The Ultimate Weapon (Naruto F...

By N-chan

260K 8.7K 4.9K

Orochimaru's greatest feat. Also his cruelest. His legendary experiments were said to know no bounds, and thi... More

1-The Boy in the Abandoned Hideout
2-A Place to Live
3-Graduating the Academy
4-Kakashi's Test
5-Children, Cats, and Drunken Men
6-Cows Hiding in Puddles
7-Therapist in Training
8-Beginning to Understand Anger
9-Imminent Chunnin Exams
10-Teacher and Student
11-The Sadness of Bullying
12-New Mission, New Allies
13-Results of Training
14-Successful Capture
15-A Mistake
16-Breaking Through
17-Waking Up
18-A Glimpse of His Past
19-Orochimaru's Attack (Part One)
20-Orochimaru's Attack (Part Two)
21-The Hospital and a New Hokage
22-First Day
23-It Takes Time
24-Unusual Circumstances
25-Talented Teammates
26-A Banquet
27-Finding a Trail
28-Rainy Days
30-Stories are Just That
31-The Rival of Aoi
33-Unmerry Christmas
34-Memories Linger
36-Saved at a Price
37-Begin the Jonin Test
38-Prepping for the Mission
39-A Shocking Day
40-The Beach
41-Bumpy Roads
43-Poisonous Traitor
45-Wrapping Things Up
46-Huge Decision
47-Lengthy Chats
48-Team 13
49-Final Test
50-Aoi's Lost Stories
51-Prep Work
52-Moving Up
53-Poor Reasons
54-Consequence of Disobedience
56-Happy Birthday
57-Powerful Words
59-Losing Your Senses
60-Friendly Competition
61-You and Me (April Fools)
62-Mock Wars (1)
63-Mock Wars (2)

32-Coded Eye

2.7K 129 63
By N-chan

A soft knocking on the front door roused the occupants from their sleep. Rubbing the sand out of her eyes, Ino climbed downstairs to answer the door, her blond hair messily hanging down to her waist. When she opened the door, she let out a small squeak and then slammed it before the person could utter a single word. Aoi stood on the doorstep more than a little confused. Inoichi had agreed to train with him today, and had told Aoi to come to his house in the morning.

When Inoichi made his way into the front room fully dressed, he found Ino sitting on the couch with her knees to her chest looking slightly depressed. Disregarding it, he continued to the door to open it. Aoi stood there, not having moved from the front step. Inoichi smiled at the boy.

"It is good to see you again Aoi, you haven't gotten rusty with the skills I taught you, correct?"

Aoi blinked once before replying. "How would I get rusty? I am not me-"

Inoichi waved his hand back and forth. "Sorry, forget that. Have you been practicing?" Aoi nodded once. The two were now walking down the streets of Konoha. "You never quite told me what it was you wanted to train with today. I assume you had something in mind when you called me out?"

Aoi nodded. "I would like to ask if I could experiment with one of the Yamanaka clan techniques."

"Experiment?" Inoichi looked over at the blue haired boy, wondering what he was getting at. "In what way?"


Inoichi hovered over Aoi, watching as he read through a scroll containing one of the Yamanaka clan techniques. Since Inoichi approved, and Aoi had already gotten permission from the Hokage, Akamichi clan, and Nara clan, he was allowed access to the jutsu. Once Aoi had finished reading the scroll, he set it to the side and looked deep in thought. Being rather mysterious about the entire thing, Aoi pulled out a bag of green paste that he had in his bag, as well as a piece of what looked like chakra paper.

Inoichi's interest didn't diminish as Aoi pulled out a needle and gathered some of the green glop. Scratches soon filled the air as the needle connected to the surface of the paper, leaving traces off green where it touched. It was a good two hours before the noise ceased, and Inoichi looked over to see Aoi regarding the paper.

"Inoichi, would you mind if I performed this jutsu on you?" The older man thought it over, weighing the possible outcomes before agreeing. As soon as Aoi performed the hand seals, control of his body ceased, and Inoichi became trapped in his own body. Aoi ended the technique almost immediately after he had started it.

By now he should have been used to Aoi's talent, but Inoichi was still somewhat shocked at how quickly he could absorb techniques. The blue haired boy, who was now dutifully looking over the design written on the paper, had just cast a B-rank secret jutsu with no prior practice. Shaking himself from his thoughts, he noticed Aoi was looking at him again.

"Would you mind being in that jutsu once again?"

"Not at all, but what are you trying to do?" Aoi didn't answer, but instead held up the piece of paper. It had a strange circular design on it, but other than that didn't seem special.

