Mya Maine

By AzureBunny

7.2K 180 22

~Editing~ Mya Maine has been an idol all of her life thanks to her parents. She's been in movies, performed w... More

1) Seven Colored Compass
2) Brand New Melody
3) Knocking on the Mind
4) To The End of The World, Believe Heart
5) Full Throttle Chivalrous Spirit Go! Fight!!
6) Unbreakable
8) Feeling Heart
9) Eternity Love
10) Weaving Dreams
11) Come On, Let's Sing!
12) Map of the Future
13) The Heart of a Lost Child
14) Maji Love 1000%
Mya's Instrument Gallery
Prequel and Sequel A/N

7) Shout Out from Orion

405 12 3
By AzureBunny

Today was a day off. No classes, no assignments, and no getting up early to get ready for anything. Today was a day where I could sleep in.

Or so I thought.

I woke up to my phone ringing, but when I answered, it wasn't Reiji, Ai, or Maru. It was the modeling agent that wanted me to model for them a few months ago. 

"Hello? Mya-san?"

"Well, this was unexpected. I wasn't expecting to get a call on a day off."

"Are you free later, Mya-san?"

"It's a day off, yes I'm free."

"We need you to go to HAYATO's concert tonight. And perform."

"Excuse me? There's only been one song that I've sung that was composed not that long ago. And HAYATO?"

"Don't tell me you never heard of HAYATO. And I get that, but you already have a lot of fans here in Japan."

"I only moved to Japan a year ago, do you really think I would know who HAYATO is? And how do I already have fans? I haven't been an idol here for that long."

"We have a photo shoot in the afternoon that we would like you to attend, then tonight the HAYATO concert."

"You went off topic, but sure. I'll attend both events today."

"Awesome! Thank you for being able to do this! Well, see you later, Mya-san!"

"Yeah, see you later," I said and started getting ready for the photo shoot. I left my dorm room and went to get something to eat before heading to the photo shoot. 

While on the way to the cafeteria, I saw Nanami and Tokiya kneeling on the floor. I went over to them and saw that there was a CD on the floor and they were both reaching for it. Instead of one of them picking it up, it was me.

On the cover of the CD, it read 'HAYATO'.


"Oh, Mya-chan!"

"Morning Nanami, Tokiya." I never looked at them, I just kept looking at the CD. I then looked at Tokiya and said, "So this is your older twin brother? I can definitely see the resemblance."

As he stood, he winced in pain.

Did he hurt his ankle?

"Nanami, are you going to the concert later today?"

"Oh, yes I am. How could you tell?"

"Well, Tokiya isn't really fond of his brother, so I kinda figured this would belong to you," I said as I handed her the CD. "And I'll also be there since I'm supposed to perform. Tokiya, will you be there?"

He remained quiet.

"I'll take that as a no. Anyways, I have a photo shoot that I need to go to. I'll see you guys later!" I said.

I stopped by the cafeteria before leaving, almost being stopped by Ren, Otoya, and everyone else.

"Can't talk right now! See you guys later!" Is all I said as I left the cafeteria and soon reached the main entrance of the academy.

In front of the entrance was a limo. The limo driver holding the door for me.

"Hey, Renji-kun!"

"Hello to you as well, Mya-chan."

"Ready to go to Tokyo?"

"Ready when you are. Just letting you know, Tokyo is a few hours away."

"Thanks for the heads up. Now let's go!" I said as I got in the limo. "So, Renji-kun, how have you been these past few months?"

"I've been good, how have you been?"

"I've been great! I was able to sing the song that I was telling you about the last time we spoke."

"You composed it?"

"No, my friend Nanami composed it. She told me she was composing it since I helped her understand music and everything that you would normally learn in school. She literally came to my room and asked me to sing it. It surprised me."

"I bet it did. How did it sound?"

"It sounded amazing! If I had another copy of it, I would give it to you in a heartbeat!"

"It was that good, huh?"

"It was so good that I can't even explain it. I'm going to take a nap, wake me when we get there?"

"Of course."

"Thanks, Renji-kun," I said before my phone started ringing. "Hello?"

"Ah, MyMy-chan! How have you been since the last time we spoke to each other?"

"Reiji? What do you need?"

"Nothing! Just wanted to call you! See how you were doing and things like that."

