Into The Shadows ✘ Harry Styl...

By Unnecessharry

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sometimes you just need to escape More

Please read:)


131 9 0
By Unnecessharry

Rosie's POV

"I feel bad for making you buy all of this shit..." I say, stepping up a spot in line at the Brendy Melville store. I hadn't had time to gather my money or any of my belongings, so I was useless. Harry had gone to the bank and withdraw a bunch if money appearently, but he won't tell me how he got it. His job didn't pay much, so it's got me curious.

"It's fine Rosie. You're gonna need something to wear besides my boxers and sweatpants." He says, laughing at my outfit that came from his wardrobe. I grin in embarrassment as people give us a weird look in the line, but to hell with them. I don't give a fuck what people think.

"Where are we going to eat? There's so many places I saw." I mention to Harry as we enter the hotel room with my temporary wardrobe of necessities. I follow Harry to the bed, setting all the shopping bags on the mattress and sorting it all out. I realize I was missing an Aerie bag, and my stomach churns a bit in disbelief.

"Harry I lost a bag. The aerie one." I say, frantically looking through my bags to see if I placed it inside another. Nothing. "Fuck", I whisper to myself. That bag had my only supply of undergarments I have.

"I had it, and set it down over by the door. It's okay Rosie." He says, laughing at my panicked self. I walk over to the door to find the bag where Harry described, nothing gone and everything pristine and new.

"And about dinner. I have a place in mind, so just get ready and we will leave when you're ready." He says, staring at his phone as he lays back on a pillow. I take everything out of it's bags, fold it nicely, and place them in drawers underneath the television. I swipe my arm across the bed so all the bags would slide off, and jump next to Harry on my stomach. I smile at him for a second, but he was still staring at his phone. I maneuver myself closer to his face, and turn my head to look at his phone screen that he seemed so captivated upon.

"Yes?" Harry says, looking down at my face as I sneak a look at his phone. He lets out a small chuckle.

"What are you doing." I ask. He turns his phone off and places is on the bedside table, then turns back to face me. He smiles.

"Trying to figure out how to start new lives." Harry mumbles, seeming confused and torn.

"We can start the searching for jobs and apartments tomorrow. Tonight lets relax and just go out to have a nice dinner." I say, slipping my fingers on top of his long rough hands. He gives me a slight nod, and a little smile down towards the sheets. I get up, and walk over to the drawers to pick out something to wear for tonight. I grab my shorts, halter crop top, and a jacket that just so happens to match my blue converse. I look back at Harry, whom was watching this outfit-picking like a television show.

"You'll look beautiful in that." He says, referring to the long flowy kimono that I got at urban outfitters. I smile, and head into the bathroom to change. I then brush my hair, put on some mascara and eyeliner then call it good enough.

"No, no, no!" Harry says loudly as I open the door and walk out of the bathroom. There he was, ass-naked with only socks on. I completely hesitate and stand there for a second before turning around and shutting the door behind me. I start laughing, realizing what just happened.

"What the fuck Harry!" I yell from the bathroom, laughing in disbelief that I just saw Harrys unbelievably pale bottom and thighs. I could hear him laughing up a storm in the bedroom until he sighs and tells me I can come out. My mouth is the shape of an 'o' as I slowly walk out, staring at clothed harry on the bed, grinning at me.

"You should really consider tanning your ass." I mumble, grabbing my phone and opening the room door and walking out. He laughs and comes running after me, closing the door behind him. I couldn't keep a straight face because I couldn't believe what had happened. The elevator was quiet as he just smiled at me as I looked down, trying not to laugh.

"Ya know. This should only make us feel closer." Harry says, trying to make the situation better as we walk out to the taxi. Never in my years of knowing Harry Styles have I ever hoped to see his bare ass. But it was quite hilarious.

"Harry, no." I say, climbing in. He laughs and plops down next to me in the backseat, placing his hand on my leg.

I haven't shaved in almost 5 days now, so I'm sure he was just as provoked as I was. How could I have when we have been traveling all this time, so he probably understands.

"Man, I'm starving." He says enthusiastically, changing the strange subject in the air.
He was unusually peppy and smiley... I think definitely feels much better, compared to how motion-sick he was on the train, and stressed he was on the plane. So technically, Harry's just been a little train-wreck. I bust a small laugh out with the thought, Harry not even noticing as he looks out the window, captivated in this own little world of his.

"Okay, we are here." Harry says, grabbing my hand as I step out of the taxi. I never did like taxis, they are sketchy considering you've never know who your driver could be. A mass murderer for who all cares, right?

A waitress guides us to the small table for 2, and takes our order moments later. Harry orders wine, but of course I'm two years younger as well as underaged so I order a glass of sweetened iced tea. My favorite from my childhood, and it still stands as my favorite and it doesn't plan on changing.
There wasn't much talking involved, and if there were it was about a job or area to possibly live in. I guess it was kind of a big deal at the moment, but I wanted to talk about other things.

"Do you miss your family?" I start out by asking. It was a touchy subject, considering he loved his family and they loved him even more, and I was the one to separate them. Not like it was intentional or any of that matter.

"No." He says.

"Harry, don't lie to me."

"I don't. It was my decision to get away with you, was it not?"

Usually I could tell if he was lying. Throughout the years I've learned what his body language meant; like when he brushes his fingers through his hair, he's stressed. That's an obvious one that occurs a lot.

I think a moment. Its true, he was the one to take me away, not even thinking about what may lay ahead for us. Who knows what could've happened if I stayed in that hell-house.

