The Bad Boy's Camera Girl ✔️

By lonelylooseer

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Evaluna Adams loves to takes pictures of anything and anyone, her life isn't as good as she wants it to be an... More

~Author's Note~
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Outifts for Ch. 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~

~Chapter 24~

768 20 10
By lonelylooseer

Axel's POV

When I got home, I brought all the stuff in. Thankfully my mom was home.

"Hey mom." I said to her as I entered the kitchen with all the stuff.

"Hey honey, what's all this?" She asked me.

I blushed. "Well, Evaluna is on her period and I just wanted to do something nice for her. Can you help me fix all this stuff into this basket please?"

She laughed. "Of course Honey." She said. She started to fix up the basket and took everything out of the bags.

"Lilly!" I called out.

"What?" She yelled.

"Can I borrow some markers and some white blank paper?" I asked her.

"Ooo, are we doing some arts and crafts?" She asked.

"Something like that." I said.

She immediately came down the start with two boxes; one of pure markers and crayons and the other with paper.

I helped her down the stairs and brought her to the kitchen island.

She opened the boxes and pulled out the markers and paper.

I grabbed a red marker and paper and started to write.

"Who are you doing that for?" She asked me.

"Evaluna." I told her.

"Why, is she sick?" She asked me with concern in her eyes.

"Something like that." I told her.

"Awww, can I go see her?" She said.

"Not today, sweetheart, maybe tomorrow. Okay?" My mom told her.

I smiled at my mom. 'Thank you' I mouthed to her.

She nodded her head and continued working on the basket.

Hey Evaluna,

I hope you enjoy this basket of goodies that I got you. It contains everything you need. I had asked Veronica what was wrong this morning and she told me, that you were on your period. So instead of bugging you and everything, I wanted to make this for you.

This part is going to make you laugh. I was at the store I asked Veronica which teddy bear to get you, because I didn't know if like small ones or big ones, and she said, "Get her the small one because you're her big teddy bear." And I laughed. But I guess it was a little true. Lol. You cuddle with me, you kiss me, you hug me like there's no tomorrow and I enjoy it. Anyways, whenever you are feeling down or something, I hope you read this and think of me, and then call me so you can talk to me.

Love, Axel ♡

I folded up my letter and put into the basket.

My mom did a really good job. "Thanks mom." I told her.

"You're welcome dear." She said.

I grabbed the basket and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Lilly said as she came running to me. She gave me a bag. "Tell her I love her." Lilly said.

"Okay." I said.

I grabbed her bag and the basket and made my way across the lawn to her house.

I put the things down once I got to her house. I knocked on the door but nobody answered.

I got my phone out and called Eva. It rang but she never answered.

I texted Veronica.

Axel: Hey, by any chance is Evaluna with you or bella?

Veronica: No she's not with any of us. Bella's at my house.

Axel: Okay thanks.

That's strange. She said she would be at her house. I called her one more time and again she didn't pick up.

My next resort was texting the guys. Isaac stayed late for football practice because they had to do a lot before their game, so I couldn't text him.

Nathan: No she's not with me or Lucas. Lucas is with me.

Axel: Oh, okay. Thanks.

I called Evaluna one more time. When she didn't pick up, I grabbed the spare key and opened the door.

"Luna?" I asked. No one answered.

I walked into the kitchen to put the stuff on the counter when I saw a puddle of blood on the floor.

What the fuck.

I followed it with my eyes and they landed on Evaluna.

I felt like I wanted to kill someone.

I pulled out my phone and dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operater said.

"My girlfriend," I said. "She's bleeding." I panicked. "I don't know what happened."

"Calm down young man." She said. "Whats the address."

"1218 Maple Ave."

"Okay, thank you, the nearest ambulance and police will be there soon."

"Hurry." I said.

She hung up and I kneeled down. I took in her beautiful face. She looked so pale. Her pulse was barely there and her heart beating slowly. I cried. I didn't want her to leave me this quick. I wanted to marry her and tell her how much I love her and have kids with her.

I held her in my arms. This can't be real right now. She looked so so fragile. I cried even more.

"Luna don't leave me. I love you so much. Don't leave me. Not yet." I cried into her body.

"I need you to step away from the body sir." A police officer said.

They took her body into the ambulance. I was about to go in there when an arm stopped me. "Sorry only family." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm her boyfriend." I said. "Please." I pleaded.

He let me in. I thanked him and looked at Evaluna. My eyes teared up seeing her like this. I sat down and held her hand.

Please Evaluna. You can't leave me. Not yet. I wanted to have a future with you.

