A New Horizon Book 3: A Froze...

By DawnfireOfSkyClan

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The Clans know what they must do, they must leave everything they know behind and venture into a dangerous, u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Extra 1
Extra 2
Extra 3

Chapter 6

715 24 23
By DawnfireOfSkyClan

Falconpaw looked back at the forest with an uncertain, longing glance. Would this really be the last time he ever saw his home? The place where he was born and spent most of his apprenticeship? The Clans crossed through LichenClan's territory, the pain of saying goodbye to Jaggedstar was still fresh on every cat's mind. Falconpaw wondered what the LichenClan leader would do on his own. He hoped that the rest of Jaggedstar's life was peaceful.

Falconpaw looked around LichenClan territory, this was his first time ever being here. It was full of thick foliage and many fallen trees. The trees had no leaves and the bark was chipping away. I wonder what this place looks like in greenleaf. He imagined it to be very lush and green, not dead and falling apart.

Behind him, Falconpaw heard the eager mews of Hollykit and Burnkit, sharing their verbal awe at being outside of SunClan territory. They're four moons old, but still too young to clearly understand what's happening. Falconpaw vaguely remembered leaving SunClan territory for the fire as well as the battle against Thornstar, he had been excited too but also too young to realize the dangers.

Hollykit and Burnkit weren't the only excited kits, Sagekit and Hailkit of AshClan were equally as excited. They were younger than Hollykit and Burnkit, they had no idea what was happening. Then there was Mistkit, Slatekit and Dewkit. They were too young to even be excited. The rode on the back of Ashblaze who walked proudly beside Riverstar. Ferretkit, Mothkit and Swankit were also rather young, but they didn't need to be carried. The kits of LichenClan were in a similar situation, Briarkit and Krestlekit were young and excited, but Emberkit and Dapplekit were being carried by their father, Foxtail.

Most of the apprentices understood what was happening, they were old enough and they were all scared. Falconpaw noticed a small, brown and white she-cat he was pretty sure was named Rabbitpaw walking close by Nightpaw, her head was ducked and her eyes full of fear.

Falconpaw was scared too, but he wouldn't show it. I have to be brave for my Clanmates. He held his head high and walked with certainty, despite the fears clawing at his heart. Falconpaw kept an eye on each of his Clanmates, Honeypaw was walking beside Pebblestep, both of their eyes filled with concern. Dawnstar was walking alongside the other leaders and Timbertail, along with their deputies. Cherryleaf was walking close beside Briarrose and Cloudspots, there was a sharp fear in Cherryleaf's eyes. Somehow, it didn't seem connected to what was happening. What's wrong with her? Falconpaw wondered.

"We're reaching the edge of LichenClan territory." Timbertail announced. "Beyond here is a thunderpath and a small twolegplace. We'll cross a sharp fence so be careful when going under it."

"What's a fence?" Feathercloud of MoonClan questioned, tilting her head slightly.

"It's a thing twolegs use to keep things in or out." Seedclaw of LichenClan added. "They usually have them in their gardens to keep their dogs inside the yard. However, fences like this are mostly to stop wild animals from getting into the twolegplace."

"Do they guard it?" Lilyclaw questioned.

Seedclaw shook his head. "Not usually no, most animals don't cross it. We should be fine." Falconpaw knew that Seedclaw used to be a kittypet, and he knew that Falconclaw wouldn't approve but right now, Falconpaw was glad they would have a kittypet to guide them in the twolegplace.

"Let's continue, then." Shadowstar mewed and the Clans continued on, leaving Clan territory. Once Falconpaw stepped outside of LichenClan territory he felt strange. We're going to a place that no Clan cat has gone before, depending on StarClan to guide us. Falconpaw recalled the owl that appeared at the gathering. Will we see that again?

The trees continued for a while, slowly thinning out until it opened into a field, turned completely white from the snow. From across the field Falconpaw could see a flat, gray strip of stone and strange twoleg buildings that reminded Falconpaw of his own trip into the twolegplace.

"When we cross the thunderpath you'll want to be quick, we'll cross in groups. Queens, kits and elders across first, then apprentices, then warriors, then the leaders." Timbertail spoke up once more. "Carry kits across and once you start running, don't stop until you reach the other side."

"He sure is good at taking charge." Tallsong whispered to Swiftheart not far from Falconpaw. "I see why Jaggedstar chose him as deputy."

