Hostile Actions // Teen Wolf

By Isaac-Derek-Stiles

216K 6.1K 1.7K

Erin and Isaac are finally together. It has been a few months since the kanima, Jackson moved to London, Scot... More

Hello Again!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Next Book

Chapter 14

6.3K 221 93
By Isaac-Derek-Stiles

 Yay, fast update AND double update ^_^

AND it's edited :O I'm on a roll, what what.

Question is at the bottom. 


<^_^<           >^_^> 

"Come on," I whispered, shutting the car off. I opened the door, hopping out and waiting for Jamine. Deucalion let me take Jasmine somewhere safe while all of this was going on, as long as I returned. I had no idea where I was gonna take her at first, yet I ended up at Josh's house. I knew it was a long shot asking him to do this but what choice do I have? This is my last option. I'm not going to ask Isaac, he'll just yell at me for joining them. I had asked Jasmine how they got her and she told that our parents in fact did die in a car accident, and she'd been living by herself not knowing where to go. I wasn't very sad, but I could tell she was.

Which still doesn't make any sense at all, why does he want me? I'm not an alpha, I don't have glowing red eyes. I have weird, pointless white eyes that no one has any idea about. Maybe that's why he wants me, he might know something about my eyes. 

My thoughts were interrupted by Jasmine shutting her door. "Why're we here?" She asked, crossing her newly clothed arms. I had extra clothes in my car, they were slightly big on her but they'll do. 

"I need you to stay here while I deal with what's going on." I told her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. I wasn't sure what she knew about us so I didn't want to tell her anything to confuse or scare her. 

"Oh you mean deal with the Darach, Jennifer, and the Alpha pack that kept me hostage for who knows how long? Or how you're a werewolf with white eyes and so is Isaac and your friend Scott is a True Alpha?" I stared at her shocked, had they told her everything? She looked up at me and grinned mischieviously, "You'd be suprised how good I am at eavesdropping."

I rolled my eyes playfully and we began walking towards the side of the house. "I need you to stay here with my friend Josh while I deal with this, okay? He knows about everything and if you don't mind you can fill him in on the most recent events." I stopped her when we reached the side of the house, in the shadow. "Stay here and stay quiet."

After I got a nod from her, I continued moving around the house until I reached Josh's window. It was on the second floor and conveniently a tree was growing right next to the house, an easy access to his window. I grabbed on to the lowest branch I could reach, swinging up and grabbing another. I placed my feet on the branch and leaped upwards, grabbing another branch and pulling myself up to sit on that one. I reached over and opened the window, Josh always leaves it unlocked.

I climbed into his room and left the window open so I could listen for Jasmine. Josh wasn't in his room and I moved around to plop down on his bed as I heard him showering. After a few minutes of me looking at his pictures and stuff on his wall, the door opened. Josh appeared with only a towel wrapped around his waist and he let out a girly scream, spotting me.

He covered up his torso and I rolled my eyes. "I need a favor." 

"U-Um okay well, I'd appreciate it if I could get dressed first." I sighed dramatically, turning to lay on his bed, shoving my head in his pillow. After a few moments of shuffling and drawers opening and closing, he gave me the okay. I sat up as he sat down next to me in sweats and a Rolling Stones t-shirt.

"What do you need?" He asked and I gave him a sheepish smile. 

"Is your mom home?"

"No, she's working and April's passed out on the couch as usual." April is Josh's... I guess 'nanny.' She basically raised him since his mom is always at work considering she's a single parent. 

I stood and walked over to the window, "Jasmine!" She walked around the corner and looked up at the window, confused. "Climb up." 

I turned back to Josh as she climbed. "I need you to keep my sister here."

"I thought your sister left with your parents?"

"She did. Deucalion kidnapped her after our parents died and used her to make me join them for reasons unknown. I need you to keep her here with you until this all blows over, please." 

He sighed, "what am I supposed to do with her? I have school and I don't even know her."

"Stay home for one day and I don't know. Let her use your shower and then uh- make out or something. You guys are in the same grade." 

He blushed slightly as Jasmine climbed in, out of breath. "I don't exactly have werewolf strength or speed. Next time just let me in through the freaking door."

I ignored her and stood, "okay. I have to go." I kissed Josh and Jasmine on the cheek before moving towards the window. "You two, stay inside, okay? I really don't wanna have to worry about you guys too." 

They nodded and with that, I jumped out the window and ran to my car again.

<^_^<           >^_^>

I entered the school, searching for Stiles. I know I shouldn't be defying Deucalion like this but he said he doesn't need me until tonight so for now I can just say I was at home or at school, which I am. 

I spotted Stiles spinning in circles, pale and shakey and I swore under my breath running up to him and Lydia. "What's wrong?" I asked him, taking his arms but he didn't answer and continued heavily breathing.

"J-Jennifer, she-she took Mr. Argent, she has all three sacrafices!" Lydia spoke from behind him, her eyes filled with tears, not knowing what to do. 

"I think I'm having a panic attack," Stiles mumbled and I swallowed looking around for somewhere to take him. An idea popped into my head and I grabbed his hand.

