Chasing Ghosts

By DarkDisney1

871 53 5

Jade Covenington was your average everyday model, well, except for one thing. She was a werewolf, and she had... More

Table of Contents
Characters Cont.
Are we ever truly Free
Starting New
In the Moment
At Last We Are One
Happy Once Again
Don't Ever Touch A Alpha's Pup
A Bright Morning After a Dark evening
The Order
A Secret Revealed
A Horrible Feeling
A Ancient Secret Revealed
Head Quarters
Eavesdropping Has Consequences
A Loosing Battle
A Months Passing
Time Stands Still
Blood is Love
Return Of the Lost souls
Broken Hearts
A Rough Start
A Dilemma for the Ages
New Hope/ New Life
An unexpected Guest
Liers and Truth Seekers
Choices have Consequences
An Ending for the Ages
Last but not least

Lunar Love

36 2 0
By DarkDisney1

Jade returned to Erin's side. They spent the day talking with the other pack and catching up. Each pack watched what they said and each pack kept well known things to each pack hidden from one another. They had lunch and Lyn woke just after lunch had herself a snack and ran Val ragged again which actually made Jade laughed lightly. She wasn't the one chasing after her little monster. The sun went down around 6 pm and around 7 Jade waited for the packs to leave for the run. She went up and changed into a white robe. She went down and met Erin at the clearing close to the house. Lyn was asleep for the night and Jade new she was safe in the house with Val. she had asked Val to stay with her daughter as a precaution. She knew that would miss the run, but Jade felt safer with someone with her daughter.

There was a fire for light and the moon shone down on the grass making it silver. Jade set her eye's on her mate her blue eye's fell lightly upon him and her lips turned into a small smile. She had not been with Erin in 3 years. She hadn't even had sex in 3 years. The moon light and fire light made her want her mate more. Jade slowly walked over to Erin."Hi." She said softly. Her hands slipped into his and her body pressed against him. Her wolf was dying to jump out, but they had to stay in human form for the ceremony so they could bit one another. Their k9 teeth however were sharp and would sink right into the others skin and make the bite happen. Her eyes were on him as she looked up into his eyes.Her hands on his chest and she was shaking slightly. Not from fear or cold but anticipation of being with her mate.

Erin had been looking forward to this moment all day, he had talked with some of the visiting Pack members, being sure to keep his head about them. While they were all smiles and congratulations now, you could never know what was truly behind those grins. As their Pack had already been the target of another, Erin wasn't too keen to be all buddy-buddy with anyone that wasn't within their pack. He wondered if his father was truly on good terms with these men or if he was also just keeping up appearances, it was certainly a task to try to read that man. He had managed to catch Val while she was entertaining his daughter, thanking her for what she was going to do for them later, and telling her that he owed her big, for which she punched him in the arm playfully in agreement.

As the day carried on, Erin talked, ate, drank, and carried on with both his own Pack and those who came to bare witness. Alex and Shane had kept things calm when a non-pack member brought up that he had heard that Erin's mate had turned her back on their Pack to live amongst the humans. That was about the only outburst that had taken place throughout the afternoon, and come evening everyone was gone and getting ready for the run under a vibrantly glowing Luna. Erin had bathed and had his hair washed and tied back and donned a pair of white satin pajama bottoms. He had been standing out by the fire when he saw Jade coming toward him, even from the distance she was, he could smell her scent. His wolf was excited for what was to come and was nearly going crazy to be let free, but Erin stood steadfast, knowing that tonight was meant for their human forms only. Those blue eyes shimmered, only made even more luminous and hypnotic by the night time ambience, the flickering of firelight in the contrasted darkness, and with the shine of Luna hitting them just right.

It was like falling for her all over again. Seeing her in the white robe and illuminated by Luna's light, it was as if all else in the world had faded away, and it was only the two of them. As she made her way toward him and pressed herself against him. Her scent drove him mad and he had to hold himself back from completely ravishing her right then and there. He answered her "Hi" back with a soft yet deep kiss, his tongue swirling around her mouth as if trying to pin her tongue down. He then softly worked his way down her neck while kneading her breast. He wanted this night to last forever and to forever looped in this moment with Jade, there was none other he'd rather be with nor any place he'd rather find himself then right here with her at this moment. The others had all gone for their run, leaving them both to the privacy of the fire light and Luna's light. Erin gracefully laid Jade down, kissing down her body making sure not to miss an inch until he reached the warmth between her legs. It was there that he let his tongue loose trying to reach her very center as he tasted every bit of her. Listening to her moans only egged him on and made his already hardening manhood stand firmer.

