Fallen Embers

By struhberry_scents

798 160 44

Fallen embers is a book about friendship, love, heartbreaks and family bonds. Hanina is a twenty three year... More



34 13 4
By struhberry_scents

"forgiving others is not a weakness.it takes a strong person to forgive".
-mufti menk.


"Iyyeh su ayman ana soyyaya"i giggled mocking my besty,who was scowling at me.

"Mchew tun da bakin ki bai da filter,(since your mouth doesn't have filter)tell the world that am in love".

"Ha'a so when are you getting married,i can't wait to see mini aymana and hassan running around"i questioned resting my back on the chair.

"See this...fool,you know what will happen before i concieve right? like the whole process,don't even full my mind with dirty thoughts...ugh you are so infuriating,drop this topic kawai".she said turning deep red.

"Aww baby don't be scared,its inevitable,if hassan is your husband,then you can't keep running away from him,you guys will eventually kiss and do the nasty,then my babies will be here"i cooed clapping my hands.

"Ugh baki da kunya,must you say it,now i won't be able to face him without thinking of what you said,Allah na rantse drop this freaking topic".she said slapping me on the arm.

"Ouch sowie na yi shuru"i grumbled slapping her hand away.

"Yauwa xan zo gidan ku yau(am coming to your home today)".

"You're always welcomed ai,i've told you that times without number".

"Yeah yeah sai na zo.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Ya hanina,zan sha ice cream(i want to take ice cream)i told mama,kuma she said you should take me out"juwy said barging into my room.

"Keh,ba ki iya sallama ba ne?,am not feeling well i'll take you out another day.

"No i want to take it now"

"Toh ana dole neh,abeg leave me jare"i replied glaring at her.

Stomping her foot,she left the room to call mama definitely.

"Hanina,ba na wasa da keh,your sister wants ice-cream,take her out to get it,from there ki je gidan qawa ta, karima, her daughter,your mate hannatu is getting married,go there and discuss with them about the event,she insists on seeing you,kinga from there collect the anko since you are not tired of attending other people's wedding"mom said hands akimbo.

"Toh naji"i replied grumbling.

Parking my car,i made my way into the habib's mansion.

"Ah ahn this girls you've all grown up oh,yaushe ni da bilki mu ka gama shayar da ku,wai you are getting married"anty karima squealed hugging me tightly.you know how they say bears hug right?azin so tight that's the same way this woman is hugging me.

"An...ty... can't breathe"

"Oh sorry,am just so excited"she said stepping back.

"Ina yini"i greeted doing the usual.

"Lafiya lau "she replied.

"Hidaya,kira mun hannatu,tell her hanina is here"she yelled at hani's little sister.

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Ugh I've never been this tired wallah,flinging my bag on the bed i quickly made my way to the bathroom to perform wudu,its maghrib already.

After praying,i recited the qur'an for some time and made my way downstairs,i feel like cooking today,after offering my salat and reciting the holy qur'an i feel this serenity within,i feel like nothing can make me angry,i feel peace.

I passed juwairiya and mama in the parlor,mama was teaching her the hadiths.

"Mama i want to cook"i stated

"Go ahead,the kitchen is all yours,no more interruption please"she replied waving me off.

Smiling widely,i skipped to the kitchen,now what should i cook,mama has diabetes,so am gonna do tuwon alkama(wheat)and dried okra for her,she's not supposed to eat the skin of a chicken,so i'll peal it.

As for me and that fool,i think coconut rice will do,with kunun aya(tiger nut drink)ours with sugar,and mama's will be sugar free.

Tying my veil tightly on my head i set to work.

"Ha'a ya hani why are you in such a good mood?,this food make sense oh"juwy said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Shut up joor"i chuckled and continued stuffing my mouth, don't say am bragging oh,but this food is del....icious i tell ya.

"Let me taste atleast one spoon toh"mama said pushing her tuwo away from her front.

"Mama...."i started to say but was caught off by her stern look.

"Who's the mother here?who give birth to who?"she asked raising her eyebrows at me.

"You are"i replied raising my hands up.

Rolling her eyes,she fetched a small amount and proceeded to eat it.

She doesn't like eating her food,she prefers to eat together with us.

"Pass me the kunu"she ordered still eating.

"What?,no akwai sugar,take yours like that"i said taking the bottle as far away from her as possible.

