
By hey_Jacyyyy

2.5M 69.7K 9.1K

2013-2014 "You don't know me, no one does," I said in a voice just above a whisper. "Then let me in, I want... More

1. Goodbyes.
2. Morning After.
3. Home.
4. Nobody's perfect.
5. The mall.
6. My baby.
7. The first race.
8. Apology breakfast.
9. Class Teachers & Students.
10. True colours.
11. Whats wrong with you?
12. Its only a Scratch.
13. I'm fine.
14. Meeting Constable Frey.
15. Insults.
16. Dad?
17. Revenge best served even.
18. Jake.
19. The Happy Text.
20. Date Cut Short.
21. The Bitch is Back.
22. Death Notes.
23. Stick to the roads.
24. Tampered.
25. The Feather Design.
26. To Sad to be Mean.
27. The tip off.
28. False Evidence.
29. The Explosion.
30. Jesse.
31. I hate Puzzles.
32. New Friends.
33. Important calls.
34. Sharpie Wars.
35. She's my Sister.
36. Confrontations.
37. Logan's Luxury.
38. June Second.
39. Problems & Solutions.
40. Nasty Rumours.
41. Bad Luck Birthdays.
42. Britty's Secrets.
43. Meeting Fay.
44. The Note.
45. The Boys.
46. Private Jets.
47. Tiara.
48. Relatives.
49. Just Keep Swimming.
50. Deals.
51. Cars, Cars & More Cars.
52. Riverstone.
53. Rest In Peace.
54. Global Threat Operative.
55. Another Note.
56. Birds Of The Rainbow.
57. The Funeral.
58. Light & Dark.
59. The Hux's.
60. Beautiful Endings.
61. 3 Months Later.
63. Hatred & Hospitals.
64. Explain.
65. Just My Luck.
66. Party?
67. Her.
68. Code.
69. The Arrest.
70. Snapping.
71. Letting Go.
72. Was it Worth it?
73. Wasn't Your Fault.
74. Our Love.
75. In The End.

62. I'm Back.

22.4K 701 79
By hey_Jacyyyy

Due to popular demand.


I slipped into Hannah's office soundlessly, she looked up from her work.

"I have discussed your ways of being under the raider with your teachers," she smiled and I sat down at the chair in front of her desk.

"Are they okay with it?" I asked.

"If they weren't, they didn't show it. Just remember everyday that you attend school you have to come and get signed off with my secretary."

I nodded in understanding, "I don't have school Monday and Tuesday, I will be doing my management trial."

"Yes, Max told me about that."

I stood up, "Thank you Miss Hannah."

"Good luck with your endeavours Jackie."

I walked out of her office signing my name in the book before entering the school halls. Sighing I kept my head low and pulled my hoodie down more just in case.

To say I was nervous would be an understatement.

Looking at the newly installed lockers, which I had paid for... I stopped at mine.

I spun my combination and tried to pull it open, it didn't budge. I did it again and when it wouldn't open I just glared at it.

"It won't open with you just staring at it, let me help you," I looked to who had spoken and frowned.

I stepped back and watched as he pulled the door open, "Thanks."

Zachary smiled at me, "No problem."

He opened the locker next to mine grabbing some books, I did the same with my locker and then closed it.

"You new?" he asked once I had closed the door.

"You could say that," I mumbled, he smiled at me.

"If you need any help just ask," he nodded at me and walked away.

Pulling out my phone I texted Logan.

They don't seem to be in despair, if you lied to me, I will kill you.

I put my phone in my pocket and headed towards my first class, I was doing all the excel classes this term.

Opening the door silently to my advanced maths class I gave a curt nod towards the teacher who was setting up. She smiled and I took a seat at the second row to the front, keeping my head down.

I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out.


I didn't.

Then why did Zac look perfectly fine? He was nice even.

You talked to him :o?

He didn't know it was me.


This plan of yours better work.

It's not just my plan, it's theirs as well.

I don't care, it's annoying to look at things I can't touch.

Just do your work Jackie T.T

I rolled my eyes and locked my phone sliding it back into my pocket just as the bell went.

People shuffled in late to class and my breath caught when he walked in sitting at the back of the room. He was supporting a black eye and a split lip, what happened..?

