Penny For Your Thoughts? [une...

By EboniiOnWatt

266K 6.2K 1.2K

Penny Weaver is the 2nd youngest of 8 children, and this is the story all about how her life changed for the... More

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c • i • a • f • o • m

l e t t e r s • f r o m • m o m

3.1K 128 19
By EboniiOnWatt

Dear Thomas,

My eldest boy. Oh, how I will miss you so.
Ever since you were little, you've always thought it was your job to protect the littler ones no matter what. It's great that you want to keep them safe, son. However, sometimes, you've got to let them protect you as well.
You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.
I never meant for it to be this way, sweetheart.
Tobias and I took away your childhood too soon. We gave you too many responsibilities and as I write this letter on my death bed, I realize that not letting you enjoy your youth was one of my biggest regrets.

And I know you'll never let on about how broken down and tired you truly are, but it's okay to ask for help sometimes, okay?
Watch over them, Tommy.
But watch over yourself as well.

Momma loves you.
So long, until we meet again.



My Love, Jasmine

Hello darling, it's Momma.
I had four boys before I had you. You can imagine the joy when I found out I was having a girl, when I found out I was having you.
I'm blessed that I've gotten to see you grow up into a remarkable young lady. I'm so sorry that I won't be there for your wedding day, or the day you have (or adopt) children of your own. I may not be there to help you through every thing, but here's some advice I'd like to leave you behind.
You are a strong, independent, glowing, extraordinary young woman, my love. You've taken initiative of your life, and that's amazing.
However, don't forget that there's a world around you. Don't stay cooped up in your hamster bubble for so long that you forget about the world, and it forgets about you.
Smell the roses, watch the sun rise, feel the ocean breeze. Don't let your youth run away without you, darling.
There's a world out there. Go figure it out.

I'll always miss you.



To My Beautiful Boy, Bennett

Hello, son.
There are some things I'd like you to know before I move on from this world.
First and foremost, know that I will always love you, no matter what. You and your sister will always take up two giant parts of my heart. In my mind, you'll always be that feisty little devil of a kid who liked to pick fights with the neighbors. But you're my feisty little devil of a kid.
Please know, however, that that hothead of yours will only lead you to trouble. You're smart, you're honest, you're kind. Don't go looking for trouble, because I'd hate to see you get hurt. Again.

Chase your dreams, son.
But don't let that your hothead talk before your heart does, okay?
I love you.

Until we meet again, darling.



For My Love, Christopher

Chris, my love.
It's Momma here.
I'm writing this letter on my last legs of life to give you my last words of wisdom before I pass.
I want you to know that love will find you.
You've confided in me about this many times. You've always worried that you'd never find the right girl to spend your life with.
Just know, she'll come. You'll go through many people in your life who you think are the one, but when you meet the true one, you'll know.
There are loves of your lives, then there are loves for your lives.
Find the love for your life.
She's out there, just follow your heart.

Momma loves you, and always will.

Keep your head in the clouds, and your feet on the ground, my son.



Dear Adam,

The brains of the Weaver children.
Hello, my boy.
There are some things I want you to know before I move on.
Firstly, there are things that you can't find answers to in a textbook.
You want to understand the world? Go out there and figure it out! I promise, you'll get more out of it than any old textbook.

There's a whole world out there, Adam.
There's an entire universe.
If there's one person I know who could make sense of it all, it's you.

Reach beyond the stars, my love.



To My Dearest Winston,

Winn, my sweet boy. It pains me to write this, knowing how much you mean to me.
I know you've always felt like an outlier when it came to your siblings. You've always felt excluded. And for that, I'm truly sorry. I'm sorry if we ever made you feel that way.
But know that you are the kindest, smartest, loveliest kid I have ever met. That heart of yours is twice as golden as any of ours, and it's going to take you great distances. You have more love in your pinky that some people do in their entire bodies.
Use it.
Use that love, spread positivity, change the world.

I know you can.



To My Flower, Evie.

Hello, Evelyn darling.

If you're reading this letter, it means I have moved on. I'm sorry I was not given the chance to see you grow older. I'm sorry I won't be able to see you graduate high school, or graduate college, or get your first job, or get married.
I'm sorry that I'm missing all of it.
I wish I could be there, I truly do.
I just guess the universe had different plans for me.
Fear not, my love, for I am watching over you.

Do you know why I gave you the middle name "Magnolia"? When I was around your age, my father, your grandfather, planted a magnolia tree in our backyard. Poor thing, it seemed to weak to grow. I hoped and hoped for it to sprout and grow into something amazing. Eventually, I gave up.
Then, a miracle struck.
When I moved out my father's home to go to college, that tree hadn't grown an inch.
When I came back after graduating, years later, although it was small, it was as beautiful as the July sun.
The flowers were the most beautiful things I'd ever seen in my life.
I promised myself that one of my daughters would have the name Magnolia.
So I could remind them that with a little hard work and some hope, you can grow into something amazing.

Never forget that, Evelyn Magnolia Weaver.

Never. Forget.
You can be amazing.

I will always love you, my flower.



woah chile with the sadness

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