A Dream [Bensler Fan Fic]

By GirlandHerKeyboard

20.5K 508 39

This is based on my one-shot by the same name. Olivia and Elliot only wanted to be parents. After getting mar... More

Nine- Flashbacks


2.3K 39 5
By GirlandHerKeyboard

[The Day After The Heartbeat Was Heard]

When Olivia woke up the next morning, she didn't remember what had happened the day before. She kinda thought that yesterday was all a dream. That she wasn't really pregnant and she still had to take the test and face the disappointment that will result from another negative reading.

But as Olivia climbed out of bed and walked towards the bathroom, Elliot spoke from where he still laid in bed.

"Please don't tell me that this is morning sickness?" Elliot asked, and Olivia stopped in her tracks as she turned around to look at him.

"Morning sickness?" She asked, and Elliot gave her a small smile.

"Yeah, from the baby you are carrying. Did you forget?" He questioned, and when everything hit her again she started to sob. She walked back towards the bed as Elliot moved onto her side. He pulled her onto the bed and held her close.

"Oh, love. Please tell me that these are happy tears, not sad tears." He spoke gently, as he rubbed her back gently.

"I completely forgot! I thought that everything that happened yesterday was a dream! That our baby was a dream!" She sobbed into her husband's chest.

"Our baby isn't a dream, my love. That baby is so real. Soon you'll be able to feel him move in your stomach." He whispered, and Olivia nodded slowly. She was just so overwhelmingly happy and scared at the same time. She was fearing the worst, but she couldn't help but think about how happy her future may be if there is going to be a baby in her life.


Olivia and Elliot went into work at the same time. Elliot had a hard time not telling people that his wife is pregnant. But, on the other hand, Olivia had a hard time thinking of ways to tell people once they got past the dreaded fifth month.

For most woman, the first three months are the hardest because the risk of miscarriage is high. But for Olivia, the fifth month is the worst because that appointment is always the time that Dr. Lee tells her that there was no longer a heartbeat, and the next step was inducing labor. Olivia didn't get a baby, but she did have to go through the pain of the delivery.

"Liv, Tucker is here," Amanda spoke, as she peeked her head into Olivia's office. Olivia looked up from her computer and sighed.

"Why?" Olivia whined, and Amanda smiled.

"You are probably in trouble." The blonde replied, before walking back to her desk. Olivia sighed as she stood and headed towards her open office door. Tucker looked like he was on a warpath, and she didn't feel like dealing with him.

"Captain, what are you doing here?" Olivia asked, and he just walked past her and into her office. Olivia groaned as she turned around and shut the door behind her. She walked over to her desk as Tucker paced the length of her room.

"Olivia, wanna explain to me why the Hudson River rapist is now free and walking around like a normal citizen?" Tucker spat, and Olivia sighed as she sank down onto her seat.

"Because we didn't have enough evidence. Okay?" She sighed because she felt exhausted all of a sudden.

"Come on, Benson. You know that you have to find something to put these men behind bars before you can charge them with what you really want to charge them with." He huffed, as he sat down in one of the chairs in front of her desk.

She gave him a small nod as she ran her hands through her hair.

"We can go pick him up again. Charge him with having stolen property. We will find a way to prove he raped all of those women, okay?" She replied, and he nodded.

"Good. Go get him then. I'll be waiting here for you." He spoke. Olivia shook her head.

"I'm sending Fin and Amanda to get him." She spoke. She didn't want Tucker to realize that she wasn't feeling like herself and start to question, but it was hard to not show how shitty she felt right now on her face.

"Benson, what's wrong?" Tucker asked, and Olivia sighed.

"I'm sending them. I'll give you a call when we have him, okay?" She spoke, before standing and going to her door. She opened the door, but as Tucker looked at her he frowned.

"There is blood on your pants, Liv." He whispered, and Olivia quickly looked down to see her lighter slacks were bloody. She gave him a panicked look, before walking over to her desk.

"Can you drop me off at the hospital on your way back to your office? Please?" She begged, as she grabbed her jacket and folded it over her arm. She made sure she kept her arm in front of her body to hopefully prevent anyone from seeing the blood.

"Yeah, let's get going."


Elliot got a call from his boss. He was told that Olivia was at the hospital and that she was bleeding. Elliot ran from the building and went straight to his car. He drove through every light because he turned his lights and sirens on because he needed to be beside his wife if she loses the baby.

She was feeling fine this morning, and now she was bleeding. This was their last shot at having a baby that is biologically theirs, but what if she was bleeding too much and their baby never had a chance from the start?

Tucker stood outside of the hospital with a cigarette to his lips. He didn't smoke often, Elliot knew that. But when he did smoke it was because he was nervous or wound up and needed to calm down.

"How did you find out my wife was here?" Elliot questioned as he ran towards Tucker.

"I went to her precinct to pressure her into arresting the Hudson River rapist, but then she went to show me out and I saw the blood. If I knew she was pregnant, I wouldn't have gone so hard on her. God, I'm sorry." Tucker replied quickly, as he dropped his cigarette onto the ground and stepped on it.

"Was pregnant?" Elliot asked as tears welled in his eyes. Oh god, did she already lose the baby?

"They were working on her. I don't know if she lost the baby or not. You should go in there. I'll head back to her station house and take over for the day." 

"Don't you dare say a thing to them, Ed. I swear to god. If she loses this baby and they find out she is pregnant but ends up not being pregnant anymore, she'll kill you. She doesn't want to hurt or worry them. So keep your damn mouth closed, okay?" Elliot spat, and Tucker nodded.

"Yeah, I promise. Keep me updated, okay?" Tucker replied, and Elliot gave him a small nod before he walked into the hospital, as his whole body shook.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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