K L A N C E D // Klance One-s...

By keyungso

222K 5.4K 8.8K

"Let's make our own shade of purple with red and blue." mature content. More

shower smut ;)
Ruin me
Promises are promises
keith has pimples and lance is a secretly a beauty guru
keith is a l0ser
lance is stUpid....ly in love
superhero au
youtuber au
idk au
drunk keith is the best keith - 1
idk i tried making angst but it turned out fluffy
keith would be a great neko
drunk keith is the best keith part two
drunk keith is the best keith part two of the part two
soulmate au-1
soulmate au-2
just plain smut
short fic i wrote while pooping
text au
galra au
text au pt.2
keith has amnesia au
keith would be a great neko- pt 2
sick au
cellmates au-pt 1??
cellmates au- pt 2
keith has a diary au
im so done with s7
crackass short fic
"hey im hiding from a bunch of guys can i hide in ur place?" au
beware !!
beware!! pt-2
beware!! pt-3
beware!! pt-4
poop story i wrote while pooping
keith with piercings sounds hot
Prince and bodyguard action
party au with a plot twist
prince and bodyguard smut
superhero au pt2
my life is a mess lol
youtuber au pt2
more prince and bodyguard au
keith being a clingy cat shit
kinda yacchan x tamura au
this fic is on crack
keith as a loser and lance being daddy material like always
klance pirate au!
klance on a bus! au
birthday gift/cat!keith au

keith as a cat demon

2.5K 68 83
By keyungso

Oh my god I'm so hungry, Lance thought, throwing his bag to the hanger but missing. He didn't bother picking it up and went straight to the kitchen.

He opened the fridge and grinned when he saw the sandwich he had made earlier before class sitting there quietly, waiting for Lance to heat it up and devour it. He took it out, unwrapping it from the plastic and setting it on the table. Standing there, he took in the goddess in front of him. Bacon. Mozerella cheese. Fresh cabbage. Tomatoes. Pickles. Meat loaf. Bread.

If he was attracted to food, he would be super hard right now.

Putting the food inside the microwave and closing the microwave door, he clicked in the minutes set and let the thing be.

He went to the living room to turn on the TV, throwing the remote somewhere on the couch after. The TV showed Dwayne Johnson doing whatever he did best, being cool and fighting off bad guys. But Lance wasn't really paying attention to the movie. His mind was filled with the sandwich twirling around in that small microwave.

Finally, he heard the small ding he was so impatiently anticipating and rushed to the kitchen to take it out. He grabbed his bottles of mustard and tomato he just bought for a really cheap price.

It was kind of stetchy, buying the sauces from a guy he met on the street. The guy was using all black, dark sunglasses covering his eyes. He was not carrying anything except these bottles of tomato and mustard.

He had offered Lance and Lance was kind of freaked out at first. Who the fuck gave bottles of tomato and mustard to random strangers?

But then the guy broke into a sobbing mess, telling him how he was a single father and how broke he was. Lance, feeling bad that he thought the man was evil when he was actually just a sweet father who wanted to earn money for his daughter, took in the bottles and gave him $20.

Whatever. It was maybe stupid but so what.

Lance grinned in excitement and took the bottles in his hand. Something definitely went down his spine but he was so hungry that it was probably his stomach punching itself.

He squeezed the tomato sauce out, making a big star, points touching the sides of the bread. Then he took the mustard and just squeezed in around in random manner. He snorted when he noticed how it looked like a pentagram.

He shrugged and took a bite of the sandwich. Maybe it'll be a friendly ghost.

It was not a friendly ghost.

Lance blinked awake when he heard something crash and woke up to a boy standing inside his bedroom, an annoyed looking expression on his face.

"What the fu-" Lance scrambled to sit himself straight, hand grabbing the nearest object near him, which was the lamp and threw it to the boy, who ducked it without trouble, watching as the lamp broke into tiny pieces.

The hand grabbed another thing nearest to him, which was a book and he also threw it to the boy, who also ducked skillfully. They did this for a few minutes before Lance ran out of things to throw and his arms became tired. The heaviest thing he ever lifted this past few weeks was a math textbook.

