Street Rat (OHSHC)

By Sinful-stories

158K 6.4K 1K

Reichiru is a girl who grew up on the streets, known by most as a Street Rat. And everyone knows that the ric... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 20

3.5K 163 45
By Sinful-stories

A couple days had past since Kasanoda decided to confess to Reichiru, and she was now sitting in the greenhouse, bundled up in a coat.

"Ah, it's so nice to get away from Hikaru and Kaoru." Reichiru sighed, a small smile on her face as she leaned against the cold glass.

The two of them had been following her and gotten more protective- if that was even possible. The only good part of them being that protective was the fact that- until the sickness washed out of the student body, she was on a temporary suspension from hosting. More time to spend with Kasanoda.

"No kidding. Every time I even try to get close to you to talk, they send me a death glare. Honestly, after what happened earlier this year..."

Reichiru chuckled, "Well, we can hang out now. They'll have that club meeting for the rest of the lunch period, so until that bell rings, we can do whatever we want."

"Probably not whatever we want." Kasanoda said, looking at Reichiru with amusement.

Reichiru looked at Kasanoda with a completely serious face. "When I say whatever, I mean whatever. Anything that comes to mind!"

"Murder?" Kasanoda asked.

"If you want to, hun~" She joked, watching as his cheeks turned red.

"I will never get used to that." Kasanoda muttered.

Reichiru laughed, then an idea popped in her head. "Hey, since I don't have hosting after school, why don't the two of us go on a date?"

"Aren't I the one who's supposed to as you on the dates."

"Eh, fuck stereotypes, right?" Reichiru stated. "But seriously, how about a walk though the town? You know, visit my old stomping grounds?"

"I don't see a problem with that. After school then, it's a date." Kasanoda agreed.

After that, the two of them sat in the greenhouse and talked about anything and everything, only stopping once they heard the bell ring.

"Well, that's my queue to leave and get to class." Reichiru said as the two of them stood up. "See you after school." With that she pecked Kasanoda on the cheek before turning around and heading back to the main building, leaving a stunned Kasanoda standing in the green house with a hand to his cheek.


The end of the school day couldn't come fast enough, and by the time the bell rang, Reichiru darted out of the classroom before Hikaru and Kaoru could stop her.

The two met at the gates of the school before they headed out together, their breath visible in the cold winter air. It took them a while to walk to the town, but by the time they got there, they decided to stop into a cafe.

Stepping inside, Reichiru took a whiff of the air, the comforting smell of coffee wrapping around her. "I used to always stare into these shops when I lived on the streets." Reichiru said wistfully, "I even sheltered in some for warmth until they kicked me out for not paying for something." She let out a laugh as she remembered the numerous times coffee shop owners kicked her out of their shops.

"Well, how about we actually buy something so we don't get kicked out." Kasanoda suggested.

"Aw, but that takes the fun out of it. But fine."

The two of them stepped up to the register and they both ordered a drink, Kasanoda got a plain coffee and Reichiru got some hot chocolate.

"Hm, I almost would of pegged you for a coffee drinker." Kasanoda said, looking at her with interest.

"Nah. I like the smell but I can't stand the taste of it." Reichiru said as the two moved to the side to wait for their drinks.

"Understandable." Kasanoda answered.

After the two got their drinks, they walked out of the shop and into the brittle weather.

"Man, it's nice to be able to get out." Reichiru said, sighing and watching as her breath was carried away by the small breeze.

The two of them walked through the town, talking and watching passerby's.

"How was it? On the streets, I mean." Kasanoda asked, and Reichiru glanced at him through the corner of her eyes before she stared ahead.

"Hard, at first. I was a little girl when I ended up on there. But there was this one boy that helped me the first few months. After that, he vanished. I can only assume he was killed or found a place to live. After I learned how to steal and create makeshift homes, I was able to manage myself. I grew up, met people, fought people... a lot of people. Honestly I made a lot of enemies on the streets." She put the cup to her mouth and took a sip. "Pretty much it was wake up, steal, eat, avoid cops, sleep, and repeat."

"Sounds... hard." Kasanoda said.

"Eh, it wasn't too bad. After you get used to it, it becomes your life." She shrugged. "Don't think to hard about it, Noda."

After that, their conversation dissolved into meaningless words. Until a group of three boys stopped the two in their tracks, looking solely at Reichiru with wicked smirks.

"Well well well. Look who it is. It's been a while, Reichiru."

Who are these new people?

Why are they there?

How DARE they ruin the wonderful date. Will they pay?

Find out next Week, when I give you guy all the answers (hopefully)


(Also, if anyone has suggestions for future chapters of this book, feel free to message them to me!!)

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