Trigger Warning: A Phanfic

By lovesick_memories

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Warning: this fix contains strong language, mentions and uses of self harm, suicide, depression and eating di... More



82 2 1
By lovesick_memories

Phil's mum's POV- (Katherine)

As soon as I opened the door to greet Phil I could tell that something was wrong. In all the time that he had been alive he had always had this bubbly vibe to him. Even if you weren't talking to him, just seeing him, you could tell that he was a happy person. His blue eyes were always bright. And he always carried himself so well.

But when I opened the door, what I found was not my son. A small, frail boy stood in my doorway. He was paler than I ever thought possible. His eyes almost seemed to sink into his head. My once healthy looking boy looked quite like a ghost. His clothes seemed like they barely kept to his body. The neckline of the shirt was loosely hanging off him, exposing his skinny little collar bones.

Phil had never been a skinny boy, he had always been on the heavier side of being healthy. But when I saw him I couldn't believe my eyes. It were as if I could see right through him. The only thing keeping him from disappearing were his bones.

I quickly went into a hug and began praying to god that what I saw was just a blip in my mind. But when I pulled away I was so afraid. My baby boy looked so incredibly sickly and I knew that something was wrong.

When I asked him why he looked the way he had I could tell he was lying about something. I could always tell when Phil was keeping something from me. He had never been a good liar. When he did his ears would turn a bright red color and sometimes he would begin to stutter. It was quite easy to detect when he wasn't being honest with me, and while we spoke in the doorway, he wasn't.

That next morning I decided to make Phil's favorite foods for breakfast. I wanted him to put his truth to test. I wanted to know if he was truly doing okay. I wanted to believe that he was doing okay, even though the signs were obvious that they weren't.

I was so delighted when I found that Phil was eating.

But what came next horrified me.

A few minutes after breakfast, Phil got up from the table and told me that he was going to visit a friend from his high school. This wasn't unusual for him when he came home for visits. He always wanted to catch up with his friends, and he seemed like he was being very honest with me. So I told him that it was fine.

But then I got a call. It was from a neighbor of ours named Missy Adams. When I answered the phone she seemed so frantic. I could tell that there must be something wrong by the sound of urgency in her voice, and somehow at the same time she had sounded so hesitant.

"Is everything okay, Missy?" I asked her, clutching the phone tight against my ear.

The news that she gave me next broke my heart.

"I was driving to work when I found him," she spoke so quickly that my brain could not process what was she was saying. "I saw someone laying on the road so I stopped and it was him."

"Him? Who him?" I prayed that she wouldn't say Phil's name. 

But then she did. 

"I called an ambulance. They're taking care of him now," 


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