"Dude," Lance sighed, rubbing his temples, "If you wanna steal something, go ahead. I don't really have anything so I don't get why you're picking my house. If anything you should try this guy's house named Shiro. He lives a couple of blocks away and he has so many expensive things- I can bring you there if you want to."

The boy blinked at him.

"Okay fine," Lance grumbled, going back to lie down and throwing the covers in front of his face. "Just go take what you want. Money is in a black jar behind the pile of clothes. Just don't take my textbooks cause I have a test next week and don't forget to close the door when you leave. Now let me sleep."

He didn't bother with a reply as went back to sleep, trying to ignore the ruckus. Though, he blinked himself awake again. There wasn't any ruckus. He did tell the boy to do his stuff as quietly as possible but this was too quiet. Was he even there? Maybe Lance was so sleepy that everything that just happened was in fact, one silly dream.

Raising his head and seeing the boy still standing there, looking at him made him sigh out loud.

"Dude? This is getting annoying, don't you think? Why are you just standing there?"

The boy huffed out a breath, rolling his purple eyes. "It's not like I want to be here either."

Lance showed him the door, "Then leave????"

"You're the one who summoned me and now you want me to leave? It doesn't work like that, idiot," the boy said, crossing his arms that reminded Lance of his sister whenever she got angry.

"Excuse me?" Lance pushed his head out, a hand on his chest. "What are you? A demon or something?"

"Yes, actually. I am."

Lance stopped, looking at him weirdly before he sighed and went back to bed. "Okay. That's it. I'm so tired that this shittyass dream is starting to feel real."

"It's not a dream."

"That is exactly what a dream character would say. Just stay quiet and wait there until I wake up."

And to Lance's luck, the boy was obedient. He stood there, unmoving, pouting like a child who was waiting for his mom in the salon. He slowly felt sleep enveloped him again and he fell into a dreamless sleep.

In the morning, there wasn't any boy in sight. Lance made a sound close to a harrumph. He knew it was a dream. What the fuck could he do to accidentally summon an angsty demon?

He went to the kitchen, scratching his head as he yawned widely. What to eat for breakfast? He thought to himself. Bread? Sandwich again? Leftover pizza? Cereal? Or maybe go healthy and eat some fruits instead?

"You're awake."

Lance screamed, turning around, hand on his chest and mouth wide agape. The same boy stood there, still crossing his arms. Maybe he was stuck in thay position for 24 7. He was still wearing the same black clothes and pants and shoes. His hair was also jet black. Everything of him screamed I'm emo rawrxD but his eyes said otherwise. They were a beautiful shade of purple, darkening whenever he frowned.

"Jesus," Lance exclaimed, "You scared me."

The boy shrugged.

"I thought I was dreaming but you're seriously here. Wow. So what do you want to take?"

He frowned, "I'm not a thief, I'm a demon."

Lance choked on the water he was gulping down. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, eyebrows high in amusement. "Wow. Cool story bro."

He frowned again. Lance could swore he saw smoke coming out of the guy's ears.

"You think I'm lying," he said and Lance shook his head to amuse himself even more. "No no-"

"You summoned me. I didn't come here just to steal your shittyass stuff. Not even a beggar would benefit from taking anything from here."

"Hey! Don't tell me I'm broke knowing that I know that myself. And also, how the fuCk did I summon you." Lance said, "Or are you that guy from tinder would I accidentally swiped right. Cause he was really into these summoning kinks and let me-"

The boy cut me off, "No. I am not that person. I came here solely because you summoned me through one of the thousand summoning spells. Did you lit something on fire or spat on something?"

Lance shook his head.

"Then...did you draw anything?"

"Uh, no dude. I can't even draw a straight line," Lance grinned then he realized something. "Oh! I did drew an accident pentagrams on my sandwich.."

"With what? Your blood?"

"No...with ketchup and mustard."

The boy pursed his lips, deep in thought. "Hm. That's weird. That doesn't usually happen."

"You think? Meeting a boy at night in my house is already weird, okay?" Lance huffed and then laughed, which made Keith look at him weirdly, "Why am I even responding like I actually believe in you? Dude, if you really wanna steal something just go with it, you don't have to make up a silly excuse."