Jade had felt bad about leaving Val with Lyn. She would figure out something really nice for her. She probably see what she could do for her in any way. However her mind and body were preoccupied by the man she called a mate. Her love for him was stronger then ever under Luna. He responded to her hi with a deep kiss. His tongue wared with hers He finally picked her up and lay her on the blanket by the fire gently. Her wolf was almost jumping to get out, but Jade could control it and make it stay in. She let him undo the robe and it fell from her body as he kissed down leaving no flesh untouched. When he reached her nether region and delved deep her mouth opened and she moaned. Her moan was soft and wanting. She had missed him and how he touched her. His tongue was wet warm and welcome. Her head went back her moans grew and her mouth was half open her K-9s showing on bottom and top. They were sharp and wanting. Her eye's went down to him and she beckoned him up. She did not wish to climax just yet. She would with him in a bit, her hands went to his face when he came back up. She could feel him hard and wanting pressed against her. she was slightly panting. Jade wanted her mate and she wanted him now. Her lips pressed to his deeply and she held a hand behind his head gently but firmly he wasn't to move his lips away from hers for a bit at least her hands slipped off his boxers. She really wanted him now, She growled lightly to let him know she wanted him. It was a light hearted growl, it was more a want whine growl then anything else. A sigh escaped her lips when he did finally enter her. She closed her eyes and let out a small sigh as she felt her mate for the first time in 3 years in her.

Shane excused himself from the run and went back to be with Val and the tike. He had to ask Jade. She had said if it was okay with Jeremy she didn't mind him around Lyn. Lyn was asleep so he just have time to spend with Val. He walked up and smiled seeing Val. He was in his human form in jeans and shirtless. He walked over to her with a big smirk. "Hey Val little one asleep?" He asked as he winked at her."Jade allowed me to come spend time watching her with you Alex asked and got a slight glare and growl" He chuckled and walked over."Enjoying the moon I see." He said and made his way closer to her. " I figured you were probably very unhappy about being here so why not come join you and keep you company."He said. He stopped when he heard a small cry. He looked at Val and gave her the one minute finger. He went in to see Lyn walking down the stairs and sat her crying. She saw Shane and lifted her arms. Shane frowned a minute and went to pick her up. She cried into him." I want my mommy and daddy or aunty." She cried into him. Shane hugged her,"Let me get val.What happened little pup?" He asked her." Did you have a bad dream?" He asked her gently. The pup nods and sniffed." Are my mommy and daddy okay?" She asked Shane with round eyes." Yes Little one they just needed alone time tonight okay, here comes your aunt Val." He said and Lyn sucked her thumb sniffing. she looked for Val and reached her arms out when she saw The blonde.

Alex was running with the pack annoyed he couldn't be with Val. He stopped when he smelled a different scent and looked around. He ran towards the smell his hackles raised as he growled. He stopped when he saw a Blonde holding on to a tree holding her body like it was in pain. He stepped forward to speak, but Jeremy moved closer and spoke." Relax let the pain take you." He told the girl and she groaned and looked at him. She looked freaked out by the fact she could be talking to a big wolf."what's your name child?" Jeremy asked her. She let out a small groan and held her stomach falling to her knees." Lexi." She said" what is happening to me?" She asked and let out a painful groan as she went to change. Her bones cracked and her body changed. She let out a yelp and shook her massive wolf head. Her heart was slightly racing. She looked at the others." Relax will explain everything we are what you call where wolves and you obviously have our blood. it is why you have changed." He said gently. Jeremy noded to Alex to step up. Lexi looked around her confused and amazed.

Erin was in absolute heaven, if the world were to come to an end now, he would regret nothing at all. He was one with the only woman who truly had his heart, the only woman whose words would ever hold any weight to him, in this moment everything was perfect. His rhythm was slow and deep or at least started that way, as he had been waiting for this for a long time. They were truly going to be connected after this and he couldn't think of anything he wanted more than that. Her moans only encouraged him and work his hips faster and in an effort to bring more of her voice out, they were like sexual cheers, asking for more and faster...and who was he not to give his woman what she wanted. His hands caressed her breasts as he passionately kissed her, then ran his hands through her hair, gripping tightly and pulling her head back as he picked up the pace. He was truly hitting his stride, getting lost in the pleasure of his one true love. As they moved together in sensual harmony, he licked and nipped lightly at her neck, looking forward to their mutual climax and the moment they were to bite each other. The thought, for an instant, reminding him of the events of last night were Alicia had bitten him and claimed that she had been his first.

