Adiya one shots

By keepingupwidnarry

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Aditya Hooda & Zoya Siddique (Adiya) one shots from the serial Bepannah! Jenshad one shots if requested More

Welcome Adiya / Jenshad Shippers
After all this time
Kiss full of love
my soulmate
Bepannah pyaar hai tumse
Bepannah pyaar hai tumse
Bepannah pyaar hai tumse
Never Again
Perfect For Me
married to my master
Finding love again
Bepannah si mohobbat
Bepannah si mohobbat 2
Close to my heart
I will never leave you
starry night
at my cost
Crazy in love
I am ready for you
Married to my master Pt 2
Close to my heart Pt2
zarurat hai
Fark padta hai
Best trick
in the moment
Office Love
Read And Spread This
Fear of losing you
Bepannah The End
New Book
not going away, my love
New Book 2
Fallen in love
Fall in love Pt 2
love is in the air
Dusk Till Dawn
turn me on
Violent love Pt.1
Violent Love Pt 2
Violent Love Pt 3
Violent Love
Winning Night
heated night
Jealous Jenny
Wedding Blues
Save the last dance
Bumping into you
Author's Note
Lights Down Low
sip of vodka
Author's Note
Requests Open
comfort me

You're worth it

4.7K 115 5
By keepingupwidnarry

This will have Naihal And Aniruddh (I hope I got his name correct) they both are Jennifer's real life friends and he is the creator of Bepannah and Naihal's husband.

Something I came up with
Hope you all like it :)

You are crazy ! You have passed all the levels of craziness .

Why am I going ? I should not go , they don't need me .

I don't need to see them , I have lost my contacts with any of them ages ago

Yes , yes I am still Naihal's friend , he is my best friend how can I not .

What if he is there ?

Oh I am a fool , of course he is going to be there , how can he not , the star of the group . He has to be their.

I am going to kill Naihal, stab her to death if anything , anything goes wrong

Shit! Picks up the deo and puts it on the table.

( ring ring )

"Hello" says into the receiver .

"Hey ! You ready ? I am coming in ten minutes...come and wait at the gate"

"Ya , ya ...I - I am ready " smooths the red strapless dress, it's a little too sexy I think as I answer her on the phone.

"Don't be nervous babe . Everything is going to be fine" she said only for me to sigh rolling my eyes

"You bloody hope so" I mutter ,cutting the call off.

I take one last look in the mirror adjusting my hair and make my way towards the apartment door .Checking for my apartment keys , mobile and wallet I put on the heels and step out.

Shit ! Tonight is going to be a disaster .

"Stop worrying okay , you got this. 'Ve to just roam around , laugh and have a fun night." I talk to myself, hoping to lift my spirits up and reduce the anxiety burning down my throat.

I hear a car honk and a white car pull up . I shake my head at my friend and get in the front seat.

"Its going to be great don't stress. You are looking hot , don't worry" I smile at Naihal has always been my confident and I am grateful for her .

"I hope you are ri-" my words are cut from a sound behind me .

"You look hot Jenny , its going to be great" I look in horror at the person behind me. I didn't know he was sitting in the back.

" Aniruddh ! The hell you scared the crap out of me ! " I say slapping my hand on my chest.

He laughs and pokes his tongue . I poke mine at him in a childish retaliation and then we are in a match and starts laughing.

Then it hits me like a turn of brick , If he is here means.....

"Don't tell me everyone is bringing their plus ones"I look at Naihal angrily because she might have left this tiny bit of important as fuck information out.

"Um...and spouse too" she says chuckling as I take a deep breathe and hit my head at the back seat.

"Spouse ...great .Why didn't you tell me this before I could have arranged for some stupid date.Now , I am going to be the loner one." I whine .

"Oh c'mon I don't want some wannabe hanging off you and you are not going to look like a loner"

I snort ,leave it to Naihal .

"You know I have my own big brother ,you should quit the role now . And I am going to look like a loner - its a reunion for godsake's and as usual I would be the single one "

"She will look like a loner , not loser but loner "Aniruddh added for my supported and Naihal replied "Babe , don't bring her down we have to support her"

Aniruddh snorted " I don't know but someone just gave me a whole big lecture on how it was important to come with spouses and their 'better half' around half an hour ago. Remember the deep peaceful sleep that I sacrificed to come with you to this reunion. The time you said giving me those puppy eyes 'It's a party Ani, we got to go together. It is not for- long time and no see .It is more for -hey look at the jerk slept with him once ,still lives with his parents ? Oh well. I got out quick .....or ! She looked like a pig back in school or damn ! She has two kids ?! Who would have thought?"

We all laugh at his description which was to the 'T'. I slap my thighs laughing .

"That ...was ju-st...."I continue and they all join me but then a thought comes to be I am going to be one of them

I role my head "Shit ! They gonna talk about 'the loner' !", pointing at myself.

"Jenny its a reunion and I though-" Naihal started but I quickly cut her.

