Alpha and Omega: Book 1 of th...

By Dallas_Hemlock

973 72 34

The awesome cover was made by @buckyiron Abandoned on the rainy streets of Gotham, a boy is recruited in... More

Part 1: Identity
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Kaila al Ghul/Alfaan
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Part 2: Allegiances

Chapter Eleven

18 2 3
By Dallas_Hemlock

Just a full warning here. I got lazy and decided not to edit this chapter. For the most part, I think it's okay, but tell me what y'all think. Also leave a vote if y'all like! It really helps keep me motivated.

Chapter Eleven

It doesn't take long for Omega and the Bat to find their way back to the cave. The whole way back, Omega contemplates trusting him. He doesn't blame the Bat for being suspicious, but he put Kaila in danger. For Omega, this is not a thing he can easily overlook. Eventually, Batman speaks, "We're here."

As they climb out of the Bat Mobile, Omega immediately gets the feeling that everything is not as it seems. He crouches low, and allows his instincts to take over. He looks around himself, and realizes the Bat has already gone ahead.

Scowling, Omega sidles up next to him, "You feel that?"

Batman nods, "Just don't get ahead of yourself. If we are in danger, we would already know."

Finally, Omega notices what's got him so on edge. "Where is everyone?"

Batman elegantly glides across the floor, never once stopping to answer.

Suddenly, Omega sidesteps, and sticks his arm out. With a grunt, a figure hits his arm, and falls to the ground.

"Hey dude? Really?"

Omega feels himself flush with embarrassment. "Wally?"

"Yeah Wally! Remember? The beast?"
Omega snorts.

Wally then dusts himself off, and begins running again.

Omega frowns, "What's the rush?"

Wally goes pale, and shouts over his shoulder, "It's Kaila!"

Omega almost laughs. He's not one to laugh, especially when it comes to Kaila, but, recalling Wally's look of horror, Omega begins to trot after him. Soon, he begins to run as panic begins to set in.

As he comes to the infirmary, he slows.

"Kaila?" he pauses slightly, then comes closer.

He had not believed Wally, but sure enough, there lies Kaila. But she looks fine.

"Get him out of here," the medic says calmly.

Superboy, and Robin immediately step forward, but with a warning from Batman, both step back.

As Omega shifts his gaze, he realizes for the first time that the medic is a robot. He looks him up, and down. The robot is red with a yellow symbol within its chest.

"What is this?"

The robot answers with sarcasm, "'This' is Red Tornado."

Omega, clearly not in the mood for games quips, "And I didn't order a side of sass with that. Now what are you doing?"

Omega turns his attention back to Kaila, clearly trying to keep his emotions in check. "What's wrong with her?"

As they turn to one another, none wanting to say.

Finally, with a breath of impatience, Omega breaks free of his hesitation, and walks right up. As he reaches for her face, M'gann tries weakly, "Don't!"

But fed up with their secrecy, Omega grasps her chin, firmly, but gently with his hand, and pulls her head toward him.

With a gasp, he stumbles back.

Omega timidly regains his composure, and grasps at her face. He leans in close, and those watching see him begin to shake. Batman kneels down, and hesitantly puts his hand on Omega's back.

"I'm sorry," he says quietly.

Omega says nothing. Batman motions to the others to clear out, and steps back from Omega, trying to give him space. Finally, as Omega senses the others moving back, he allows the pain within. He looks at Kaila's face again, and begins to trace it. He feels the smooth skin on the right side of her face, and the wet, raw skin on the left side. He looks on in shock at the burned twisted side of her face, and feels a single tear to trail down his own cheek. Allowing a moment of weakness, he places a small, gentle kiss on her forehead, then steps back. Turning slightly, he begins walking down the corridor through the Bat cave toward the others.

Batman stops him with a hand on his shoulder, "I had nothing to do with this."

Omega looks on coldly, "I know. If you had, you would have apologized by now."

He walks briskly past, and stops outside the group.

Addressing M'gann, "Who was it?"

M'gann gets he deer in the headlights look, and stares back, "What?"

Omega closes his eyes, and lets out a rush of breath, trying to keep his emotions in check. "Who was it? What monster attacked?"

M'gann understands, but glances at Batman. "I don't think I should tell you."

