The Red Queen- New Hope

By littlesis712

2.5K 126 2

The storm took everyone back to the Enchanted Forest where they were last at when the Dark Curse was cast... More

The Meeting
Righting the Wrongs
Something Fishy
Back to Land of Untold Stories
Lord of the Dead
The Olympian Crystal
"I don't love you, I lied"-Freya Hart
Welcome back!
"I'm Not Crazy"-Freya Hart
Darkness lingers on...
The Final Battle
A new chapter


68 5 0
By littlesis712

                      Freya awakened to a bedroom her wrists were shackled together and chained to the bed's headboard she noticed she was wearing a nightgown she had no memory of how she got there but her head was spinning she was trying to piece together what had transpired when she heard a voice and it sent a shiver down her spine she realized she was with Hades. He walked in he said "Aren't you scrumptious my dear?" she started to talk but couldn't he said "That's right, I couldn't have you screaming now can I?" she looked at him with hatred in her eyes he went to caressing her face he said "You will be mine tonight" she couldn't move or talk just lay there tears fell down from her face she couldn't believe her dad signed her soul over to Hades. Rumple told the others what Hades did Regina said "YOU DID WHAT" Zelena said "Why?" he said "Either her or the baby Belle's carrying I had to choose" Emma said "He backed you in a corner you chose your unborn child and that is a difficult choice" David said "Yeah it is but what happens to Freya?" Rumple said "Worse than what Hyde did to her" Regina said "No, I can't believe you sold her soul to Hades I'm going for a walk" Zelena said "I'm coming with". The two walking Regina told Zelena there was one other person who can help them Zelena said "Who?" she said "Our mother". Regina and Zelena found Cora who was in City Hall being mayor when she surprised to see her girls there she said "Regina, Zelena?" Regina said "We're here to rescue Freya" Cora said "Freya's here?" Zelena said "Hades has her" she said "That's why he was bent on me sending you lot back" Regina said "Rumple sold Freya's soul to Hades, mother" she said "Then she is lost to us Regina" Zelena said "No she is not, I will not let her become some slave to this menacing man" Cora surprised to see how Zelena feels for Freya given last time Zelena was controlling Freya's heart Regina said "Zelena is right, no one harms my sister and lives". Freya felt her body bruised and sore he said "You did well Freya, now I'll be right back" he put his robe on and walked off she saw the nightgown torn and she was crying except she couldn't cry no more she hated this man and she was going to make him pay dearly once she got her wrists free from the shackles because she is a hurricane and she's ready to strike with all her rage.

                  Freya was possessing Zelena's body she felt it she turned to seeing her mom and Regina she said "Mom? Regina?" Regina said "Freya" she said "Tell Zelena I'm sorry for hijacking her body but I have to tell you I'm being ra.." tears forming in Zelena's eyes Regina said "Freya, tell us where you are and we will find you" she said "You can't Regina, no one can he has my soul my own father sold my soul to him am I a horrible daughter I saved his life from Hyde and this is the thanks I get" Regina said "Freya, Belle's pregnant" she said "What?" Regina said "It was either you or the unborn child? He didn't want to make that decision" she looked to Cora she said "I understand why you abandoned me mother, it's because of this you were trying to protect me and I didn't see it I'm so sorry" she went and hugged her she said "No, I'm sorry for leaving you and I tried to make up for it when I found you as The Red Queen I'm so sorry for everything" she said "I have to return, he has muted my voice and chained my wrists in shackles to the headboard of the bed" Regina said "Freya, we will get you I promise you that" she said "There's a girl I helped her escape her name is Megara, Meg she spoke of her savior who faced down Cerberus find him and perhaps you can save me" Regina said "What was his name? This savior?" she said "Hercules"she vanished from Zelena's body she said "So how are we going to find this Hercules fella?" Cora said "Try the cemetery look for his headstone if it's not cracked he's here or if it's tipped over that means he's found peace, my girls I will try to help Freya the best I can without raising suspicion from Hades" Regina held Zelena's hand she said "We will get her back mother or..." Zelena said "Die trying". Freya was pleased with herself she relayed her message to her sisters and mother and now know the reason why her father sold her soul for her baby sibling she would have given herself up to make sure her sibling lived she also knows that her family will thwart Hades and they will end up burned by him as well she is done playing victim for the last time being a prey now she's going to be the hunter and this time she's playing to win.

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