Reframing myself from asking him exactly that I looked back to the front and focused on the teacher.

This was going to be a long day.


It was lunch and I had found out that Kara was in my second lesson and Blake, Kain and Zac were in my third.

Buying lunch from the canteen I looked around the room for somewhere to sit, I could always eat in my car, but considering that I didn't own a car that wasn't flashy, it would draw too much attention.

Spotting a table that had only one person sitting at it I made my way over, "Can I sit?"

I frowned at the girl who had looked up, I didn't recognise her, "Sure."

I slid into the seat and started to eat in silence as she went back to her writing. When the canteen became quiet I looked up and saw some of my old group had walked in.

"That's the twins, Zac and Tabby with the Love family Britty, Scott and Blake," the girl across from me said.

"Why is everyone so quiet?"

"Intimidation probably, they are basically the hottest people in the school. And their nice too," she shrugged looking at them.

"Is that all of the group?"

"No, Jesse, Kain, Chloe and Kara are missing, there used to be this girl named Jackie with them but she just, disappeared... There some pretty messed up rumours about it but I wouldn't believe them," she turned back and studied me.

"What's your name anyway?" she questioned.

I stood up and smiled at her as they left the cafeteria and people went back to normal, "It doesn't matter."

Walking out of the cafeteria I pulled out my phone calling Logan, after the third try he picked up.

"I'm in a meeting Jackie!" he hissed down the line.

"You asshole, you brought me back her for no reason, I don't care about the stupid plan I'm leaving," I hissed back at him.

"Jackie, calm down, I didn't lie to you," he sighed, "The outsiders perspective is always different to what's really happening."

"Their perfectly happy Logan, they don't need me messing that up," I said quietly leaning against a locker.

"Are they? Or do they just look it? I got home one day to find Tabby crying in her room. Another day I saw Toby yelling at Max over the phone, Jackie whether they look it or not, they need you. Kara and Blake are awkward together and don't know what to do, the twins are having family issues. The Love's are being ignored by their parents because of Kate. And Jesse, no one knows what the hell his doing... you asked me to watch over them all, and I did, but I don't know what to do, your the one that figures everything out, you need to help them whether they know its you or not."

"I don't want to risk them though, what if the person hurts them before we get them? I can't live with that," I let out a shaky breath.

"Jackie their hurting anyway," he told me and I groaned, "I have to go, call me tonight."

"Alright, bye."

Locking my phone again I slipped it in my pocket and wandered aimlessly down the halls, finding myself at my locker I decided to get my books out.

Spinning my combination I smiled in triumph as it opened.

Exchanging my books I closed it again and walked towards the library, I had twenty minutes of lunch left and if I didn't find something to do, I'd die. Of Boredom.

I found my way to the back of the library and sat at a corner table getting out a random book and pretending to read it.

"You do realise that's upside down right," someone pointed out and I actually looked at it before turning it around.

I'm an idiot.

They chuckled and I realised that they were still standing there, glancing over my shoulder to see who it was I frowned when they landed on Kara.

Never new she visited the library.

"If you wondering why I look so out of place, I'm just trying to find a book," she smiled lightly at me and turned around looking at the shelves behind me.

"Want any help?"

"If you really want to, although I'm pretty sure that reading a boon upside down is more fun," I rolled my eyes at her remark and started to help her.

"What am I looking for?"

"It's called, 'I Painted the Sun,' I don't know the author though."

"You an artist?" I questioned already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, I'm one of the few kids that got a scholarship in art, what are you doing at school?" She smiled friendly at me.

"Business, and languages," I said pulling out the book that she was looking for and handing it to her.

"Thanks, maybe I'll see you around," she waved before leaving.

"Doubt it," I said to myself returning to the table.


I walked into my last class and sat at the second row nodding my head at the teacher who smiled, I had discovered that Tabby, Chloe and Britty were in my English Lit. class.

I swallowed when Jesse walked in after Kain and Blake, the memories of our last in counter replaying in my head.

What a pleasant one that was.

"Dude are you ever going to tell us what happen to your face?" Kain asked and I tuned into the conversation.

"You already know the answer to that," he said gruffly.

Blake rolled his eyes, "Why do you bother Kain?"

"Because I'm a caring person," he said matter of factly.