When we got to the hospital, they took her into the emergency room and they didn't let me go with her.

I took out my phone and called Isaac.

"Yo, what's up man?" He asked.

"Eva's in the hospital." I said.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. I went to your house and she was on the floor with a pile of blood surrounding her." I told him, eyes tearing up.

"Kevin." He said angrily. "I'll be there soon."

He hung up and I called my mom.

"Hi dear, what did she say?" My mom said.

"She's in the hospital mom." I said but broke down.

"We'll be right there." She said.

She hung up and I walked into the waiting room.

"Where is she?" Isaac said.

"I don't know. They haven't told me anything." I said to him.

He went to receptionist.

He talked to her and I think he got something.

He came back to me. "They took her in for surgery."

I looked at him. He frowned. My eyes teared up again and he looked at me. "It's gonna be okay dude. She's strong. She's been through this before."

I looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"It's not my place to tell but I will tell you this. Kevin is our dad, and our mom passed away along with my other sister who was fourteen when she passed. He became a druggie and an alcoholic." He said. "The rest is up to her to decide if she wants to tell you."

I looked at him.

"Hey Sweetie." My mom said. "How is she?"

"Axy!" Lilly said and ran into my lap. I hugged her and kept her in my lap.

"They took her into surgery." Isaac replied for me.

"She's going to be okay Axel." My mom said as she rubbed my arm.

I felt like I wanted to break down. A tear came out of my eye then another another until I finally was just crying my eyes out.

Lilly looked at me with curious eyes. "Why are you crying Axy?" She said and frowned.

"Because," I started off cleaning my tears. "You don't understand yet, babygirl." I said. "I'll tell you when you understand." I said.

"Axel!" I heard Veronica yell. I put Lilly down in the chair next to me. Veronica came and hugged me. I hugged her back and cried into her shoulder.

"Hey it's okay." Veronica said. "I know my best friend and she's strong, she'll make it okay?" She told me.

Bella was next to hug me. "Don't cry Axel. Everything will be okay."

She pulled away and Nathan was next. "Dude everything will turn out fine."

Lucas came and hugged me as well. So now it was a group hug.

I probably look like a big baby right now, but I don't think you understand how much I really want her to wake up and how much I want to hug and kiss her. Or how much I want to tell her I love her. It hurts me to think that's she's inside a hospital.

"Family of Evaluna Adams." A doctor said.

Isaac and I went.

"Who are you guys to her?" He asked.

"I'm her brother." Isaac said.

"I'm her boyfriend." I said.

"Family only." He told me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Axel, me and her friends are practically the only family she has. You don't what she's been through." Isaac argued.

The doctor rolled his eyes and came to the big group of people.

"When we brought her into surgery, she had already lost a lot of blood." He paused. "She had a broken rib a collapsed lung." He said.

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"We did the best we can." He said. "She's in a coma now and there's nothing we can do, just hope she wakes up." He said.

"Can we see her?" My mom said.

"Of course." He said and walked away.

I sat down in the chair again. I put my hands in face and cried a little.

What if she never wakes up? What if she doesn't live till her eighteenth birthday? It's next week. What if she doesn't wake up by then?

Someone sat beside me and hugged me. I hugged them back and cried on their shoulder.

"She will wake up, honey." My mom whispered.

About thirty minutes later, everyone had gone to see her. I was the last person who hasn't gone.

"Go, it will make you feel better." Veronica said.

I nodded and got up. I walked to her room and opened the door slowly. I went in and closed it behind me.

I saw her laying on the bed. She looked peaceful but fragile. My eyes teared up.

I walked to her bed and grabbed her small, cold hand.

"Hi beautiful." I said to her. "How are you?" I said but then regretted it. "I mean," I said. "Ugh, im not good at this." I said to her.

I grabbed the nearest chair and sat down, with her hand still in mind still.

"Wake up for me Beautiful." I said. "I don't want you to be here any longer." I said. "I want you to cuddle with me and watch movies with me and sleep with me and eat candy with me again." I said and smiled. "Can I tell you something?" I asked her. "I've always hated hospitals, they always remind me that hospitals always screw you over. They always end up telling you they can't do shit and I'm like you're a hospital, you're supposed to be able to do this stuff." I said.

I looked at her and frowned. "I care so much about you, Evaluna. I never want you to leave me because then I wouldn't be myself anymore. I would shut everyone out and probably be depressed and smoke weed and hang out with the wrong people again. I don't know the chances are, I'll probably do bad stuff, but when I'm with you Evaluna, I know I can be myself. You changed me. A lot. I don't smoke anymore, I just hang out with you guys now, I don't get mad as often now. I'm talking to Lilly more. I'm helping my mom a lot more." I said. "I'm doing a lot of better things just because I have this beautiful girl that's always stuck in my mind. I try to be a better person because of her." I said.

