A New World | THE BIG FOUR: B...

By Thecalendar15

9.2K 455 136

COMPLETE [MODERN AU] Pitch had taken his long running vengeance into action. Locking them in cages. Drowning... More

20 : THE 8th


207 11 2
By Thecalendar15


In a far stretched grassland, Pitch stood tall with his army behind his back. The moon was shaped perfectly—Ah, The Man in Moon. What a great sight. He was staring at it the time they arrived, sending those pathetic glares of his.

"Hm." Pitch snarled.

"I suppose they readied themselves... your filthy musketeers."

Pitch's eyes sharpen. He was talking to the moon, despite it will never answer back his bitter judgement like a dagger in his tongue. He just wanted to challenge it.

It is Pitch's nature.

He can surely feel his power flowing in his veins, but something was off, it wasn't the usual thing he felt before. When he took the four teenagers as captives. When they were still his own puppets.


It was something else. His power ceased low every time a memory box slips from his grasp. Every time something is stolen from him. It weakens.

But he knows, tonight will be the perfect time he'll unleash his true power. How powerful he really is. How intimidating he really is. What a King of Darkness he really was.

Pitch knows it's a fifty-fifty. Neck to neck. But he doesn't underestimates his doing. Now that he have Gothel—a witch, a magic-wielder. And an army with him.

He sure guarantee victory... but not now.

No yet.

He waited.

A grunting sound above their heads caught Pitch's attention. It was a group of reindeer, floating and hovering through the night sky pulling a sleigh behind their backs. It circled through and landed harshly on the ground, meters away from him.

Pitch watched.

The hanged Christmas lights onto the wooden sleigh gleamed in different colors until a silhouette—rather, a form of a large-sized man in his red cloak moved out from the structure.

Long white beard covered his chin. His eyes were painted in deep dark blue. Two swords kept at both sides.

"Pitch." North called in a thick Russian tone.

The King of Darkness plastered a sneeky devilish smile.

"Oh." He cooed. "Hello, Nicholas. Where are the others?"

Sarcasm filled his voice. Like he was trying to fully get the old man's attention for awhile before countering an attack. Pitch smartly knows they are playing a certain tactic to fool him.

Well, for his dislike, no one will.

He knows very well what goes into Nicholas's teeny tiny mind. Pitch had encountered them in the very beginning. He saw every bit of it—their powers, how each of them hold a weapon and how their eyes burnt with so much anger.

North did not answer. He kept his distance away and observed all of his stances and movements. He can read between the line, North knows Pitch was hiding something. He always had.

A memory box.

The very last of the memory box.

North quirked at the idea. He must have hide it somewhere—not in a place. But somewhere only Pitch knows, in his consciousness, or maybe the space between reality and himself as a King of Darkness.

In the wilderness, floating and waiting to be conjured back by Pitch anytime he wanted to.

North stepped forward.

"Perhaps we can make an arrangement."

His calm voice echoed. North waited and an entertained laughter backfired.

"Oh, North." Pitch said.

"Do you think you can fool me? This is the very first time I heard this from you. Interesting, isn't it? But to think of it, you are too late to ask such ridiculous favor, my friend."

Pitch placed both of his hands at his back.

"Hm. Shall we settle our long running vengeance here?" He asked. "Right here. Right now."

North listened but didn't answered back. He didn't have to. He was just buying time—enough to place his plans in order. Pitch quite likes the idea of entertainment but he didn't know what lies far off from it.

North stood still.

"What now? Just going to stand there?"

Pitch paced back and forth with a satisfied smile in his face.

A good couple of minutes passed but neither of the two sides made distinguished attacks or move against the opponent. Pitch started to feel uneasy but North at the other side, is filled with determination.

"You have to think smart, Pitch." Gothel whispered beside him.

She was watching the whole scenario from the start—reading their facial expressions unfolds. Gothel wasn't called a Witch for no reason, she can activate a spell but not yet.

She'll trigger the alarm.

"I know." Pitch hissed.

"Get ready."

The moment lasts like a minute or two until the wind smelt like of magic. Filled with power and strength. Pitch sensed it. It pricks his skin.

Gothel and him exchanged gazes.

Neither of the team moved... until a golden floating sand lighten the night sky, garnering a look from everyone even North, who was standing with the swords both in his hands.

North gazed upwards and saw the Sandman gathering full and enough compacted gold sand around his short stature, serving as a protection. Sandy distinctly remembered how Pitch mastered the control of how his power works.