"Wha...,you.. keh..ha'a,you know that if death comes,you can't stop it from taking me koh? stop acting childish and pass me the kunu"she stuttered giving me a stink eye.

"We know that mama,but still,prevention is better than cure,please don't talk about death"juwy said for the first time.

"Harda keh?(even you)mama gasped.

"Pass me that kunu"she said turning her attention to me.

"Let's do it this way,i'll pour a very small quantity for you"i said bargaining.

"Pour dan Allah"she replied gruffly.

After taking it,she looked at me,then at juwy ,then at me again.

"You.do.know.diabetes.is real.right?,i mean you can see me koh?,she asked talking slowly.

"Hanina adam anka what did i tell you about taking too much sugar?"she screamed.

"It's not even that much"i replied biting my lips so hard,i don't want to laugh,this woman is being serious.

"You think you can't get it right,toh let me tell you diabetes runs in our blood,if you'll reduce your intake of sugar better do"she scolded narrowing her eyes at me.

"And you! She said turning her attention to juwy,don't think because you are a child,you are safe,even babies have diabetes this days"she said emphasising on the baby.

Its only when we all heard the adhaan for isha'i that we knew we were finally free from the diabetes talk.

Standing up we both sprinted to our rooms.

"We are still having this talk later whether you like it or not"she yelled after us.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Where were you?, i've been waiting for you since like forever"i asked rolling my eyes as i opened the door wide for aymana

"Sorry babes,i went shopping with hassan"she replied hugging me.

"You're joking right?"i asked chuckling


"Well this is a first,but i thought guys hate shopping"i said as we marched upstairs.

"Yeah i know my man is cool,uhum before i forget hold this"she said pushing two bags at me.

"Open it"she ordered sitting on the bed.

The first bag contained a zaron makeup kit,the second contained a lot of chocolates.

"Chocolates"i squealed jumping on her.

"That's from zayyed to you"she stated chuckling.

"Ha ha very funny,why would he give me chocolates?"i asked sarcastically.

"Cus"she replied.

"Cus?"i countered

"Cus"she replied then we bursted into laughter.

"Let's watch the scream queens"i suddenly said.

"What?,no,a'a haba its night fah"she replied chuckling nervously.

"Are you scared?i asked raising my eyebrow.

"Pfft,as if...me?, scared lallai kam"she said looking around.

"Prove it"i stated confidently.


"I said prove it,prove that you're not scared of horrors"i said shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh bring it on!"she smirked.

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"You witch,remind me never to come here again at night"ayman shrieked jumping on me.

"What is it ?"i asked rolling my eyes as i got ready for bed.

"Allah I've been hearing movements at the door,what if its a serial killer?,what if he's here to kill me?,ni aymana na shigesu(am in trouble)she said getting under the blanket.

"Drama queen"i giggled as i stood up to switch off the light.

"Don't you dare"she said through gritted teeth,first you make me go through this,then you think you can just get up and switch off the light,oh may Allah help,am gonna kill you if you touch that switch"she said glaring at me.

"Scaredy cat"i grumbled,and made my way to bed.

"You know , he's still gonna kill you regardless right?"i whispered smiling mischievously.

"Hani,dan Allah stop,am scared"she finally said .

"I doesn't hurt to admit it does it?, you're a whimp"i stated chuckling.

"Mhm"she replied and dozed off to la la land.

I don't know if am hallucinating,or am starting to see things,but i just heard a movement at the door.

"Inna lillahi wa ina ilaihi raji'un,aymana dan Allah ki tashi"i whispered tapping ayman on the face.

"Mhm,what?"she asked looking at me.

"He....s at the d...oor"i stammered pointing at the door.
The person twisted the door and came in,screaming ayman jumped on me.

"Girls,girls stop screaming mana"
Wait i know that voice.

Pushing ayman off me,i saw mama standing hands akimbo glaring at me.

"I was at the study,when i came out,i noticed you light was on,so i decided to check on you"she said

"Oh!"i replied sheepishly pinching aymana.

"Go to bed ayman kinji,there's no such thing as serial killer,even if there is,there's no way he's getting into my home"mom said.

Switching off the lights she left the room.

"Mchew ,matsoraciya(scaredy cat)aymana hissed and went back to sleep.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *
"And she also wants our photographer to cover all of the wedding pictures"zulai said bringing out the files from her bag.

"Okay that would be all for today"i replied.