"Lydia stay here and make sure no one follows, come on Stiles," I pulled him down the hall and into the closest locker room, which was the boy's. I sat him on the ground and dropped to my knees as well, ignoring the pain of hitting the hard floor.

"Just try to think of something else, anything else," I told him, freaking out a bit myself.

"Like what?" He wheezed out, looking at me quickly.

"Uh, happy things, good things. Um, friends, family," Stiles looked at me panicked and I cursed myself, wincing. "Sorry, not family um, just try to slow your breathing." I tried breathing in and out with him and he shook his head.

"I-I can't!." 

I took Stiles' face in my hands, looking into his frantic brown eyes, "shh, shh, Stiles look at me, look at me. Shh, Stiles." He looked back into my eyes, his breathing not slowing unfortunately. I thought for a second, I know I read this somewhere, what should I do- wait.

I leaned forward, pressing my lips against his and closing my eyes. I moved my lips gently, his starting to move as well. We continued for a few seconds more of hesitant moving and it was then when I realized what I was doing, I pulled away. It was silent, his breathing had evened out and my eyes fluttered open, looking at his confused face.

"Why'd you do that?" He whispered, both of us blushing slightly. I swallowed not moving my gaze from his adorable, brown eyes.

"I-uh I read once that holding your breath could stop a panic attack. So when I- uh when I kissed you-you held your breath." I spoke softly, our faces remaining close as neither of us made a move to move away.

"I did?" He asked, his voice sounding broken and vulnerable and I nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah, you did."

"Thanks," he gave me a half smile and I couldn't help but let out a breathy laugh. He's thanking me for kissing him, "you know your really smart."

"I just," I started, excusing his compliment. I didn't like being complimented, it made me all blushy and awkward. The two of us moved to sit next to each other, out backs against the row of lockers. Our arms and legs were touching but neither of us minded as I continued, "I just read it somewhere."

"You know, Isaac's a really lucky guy," he whispered as we stared at each other and as if that made us both realize that we shouldn't have kissed, we sprang apart. I landed on my butt with a groan as he stood up. He chuckled and held out his hand and I gratefully took it, him pulling me up with ease.

"And if I was really smart, I'd tell you to sign up for a few sessions with the guidance counselor." I said as I dusted myself off. He  chuckled softly grabbing his backpack.

He then was silent and as I looked up at him he mumbled, "Morrell." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the locker room to meet with Lydia in the hall that was now empty because of classes being in session. As the three of us speed walked through the halls, my mind was elsewhere. Why did I enjoy the kiss so much? I mean, I liked Stiles last year but I'm with Isaac now. Or I think I am. I don't really know what's been going on with him and Allison. We haven't really had anytime to talk, it's been to hectic. I barely see him, he's always with Allison. 

My thoughts were interrupted as we burst through the office door and saw Ms. Morrell was no where to be seen, a student sitting in the chair waiting for her. "Are you here for Ms. Morrell?" I asked her.

"No I thought this was gym class," she replied sarcastically and I rested my hand down on the desk, looking at the girl irritated.

"Sweetheart, we're not in the mood for funny. Do you know where she is?" I asked her, trying to remain nice and not let my slight anger issues take over.

"If I did I wouldn't be waiting here for 20 minutes. So how about you three back out the door and wait your turn?" She replied with sass and I went to reply back with a bitchy comment when Stiles grabbed my hand, shaking his head. I rolled my eyes and moved to the side so they could talk to her.

"We're not here for a session."

"Well I am, and I've got some serious issues to work on."

"Hold on, did you say Ms. Morrell's 20 minutes late?" 

The girl nodded, "and I don't know why either, she's always on time."

Lydia looked at us, "I was seeing her at the beginning of the semester and she was never late."

"Well then she's not late," I said, leaning against the wall, "she's missing."

"What if we're not the only one who knows she knows something?"

"Then I want to know what she knows." I said, moving to behind her desk and opening her drawers. 

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to find her," I said, not looking up. 

"Those are private." The girl said and I looked up at Stiles, silently asking what he thinks. He hesitated for a second before sighing and joining me, opening the other drawer.

"You know she's kind of right." Lydia said and Stiles pulled out a file mumbling, "this is yours" and handing it to her. "Let me see that."

I looked up at her folder and tilted my head, "Lydia isn't that your drawing?" 

"Yeah, it's a tree." She said, looking at a sheet with Morrell's writing.

Stiles shot up when he saw the picture, "wait, but that's the same one."

"Same one as what?"

"The same one I always see you drawing in class."

"It's a tree, I like drawing trees." She said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"No, it's the exact same. Give me your bag." He reached inside Lydia's bag and pulled out a notebook, flipping it open. On each page he flipped too, there was the exact same tree. Sometimes big, something small, sometimes in pen, sometimes in pencil. But every single detail on the tree and branches, was the same.

The girl in here looked at it in awe before grabbing her bag, "okay you can have my session. You guys got bigger issues." 

"What is this?" Lydia asked and I grabbed Stiles' hand in mine, stopping him. I grabbed the notebook, slowly turning it upside down. 

Stiles and I looked at each other in horror and he mumbled, "I know where they are."

<^_^<             >^_^>

I love this chapter for some reason... 




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