And no doubt, he'll use it again.

North began to shift his body, running fully back to the direction of the sleigh. He swiftly sliced through his sword in the air—making a signal.

"Now!" Nicholas growled.

And that marks the alarm, Sandy pulled through the cord made up of golden sand—it was long and sturdy as he made it to last in the battle. The Sandman conjured enough force to swirl the cord around as a preparatory angle before directly hitting numerous nightmares at Pitch's back—they exploded into dusts.

The King of Darkness stared over his shoulder


And Pitch quickly rode onto the back of one of the nightmares and they flew upward as the height lengthens as Pitch peered below.

He saw Gothel making her first move with the flow of violet magic in the tip of her fingers as the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy showed up in the clearing, taking the battle on land.

Some of his army stayed on ground while some followed him in air.

Hm. So this is their plan, Pitch thought bitterly.

Nicholas's sleigh travelled at the sky and slid off beside the King of Darkness, with North targeting the nightmare where Pitch used as a stable transportation. The sword slashed off the fearling and bursts like fireworks.

Expecting for Pitch to fall, there was a change in plan.

Pitch floated atop of thin air and conjured his power together. His eyes were sharp and dark. His pointy teeth showed.

"You think you can defeat me?!" Pitch splat.

"Not that easy."

And a blast of dark sand directly hits one of the reindeer that holds the sleigh in place. The structure wobbled with North inside, grasping through the wooden rails beside.

"Sandy!" North called.

A surging cord took a tight grip of Pitch's hands but he distinctively jerked it away, the cord loosen. And North took this an opportunity to attack, the sleigh circled around Pitch and a tip of the sword penetrated the skin in his arm.

Pitch cried.

"Agh!" He bit his cheek to contain the pain.

A tint black fluid escaped the knit of his skin—it was Pitch's blood. It was black. Not scarlet shade.

As the night sky lighted with contrasting gold and black, at the ground lies the most infuriating sight where both sides from the team takes the battle in foot that involves more skill in self-defense.

Gothel flickered her fingers as a violet force flowed like that of water—smooth and moves concisely in each every move. The color is like a poison, dark shade with tints of black sand.

Gothel blasted magic to the Easter Bunny which he deflected quickly with a boomerang.

Bunnymund hopped in different directions, Gothel following ahead as her face were painted with distraught and impatience.

"Can't catch me, mate!"

Gothel flickered her fingers and a loud thud echoed through the grassland, a tree burnt as it wholly received the impact from the witch. The darkness lit with the flames from the fire.

"Too confident, are you?"

Gothel vastly shot through the direction of the Easter Bunny, unfortunately, Bunnymund were too late to move when the deadly violet blast surged through his shoulder—burning the gray fur that covers his skin.

It smelt of burning meat.

Bunnymund hissed in pain as it pierced through his skin. He leaned on a tree that hides his figure from the witch. He breathed and gasped for air and tied a cloth on his wound, biting through the end to tightly keep it intact.

"Damn you." He cursed.

Gothel lead the troop on the ground. At the very edge, she could eye the incoming fairies with the Tooth Fairy taking commands and instructions.

They can fly, Gothel thought.

The witch covered her face from the dark cape with a hood. She wanted to be hidden from any stares and to think of it, she will easily blend into the night. Hm. For her advantage.

"Kill them!" She growled and the magic lit in her fingertips as their army forwarded.

As the battle progresses, the night seemed to fade away. A lot of nightmares vanished within seconds—they are made of sand. They are way too easy to kill and target. One slash of a sword, whip, and disappears.

Dark sand filled the ground and the numbers of the enemies lowered in a very vast rate.

The shadows that Pitch summoned went and hurdled back to inner grounds and corners—seeing they're falling out made them think it was too useless to sacrifice themselves to death.

Gothel blasts in every direction, lighting up the grassland in total menace and chaos. She swipes her fingers and a lasso made up of magic came out. It was lively flowing with force.

She weeps through the air and fallen fairies trudged the ground—burnt and killed alive.

Bunnymund angled his boomerang and quickly circled through the air, vast like lightning. It counterattacked and came in to contact on Gothel's face, backfired and went back to the Easter Bunny's furry paws.

The witch hard landed on to the ground. The ends of her lips bled—she wipes it with the back of her hand.

"Oh." She whispered.

"Now, I'm the bad guy."


"See for yourself what you have done, Pitch!" Nicholas voice boomed at the night sky.

"Oh, I see perfectly!"