Val had smiled when she saw Shane, her heart racing a bit from a mixture of anxiety, anxiousness, horniness, and excitement. A full moon really worked her over good. Her sense were at their peak performance and she had become a bit giddy. However, for Jade and for the future of the pack, she was more than willing to watch over the little pup while Jade and Erin finally joined. She had chuckled bit herself as Shane explained how he had gotten the go ahead to see her and then gave him a playful smug smile as he talked of Alex's denial. "Aren't I the popular girl, to have two men want to miss a run to spend some time with me." Val later watched the interaction with Lyn and Shane and went to pick up the pup when she raised her hands, scooping her up in her arms and lightly bouncing her as she held her close to her chest. She wasn't sure if Jade sang to her or not, but she decided to hum a lullaby that her father use to sing to her to help her fall asleep. She danced around softly as she continued to bounce and hum, making her way back to the room, and she couldn't help but to smile as Lyn nodded off in her arms. Placing the young pup back in her bed, she returned to Shane's side with a smile. "That one is going to be a handful for sure. She ran me ragged today, and I'm a scout, I live for the long arduous runs, but that one had me pinning for a nap." She leaned against the wall a few feet from Shane, studying him for a moment. While she was more than open to being pursued by the other males in their pack, she was a bit caught off guard by Shane's appearance. She bit her lower lip as she took him in, a tick she had for when she was in thought. She was trying to see if there was any time that he gave himself away of having interest in her, realizing that she was constantly busy running errands and on Pack-related missions. Her ventures left for little time to hang around the Pack as much as she wanted, and when she was available, she was usually between naps and working out, she had to keep herself prepared. She knew Alex was found of her, she could all but smell the desire on him, so seeing Shane here was an interesting and exciting outcome.

For Alex, this new change in events helped take his mind off of not getting to be with Val, if only for the time being. He was pissed that Shane got to go and not him, and he was honestly both mad and jealous, and knew that he wouldn't be able to keep these feelings to himself later. Now, however, it looked as if Jeremy wanted him to Shepard this new wolf through her first change. He knew how difficult this could be and a bit overwhelming it could be, and with a nod to Jeremy, he proceeded with the task given to him. "Come with me," he motioned with his head for her to follow, as he pranced around her before running off making sure she gave chase to follow. His plan was to make sure that her first transformation was a pleasant experience, only explaining to her what stage she was currently in and what they were doing now. He did tell her that he'd be able to go into more detail with her in the morning, but that right now, she was in the form that would forever be inside her, and it wanted to be as free as it could with the time that it had.

Each thrust was like ecstasy in her body. She moaned which was like begging him to go faster and deeper. His hand went to her hair and pulled her head back. Jade let out a soft moan and let him continue her eye's were slits as she let the moon shine down on her skin and the fire keep her and her Love warm. She had smelled the scent of Alyssa close to her Mates and her Saliva. She deal with that pup after tonight, she ever touches her mate again Jade would snap her neck. Which made Jade want to be more possessive of her mate. He was her one true love and she really did love him and was glad he was the father of their daughter. They both were getting close. Her body was urging him on and herself on." I am so close Love." Her voice soft and seductive. Her moans came in small gasps now her body met every thrust every touch he gave her. When it came time she bit into his neck it was at the base of the neck where the shoulder and neck meet.

Jade felt his fangs in her neck. She felt the blood pass her lips as she closed her eyes and let out a soft moan. His blood was sweet and not tangy or salty like most blood of a animal or other wolf. A flood of motion washes over her love, passion , ecstasy and much more. Her lips finally parted from where she bit him and his lips seemed to move as well. In the eyes of the pack and Luna, they were official Mates. Jade let out a soft breath as she looked at her Mate. She had soft eye's still slits from sex with Him. She nuzzled his nose and kissed him." I love you Erin. I always have." She said. Though with the connection she was sure he could feel that, their emotions thoughts were shared with one another. It is different then with the pack. The pack could speak in one another's minds. They could see what the other was thinking clearly and feeling. Obviously it wasn't a 24/7 mind seeing thing it was only when they needed it.Memory's and more were at their fingertips. She sighed and buried her head into his chest her arms wrapped around him. She had really missed him and being with him. She could not leave him, now and He could not leave her for any other pack member. Her body pushed as close to him as it could and her small frame stayed pressed against him. Reluctance started to nag at her, they have to go soon to release Val and Shane so they can get a small bit of the hunt in. Jade obviously loved her child, but spending alone time with Erin had been nice.Much needed nice and yet their beautiful pup needed them. she kissed his chest with a soft sigh and looked into his eyes." We have to go soon, Lyn needs her parents and Vals probably pretty antsy to get some running in along with Shane " She said gently. Her hands were placed gently on his back and her body ached to just stay there with him and never move. Obviously that would be impossible. Jade stayed pressed into his chest for a hour longer. She finally sighed feeling her heightened senses not so intense meaning the moon had moved from the highest point in the sky. This did not mean she wanted him any less, but they did have to get back for Lyn. She had brought clothes for both to change into, a bag hidden in the shadows. She kissed his chest then his lips as she pulled away from Erin reluctantly. She grabbed the bag and set it by him."Clothes to return in, probably not best to show up fully unclothed." She pulled on shorts and a tank top. When he was dressed in the jeans she brought him, Jade wrapped around Erin and kissed him again on the lips fully. He made her feel wonderful and happy. Her arms were wrapped around him.