"You thought wrong "

"You can say like your boyfriend has some urgent business meeting in NYC and was not able to attend.Here ...wait I have something ...." She pulled over the car and began searching through her phone .

I can't believe I am going through her plan .

Which is cool !

Sort of

"And show them this pic ." she hand me the picture of a really hot guy . I take a look at him and nod my head "okay , in major urgency issue I am using him"

We both nod and Aniruddh just shakes his head at us which I am not bothered about whatsoever. I am in this bloody car ,possibly will make a joke out of myself tonight all thanks to him and his wife aka my not-so-now-bestfriend.

"Name ?" I ask after a couple of seconds tapping the picture of the hot guy.

. . . . . . . . .

There are moments in the world were you feel awkward as hell , like you don't belong in this particular place that you don't belong with the certain crowd of people you're surrounded with. Well, that is exactly I am feeling right now as I enter the club were the reunion was taking place.

I lost the site of the lovebirds, Naihal and Aniruddh, talk about support system , I snort.

Oh god what am I gonna do ?

The moment I think this a certain crowd from the corner of the club roars in laughter. My eyes travel as of the others in the club and there is Naihal . I smile and am about to go towards her that I notice the large crowd and exactly how big the group is . It's like the whole gang has come although I know it might just be their plus ones making it look like a large amount of people, from where I can see there are definitely above ten people.

I notice the familiar faces of Karan (karan wahi) and Ritvik (Dhanjani) joking around. I watch as Naihal turns around mostly looking at me. I know she is going to point at me and I hurriedly move towards the rest room.

I am not a people 's person , I like small groups with five friends and talks and not the raging parties were people throw themselves at each other and others judge anyone that is leveled with their eye sight.

I feel my phone vibrating as I look in the mirror taking deep breathes . I am such a pussy getting all worked for facing my once friends all because of a guy I have not seen in so many years .

I go out without picking up her phone very well knowing its her calling and make my way towards the long table they seemed to have arranged for us.

Ritvik calls me as I approach "Jenny! Long time no see buddy!"I wave slightly deliberately trying not to let my eyes roam. I don't want to know if he is here even though I know he is , its like sixth sense.

I shot Naihal a look and sit down getting myself involved in Ritvik and Karan's nonsense babblering about some sports , which I don't mind at all . I love Ritvik like a brother but sometimes he just, you know can be too loud and ....dumb.But that's our Ritvik.

I feel eyes on me which I ignore laughing with the boys as they talk about pranks we tried on sets and during the award shows. Ritvik was the prankster and we all were side cheerleaders /jokers laughing our hearts out.

Naihal sits beside me and whispers "Hey their loner " and I shot her a look saying not cool sis.

"So , you're Aniruddh's girlfriend right ?" A girl before us starts off , little to loudly as I didn't notice her. Naihal smiles shaking her head showing off her wedding ring as she giggles like a school girl well that's what it is like to be in love. I was never in love before or maybe I was ...the topic is too complicated ,so let's leave it.

"Hey I am Preity , I am Harshad's girlfriend"she smiles shaking Naihal's hand who looks at me wide eyed. I didn't in million years expect that .

I am shock as I sit there but not all that shock because I knew he would be having a girlfriend . Its all over his instagram if I say so , but I didn't recognize her from the posts . She looks okay , glittery but okay.

What kind of name is Preity ?

Did she mean Pretty ? If she did then that is just way too narcissists.

I laugh at my own joke gaining lots of attention .

"What ?!" I say and everyone goes back to their conversation , everybody except Pretty-Preity of course. I smile at her rather fake .

"You didn't come with anyone ?" She ask curious and I sighed smiling even though I want to roll my eyes, typical gossip girl.

"Yaa , He has work so he couldn't attend" I spare a look at Naihal to see her smirking , I don't know if I should hit or hug her.

"Oh" She speaks out and I narrow my eyes at her .Judgemental bitch!

"What?" She hesitates before saying something along the lines of I understand, work is too much nowadays. I cut her off saying " Yes, he usually has business trips abroad. So, is pretty busy man"

She snorts before smiling and widely as she replies "Then I am pretty lucky, Harshad has always time for me. It must be tough on you"

"Honey your boyfriend was once mine and I need a drink" is what I want to say but I swallow my words and instead give her a laugh shaking my head with "No, not at all. We both know how to keep our relationship spicy" I wink at her getting up before I can slap that bitch.

I hurry towards the bar because he was never mine , he could have been mine but me being the stupid shit I am let go of my chance and doesn't have an ounce of courage to tell it to his face that I loved him then and still am in love with him and will plausibly always be .

Jenny your decisions in love life has always been crap. First this and then your marriage.

After sometime I find myself downong the third glass as people cheer and suddenly music starts from the speakers , loud music making me dizzy. I am nodding my head at the song I don't recognize playing as I put my shot glass down . I am not drunk yet just tipsy , it takes time and lots of alcohol to get me smash.

