the late bus | joshua hong

By taelongassride

42.6K 1.4K 328

she caught the late bus because he caught it aswell, from strangers to lovers they thought nothing could get... More

1. Joshua
2. Who are you?
3. Unexpected conversations
4. Just friends
5. Falling Apart
6. Jealousy is a horrible thing
7. Threatened
8. Date?
9. Is it love?
10. Or just friendship?
11. Its time we part.
12. Missing
13. Taken twice.
14. Letting them know.
15. The end?
16. Dead.
17. Confession
18. Another Step
19. Stained dresses and hospital messes

20. The End

1.6K 55 32
By taelongassride

It had been 3 and a half weeks since Joshua had first heard Y/N was going to be ok.
And it was the most painful 25 days of his life.

"Joshua~" Mingyu called out to him, stirring him from his light sleep.
The latter lightly shook Joshua's shoulder, as he sat up from what seemed to be a constant slouching position on the hospital chair beside Y/N's bed.

"Huh.." With weary eyes Joshua slowly craned his head around to be greeted with his brother.

"Go and shower, rest. You've been here the whole week. I'll call you if there's any news." The soft voice Mingyu spoke with made the drained boy drowsy once again, realising exhaustion was getting the better of him.

"Ok." He slowly rose from the chair beside       Y/N, reaching for his coat by the door, doing a double take back to Y/N, he kissed her forehead.
"Goodbye, love."

As soon as he walked into his house he collapsed face down on the couch.

Showering could wait.

After passing out for what seemed to be half an hour, Joshua checked his phone for any miscalls, brows jumping upon realising he'd been asleep for nearly a whole day.

"Dammit...exhaustion really did get the better of me huh?"
He quickly showered and put on a fresh set of clothes.

Quickly checking his phone again, he was slightly disappointed to only be met with his lock screen, but the picture of a surprised Y/N kissing him on the lips instead of his cheek brought a familiar warm smile to his face.
"Y/N, I'll get back whoever did this to us. I promise."

Just as he was about to call Mingyu for any updates, the phone he was holding began to vibrate.
Swallowing his nerves, he slowly slid his finger across the screen.
"Hello. Is this Joshua Hong?"
He hesitated before he replied, what if something had happened to Y/N whilst he was lazing around the house doing god knows what.
"..Yes, Joshua Hong speaking. W-Who is this?"
"Ah, good evening Sir, this is just the hospital. We've called to say Y/N will be fit to leave tomorrow."
He nearly dropped his phone.


She's coming home?

He tried to hide his excitement as he responded.
"Wah really? Are..are you sure? She's definitely coming out tomorrow?"

Tears began to form in his eyes.
It seemed like she'd been in hospital forever.
Now he could finally hold her in his arms,
Under his protection,

And he wasn't going to let her down this time.

I slowly made my way up the drive, Joshua frantically attempting to carry all my bags behind me, after refusing to let me carry any.

Although I still had slight pain when I walked, it was barely noticeable, Joshua insisted I still use crutches though.

I slowly turned the key in the door, nerves and excitement beginning to bubble inside of me.
This was the first time seeing the new house after being married.
I was gonna see these walls for the next chapters of my life.

The door creaked open, revealing numerous boxes piled up on eachother along the hallway.
I made my way further inside, through the kitchen, looking out into the garden.

Trees, flowers and grass all remained as if untouched, letting them grow out to their full, wild beauty.
I laughed to myself.

"Did you not have chance to give the grass a quick trim?" I looked behind me at Joshua, who looked as if he was dreading my reaction.

His eyes widened, being put on the spot.
"Uhh..I-I didn't get round to doing it?" He chuckled, sounding unsure.

I smiled.

"Great!" I clapped my hands together, making my way to the back door.
He looked at me in clear confusion.
"Well, this is the first thing we can do together then, as a married couple. And, seen as you were lazy enough to ignore it, you can make a start on the grass while I start trimming d—"

I was cut off by lips on mine.

"Calm down, Y/N." He looked me in the eyes.
"We have the rest of our lives to sort out the garden, let's just get you relaxed for now."

Man I'm one lucky ass to have landed me a man like this.

He gently took my wrist and began to drag me to the living room, where I was greeted by numerous presents.