Jade finally let go of him and they walked hand in hand talking and laughing gently. She put his arm around her shoulder as they got closer to the house. The house came into sight and small smile came to her lips her daughter was their. Jade loved Lynn, she been her world for 3 years and still was. She just had Erin and the pack as well. They walked up to the House and entered. She saw Val and Shane and smirked, "Hey you two we came back a bit early if you wanted to go take the last bit of moonlight to run. How was she?" She asked Val. Her body never left Erin's side. She thanked Val after she told her about her pup and walked with Erin to get Lyn and take her up to bed. Only time Jade let go of Erin. She knelt and lifted her pup up. Lyn whine and hid into her mother. Jade finally moved upstairs to their room and got Lyn comfy on the bed and walked over to Erin pulling him close. Jade winked at him.

Shane watched Val take the pup and rock her to sleep. Lyn was sucking her thumb as her aunt rocked her. She started to fall asleep and passed out on her aunts shoulder her aunt put her in the bed in a makeshift room for while her parents were out. Shane was leaning on the wall waiting for Val to return. He smirked at her comment."Well look at who's pup that is, she is going to be a handful as a wolf. She is a sweet and all but just a little wild child. Jade has her hands full Christ I don't know how she does it, though I guess that's why she is a mother and the rest of you woman are not. No offense." He said and stretched. His shirtless body was nice and lean and he saw her checking him out. He watched her and walked over to her and leaned an arm on the wall looking at her." So like what you see." He remarked lightly. He flirted with Val on many occasion and liked her a lot yet he was competing with Alex. The stupid Almost alphas best friend. He liked him and was friends with him, but He also liked Val. He was glad Jade had said Yes to him then again he hadn't threatened the Alpha's pup the Alphaess' would not allow that near her pup. That pup cried that one of them even looked at her wrong and their throats be out to dry. He turned when he heard two sets of footsteps. " Well here comes Alpha and his mate." He said. He listened to Jade and Val speak and nods he went to step out and told Val he meet her outside. He smiled when she joined him."So small run then off to bed?"He asked her lightly and smiled.

Lexi was unsure of it all, she looked at Alex and whined her ears were down and she was shaking from fear. She slowly stepped after Alex and ran after him as he ran. She listened to his explanation and followed Alex he seemed nice enough. So this is what her family had hidden from her. She ran away a week ago and now here she had been in the woods stumbling about feeling like hell and finally turns in front of a pack. She actually seemed to prefer them instead of her family. Whom she sure just make her marry someone in the pack and have pups for them like her mom did. She shook her head of the thoughts and followed Alex happily.

It had truly been a night to remember, something special that was burned into the very soul of Erin. His family was back and complete, and he'd do any and everything to defend it and keep it together. It was everything he wanted and more, the aftermath leaving him truly exhausted. He lay there stroking her hair reminiscing on the bite they just shared that soul-bond them. Soon they were back at the house relieving Val and Shane from their babysitting detail. He smiled at Val and nodded to Shane in appreciation for their time, knowing that Val wasn't one to really sit still, especially during a full moon. "Thanks, Val," he said over his shoulder as the two began to exit. He had wanted to spend more time alone with Jade, but understood that they needed to get back here.

