The Most Dangerous Game (Harr...

By Posh777

420K 17.3K 5.5K

"One game, one hand. That's all I want." He smiles confidently at me, "You really think you can win against... More



1.7K 77 33
By Posh777


I usually savor the bike rides I take to the gym. Weaving in and out of traffic, feeling the wind... feeling free.

It was the first purchase I'd made when I moved to the states. The only big purchase I'd made at all. I remember seeing it at an old auto shop on Empire boulevard. I was exploring the city my first week there, and there she was. Not running, a bit rusty, and clearly not appreciated by the owner of the shop. Didn't know what he had leant against the brick wall next to the bins. I didn't hesitate in buying her.

She made me think of helping my dad tinker on a few bikes he'd had when I was just a lad. She made me feel like I had a little piece of home, in a place I didn't feel at home in at all.

But on the ride now I don't feel free. I'm not enjoying the drive as I have so many times before. I feel as if it's a bit hard to take a breath, a million thoughts playing out in my head every second I get nearer to the gym. Every move now is so important, and I'm not prepared for any of it.

Everly... this is how she's felt everyday since I've met her. This is how she's felt for.. god knows how long.

Afraid of every step she took, every simple decision that could put her in danger. How she's gone on for so long without breaking shows how truly strong she is. How she couldn't keep herself away from me in spite of the danger of being with me, shows me something as well.

She's in love with me.

Christ, I hope she is.

I pull my bike to a stop in front of the gym, suddenly realizing I've arrived and haven't thought about what I'd find when I did.

A black Bentley was parked next to the curb, Carter's driver leaning against it smoking a cigarette.

I couldn't remember his name, but I've seen him a few times before. Usually always in the same position, looking at a phone with a Marlboro between his lips.

As I pull my helmet off, I can tell he immediately recognizes who I am. His posture changing, his eyes narrowing before typing something out on his phone.

So much for the element of surprise.

Ignoring him, I jog up the steps to the front doors of the gym and step inside.

"Harry!" Dorothy grins widely at me from the front desk. "Coach said you were leaving town!"

"Change of plans." I nod towards the hallway, "He here?"

"Yes, but he's not alone. Fancy fellow just came in, same one that's been watching your fights."

"Right. He have anyone with him?"

"Tall guy," She nods, "Pale as a ghost."

"Viktor.." I murmur to myself, suddenly seeing red.

The f.ucking prick who's hit Everly...

"You can go on back, I'm sure Coach wouldn't mind." Dorothy's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

I force a smile on my face, giving her a quick "Thanks" before heading down the hallway towards Coach's office. It was only hours ago that I'd never thought I see his face again.

I pause when I'm just outside his door, straining to hear any sound coming from inside.

It's dead silent.

I open the door, half expecting to find it empty considering the lack of noise.

My gaze finds Coach first. He's sitting behind his desk, a stern look on his face as usual. He shakes his head when our eyes meet, his lips forming a tight line in disappointment.

"Styles." Carter's voice fills the room, causing me to suck in a breath.

He's sat in the chair I'm usually in at the end of each training day, his crisp suit making him seem very out of place.

Everything seems out of place.

I've never been in this room before when Coach wasn't in full control of it. Barking at me for not letting my knuckles heal or for drinking to much.

Now it's completely different. Carter is in full control here, as he most likely is in whatever room he's in. And he's not alone. Viktor stands silent, his back against the wall behind Coach's desk.

"Didn't know you two knew each other." I glance at Coach before I let my hard gaze land on Carter.

I meant my voice to sound surprised, but I know it didn't.

"We just met." Coach speaks up. "I thought you'd be halfway home by now."

"Home?" Carter questions, playing the actor much better then me.

I shrug, "Changed my mind."

Carter tilts his head, studying me. "Glad to hear it. May I ask why you were leaving?"

"You can, though I don't see how it's any of your business." I ramble off, not thinking.

"That's precisely what it is."

"Who gives a shite why I was leaving, point is I stayed."

"Yes you stayed, that is more important." Carter agrees coolly. "But why did you stay?"