"Huh?" I slowly sat down infront of the cluster, picking up a basket with an assortment of kitchen utensils and looking at the card.
"What are these?"

Joshua sat down beside me, chuckling to himself.
"Well, since we never got chance to, I thought we could open all of our wedding gifts when you get back."

My mouth dropped.
"Wedding..presents?" I'd completely forgot there was such thing.
Hell the fuck yeah, being married ain't that bad.

My inner child came out upon hearing the word 'present'.
"Whoever opens the best one wins then." I smiled to myself, as I frantically began to search through the piles, looking for the big win.

Just as Joshua was about to delve into competition, we were interrupted by his phone ringing.

I looked at him expectantly, but he just carried on as if nothing happened.
Tsk this boy is too competitive.

I took his hand, "hey, answer your phone it might be important. It's fine, I'll pause the game for now." I smiled at him, showing I wasn't playin. He sat back, fishing out his phone, whilst I looked at the original basket with the utensils.

3rd Persons POV
Joshua slowly stood up, ignoring his leg cramps, as he walked over to the window.

He looked at his phone, browns furrowing upon reading the unknown number, but he decided to answer it anyways, subconsciously putting it on speaker.

"..hello?" He spoke loudly, slightly annoyed that someone disrupted his game.

No reply.

"HELLO?" He said a bit louder, getting pissed off that this person could be a prank caller.

"..hello? Hello?"
Finally a reply.

"Hello? Who is this?" He tried to hide the anger.

"Hiya, sorry for bothering you Sir, only, we have some terrible news."

His stomach dropped. What the fuck was up with the world and delivering him bad news? Why was he always beared the worst of it.

"..Yes?" He held his breath.

"Are you familiar with a Sara..Park?"

Rage began to burn.

"Yes." He said through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry to tell you this Sir, but around 6pm yesterday, upon delivering her evening meal, nurses discovered her absence. Only being met with a sculpture, made of the pills she was supposedly taking for her condition, yet now they resembled a male figure, who she'd seemed to have scratched the name on the wrist of sculpture. Sir, are you familiar with a Joshua?"

His stomach dropped. His hands becoming slightly clammier as he readjusted a tighter grip on his phone.


He expected a reply, but the line began to get fuzzy, bleeping weirdly, cutting out the audio.

Panic started to greet him, he needed to know these details, what the hell was happening.

"Hello? Hello? I-I can't hear you." He raised his voice, hoping the other end of the line was interpret what he was trying to say.

The sounds stopped.

"I'm sorry Sir, we just experienced some sort of power blackout. It's sorted now. We just had to r—"

"-Look! Please, just tell me what you have to say!" He needed to fucking know this, not about their power cut.

The line was silent for a few seconds, it was clear the lady was hesitant.

"Our patient, Sara.."

He held his breath.

"..she's escaped."

The phone fell out of his hands.
He turned around, horror stricken.

However, Y/N's face mirrored his, terror evident in her eyes.

He rushed to her, confused and concerned.

No words were spoken however, as he took her into his arms.

She slowly lifted her trembling hand, giving him a note she'd come across in the utensil basket.

He hesitantly took it, dread and fear telling him to stop.
He couldn't.

He lifted it up, eyes doubling reading the 3 words, neatly printed in big, bold letters.

I'm Back Bitch.


So that's it.
It's finally finished.
It only took me 2 years but I cant beleibe its done.
I'm sorry it took so long, my procrastination skills are next level.

However I got more shit on this storyline so, I could make a book 2.

At some point ima end up going back and altering some parts to make them better tho Cus this is the first book I've ever written and those first few chaps are a bit eh.

I don't think ima write this style again tho, romance is good but maybe action next-ccgg ygm.

Anyways, writing this book has been fun, even tho when I started it it was just a joke on a gc, originally dedicated to my friend.

Thankyou to all my readers and those who still read this and vote, it's nice seeing the notifs😂.

Anyways, I guess this is the last time signing out on this book, damn.

~Sharna (Taelongassride)

[update] i really love all my readers like fr u guys the comments you leave and when you vote on chapters it makes my heart melt because honestly i think i was high in the sky writing half of these chapters like i started this book probably over 2 years ago and man my writing was so shit anyways i'm waffling stay corona free <3

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