The innocent one

Por larp1234

1.2M 25K 5K

Cashmere is just an average girl. She's had a life full of abuse at school and at home. Her job is the only t... Más

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57.9K 1.2K 288
Por larp1234

Just relax

Tonight I was walking to work again. I had to pick up extra shifts working at the mall because the diner had been temporarily closed down. Cindy had been murdered in the parking lot behind the building last night. I assumed it had been the same guys who tried to attack me. If that guy hadn't shown up I'd probably be dead too. The police weren't releasing the details but apparently it was gruesome.

"Here's your check and the keys." Moira handed me a big envelope.

"Thanks. Have a nice night."

In a way Moira was like a second mom to me. Or a real mom rather considering mine was too high to even know I exist. The other day I ran over her. I literally ran over her because she was passed out on the floor and when she woke up she asked me I was one of my fathers whores. She ended up giving me a pretty bad bruise on my shoulder. The thing is my father doesn't have anyone interested in him. Who could be interested in an old bald guy that wore dirty tank tops every day? I couldn't believe her insane jealously.

Moira didn't know about the abuse, but she did know I paid for food and all of the bills so she would usually add some extra money to my check. If I ever worked very late her husband would pick me up and give me a ride home.

"Excuse me."

I looked up and gasped seeing the man from last night. He only looked better now that I could see every detail of him.

"It's I washed your shirt so I'll get it back to you as soon as possible."

He smiled. "Don't worry about it baby."

Baby? That was kind of cute. Was my face turning bright red? Yep.

"So can I help you with anything?"

I felt extremely awkward. I really hoped he wouldn't bring up what happened last night.

"I'm just going to look around. Anything interesting going on in your life?"

"Well....I heard my coworker got murdered last night. I bet it was those guys that..."

I trailed off not sure how to explain. I didn't even know why I brought it up but my life wasn't interesting.

"Yeah probably. I'm sure they left town though."

"Are you doing any better?"

"Uh Yeah Um Thanks again." I bit my lip running my hand through my hair.

"Glad to hear it. I'll take all of these."

I looked at the huge pile of clothes he placed on the counter. Wow.

"Your total is 3,458.46"

The price didn't seem to bother him and he quickly swiped his credit card.

"By the way I never caught your name."

"It's Colton." He smiled turning and walking out of the store.

"Do you have this in a size six?"

My happiness faded away as I took a red dress from an angry customer. I quickly checked the tag to get the item number and tried not to laugh.

"Ma'am this is a size six."

She huffed angrily. "I know but it doesn't fit. I'm a size six and it doesn't fit!" She started yelling. My other customers just rolled their eyes at the drama queen in front of the counter.

"You should probably get a size eight then."

Retail is hell. Retail is hell.

"I'm not a size eight! Are you listening? Are you dumb? I wear a size six."

I threw the red dress behind the counter. "Obviously you don't wear a size six if it doesn't fit you. Do you want it or not? I have customers behind you."

The woman glared at me before stomping out of the store throwing some clothes down as she left. Moira wouldn't care. She would have said the same thing if she had been here.

Thanks to the woman's outburst I ended up working until one in the morning. I quickly closed the gate to the store and headed out to the parking.

"Ugh Sorry." I groaned as I hit someone.


What a coincidence I was just thinking about you

"You're still here?" I asked.

"I just finished shopping. Do you need a ride home?"

"Yeah that would be amazing."

I climbed into Colton's Escalade. It always smelled strong like cleaner. He must have it detailed everyday. I wondered if he was one of those obsessively clean people.

"Is everything okay?" I followed his gaze to where my shirt had fallen over my shoulder.

"Yeah I walked into a door." I pulled my shirt up so everything was covered. It may sound stupid but I did run into doors and hit my head on the top of them a lot. That was the problem with being tall. You really have to watch your head. They should put signs out.

He looked like he didn't believe me.

"You know if something is going on you can tell me right?"

"Yeah I know. Thanks for the ride."

"Here's my number. Call if you ever need anything."


"Shit! No no no where is it?"

It's official. I have the worst luck on the planet. I had stored a thousand dollars for bills and groceries in my locker. I planned on using my lunch break to drop off the bills but they were gone. It would take me a month to get that money again. Now the lights and water would be shut off.

"Worst day ever." I mumbled sliding down on the floor.

"Everything okay?"

Great. It was the twins.

"Of course." I lied. I stood up rushing off to the bathroom. I was not about to cry in front of all of these people.

"What's wrong?"

I leaned in closer to Kiran and Kaitlin. The twins had sat down a few seats away but I didn't want to take the chance of them hearing me.

"Someone stole all of my bill money from my locker. I don't know what to do. It's going to be a miserable month. Not to mention the fines they'll add on. I'm going to have to be really nice to the landlord so I'll get a break. Not to mention the diners closed."

They gave me pitying looks which I ignored. I didn't know a single other student who had to pay so many bills.

"What are you going to do?"

I shrugged. "Maybe get another job. More hours at the mall. You guys might not see me at school for awhile."

"But school is so important to you."

"Keep your voice down." I snapped as the twins looked over. "Please. Believe me I hate it but I don't know what else to do. It's not like my parents are going to pay it."

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