"I won't be mad if you say you do." Harry nods, looking down into his lap as I turn my gaze to the tablecloth.

I felt bad for asking, considering he didn't seem very delighted afterwards. I apologized for bringing it up, and he seemed to forget about everything again as soon as the food was placed in front of us. It was delicious, as well as devoured in probably record timing as I glanced at Harry shovel his garden salad into his mouth. I laugh, and jokingly yell at him to slow down. After that, the mood seemed to be enlightened and we were joking around and laughing the rest of the time.

Just the way that I like to spend time with Harry.

I lay next to him on the hotel room bed, TV set on a medium volume. We were watching Inside Edition, a show that apparently gives the latest 'scoop' on celebrities. "This is shit." Harry confesses.
I laugh a bit to myself, knowing he hates these kinds of shows. He turns to look at me, smirking.


"Nothing." I say, giving a straight face as if I never belted out any laugh.

"Can I ask you a question?" He says, changing the subject.


"What's your real name?" I look at him confused, because I don't have... A fake name or anything.

"No. Like your full name, is what I meant." Harry corrects, probably realizing what I had been thinking.

"Oh, uhm. Rosaline," I say. "Rosie."

He looks down at his feet under the duvet. "It's a beautiful name, Rosaline."
I look at Harry, as his glossy dark green eyes look at me, glancing back to the duvet covers. I could tell he was embarrassed by his rosy pink cheeks, even in the partial darkness I could see them, though the moon was still managing to light up half the room. I move closer, turning onto my side, and rest my head on my hands on the pillow, to gaze at Harry's sleepy eyes as they slowly make their way back to mine.

I smile, and thank him.

"Harold." I smirk.

"What? No, Rosie." He says, embarrassed once again.

"How'd you know?" Harry questions, looking down and picking at his fingernails.

"Saw your drivers license." He tilts his head back and puts his hands over his eyes, not wanting to confront me. I smile knowing he doesn't like me knowing his full name.

"Harry," I say quietly below the baffling of the television. He glanced at me, locking into my eyes. "I quite like your name."

"Yours is more than likable too, miss Rosaline." My cheeks flush pink, and I look down to the darkness of underneath the sheets, hoping the moon doesn't discover my tinted face before Harry.

"Rosie." Harry mumbles, turning on his side to face me.

"I like when your cheeks turn to roses, Rosa."

No, no, no. God, no. Not Rosa.

"What?" I say, trying to recall what he said seconds ago. "Harry," I say. Did he call me Rosa? That was my fathers 'pet' name for me. I could still clearly recall the memory that happened not even a week ago, the thing that started all of this. Not many things get me angry or sad; I don't know why this small part of my life had such a big impact on my brain.

- flashback -
He pulls down my shorts and tries to position himself but I'm moving and squirming too much. He gets mad and slaps my face. A burning sensation is left on my face, like it was boiling. He let's go of my right hand so he could guide himself in with his hand.
"Everything will be alright, my little Rosa Joy."
Rosa. That's his nickname for me. Joy is my middle name after my grandmother. I hated it. I didn't mind being called Rosa Joy when I was younger, but now he only says it when he's abusing me. It just makes me more angry.
I scream and yell and try to get away but he's too strong. I look around, panicked and rushed for somrthing- anything i could use to get this devil off of me. I grab the clock that's next to me and smash his mouth/jaw area with it. He gets pissed. He yells and yells, mumbling in pain, and i take the oppurtunity to find something else to get rid of him with.
I grab the metal lamp next to me and hit his head as hard as I could.
He falls off of me unconscious, and lays limp on the ground. Not even realizing how loud i was screaming and sobbing, I grab my phone and purse and knock out the basement door with a decoration i grabbed from my table.
I didn't care that I was in a T-shirt and lace panties, I needed to get away from him. I run as fast as I can down the street and out the gates of my neighborhood. I keep running until Harry's house is in sight. I run around the side of his house to where it was dark and out of the light shining out of the houses' windows. I dial his number and he picks up.
- end of flashback -

"Yes?" He says, raising an eyebrow at me. I can't help but flash a smile, of course a fake one. God knows I'm good at them.

"Please don't call me that. I just, I. I don't know. Harry."

"Okay." He says lightly. He's curious, I can tell. I'm not going to tell him why because the details of what happen to me so often between me and my father are embarrassing, and overall- horrible memories.

"You, kay?" Harry says, putting his hand on my arm. He could easily wrap his entire hand around it, I wasn't to big in the arm areas. My legs, on the other hand, not so much. They were toned, but I didn't have a thigh gap, or anything that is 'what every girl wants.' I really didn't care though.

"Yeah I'm just tired." I lie. I didn't want to tell Harry that he had done something when it's not really his fault.

"Come on." Harry says, moving his hand from my arm to my lower back, guiding me back to the bed. I slide in, and moments later the bed dips down and he joins. The tv is switched off, and the room is officially only lit up by the dim moon shining through the porch door. I face away from it, leaving my back to Harry and hoping the light won't bother me as I try to fall asleep.

All I could think about is home, and what was happening there. As I lay here across the country, could my family be thinking about me as I think about them?

Okay so you may be wondering how to pronounce her name, it's exactly how it looks. It's not rosa-leen, it's with the 'I' sound. Like Caroline. Just thought I'd get that cleared up in case anyone was wondering.
Anyways, please vote for my chapters, it would mean a lot. :))

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