This is for the best
My reputation's ever been bad
You must like me for me......
I heard my ringtone.

"Salam alaikum"i greeted as i sandwitched  the phone between my ear and my shoulder.

"Ameen wa alaikassalam"i heard dad',s voice answer.

"Your cousin's are here  for the holiday,they insist on seeing you,send munira your address"he ordered and ended the call.

Munira,lukman and bilkisu are anty murjanatu's children,she is father's elder sister,i'd say she's the nicest in his family cus she actually likes mom and us.

Her kids are nice too,munira is like my second best friend ,even though there's a slight age difference,it doesn't change a thing.

I dialled her number and waited,on the third ring she answered.

"Babe...."she drawled giggling.

After the phone call,i made my way to mama's office and told her about the unexpected visit,even though i begged munira to tell me what was wrong ,she still insisted on seeing me first.

Grinning widely she stood up.

"Toh postpone the meeting to monday mana,we have to go home"mama stated chucking some files into her bag.

* * *
"Am getting married"munira suddenly said,we are currently sprawled lazily on my bed,talking about everything and nothing

"Congrats"i screamed jumping on her.

"Now i need deets"i said pinching her cheeks.

"Its arranged,hajiya kaka and my dad arranged for it"she replied suddenly looking sullen.

"Oh Allah"i said taking hold of her hand,everything is gonna be okay",i added wiping her tears away with my thumb, honestly even i don't know what to say,she doesn't deserve this,heck we all don't deserve this,but wreaking havoc is all that old lady does.

"Am scared....wh..at if he's mean,what if he doesn't want this marriage too,what if he's a wife beater?"she hiccuped.

"Hey,hey calm down,Allah doesn't burden the soul with more than it can carry,leave everything to him,he's above grandma and your dad,if he isn't your husband then this marriage won't take place,but if he is then inshaAllah that man would take care of you,he'll cherish you,do you know why?"

She nodded her head no.

"Cus you're an amazing person,you have the heart of a gold,and nobody would want to miss being your spouse,now all you have to do is pray pray and pray".

"Thank you babe"she said hugging me.

"Enough of the drama,tell me ,do you have a boyfriend?"she questioned.

"Nah"i replied shrugging my shoulders.
This is for the best
My reputations ever been bad
You must like me for me....

"Hello"i said picking up the phone.

"Hey nina,its zayyed"the person said

"Oh hey zayyed ya ne?"i questioned raising my eyebrow.

"Lafiya lau,i bumped into aymana,so i asked for your contact,i hope it's okay that i collected it?!"he stated calmly.

"Umn...yeah it is,no biggie".i replied confused.

"How's home?,your parents,siblings and all?he questioned

"All fine alhamdulillah"i replied

"I want us to be friends,i like you,i really do,i want us to get to know eachother,we'll be seeing eachother alot since those two are lovey dovey,and hassan is always dragging me around,no that i mind sha....you understand what am getting at right?"

Woah this guy is.... smooth,he doesn't beat around the bush,he gets straight to the point interesting.

"Yea...i do"i.chuckled.

"We'll talk soon,"he quickly said and hanged up.


"Deets,give me deets"munira said slapping my arm.

"One sec"i said dialling ayman's number.

"Boo boo"she screamed.

"You're so dead if i meet you,what did you do?"i stated glaring at munira who was making kissy faces at me.

"Chill babe,its obvious he likes you,and you do too....,no need to pretend with me na san ki(i know you)she stated confidently.

"I....i.. don't like him that way,i Just enjoy his company alot,nothin more,nothin less,after what he(dad)did to mom and my own share of relationships do you really think i trust men?

,you of all people should know i can't get married and end up divorced, and left to cater to my children's needs alone,not that i mind.

i can take care of my kids with or without my husband its just that i can't put up with all that shit"i said stopping to catch a breath.

"Yeah and pigs can fly"she replied.

"What...how is that related to what i finished saying.

"I dunno,bye we'll talk tomorrow"she said and quickly hanged up.

"You.like.him"munira blurted out fixing her gaze on me,stop letting your dad get in the way of everything you do,its not all men that are monsters,you my sister have to get married and complete half of your deen,kin ji koh(have i made myself clear)?.

"A(yes)"i mumbled.

"Now as we were saying............"

Salam peeps
Longest chappie
Whatcha think
Dan Allah don't forget to

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