M'gann sees ice enter his eyes, and begins to back pedal as she sees the look on Omega's face. It's not one of hate. It's not one of anger, but the cold, merciless gaze of an Assassin.

Omega does not shout, but as the others hear his cold lifeless tone, they all shiver, "Alright. Find me when she awakens."

As his icy voice scrapes along the walls of the cave, the others back away, allowing Omega to leave.

It doesn't take long for Omega to reach the Archives room. He begins by searching
for anyone, or anything to do with fire. As he searches through the Bat's files, his eyebrows rise higher and higher. He finds references to a pair of men who can merge and become a "F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M." and something else called a "Diablo," but most of what he sees rings no bells.

"You know it's rude to stare."

After a moment a grunt sounds, and Batman appears alongside him.

"Found anything yet?"

Omega shakes his head. "Nothing. I don't even know what I'm looking for."

Batman sighs, "Try Ares."

Omega turns. He's silent as he studies the darker clad superhero.

"Your human."

Batman cocks his eyebrow, or at least Omega assumes.


"Nothing, it just occurred to me. You don't seem to be human."

Batman just shrugs, "That's the point. Give them something to fear, and you won't have to make yourself a legend, they will do that themselves."

"Why become a legend?"

"Because, my body will fade away, but a legend never dies. It may evolve and develop into something else, but it will always remain. To the criminal and the corrupt, I am a nightmare, but to the people, I am a messenger, a silent vigil, a warning of there demise should they come down this path."

Omega squints, "What about hope?"

"If you want a lesson on hope, go talk to the guy in red and blue. Gotham doesn't need hope, it needs justice."

Omega seizes upon the opportunity. "Exactly! And right now, Kaila needs justice."

Batman's eyes narrow, "You say justice, but you actually mean vengeance."

"Sometimes they're the same..."

Omega says this last partly quietly, not actually meaning it.

Batman shakes his head as he starts toward him slowly, "No. They are never the same. Trust me, I know the difference."

Without thinking, Omega blurts, "Like your parents?"

Then, realizing his mistake, Omega covers his mouth.

In a flash, Batman whirls.

In that same instant, Omega throws up his arm to block, but catches the second in his stomach. He doubles over, and as he does, Batman brings up his knee.

Batman stands over him. "How did you know that?"

"Sorry, it was kinda obvious."

Batman shakes his head, "I don't think so. Something has been off with you two ever since you got here. So talk!"

Omega begins to pick himself back up, but Batman slams into him yet again.

Batman notices that even though Omega was bleeding, he showed no sign of pain. Or even fear, and realizes that with everything from his own training, he will never break Omega. He thinks back to his own experiences, and smiles grimly as he realizes the one thing able to crack Omega.

Finally, signing, he reaches up to his mask, and begins to peel it off his face.

Omega's eyes go wide with surprise, and instinctively draws back into his shell.

"You obviously already know who I am, so tell me...who are you?"

Omega's eyes glint keenly as he realizes the tactic.


Batman waves his hand dismissively, "Not that name. Your birth name."

"I never had one."

Batman allows his eyebrow to quirk.

"Omega. How long have you been with the League?"

Omega begins counting back, "Around five years. Give or take."

"So that would make you...fifteen? Sixteen?"

Omega nods, though even he had forgotten.

"So why Omega? Why did you choose Omega as a name?"

"I didn't. Ra's gave it to me. I am the last."

"The last? The last of what?" Batman asks with genuine curiosity.

Omega looks sharply into Batman's eyes as he finally manages to get his feet underneath himself. "I really don't know.

"Are you even on our side?"

Omega squints, "I'm not so sure it's as simple as your side, or my side. Kaila and I were sent to infiltrate your team in order to present a suitable idea of the threat you pose."


Omega smiles, "To put it bluntly. Your weak. Kaila and I alone could take your team out. Maybe not by brute strength, but your team is so fractured that with a few well placed words, your team would come tumbling down."

Batman nods. "I've thought as much."

Omega leans forward, "So what are you going to do?"

Batman shrugs, "Nothing."

"Nothing?" Omega looks on with an incredulous look, "Why?"

Batman backs off a bit, and seems more relaxed. "Because. I think that by the time we are done, you might just learn to trust us."

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