A New Horizon Book 3: A Froze...

By DawnfireOfSkyClan

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The Clans know what they must do, they must leave everything they know behind and venture into a dangerous, u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Extra 1
Extra 2
Extra 3

Chapter 4

664 19 22
By DawnfireOfSkyClan

"I don't want to eat those!" Sagekit spat, lashing her tiny tail. "They taste gross." The tiny gray tabby she-cat sat down and stuck her nose in the air. Blackpaw fought back the urge to groan.

"You need to, dear." Puddleclaw nuzzled her daughter. "It will help you." Sagekit looked at her sister, Hailkit who didn't look happy about having to eat herbs. "They will keep your strength up."

"Why don't Mistkit, Dewkit and Slatekit have to take them?" Sagekit demanded, glaring at Blackpaw.

"Silvermoon took them and they will get to her kits by her milk. You want to stay strong don't you? Or do you want someone taking care of you at all times?" Blackpaw questioned, Sagekit dropped her ears. "If you take these herbs then I'll leave you alone."

Sagekit snorted and took a bite of the ragwort that Blackpaw had provided. Following her sister, Hailkit did the same. Both kits made a disgusted face as they swallowed the herb and had to stop themselves from spitting it out. "Thank you." Blackpaw sighed with relief, that had taken much longer than he had wanted. "I'll have one of the apprentices send a mouse your way."

"Cool! Thanks, Blackpaw!" Sagepaw bounded around her sister, the herb situation already forgotten. At least kits don't hold grudges.

"Thank you, Blackpaw." Silvermoon purred from her nest.

"No problem." Blackpaw dipped his head at the queen. "Let me or Skyfeather know if you need anything." Blackpaw gathered up the last remnants of the ragwort leaves and carried it back to the medicine at den.

In the past two moons it had become a mess of moss and herbs, their nests were unkempt and Skyfeather constantly looked like he had been fighting with a bramble thicket. The medicine cats fur wa ungroomed and his eyes dull with stress.

"Did the kits take the herbs?" Skyfeather asked without turning around, his voice strained.

"Yeah they did, Sagekit argued a bit but eventually ate them. We have a tiny bit of the ragwort left." Blackpaw explained, setting down the scraps of leaves he had after the kits.

"Put it with the other strength herbs. If tonight goes as planned then we'll be leaving soon. I want to have everything sorted for when the medicine cats combine what they have."

Blackpaw nodded and set down the ragwort with the small amount of juniper and burnett they had. He glanced at Skyfeather, feeling a moment of anxiety for his mentor. Blackpaw feared that fro all of his stress Skyfeather would cause himself to get sick. Blackpaw was stressed too, but Skyfeather would often go without sleep. He endlessly counted their herbs as if he were afraid the would just vanish.

I wish I could help him. Blackpaw wished, but there was nothing he could. The only thing that could help Skyfeather was more herbs, he wouldn't be happy until they found their new territory. Even then, none of them had any idea of how long it would take to find that territory. If they got their early then there wouldn't be many herbs due to the snow. I just hope we find a good home.

"It's almost time." Skyfeather stood up straight. "We need to prepare to leave for the gathering." He flicked his tail and started barely straightening up the den. When he finished there was still moss and twigs scattered across the floor.

Skyfeather at least took a few moments to smooth down his unkempt fur. "Let's go." Skyfeather left the medicine cat without waiting for Blackpaw who jumped to his paws and followed his mentor to the leader's den where the Clan was starting to gather. Skyfeather and Riverstar shared an uncomfortable gaze. Ever since their fight in front of the Clan, Skyfeather and Riverstar hadn't said a word to each other.

The medicine cats shouldn't be fighting with the leader. It's just wrong. Blackpaw looked over towards the group of apprentices who were coming. It was Nightpaw, Rabbitpaw and Timberpaw. For the past few days, Nightpaw had a haunted look on her face, Blackpaw wish he knew what was causing it. I haven't spent any time talking to my sister. Blackpaw thought with guilt. I hope that changes too.

"Are we ready?" Riverstar called out, looking over the cats who had gathered which was almost every warrior. Stormheart and Harewhisker were staying back as well as Dustpaw and Leafpaw. AshClan is so small. Blackpaw thought, looking towards the nursery for a moment. I'm glad we have five kits in the nursery. Let's just hope they survive. Blackpaw instantly scolded himself for the morbid thought. They have to survive.

Riverstar led her Clan out of camp and towards the gathering hollow. Blackpaw shivered as they stepped into the cold night. He walked beside Skyfeather just behind Riverstar and Ashblaze. Skyfeather's blue eyes were distant as usual, focused on something that wasn't there. Blackpaw looked up towards the sky, he could see the stars but something felt empty. Not being able to speak with StarClan had left him feeling blind and alone.

He closed his eyes for just a moment and in his mind flashed the bright green eyes of Honeypaw. He opened his eyes again, his heart beat suddenly quickening. They had only met a few more times after the first, and Blackpaw knew it was wrong but for the first time in a long time, he didn't feel so alone when he was with her. We're just friends. Blackpaw reminded himself.

AshClan reached the gathering hollow just after SunClan and were the last ones to arrive. Dawnstar, Jaggedstar and Shadowstar had already started talking with their deputies and medicine cats while the other warriors and apprentices started to mingle. Blackpaw spotted Honeypaw immediately, she was standing beside Dawnstar and looking at the others with concern deep in her green eyes.

Shadowstar was the first cat to spot that AshClan had arrived and he greeted them with a nod. While the AshClan warriors went to the other Clans, Blackpaw stayed with his mentor as he, Ashblaze and Riverstar made their way to the other leaders.