"I'm not making any excuse! You did summon me and now I can go back until I grant you your wishes."

"Wait, I can make wishes?"

The boy sighed, rolling his eyes so far back it could be stuck forever. "Yes," he said, exasperated. "I'm not lying. Why would I like on such a thing? You can make wishes."

Lance grinned, walking closer to him. "Really? Then I wish for you to dress up like a cat."

A second later, smoke appeared in front of the boy's face and when it blew away, the boy was wearing cat ears and a long, thin tail hanging from behind. Whiskers were on his face, real or fake Lance wasn't sure. His nose had a black dot smeared on it, just like a cat.

The boy gaped at him, looking down at himself. "What the fuCK?"

"Shit. You really are telling the truth," Lance whispered, a hand rubbing his neck. It was an annoying habit he did whenever he didn't know what to do next. He had a fucking demon who could grant him wishes? And now he was dressed as a cat? He thought demons were evil? And why the fuck did he look so cute in it?

"I can't believe you wasted your wish on something stupid like this," the boy sighed, face covering his face.

"Wait- what? I have limited amount of wishes?"

The boy looked at him like he had grown another head. This was the reason he hated being summoned. He hated having to repeat the same thing over and over and over and over again to brainless idiots like him.

"Okay you know what? Sit down," the boy waved his hand and Lance himself sitting down in front of him in a second. Before he had time to freak out about that, the boy cut him.

"My name is Keith. Keith Kogane. And you summoned me with that sandwich thing you did. And now my job is to grant you your three wishes. Now two," he said, rolling his eyes a bit, "And I cannot go back down unless you used all of it."

"Down as in...hell?"

"No. Down as in the sewer," Keith said sarcastically. He sighed loudly for the millionth time today. God, this boy was so delirious and stupid it was kind of funny. "Obviously hell. Where else do demons come from?"

Lance pouted, "I don't know. I've never met a demon before."

Keith's hard gaze softened hearing that. He knew seeing him wasn't easy for the first time. He remembered a girl fainting when seeing him and accidentally dropping her thick math books on her foot. She had to wear a cast for months.

Of course, she could had wished for it to go away. But she rather wished for something else like her parents to finally accept her emo, homeless, abusive, jerk-face of a boyfriend. Keith wanted to tell her that it wasn't a good idea but he figured it wasn't his life anyways. His job was to grant their wishes, not help them with their lives and give them lectures.

Lance was handling him pretty well. He was even joking with him. He didn't faint. All he did was be skeptical if he was even real.

"Sorry," Keith said finally, "I know this is quite...." He couldn't phrase it in a word.






"A bit. I guess?" Keith shrugged, "I don't know. I've been doing this for a really long time, it's kind of hard for it to be crazy anymore."

Lance stared at him with a familiar look in his eyes and Keith looked away. Now what? Why wasn't he making wishes like everybody else? Usually people would immediately wish for riches and popularity or beauty. Why wasn't Lance the same? And why was Keith feeling glad about it?

"Well," Lance shrugged, breaking the silence, and going back to the sofa, "I don't have any wishes yet so you can make yourself comfortable I guess."

Keith crossed his arms. "I'm hardly comfortable with cat ears on and a tail going out off my ass."

Lance tilted his head to the side, grinning teasingly. "Can't you just magic yourself out of it?"

"No. You'd have to wish for it."

"Nice try," Lance laughed, turning on the TV and turning his head back.

"I'm serious. I'm not waiting for your indecisive ass to make a wish being a cat."

"Oh shut up, mullet," Keith's eye twitched in the new nickname. "Come and watch TV with me. You look like someone who never watched a TV before."

Keith scoffed but he went and sat beside the boy, making sure they were at least a few inches away from each other. "Get on with the times, loser. Who watches TV nowadays? We have Netflix."

"Says the two hundred years old demon."

"I'm seventeen thousand years old."

Lance cupped his ear, "Wait. Wait. Hear that?"

Keith blinked, "What? I hear nothing."

Lance smirked, "Exactly. I didn't ask."

"Fuck you," Keith hissed but he was smiling. He turned his focus on the TV, watching amusedly as the main character went out of his bed when he heard something outside the door. He's totally going to die.

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