously.

“I never found out the whole thing but from what I did discern I know she was like a puppeteer and the rest of the world was her puppet, even father was her ignorant puppet. Nothing happened without her knowing or her consent. It wasn’t just our clan either. She lived to create chaos, death, and destruction in the world. She loved nothing but the power she had. You see, I had to bring her down! If I hadn’t the world would be over as we know it. I know that seems unbelievable but it’s all true. I swear on our grandmother’s grave that it is all completely true.”

I get out of bed and slowly walk to the window.

His words echo in my mind, bringing up a memory I had overlooked at the time.

‘The book. It was all in the book! In the book, Itachi did the same to protect his little brother from his father and the rest of the clan. Shizuka did the same for me…’ My thoughts trail off.

I shake my head.

“No. I refuse to believe it until you have proof.”

Shizuka nods sadly.

“Fine. But Uta-chan, I need your help.”

I look up in surprise.

He sighs and sits back down, running his hand through his hair.

“When I discovered the clan was dead I went back to the village.”

I look up in surprise.

“I found this.”

He hands me a stack of papers classified top secret. Not even my father was high enough to access the file.

I take it with trembling hands and open it slowly.

I read it quickly, my shock growing with every page.

“It can’t be…” I shake my head. “She has to be dead! You killed her yourself!” I shout and throw the papers down on the bed.

He shakes his head no.

“I fought her to near death, for both of us. She was alive when I left even if just barely. I have a feeling she went easy on me and let me think she was dead.”

I stare at the file again. The words on the pages burn into my mind. “No body was discovered…” it repeats over and over until I can’t take it anymore.

I hold my hand to my mouth and try to swallow my sobs but fail. Shizuka gently wraps his arms around me and holds me tight, letting me cry my heart out. Hot silent tears slides down his cheeks and land on mine, making me sob harder.

 ***Authors Note***

Oooh plot twist! Bet you didn’t see that coming did ya? If you did please tell me.....:)

I have made it to chapter 30! This is the farthest I have ever gotten with a book and it’s all thanks to you guys! Without you I wouldn’t have found the inspiration to get this far. It makes my day to read your comments and to see how much you like it.

And in return I give you late updates…. Sad I know…

Anyway I would love to hear your thoughts on Poker Face! Good or bad let them fly!

The plot thickens further so stay tuned and hopefully my next update won’t be late. :)


VOTE AND COMMENT! (pretty please with a strawberry on top!!!-I don't like cherries so no cherries...)    

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