"Well, I'm on my way to a photo shoot, so I'm free to talk. I was going to take a nap until we got there. Have you seen or heard from Camus? He hasn't called me yet."

"He's the only one who hasn't called you?"

"Yeah, I heard from Ai not too long ago, same with Maru. Camus is the only one I haven't heard from."

"I can ask if he wants to call you when he gets back."

"No, it's fine. If he wants to talk to me then he'll call."

"You sure, MyMy-chan?"

"Positive. Anyway, what's up? Aren't you guys busy?"

"Not really. I mean, we're going to continue our tour once Camus comes back, but other than the tour, we're not really busy with anything. What about you? How's the academy?"

"It's fun, at some points at least. I forgot what its like to be in school."

"You haven't been in school for a few years right?"

"Yeah, I graduated from high school early a few years ago. It was weird at first, but because of the life from America, I was able to get through everything."

Everything went quiet for a few minutes.


"Sorry, MyMy-chan. I got to go."

"It's fine. And, Reiji?"

"Yes, MyMy-chan?"

"Tell everyone that I miss them. Including you."

"I'll let them know, MyMy-chan! I'll talk to you later if you're free."

"Alright. Talk to you then."

"Bye-bye, MyMy-chan!"

I smiled as I hung up the phone. Reiji seemed happier when I said I missed everyone.

~Time skip~

The photo shoot finished a few hours before the whole HAYATO-Mya Maine performance. As much as I've always wanted to perform as Mya Maine and not as a special guest performer for someone else, I'm not excited about this performance. Of course, I know nothing of HAYATO, which is kinda good since I'm not performing with him, but it's more his concert than it is mine. I've been in "hiding" for two to three years now, and only just recently have I sung a song that was just composed.

I don't have any of my own music like this HAYATO person, I'm pretty sure no one in Japan really knows who I really am. They only know me because of my parents, so it's not really me that they know. They only know my parents.

I've only met one or two people here in Japan that actually know who I am, and not just from seeing me perform with my parents in their movies. I'm the only one in the family that actually sings.

Everyone may see a Mya Maine, but really, they only see James and Samantha Maine. I'm no longer in their shadows, I'm my own idol.

I hate being compared to them just as much as I hate them. And to hear every time I'm outside the academy, "Oh, your parents were my idol I wish you could be similar to them. Just saying that in a nice way."

How is that nice?

Hate is a mutual feeling between me and my family. They hate me and I hate them.

"Mya-chan, we're here."

"Thanks, Renji-kun. I'll see you later."

"See you when you're ready to go back to the academy," he said before driving away.

I walked around without having a clue on where to go. That was, until one of the workers of the amusement park ran into me.

"S-S-S-Sorry about that," the worker stuttered.

"It's not a problem, but I'm kinda...lost. Could you point me in the direction that I'm supposed to go? I have a performance later and this is the first time I've been here."

The worker looked up at me when I said that last sentence. Once he got a good look at my face, he gasped and said, "Y-Y-You must be Mya Maine."

"Yeah, I am. And I'm not really in the best mood after what happened at the photo shoot, so can you take me to where ever it is I have to go to?"

"Sure, follow me! I'm actually working backstage for you and HAYATO's performance today, so if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask me."

"Thanks...what's your name?"


"Thanks, Daisuke."

"Not a problem, ma'am!"

"Please, don't call me ma'am." I groaned.

"Okay! Well, this is the stage, I'll bring you to your dressing room so that you can practice whatever you're performing today in private."

"Thanks again."

While on our way to my dressing room, we ran into someone that looked very familiar.


The man that was in front of me looked a lot like Tokiya Ichinose from Saotome Academy.

"Oh, you're HAYATO. Nice to finally meet you, I'm Mya Maine. I'm a friend of your brother."

"Nice to meet you as well, Maine-san. Tokiya hasn't spoken to me since he started going to Saotome Academy, but I take it, that because you just said that you were his friend that he's doing pretty well?"

(A/N: I'm trying to make it sound like its HAYATO and not Tokiya, which can get somewhat difficult for me...since they are the same person. Anyway, back to the story)

"Yes, there's a few bumps and bruises between us, but we do what we can to help each other out," I said using one of my favorite expressions from America.

"'Bumps and bruises?' Are you two fighting?"

"Oh, no. That's just an expression from America. One of my favorites actually. I should probably go practice for later. Talk to you later, HAYATO-san."