North's sleeves were torn apart, the sleigh were barely bearing the weight as the fight continues. One sword fell down on to ground, leaving him with only one defense.

The Sandman floated, with tints of plastered black sand on his limbs—but he can fill it back again using his powers. It is not that big deal. His capabilities is more powerful than any of them, he just have to control it.

Pitch constantly weakens—looks like his army were totally wiped out. Useless. He sneered. Puny. Weak. And his mind halted for seconds... Gothel. What about Gothel?

"No matter how hard you try to kill me, you'll never find your precious memory box!" He shouted with so much outrage.

There was a stab in the part of his abdomen. An open wound in his shoulder and a scrape in his forehead—black blood oozing through the edges of the wounds.

Pitch can still tolerates it.

His hand covered the stab in his midsection, trying to stop and slow down the blood loss.

"It is why we a-are here, isn't it? You'll help them get back and bring p-peace to thisrealm."

Pitch laughed halfheartedly.


Pain shot through as his face grimaced, he tightly guard over his wound.

"You'll never find it. I-I assure you that, Nicholas."

North silenced. His face were drenched with sweat, his left eye were bruised and the eyebrow split up.

"Yes. But I know, it is somewhere inside you. You hid it too well, Pitch."

The King of Darkness halted. His eyes slightly widen. Yes. For so long... for years, he didn't know it will come to this. He weighed each circumstances but the only thing that drowned him is... victory.

The word victory.

He lost the very first battle with the Guardians and Jack Frost.

Pitch successfully took them as prisoners, the Big Four.

And now, another defeat in his side.

It is a whole lot to take in.

Pitch did not utter any words.

Until a shrieking scream broke him from his trail of thoughts and filled his ears. A feminine one.

Gothel? Gothel.

North, Pitch and Sandman gazed downwards, on to the far stretched grassland.

A final violet compacted force fired through the sky... lighting the darkness for the last time.

And at the ground, lies a body. The similar dark cape covered her. Her hair had completely turned grayish in to white. Her skin sagged—she looked old, ancient...


A pool of scarlet blood flowed on the ground and there's a large slit over Gothel's neck. There was a left dagger inches beside the lifeless woman—with smeared blood. Her lips paled. Her eyes closed. Her eyes did not open.

Bunnymund and Tooth Fairy stood a good distance away from the body.

Easter Bunny picked the dagger and wipes the blood on to the blades, leaving it clean.

The King of Darkness growled and cried in agony.

"No!" His sharp voice echoed.

"No, no!"

His whole body floated down as the wind compresses him. North and Sandmand followed behind him. Pitch reached the ground and crawled, making his way to Gothel's body—still and unmoved.

"You killed her!" A tear fell from his eyes.

"You murderers! Rot in hell!"

This is the very first time they've seen Pitch cried with so much hatred, pain and agony in his heart. His voice sounded like an ordinary man crying over his dead relative. North never saw this side of him...

Not until now.

The King of Darkness loudly screamed—

It almost left them deaf.

The ground shakes tremendously and pure dark force boomed over the grassland—the trees tumbled and placed into ruin, the soil cracked and the Guardians fell on to their feet. A swift pull of air came back in an instant.

And at the location, where the King of Darkness was last seen were... gone. Empty clean.

Gothel's body turned into dusts and the wind blew frail.

The Guardians blinked in disbelief. North neared the location.

"They're gone." Bunnymund muttered.

"Yes." Nicholas answered.

He picked up the golden shimmering object from the ground where Pitch last stood still.

"He vanished." North explained. "And the last memory box lies within our grasp."

The moon beamed over, onto a specific spot, a meter away from the Guardians. They all watched as it directed them.

"Snowglobe." Nicholas command.

Toothania hovered over and grasp the round thing in her fingers. She threw the snowglobe where the moon rays were and it broke in to pieces—like a mirror shattered in to thousand pieces of sharps.

A portal opened.

They've won the battle and there's only one last thing they have to do.

North threw the last memory box into the portal. It traveled in a million light years. The color swiveled uncontrollably and at last, the portal closed.

And at the narrow abyss, where lies another realmthe atmosphere growled with light and force as the sky opened.


Author's Note:

Aigooo. So Pitch is dead, huh? XD annnnd the last memory box! What do you think will happen? :) A little reference in the picture above, it's from the BiFrost in Thor 1. Kekeke. Marveeel!

Three chappies left!

I hope you enjoyed watching. Thank you!

Lots of Love :)

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