"You mean annoying, your so nosey sometimes dude, your worst then the girls," Blake reported.

"Hey don't take out the fact that your relationships is going no where with Kara, on me," Kain hissed.

The screeching of a chair echoed through the classroom, "Screw you Lockley."

Everyone watched as Blake stormed out of the class room, low blow guys.

I waited twenty minutes after the lesson had started before handing my work in and exiting the classroom. Walking down the corridors I put the rest of my books into my locker and walked out to the car park.

"I knew that this car was yours," I jumped looking up.

"Blake, you can't tell anyone that I'm back," I looked at him.

"Why not? It would fix everything," he said.

"I left for more reasons I care to explain, you can't tell anyone, at all, not even your family, not even your friends."

"You mean our friends."

"Look people will find out I'm back when they need too. If you tell them you risk their lives," I stressed.

If he told someone then everything I had set in order would be for nothing, "Calm down, I'm not a dick like some people."

"Yeah, you okay?" I questioned sitting on the bonnet of my black Lotus Esprit.

He smiled at me, "Even though you left with no warning you still care."

I rolled my eyes at him, "You have no idea what I've been doing for you guys."

He shook his head sitting beside me, "Am I ever going to know why you left, and came back?"

"No, but I wanted to ask you something, I haven't see Toby all day, and I was wondering if he was okay."

"Aside from the fact that his still looking for you? you know he was the worst of them all, his tried everything to track you down," he told me, "He even tried the bad way about it, your lucky Tabby and Logan stopped him."

I winced, "Logan said."

"Wait so you've been in touch with Logan the whole time?" He asked.

"I wouldn't say in touch, but his been updating me on everything," I shrugged checking the time, ten minutes until school finishes, "Look Blake, I have to go, I would say I'll talk to you later, but there isn't going to be anymore conversations between us, at all."

I jumped of the Lotus hood and unlocked it with a flash, "Ouch Jackie, that hurt."

"Truth hurts," I shrugged getting in and closing the door before winding my window down, "Good bye Blake."

"Until I see you again," he waved getting off my car and I pulled out speeding out of the lot.

Pushing my hoodie off my head I weaved in and out of traffic expertly. I miss street racing... But I couldn't do it, I was warded off racing and fight nights, in case when I did reveal myself I'd get into a bad scandal.

"Will you be using this car for tomorrow?" I looked up at the smiling valet.

"Yes, thank you," stepping out I have him my keys and walked into the lobby.

"Nice clothes, they don't seem to fit with your personality though," I turned around raising my eyebrow at the voice.

"I'm a changed woman," I shrugged and stepped into the elevator.

He stepped in next to me, "How was your first day?"

"Is that really what your going to ask me? Not how can you not talk to your brother?" I pushed the button looking up at my dad.

"I'm your father Jackie, I'm not about to ask you something that's going to make my little girl sad," he said pointedly.

"You can't call me little anymore dad," I shook my head, "I'm taller then you."

"I can always cut your legs off," he shrugged.

The doors opened and we both stepped out, "Because that would make you a good father."

He rolled his eyes at me and I unlocked my door stepping into my penthouse apartment.

Dropping my bag by the door I walked to the fridge and grabbed out two bottles of waters throwing one at Damian. He catches it with ease and sat at the bench.

"Can you at least give him a message, Jackie his still going crazy without you."

"I'll text him, but with Max's phone so he doesn't spam back," I sighed.

"Good, what did the letter from your mum say?"

"Haven't opened it," I shrugged.

"Why not?" he frowned at me.

"Dreading it mostly," I mumbled.

He shook his head at me, "Your going have to open it sometime."

"I know, just, not now."

Glancing at his watch, "Well I have to go, I'll drop by when I'm back in Jai, love you honey. Play safe."

"Love you dad, and I'll try," hugging him I watched him leave my penthouse.

I'm finally back.

But not for the right reasons...


First of all, guys can you please list some names!

Second of all, the next chapter really will be posted in a week so don't tell me to update so much!

Anyways hope you liked this, and I'm going to go over some of the earlier chapters and delete the comments that may give away some of the plot, I didn't realise that... if you really want to know if you theory is true just PM me, because I won't reply to it in the comments got it? Good.

Kay cya guys.


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