20 minutes later

"You're looking nice" Its him . I smile turning towards him . My eyes for the first time roam on him , still avoiding his eyes because only god knows why I can't look into his eyes without blushing .

"You look ..."my eyes move up to his face as I blurt "hot !" I giggle at my slip up as he looks with wide eyed

"I heard you have a boyfriend "

I nod my head before shaking it ."yes and no. I mean I have a boyfriend but then I don't have him.Wait ! How can I have something I don't have that I have"

I laugh at my own joke and he laughs with me .

"You are so far out "

"You're absolutely right!" I say tapping his chest agreeing with him which just makes him louder.

The lights dim at the club and a song comes up.

"Hey ! Where all the lights go!?" I say turning around, as I shout as Harshad clutches his ear.

"They are lights babe" I giggle as he calls me babe .Babe , what a pretty word from a pretty boy.

Before I can say that to him the music gets louder and it clicks that it is my favourite song (A/N : any sexy upbeat song)

"That's my favourite song , c'mon"I pull him into the crowd of sweaty bodies and starts dancing with him .

We both laugh at the upbeat song doing our moves. I put my hands around his neck and pull myself against him as I really get into the music .

I feel him holding me closely and my mind flashes back to Pretty ?

I shake my head as he pulls me closer. I look up into his eyes and as I do after all this year I get lost into them.

"I missed you" the words are out before I know it and I am scared he is going to laugh .

God how embarrassing can you get?!

I mentally shout at myself .I am surprised when he pulls me closer and whispers smiling softly at me .

"I have missed you so much ."

My mind goes back to the night he asked me to be his and I refused .

"I - I am so sorry..." He puts his finger on my lips shushing me .

"Just enjoy the music Jen" I nod holding him close as he moves me with him .

I smile at the memory of us when we we used to shoot , the nights we spent together bonding at his or mine place and the days we worked to give a perfect shot. The drinks and fun we had all coming back to me and I sigh .

"I was so scared Harsh, scared of loving you too much , scared of ruining over friendship and guess what I did "

I pull back looking at him knowing he heard me , heard my each and every word.

He was looking at me with a confused look and oh my how I love that look on him .

"You always asked me why did I say no , no to be yours , to be your girlfriend .This is the reason ...I know its stupid because maybe I am stupid , may-maybe I had this scar from my awful - awful marriage and I th-thought if anything goes wrong you might not be their and pushed you away and look at where it got me.....away from me. We don't even see each other anymore, it-it has been years"

Harry sighed pulling me closer "Now is not the time ..."

I cut him

"It is , it is I wanted to say this to you and I never got guts too "

He sighed massaging his temple as people were pushing us around .

"You are drunk , you do-"

"I am Christian and half - Christian and not to be mainstream or something but my tolerance is way more than yours at least and you know very well what it gets to make me lose it "I say pointedly.

He groans head throwing back and grabs my hand. Soon I am being pulled from the crowd and out of the club. The cold air hits me as he takes my hand and makes his way to the car.

Soon we are zooming out of the town .Neither of us speak as I look pass the trees and I can tell we indeed are at the outskirts of the city.

"Hill" I whisper recognising the small hill that used to be our place.

Instead of yes I get a short reply "Why didn't you say anything before ?"

There are so many reasons but I go with the most I felt at that moment , the moment when he was on his knees and had hope in his eyes .

"Because you were you handsome , charming , guy in lots of relationship and I was me , a loner , not so beautiful, a broken material, tattered and scared from my previous failed attempts of trust and love. You were so grand Harshad, so enigmatic, you used to make everyone's day better no matter if the person has a fever or is stressed and I had just found myself again"

I look at him to see his eyes on me "I - I thought you will realise I am not worth it and leave me and I didn't want to loose you ....."

"But you lost me" a tear drops from my eyes and onto my cheek . I nod nevertheless .

"The hell were you thinking Jennifer that I will not love you ,I was on my damn knees !!" He shouts suddenly slamming on the stirring wheel . I jerk up .

"Har-" suddenly he slams his break and before I know it he is pulling me into his arms over the gear into his lap.

"What are yo-" I am cut off by lips on me as he devours me .I close my eyes not fighting at all because this is what I need ,what I needed , the very thought of his touch kept me up all night ,always in the back of my mind .

I turn my head as the kiss gets deeper clutching his shirt for dear life .I feel his hand squeeze my breast making a throaty moan leave my lip .

He pulls away his face mere inches away from mine. I open my eyes for his rejection , the way I did all those years ago , the thing I regret the most.

I feel his thumb caressing my cheek as he whispers the words making my heart race.

"You're worth it "

I smile pulling him to me , guess this night was not that bad .


Love love love is in the air ❤️❤️❤️

I am in love with Jenshad BEST FREAKING COUPLE EVERRR

what do you guys think about them and also the one shot?!

VOTE. Comment. Share my story if you love it and love Bepannah

Ri x

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