"Can I tell you something else?" I asked her. "I love this girl. The same girl that I have stuck in my head. I've loved her for eight years. I've never told her that I've liked or loved her. But there was this one time in fourth grade where I actually got the courage and kissed her. She was my first kiss ever. The girl has shiny blue sparkly eyes and has long light brown hair. She's short but I love her height because I can carry her. I love her smile and her nose and her personality. I love how when she gets mad she crinkles her nose. I love when she gets sad she quivers her lip. I love how she doesn't curse at all. I love it when she plays around with me and how it gets, not only me, but my little buddy too." I said and chuckled. "She's just so beautiful, and her curves are incredible, even though I focus more on her face and her beauty, I do get distracted by her body. She also takes amazing pictures. She's like my personal photographer because she takes pictures of me and I look really good." I said.

"I wouldn't change her personality for anything. I love it. She's very quirky and crazy and nice and when she gets mad she can hold a grudge for as long as she wants. My favorite thing about her is that she can eat a lot in public and she wouldn't care. And she does, but I really don't mind it. I actually enjoy it because I'm buying her food and i want her to get as much as she wants so she can be good." I said.

The door opened and I looked back.

"We're gonna go." Veronica said. "It's late and we have school tomorrow."

"Okay." I said. I got up and hugged each one of them.

When Veronica hugged me, she whispered into my ear. "Get some sleep tonight okay?" She said. "We'll bring you tomorrow to see her right after school."

I nodded and hugged her. "Thank you." I said to her.

She smiled and walked towards the others to the bed to see Eva.

I stood at the door and saw my mom and Lilly sleeping.

I went towards them and woke my mom up. "Mom, if you want you can go." I told her.

"Are you sure sweetie?" She said and I nodded.

"Okay." She said. "I love you." She hugged and kissed my cheek.

"I love you too mom." I said and kissed her cheek too.

I grabbed Lilly and kissed her forehead. She didn't wake up. I smiled and gave her to my mom.

"Bye Axel! Bye Cathy!" Veronica said. We both waved and the rest of the gang waved too.

"Don't come home too late." She said and I nodded and she started to walk away.

Now it was only me and Isaac.

"If you want to marry her, you have my blessing." Isaac said.

"What?" I asked him so confused.

"I overheard your conversation with my sister, you truly love her." He said. "I wanted someone like you to be with her. So I'm allowing it. You have my blessing." He said.

I smiled. "I'm going to tell you something so you can help me." I said to him. "I know you guys are twins and you guys have the same birthday-" I said but Isaac cut me off.

"I'm gonna stop you right there. I never told Evaluna this but we were born on separate days. I was born on April seventeenth at eleven fifty seven pm and she was born on April eighteenth at twelve o two am." He said.

I widened my eyes. "Why haven't you told her?" I asked him.

"I never wanted to ruin her idea of a twin brother." He said.

I nodded. "Okay, we'll, I wanted to make her and you a surprise birthday party. Not really a surprise anymore, to you at least. But if she wakes up anytime this week, we can do it, because her birthday is this Saturday. I'm gonna admit my feelings to her. I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. Is that okay with you?" I asked him.

"Dude, I gave you my blessing to marry her. Of course you can be her boyfriend!" He said. Wow, I can see how he and Evaluna are related.

I smiled. "Do you want the party to be for both of you guys?" I asked him.

"No, I think I'm going to tell her." He said. "Plus, I really don't want a party this year. I want my sister to enjoy herself. She's been going out a lot this year, more than she has the last four years. You're mostly the reason why she's gone out." He said.

I smiled.

"I'm sorry but visiting hours are over." The doctor told us. "You guys have to leave." He said.

"Wait, let us say bye at least." I said to him.

He rolled his eyes and me and Isaac walked into Evaluna's room.

I felt kinda sad that we were leaving her.

I grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Beautiful." I told her. "I'll be back tomorrow, but you better wake up for me okay?"

I stepped back and waited for Isaac to make his goodbyes.

Once he was done I stayed in the waiting room. How the hell am I supposed to get home?

"Do you need a ride?" Isaac asked me.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"You're my sister's boyfriend, i can't be rude." He said and laughed.

I chuckled and nodded.

We walked towards his car. I got into the passenger seat and he got into the driver's seat and he started the car.

We rode home in silence. 

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