"Decided my reason for staying was more important then my reason for leaving."

"Enlighten me."

"We made a deal. I don't back out when I've given my word."

"Ah.. your word." Carter narrows his eyes at me, his level of calm only causing the hairs to rise on the back of my neck. "Tell me Styles, what else is important to you?"

Everly's face suddenly fills my mind and I know my cheeks flush.

"His boxing." Coach's gravely voice breaks the tension in the room, "Kid is a natural. Beats every f.ucker who steps in the ring with him."

Carter shifts his focus to Coach, an almost amused expression his face. "Not every f.ucker."

I stare down at my feet as I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to keep myself from speaking my mind.

"What deal do you two have?" Coach directs his question to Carter.

"A simple business transaction. Not one you would have any interest in."

"Actually, I have a keen interest in any extra work my boxers take on."

"I share your sentiment."

Coach scoffs, leaning forward in his chair and resting his elbows on his desk, "How's that?"

"I also don't appreciate my boxers taking on any outside work." Carter pauses, and I can feel his eyes on me. "Or my coach's telling me how to operate my business."

My head shoots up, eyes narrowing at Carter. A hint of a cold smile flashes across his face.

He f.ucking didn't.

"What the h.ell are you trying to get at?" Coach barks.

Carter stands, buttoning his suit jacket. "I'm afraid the gym is regretfully going to have to rescind it's contract with you Mr. Gallo. You are no longer employed here, effective immediately."

Coach stands up abruptly, "I don't know who the h.ell you think you are, but..."

"As of four-thirty this afternoon, I am the sole owner of this gym." Carter cuts him off, "As outlined in your contract; article 2 subsection B states that when ownership is changed, the new owner has the right to cancel or negotiate any withstanding contracts."

"So you're just going to get rid of us, that it?!" Coach spits.

"Not us." Carter shakes his head lightly, "Styles will be staying until he fulfills his contracted fights."

"Like h.ell he will! He'll never box for you."

"Coach.." I finally let myself speak, looking across the room at him.

He's lost, completely stunned by the scene playing out in front of him.

"This your deal Styles? Boxing for this righteous p.rick?!"

Viktor pushes himself off the wall at the sound of an insult being directed at Carter, folding his arms in front of himself, just waiting for Carter's command.

"Mr. Gallo, it's unfortunate how these things must sometimes go, but I'll only ask you once; please vacate the premises."

"Vacate the premises.." Coach shakes his head. "So that's it then. Thirty-two years training at this gym and that's it."

"Coach..." I fumble over my thoughts. Wishing I could explain, but knowing full well I can't. Feeling the anger that's been building inside me ready to boil over.

Carter raises his hand up to silence me and I see red.

"Coach stays." I hear myself say to Carter. "I can't train without Coach. If I can't train, I can't box."

"You'll have a new coach. You will train, and you will box."

I close my eyes, taking a breath, "I won't train without Coach."

"Won't..." Carter's tongue rolls over the word like he's never heard it before.

"He stays. Or I leave with him."

The room goes utterly silent, the only sound being my own heartbeat thumping in my ears.

"I'm afraid it's already been decided. Viktor, please show Mr. Gallo the way out."

I feel as if I'm unable to move as Viktor swiftly pulls out a gun from inside his suit jacket, pointing it directly at Coach's head and pulling the trigger.

His body falls limp to the floor with a loud thud, blood sprayed out across his desk.

My vision blurs as I try to catch my breath, making me feel dizzy.

"Tell me Styles, will you be leaving with Mr. Gallo?"

My eyes refocus to see Viktor's gun pointed directly at my face, the barrel of the silencer almost pressed up against the skin of my forehead.

"You f.ucking b.astard!" I scream, causing Viktor to press the hot end of the gun into my forehead as I try to move towards Carter.

"Choose now. Will you be leaving with Mr. Gallo?" Carter repeats himself, his voice still entirely calm.

"NO." I hiss.

"Glad to hear it."

Carter's satisfied smile is the last thing I see before everything goes black.

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