Val nodded in barely contained excitement at the suggestion. Her wolf had been anxious and her need to run almost palpable. As a scout, she was use to the outdoors and accustomed to going on more runs than most, so she actually felt more at home in her wolf form than human form. However, she was told that it wouldn't be sensible for her to be the only one wandering the halls like that, so she'd need to learn to get use to her human shape while under the roof. "Try and keep up, if you can." She said playfully, as they made their way outback and she stripped bare. Shane and Alex had both caught her attention, and she could see things in both of them like she liked. It was hard to choose between the two, so she opted to see which one could truly catch her heart. The moment she shifted from human to wolf she took off like the wind. The feel of the night air whooshing over and through her fur was hypnotic, as well as the shine of Luna above. She made sure not to continue at full tilt, so as to let Shane catch up, since this wasn't a run she wanted to do alone.

Alex was a bit troubled as he ran with the newcomer. He had wanted to spend this time with Val instead of babysit, but he also knew how confusing and probably frightened this young girl was, so he wanted to do what he could to ease her into this process. As they ran a bit longer he finally came to a stop at a stream that was at the far back of the woods of their property. 'This here is where our property line, we tend not to venture too far off across the stream if it can be avoided. You've come at rather decent time, as we're in the midst of getting all our members back into the fold. I think you'd find a great home here within our pack. I'm sure the others would welcome you with open arms.'

Jade took Lyn up to the bed and set her down gently. She kissed her pups head and sighed turning to her mate. Jade walked over to him and kissed him. Her hands went to clasp behind his neck and she sighed as she looked up into his eye's."Mmm love you , Erin." She said softly. Her body never let a inch stay away from her. Jade just moved them to sitting in front of the tv. She had it on low and wasn't really watching it. She was watching him and ran her fingers along his arm. The Bite did not force feelings they were just burried and hidden the bite just intensified them. Jade nuzzled into her mate and closed her eyes. She yawned slightly and let the ever silence settle in and she enjoyed the silence. Jade didn't really want to talk at the moment, they could talk tomorrow. It was just nice being with him and touching him. Jade was in a half asleep half awake state in Erin's arms. She was just enjoying his company. Jade moved when he went to stand and picked her up. She nuzzled into his neck and let out a soft sigh. Jade didn't want tomorrow to come they had a lot to do and talk about, though she would find out what the pack had been hiding from her. Jade would not give that up easily and Alyssa would definitely be hers if it had anything to do with that little snake.

Shane howled as he ran after and smirked. He kept up just fine, the moon had slowly passed from the high point now half covered by the moon. He followed Val, the urge to be a wolf was no longer as strong as when the moon was at its highest. He had to restrain himself from turning in front of the child. He would never tell the girl until Jade said she could. He didn't like it, but he understood that the child was only 3 and her understanding would be very minimal. He skidded to a stop as they come onto a clearing. Barking at Val to get her attention then asking her to come with him he padded towards the river. once at the river edge he jumped into the water and went to swim in the cool water. He got out and shook his fur out to get her wet. Shane nudged her with his massive wolf head and snickered. He stopped when he noticed 2 other wolves at the river. Stepping protectively in front of Val. Shane's hackles raised and he started to snarl until he scented Alex and his fur went down, He was still on edge not recognizing the new wolf.' Who's this?' He asked Alex He and Val walked over. Shane sniffed the she wolf and frowned only slightly. 'Welcome I am Shane, We're you bitten or born?' He asked her gently

Lexi sped after Alex Her body Kept her running till He slowed at a body of water. She listened to him, her head tilted and when she heard a growling her ears flattened and Lexi crouched low. Unsure if this wolf would attack. Seeing it relax and Alex relax she perked her ears up.When the wolf asked her if she was born or biteen.Lexi looked at him confused.'Born I think, I have no clue my parents never told me what I was. This is my first change' she said back'Well welcome.' He said.'Let's go back to the pack house and get some food and rest.' Shane said and walked beside Val and Lexi. Alex was on the other side of the new wolf. They entered the home and shifted back each grabbing clothes, pants and a short for Val the guys didn't often wear shirts. They had put a blanket around Lexi and Looked at her, then Val."Umm your clothes won't fit her, maybe Jade might have some. Now who wants to go wake or disturb them." Shane asked He and Alex looked to Val. She was the sister of the Soon to be Alpha and the soon to be Alpha loved Val a lot. Jade had never once been mad at Val.

Shane sighed."Why don't we just get her a bath a place to sleep and will ask Jade when she comes down in the morning." He said and led Lexi to a bathroom."Shower here and your room is the second door on the left for now." He told the blonde. Lexi thanked him and went to shower. she ran to her room after and lay in bed. She passed out her body was tired, and so was her mind.

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