The Clans crossed the field until they finally came to the thunderpath, Falconpaw had crossed one of these when he went to the twolegplace. He didn't realize how dangerous they were. This one was even bigger than the one he crossed. "Wait for a monster to appear, when I say go I want all queens, kits and elders to run across to the other side." Falconpaw's eyes went to Snakewhisker and Squirreltail, would they be able to cross? Snakewhisker still had a heavy limp and Squirreltail was blind.

Falconpaw watched as Squirreltail bit gently onto Sandfoot's tail, her mother was going to help her across. However, the fear was clear as day on their faces. Taking a deep, shaky breath, Falconpaw waited.

A roar sounded in the distance, getting closer and closer. In an instant, a monster tore across the thunderpath, faster than any cat could possibly run. It send fear deep into Falconpaw's belly. "Now!" Timbertail shouted and the group of elders and queens carrying their kits ran across the thunderpath.

Falconpaw didn't relax until every cat was safely on the other side. Snakewhisker sat down, licking his injured leg. At least he made it across. "Apprentices next." Falconpaw and the other apprentices made their way to the thunderpath, lining up across it's surface. Falconpaw stood close beside Honeypaw, he wanted to make sure she crossed safely.

HIs sister was staring ahead, clearly trying to be brave, but her green eyes betrayed her fear and her body was incredibly tense. Falconpaw brushed his tail across her pelt, trying to help her relax. Honeypaw turned to look at him, meeting his gaze. Falconpaw gave his sister a reassuring nod. She nodded in return and took a deep breath, seeming a little more relaxed. On Falconpaw's other side was Nightpaw. His mind floated back to when she scarred his nose as a kit, and then when he attacked her during the battle against AshClan. He still felt a prick of annoyance as he thought of her, but he ignored it. Now is not the time.

Another monster tore past, ruffling the fur of all the apprentices and Timbertail shouted for them to go. Falconpaw broke into a sprint, his paws hitting the cold hard surface of the thunderpath. He pushed himself to run as fast as he could, but keeping a very close on Honeypaw as well.

Falconpaw's paws hit grass and he felt relief flood through his body. He made it safely as did Honeypaw. He looked towards the other SunClan apprentices, they had all made it as well, every apprentice had.

They waited patiently on the other side as the warriors, and then the leaders made their way across. When every cat was safely on the other side, the leader's gathered to talk. "Where do we go now?" Dawnstar questioned, looking around.

"It's nearly nightfall," Shadowstar pointed out. "We don't want to be out in the dark, we have no idea what could be out here."

"Shadowstar is right," Riverstar mewed. "We need to seek shelter for the night."

"We should go around the twolegplace, there is a small forest just on the other side." Seedclaw explained. "There should be places for shelter in there."

"Then let's hurry, it's getting colder by the minute." Riverstar urged and the Clans continued at a quick pace. They headed towards the twolegplace until they came to the fence that Seedclaw had told them about. It was thin, hard tendrils with sharp thorns along it's length.

"There's a small hole we can crawl under," Seedclaw mewed, guiding them to the fence where a spot had been dug out. "Just be careful and watch your pelts." The Clans went under the fence with ease, when it came to be Falconpaw's turn he flattened himself against the ground, using his forepaws to pull himself from under it. He could feel the sharp thorns digging into his skin, but he stuck through the pain and made his way through.

Finally, the Clans could move on. They walked for a long while and Falconpaw's stomach was starting to growl and he wants the only one. His paws were numb from the cold and exhausted weighed down on him. The kits were complaining about being hungry and tired as well, and Snakewhisker's limp was heavy.

The forest came into view and they hurried for the shelter of the trees. Once inside the forest, it didn't take long for the Clans to find an old looking cave. It was small, but it would be able to provide shelter for all the Clan cats. "We need a hunting party to go and find as much food as possible." Dawnstar mewed. "It won't be a comfortable night but we'll be safe."

"Harewhisker, Lilyclaw, and Ravensong can go." Riverstar named her warriors.

"Pigeonpelt, Brokenclaw and Shadeflower will go." Shadowstar listed his own warriors.

"LichenClan sends Flamewhisker, Mudpelt and Rootscratch."

"Lionclaw, Redclaw and Heatherflight." Dawnstar named the SunClan warriors and the hunting patrols set out. Falconpaw somewhat wished he could've gone, but he was so tired that he didn't know if he could hunt.

The Clans settled in their makeshift shelter for the night, the hunting patrol couldn't find a lot of prey but enough to where that every cat had at least a bite or two. Falconpaw was cold, scared and hungry but he curled up next to his sister and Sedgepaw, focusing on the warmth of his Clanmates. We can do this. He told himself. The Clans will survive.

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