"See you then, Mya-san!"

I kept a smile on my face as I walked away.

~Time Skip~

"Mya-san, are you almost ready?" I heard someone say on the other side of the door. "HAYATO is about to go on stage."

"I'll be out in a second!" And I didn't exaggerate when I said that. I was literally out of the dressing room in a second and started going to see HAYATO's performance.

He was in the middle of the song he was singing when I arrived. Something I noticed was he wasn't singing with heart, he was just singing. But what surprised me, wasn't the music or his singing, it was when he lost grip of his mic while spinning.

"What are you doing?" someone shouted.

"Keep singing!" someone else shouted.

Everyone in the audience was confused as to what was happening. I was surprised.

No famous idol has ever had a problem when it came to handling a mic. I've been around hundreds of idols back in America and not one of them ever lost control on stage, or lost grip on their mic.

Everyone in the audience started shouting, "HAYATO!" or "HAYATO-sama!"

What's going on?

Thunder could be heard in the background of everyone's shouting. It all went chaotic when lightning struck one of the lights. Sending sparks everywhere.

Everyone in the audience started running away. Except for three people. Those three people were Natsuki Shinomiya, Syo Kurusu, and Haruka Nanami.

What are they doing?

What was strange was, Natsuki wasn't wearing his glasses...and he was screaming. Not in fear, but what sounded like rage.

"HAYATO!" he screamed, "Why do you sing such insincere songs?" He started running to the stage with Syo trying to stop him.

What is going on with Natsuki?

Jumping over the railing and dodging the staff, Natsuki jumped, literally jumped, on stage confronting HAYATO. 

"You're bathed in light, but your true feelings are in deep shadow. It annoys me."

Everything he's saying, shocks both me and HAYATO. 

"I don't try to fool myself."

"Natsuki, what is going on with you?" I asked.

"I am Shinomiya Natsuki's shadow. Listen to my song. Both of you."

Natsuki has a split personality?!

"Please," HAYATO responded as he looked at the instrument players.

Natsuki, or whoever this is, looked at me as if waiting for my response.

"Go ahead, I'm not the one in charge here."

He smirked at grabbed the mic. Walking away from the center stage, I saw Nanami holding something, and Syo looking panicked. Nanami started running to the backstage entrance and soon was on stage walking towards Natsuki. At this point, I could see that she was holding Natsuki's glasses.

Right as Natsuki finished the song, he turned around and saw Nanami as she was going to put the glasses over Natsuki's head. Natsuki grabbed the hand that was holding his glasses and held it over Nanami's head while wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Natsuki, or whoever you are that is enough. We let you use the stage to sing your song, leave Nanami out of it!" I said as I started walking towards them.

He let go of Nanami and turned towards me. Wrapping an arm around my waist and grabbing my chin with his thumb and index finger making me look up at him. 

"I don't know what happened in your's and Natsuki's past, but that doesn't mean anything. You and Natsuki are the same person."

"I'm surprised to see that you're not afraid of me."

"Trust me, I've seen and experienced much worse. But what is there to be afraid of?"

With that little moment of hesitation, Syo put a...hat?...on Natsuki's head with the spectacles over his eyes.

"Huh? Mya-san?" He asked as he let me go. "Syo-chan and Nanami-san. What's wrong?"

I looked at both Nanami and Syo very confused. But turned towards HAYATO.

"Sorry about Natsuki. He's never done that. At least, not that I know of."

He looked at me as if he couldn't understand me at first, but soon relaxed and said, "It's fine, Mya-san."

"Let's go!" I heard Syo yell.

"Why?" Natsuki asked.

"It doesn't matter! Just hurry!"

"Wait!" Nanami said as she tripped on one of the wires. Fortunately, HAYATO caught her before she could meet the ground. Once she noticed who the person who saved her was, and how close their faces were, she gasped and backed away. "HAYATO-sama!"

But with him kneeling, both Nanami and I noticed the bandages on his ankle.

The same ankle that Tokiya sprained.

"Could it be..." Nanami whispered.


Right as Nanami was about to say something, Syo said, "Nanami, what are you doing? Let's go!"

"Okay!" She said as she left.

I chuckled as I said, "You could've told me you know? That you were HAYATO." Before he could say anything, I turned to leave and said, "See you back at the academy, Tokiya."

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