"Greetings." Dawnstar mewed, dipping her head. Riverstar dipped her head in response and looked at the others. Blackpaw noticed that Jaggedstar looked incredibly sorrowful about something. His amber eyes were cast downward. The LichenClan deputy, Timbertail, looked similar. Did something happen in AshClan? Blackpaw knew that before the last gathering, LichenClan's former deputy Mossleaf had died from eating sick prey. Did something else happen in LichenClan?

"I assume you all know what we need to talk about tonight?" Dawnstar questioned the leaders. "We can't avoid it any longer."

"I say we share our news as usual," Shadowstar suggested. "Then discuss our plans with each other."

The other leaders agreed and the gathering began. Blackpaw sat beside Skyfeather at the base of the hollow wall. His eyes drifted to Honeypaw who was sitting beside her own mentor, staring at her paws. We haven't spoken yet. I hope I can talk to her a little.

"Greetings cats of all Clans." Shadowstar began. "I will start this gathering off, if that's okay." After the other leaders nodded Shadowstar stood up. "MoonClan doesn't have much to report other than that Mosswind has moved into the nursery." There was cheers, but a sense of fear behind it as well. They're all worried the kits will die. Blackpaw thought.

The next to go was Dawnstar, the SunClan leader stood up and faced the Clans. "SunClan doesn't have much to report, we're struggling as the rest but we're surviving." Dawnstar sat down and Riverstar was next.

"Earlier this moon, Silvermoon gave birth to three healthy kits." There were more uncertain cheers. "We also welcome Crowstep, Featherfall, Nightstorm and Cloverstrike into the elder's den." Blackpaw looked at his father who had decided to retire alongside his sister early in the moon. I don't know why he would do that. We need as many warriors as possible. Blackpaw had been a little bitter about the whole thing.

Finally, Jaggedstar stood up. "LichenClan is proud to welcome two new warriors, Stumptail and Flowerheart." Blackpaw spotted the two warriors, holding their heads proudly. "We're also happy to announce the birth of two new kits to Leafsong and Foxtail. Finally, Maplepool and Mousethorn have joined the elder's den." Blackpaw narrowed his eyes. That was all good news, why does Jaggedstar look so sad?

"Now that we've shared our news," Dawnstar mewed, speaking once Jaggedstar had sat down. "We need to discuss finding a new territory." Skyfeather immediately stood up once Dawnstar stopped talking.

"We've waited long enough, it's time for the Clans to leave." The AshClan medicine cat said boldly, Blackpaw could see the cats of the Clans sharing scared and uncertain gazes.

"Skyfeather is right," Shadowstar mewed. "We're risking our own lives by staying any longer. We need to band together and find a new place to live. There's many kits in the Clans, and I want them survive."

"When should we leave?" Pigeonpelt of MoonClan asked from the crowd. "Where do we even go?"

Dawnstar opened her mouth to speak but a loud cry split the air, sending chills down Blackpaw's spine. All eyes went to the trees overhead. In the branches was an owl. It was huge and as white as the moon, it almost didn't look real. The owl let out another cry and took off, it's white feathers glowing under the moonlight. The cats followed it as it flew over the gathering hollow, towards the Spirit Woods and LichenClan territory.

"That was our sign." Ravenheart breathed out, his green eyes wide with awe. "StarClan can still see us, and they're telling us which way to go."

"I also suppose that's StarClan's sign telling us that it's time." Riverstar sighed, taking a deep, shaky breath. "We just have to decide on a time."

"Before we do that," Jaggedstar suddenly spoke up after keeping his silence. "There is something I need to say." Blackpaw noticed both Timbertail and Roseheart dropping their heads, LichenClan collectively flattened their ears, sadness filling their eyes. What's going on?

"I'm part of the reason we haven't left yet," Jaggedstar began. "I've had to make a very difficult decision. However, I've finally come to a choice and my Clan has accepted it."

"You're not staying are you?" Shadowstar questioned, sharing a worried glance with Dawnstar.

"LichenClan will be leaving the forest, but I will not." Blackpaw and the other medicine cats stared in shock at the leader, he hung his head low.

"What in the name of StarClan are you talking about?" Riverstar demanded. "You're leaving your Clan behind? Why?"

Jaggedstar sighed. "I'm on my last life and I can already feel sickness creeping in on me. It won't be long before I am incredibly and I will be unable to travel. I would only slow you all down. It's time to LichenClan to have a new leader." He moved his eyes to Timbertail. "And I know Timbertail will lead them well."

"Jaggedstar you can't be serious." Dawnstar's voice shook. "We would give everything to save you, you know that."

"And that's exactly the point." Jaggedstar mewed, a bit sharply. "You need to focus on getting to your new home. I won't be long behind you, I will be there to guide you all and to get Timbertail's his nine lives when the time comes." His claws dug into the branch. "This is the hardest decision I've ever had to make, and I've dedicated my life to serving and guiding LichenClan. I'm sure some of you remember Elmstar." Shadowstar and Riverstar, as well as a few others warriors in the Clans dropped their eyes. "I did everything I could to rebuild LichenClan after him, and I've liked to think I've done good by my Clan." He closed his eyes. "It's my time, I can already feel StarClan close by."

"I wish it didn't have to be this way." Dawnstar said sadly.

"Me too." Despite everything, Blackpaw saw hope shimmering in Jaggedstar's eyes. "But I know that all four Clans will survive. I'll be there to see it in StarClan once you get there." He looked up at the stars. "And to be proud of my Clanmates."

There was a long silence in the hollow. "Two sunrises from now." Shadowstar said, breaking the silent. "Two sunrises from now we will meet here one last time, and we will leave. We will find our new home."

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