"Look at this please." Inoichi glanced at Aoi before looking back at the paper. His vision swam a little, and he felt the same sensation as before. His control over his body snapped to nonexistence and slight panic filled his mind. Aoi folded the paper in half with a quick movement, and put the paper away. Once the paper was out of sight, Inoichi felt control return once more.

Walking over to Aoi, Inoichi held out his hand. "May I see what you wrote on here?" The design was maze like, and the more Inoichi looked at it the clearer detail became. He saw that the lines were made up of microscopic letters, forming what seemed to be a long incantation. "What is this? How did you come up with this?"

"Like the chakra paper, the green paste is part of a tree that feeds on chakra, the leaves to be precise. I wrote the essence of the jutsu, put the handseals into words, and wrote them on the paper. I thought that because it was a technique to do with the mind, and the eye is directly connected to the mind, it would be possible to create a design that once gazed upon with chakra flowing into it, would act like the handseals and have the same effect as the jutsu." Aoi remained stone faced throughout his explanation, but the further he went the more flabbergasted Inoichi got.

Holding the paper up to the light, Inoichi inspected it closer, noting that it seemed exactly as Aoi described. "What do you plan to do with this?" He looked out of the corner of his eye at the shinobi. Looking up from the paper, Aoi had just the faintest traces of a smile on his face as he replied.


Kakashi, Inoichi, and Ibiki stood in the room around Aoi as Tsunade and a rather interesting looking man hovered over his right eye. Tsunade's hands were glowing green, and the faint buzz of the machine in the man's hand hummed dutifully. The man was severely tattooed, and as the tattoo gun drew closer to Aoi's pupil, everyone sent a silent prayer up that he knew what he was doing.

Aoi, with some help from Inoichi and Shikaku, had managed to turn Aoi's paste into an ink, without losing any of the properties of channeling chakra that it held. They then sought out the best tattoo artist in Konoha, and had convinced him to tattoo the design onto Aoi's eye. He had insisted that Tsunade be in the room just in case, and this is what had brought them all here now. Kakashi had been in Tsunade's office at the time, and hearing of the slightly crazy venture, was curious if it would actually work.

It took hours, far longer than it had originally taken Aoi to first write what they now called a code. When the man lifted his needle and the buzzing noise stopped, everyone collectively let out a breath that they didn't know they were holding. Tsunade's hands continued to glow over Aoi's eye for a moment, before they lifted and it was clear that she had made it scab over so his eye wouldn't bleed and ruin the ink.

Tsunade was the first to speak. "Are you still able to see correctly out of your eye?" Closing his left, Aoi took a quick look around the room before nodding his head. "That's good. I'm going to have you bandage that eye for a while though, it could very easily get injured, even by just walking outside into the brightness. It seems like it should be fine to uncover in four or five days."

She held out a roll of bandages and Aoi took them. Just as he was about to begin wrapping the bandages, Ibiki spoke. "Does it work?"

"That's a good question," Inoichi turned to Aoi, "you should try it out."

Kakashi took a step forward, "May I be the test subject? I would like to analyze the jutsu code if possible while you activate it." Aoi nodded, and Kakashi lifted his headband to reveal the sharingan. A faint look of concentration passed on Aoi's face as he sent chakra to his eye. Kakashi's eyes were assessing it as Aoi began it, but soon a blank look came over his face. Aoi closed his eye, and it seemed Kakashi was able to freely move once more.

"I would call that a success." Aoi nodded, raising the bandage to his head once more in order to cover his eye.

Inoichi looked at Aoi's original design once more. "I never would have thought it possible to use the mind destruction jutsu in such a way. The fact that it worked is even more incomprehensible."

"One thing is certain," Tsunade looked at Aoi as he walked out of the small tattoo shop, "he will certainly change how jutsu is looked at."


So, I know this chapter is pretty short, and I can understand if you want more, but you'll have to deal. Since there aren't many pictures of people who have tattooed their eyes, I put one to the side that is more or less how I imagine it, except the iris is tattooed, not the pupil. This is one of the techniques I have wanted to give to Aoi for so long, you have no freaking idea! And if you don't like that I did this... too bad, my story. I have a few more special techniques for Aoi, so you can look forward to that. Question:

What is most embarrassing moment you've ever experienced?

I have nothing else to say really, to be honest, so I'll end it here. Vote/comment/fan/sing-a-lullaby! Unless you can't sing, then go hide in a corner and make macaroni necklaces.


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